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Medvedev Shows Off Sample Coin of New 'World Currency' at G-8

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by M_Aurelius


the birth of a New World Order

This is so revealing..........

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:19 PM
And so it begins.....

2nd line.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Retseh

I think we do indeed need to unite for a common cause, to rid ourselves of the Grey's

A New World Order may not be such a bad thing so long as if it actually is representative of the people and the corruption, environmental destruction, greed, starvation, etc all were to go away and if the secret forbidden technology that they have that was given to us by the Grey's could now be shared amongst each other so that way we could have a lifestyle like the Jetsons and just roam around the planet wherever you feel like being and travel the world with all our hearts desire

Hopefully the other Human ET's will help the Grey's either cooperate with us in love and peace or be exterminated off the planet forever

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Silk
I did contribute to this earlier and expressed my scepticism.

I will add something else now - for those of you in fear of the "one world currency"

A few years ago a group of people decided that Europe would have one currency - it was called the Euro

Today it is use in many of the European nations - mostly those who are members of the EC or European Community

There is one major absent member - and one of the main signees of the treaty (that founded the EEC)

Thats the UK - yep here in the United Kingdom

We signed and yet we still have yet to adopt the Euro - so sorry I think any NWO plan is slightly flawed at the start

If we as a small Island nation can - to borrow D'Gaule for a moment say "non!" to a trans European currency - then I think any plan to impose a currency across the globe is at best overly ambitious - at worst just plain stupid.

I should also remind you the readers that the person holding the coin is Russian - a non signatory nation to the treaty of Rome and one that has its own currency - the Rouble.

As for the papal argument - the Holy See itself is excluded from the treaty of Rome as it is a city state and not a Sovereign Nation so its statements are little more than that - statements.

The reason the UK stepped out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism[1992] was because long term forces were pushing apart the values of the German Mark and the British Pound.Germans feared inflation due to the cost of the German unification and wanted to restrict money supply, while on the other hand Britons were worried about recession and unemployment and so wanted to loosen the money supply.As a result currency speculators began to gamble that Britain would not be able to maintain the value of the British Pound relative to the Mark and start selling them. Not even the UK goverment could prop up the value of the Pound again by buying it.Eventually they stepped out of it and the UK governement lost a lot of money.
The lesson were learned is that speculators have way more power then government institutions in the domain of currencies.[George Soros made 1 billion Dollar in one week for his clients]
Although i think the Pound could be melted into a Euro nowadays, its a strong currency we always like that in our club dont we?

As for this currency, i think it is ugly.
We just got used to the Euro so Medvedev can put that one in his collection book and one day it might be worth a lot of cash

[edit on 10-7-2009 by Foppezao]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by MajorDisaster
Interesting, very interesting! Great find OP!

At least this coin isn't crawling with Freemason/Illuminati symbology, just the number 5 repeated over and over...... I wonder what that means?

Folks, this could actually be a good thing. Better than that completely cashless system where you make all transactions through the chip in your thumb or whatever, right?

And if this new currency is actually backed by metals, that's much better than a completely worthless fiat "Monopoly money" paper currency!!

Even if currency is backed by metals, the idea that it even has "worth" is a man made idea. These metals will be dug up, melted down, and placed in a vault. What would even give these things "worth" if they are never used to manufacture things that would actually be useful? IE: conducting heat and electricity.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Foppezao

Sorry but the ERM had nothing to do with the Euro - I was on the markets that day

The Euro is still in abeyance because of Gordon's three tests - John Major and a conservative government was in power on Black Wednesday - long before the New Labour

Sorry for being a pedant but its a simple fact

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by PjZ101

Does it not say somewhere in the bible that when the time is right, the anti-christ WILL in fact proclaim himself to be so? Some would think "Oh that's ridiculous! if he stated that he was the anti-christ, he'd be killed instantly!"

Much in the same way that some said "Oh that's ridiculous! If the NWO were true, everybody in the world would stand against this idea" and yet... here we are. They've mentioned it, they say they want it, and will move towards it, and yet? The masses are still watching the football game.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Silk
reply to post by Foppezao

Sorry but the ERM had nothing to do with the Euro - I was on the markets that day

The Euro is still in abeyance because of Gordon's three tests - John Major and a conservative government was in power on Black Wednesday - long before the New Labour

Sorry for being a pedant but its a simple fact

In '72 they called it the "Snake", then in '79 the European Monetary System[EMS] then Exchange Rate mechanism, EMU , Euro...All with the purpose of fixing the exchange rates and eventually uniting the currencies. The ERM crisis of 1992 had a lot to do with their choice not to join the EMU later..the EMU was just bigger and went a lot further then the ERM, yes it was a little different.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:08 PM
Is it just me, or do the leaves on the back of the coin form the shape of a goat's head? Just wondering .....

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:22 PM
We must not be complacent. Im sure that under the right circumstances a world government would be very effective and the announcement of this new currency is the begining, but the people who implement these ideas are only concerned with wealth, power and control. They tell us how it will be and we just except it weather we agree or not, because the attitude within most people is that there is nothing that can be done, and with that attitude nothing can be done. It will not be everyone deciding what is best for themselves it will be one man or a committee deciding what is best for everyone, when in actual fact they are only concerned with thier own power and influance. Im sorry if this post was a bit off topic, ill finish by saying i dissagree with the idea of a global currency..and that smug look on the russion presidents face makes it unbearable.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Question

Yep....people don't want to admit that George Orweill was reading the future.....

Check out my thread on the New World Order board that I posted minutes ago called New World Order theories on Breaking & Alternantive News board

No longer 'crazy conspiracies'

[edit on 10-7-2009 by ButterCookie]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:02 PM
Bold mine:

Originally posted by MOFreemason

French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the summit joined the band in favour of dumping the dollar as the international currency of reference, insisting that "we cannot stick with just one single currency."

I think it's hilarious Sarkozy would use "we can't rely on one single currency" as a reason for us to use a single world currency.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by obilesk
Bold mine:

Originally posted by MOFreemason

French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the summit joined the band in favour of dumping the dollar as the international currency of reference, insisting that "we cannot stick with just one single currency."

I think it's hilarious Sarkozy would use "we can't rely on one single currency" as a reason for us to use a single world currency.

Ha, gotta love the logic there!

[edit on 10-7-2009 by MOFreemason]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by MOFreemason
Regardless of whatever Medvedev or say, I dont think we'll see a One World Currency in our pockets. Nationalism & the illusion people have of sovereignty in a national currency (govt doesn't set its value, international bankers do) aside, there are practical reasons why it wouldn't work.
In emerging economies like China say, in process of switching from agrarian to industrial, the least value currency unit would still be too large for the smallest day-to-day transactions. This problem would be even worse in developing African nations & a total joke in the 3rd World. But we could have an OWC with the smallest unit being useful to the poorest on earth, right?
Ok, so a cup of coffee in London costs 100WC & in Nairobi 5WC. How about European cars that cost more @home than in the USA? Soon enough people would be thinking, "making a profit is ok, but you're taking the p!ss out of me!"
Exchange rates & a whole raft of economic jargon, which changes often enough, do a lot to hide the way economics works from the ordinary person. But an OWC would completely expose the truth: in the modern world, the cost of most goods & services to the consumer bears almost no relation to the cost of providing them, but is rather set by the absolute limit people can afford to pay.
So what? That's capitalism, right? Yeah, but its not shoved in our faces so blatantly. It wouldn't be long before an employee of Starbucks or VW were looking @their paycheck & thinking, "I work most days for this & most of it gets spent on stuff making massive profits for the people who own my employer & similar companies, & they're so rich they do no, or next to no, work @all. I want a raise!"
So no, it won't happen. I do think we'll see a new currency to replace the $US as a reserve currency for international trade tho.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by anabiono
me alone eh?

i would really love to hear your explanation on that one?

hopefully it isn't along the lines of "life is but a dream and what we choose to see is what we see" crap

I'm not the enemy. I'm on your side. Please condiser this.
You do pay taxes right? Taxes dont just go towards roads, buildings, defense, welfare, etc, etc. Taxes, income taxes that is, goes directly into the pockets of our leaders and the leaders behind the leaders.
Also, you cast your vote come election time right? Year after year, we elect the same (sure they have different names and faces, but who are we kidding?) politicians so they can tell us what is best for us.
Another thing: have you publicy spoken out against what is happening? I dont mean making a sign and getting on the streets to protest...I mean making other people aware of what is happening. Your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc, etc.
Consider these things. Ask yourself why is this happening?
And lastly. What you said about life being a dream and what we choose to see is what we see is not at all far from the truth.
Life is life. Nothing else. We are not dreaming life, we are living it. Some consciously, some not. Those that live life unconsciously cant seem to understand the choices they have made and therefore point fingers at everyone but themselves. The ones that live concious, meaning aware of themeselves and every thought they have, do not need to point fingers because they know what is going on. They blame themselves for they know they chose for this to happen. One way or another.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by MOFreemason

Aw man, this is scary. I have been hearing about the NWO all my life but I never thought it would get this far. Will this demolish the constitution? What about citizenship? When they made the Euro, people in Europe were no longer bound by borders and could then study and work in other countries within the EU without as much hassle as in the past. Would people then become citizens of the world? Would there be a global income tax? I'm not a financial expert, but I think the unification of currency would raise these types of questions.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by star in a jar
reply to post by thereaintnospoon
Sorry but you have a resister here. I will not allow myself to be lorded over by the Rocketfellers, by the Rothschilds, by the Desmarias, Bilderberg Groups into accepting the Mark of the Beast.

I will Resist.

I said I will resist, sir!

I like you attitude. If there is such a thing as the mark of the beast, I wouldnt choose it either.
But, resisting wont help. Rather than resisting, embrace it. See it for what it is. Make your family and friends aware. Let them know how you see things. The worst that can happen is they disagree with you.
The way you experience the event is what's going to make it bad or good.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by MOFreemason

Nice. I kinda like the design of it.

To be honest, I'd always assumed that a one-world currency would be completely digital, with its physical manifestation occuring in the form of cards or chips but if we stick with traditional forms of currency that's cool too.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Romantic Rights

I think it will be a physical coin first but we definately will still be microchipped (RFID) under a one-world digital currency

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 11:14 PM
I think we'll see a new reserve currency in the next 5yrs or so. I expect it will mutate from the IMF Special Drawing Rights.
The USA is in so much debt & there are so many $US out there that the US domestic economy could never support value in them, even if it wasn't failing. Its got to the stage where even the demand for the $US created by OPEC oil isn't enough to keep it afloat.
The French, & quietly, the Germans seem committed to seeing the €uro replace the $US as reserve & the AoE seem willing to go along, but then the largest holders of $US, China, Japan, Russia & Britain have nothing to gain by handing the power to overspend the USA have abused since Reagan to the EU. I wouldn't be surprised to see the new currency created by exchange on a 1 for 1 basis for all $US & US debt with more than 5yrs before maturity held in foreign hands.
It would be similar to 3rd World debt relief, except there's no way the USA would accept any 'austerity measures' or interference in taxation & public spending the WB/IMF normally impose. I can't see the rest of the world giving the USA a free ride tho. I'd expect demands for the US govt to de-classify the number of $US in circulation & devalue the $US against the new currency to more accurately reflect US GDP vs $US in circulation.
This would be bad for the USA in the short term; good for the rest of the world; good for the USA long term. A POTUS would be in a very difficult position tho. To many Americans, a voluntary devaluation would be unacceptable as prices of imported stuff would rise; to China particularly, the status quo is unacceptable & they have the power to force devaluation by dumping the $US. They would be hurt, but their domestic economy is growing, industrialisation is creating a consumer market which will increasingly support Chinese jobs. All the BRIC would fare a lot better than the US & there's always the €uro Zone to consider also: 3x the consumers of the USA.
This is where the NAU/Amero comes in. Blame devaluation on Canada & Mexico!

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