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Red UFO launches orb in Greer , SC, July 3

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:37 AM
A man camping with his son in their backyard filmed this bright red UFO releasing an orb from the top of the object.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:46 AM
thats cool we saw the same thing on july 4th here in missouri, i got some of it on video afterwe finnally got the camera dug out. i saw from your youtube posts that someone else saw it in ca on the same night
not sure how to link video but i have mine on youtube now if this dosnt work someone tell me how

this is the link to the one i shot on july 4th. seems there are lots of these on youtube

[edit on 10-7-2009 by orion2506]

[edit on 10-7-2009 by orion2506]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by orion2506
There seemed to be alot of UFO activity over the July 4th weekend.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by L.HAMILTON

Wow great vid, star and flag for you. That is definitely proof that something is out there and we are not alone. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 11:38 AM
That looked almost exactly like a Chinese Lantern. We launched about 10 on July 4th and once they get up in the sky a ways they really do look a UFO if you didn't see them launch in the first place. Now I'm not saying that's what is was for sure seeing as I wasn't there, but it is a plausible answer and being the day before the 4th it would probably be a good bet.

Just my .02

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 12:05 PM
To me it looks, one of those fireworks that do not explode, but just bright up the sky, because they just vanish. Those fireworls can last for around 5 minutes, I forgot the name of them, but I will look for a vid. It also looks like a Chinese latern or a regular Sky Latern.

Here's the Sky Latern also known as sky balloons:

Chinese Laterns

and here are some firworks that last longer by producing others, but not what I was looking for but they are close:

Go to 1:34 and watch the purple floaters after the fireworks.

The kind that I was looking for go up with a dark stream and then produce red, yellow, blue and/or green lights. They can last for a long damn time and go very high. It could explain what you saw and also remember this was the day before the 4th.

[edit on Jul 10th 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 12:15 PM
The Sky Lanterns can be multiple colors and can last up to 15min because they can on a good and not too windy night reach heights of up to 2000ft. Or so it says on the package. Being an avid skydiver I would say that 2000ft seems about right. They are truly beautiful to watch until one catches on fire and the resin chunk drops out of the sky still lit. OOOPS!!! Which is kind of what it looks like in the OP's video.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by INJUNJAY
The Sky Lanterns can be multiple colors and can last up to 15min because they can on a good and not too windy night reach heights of up to 2000ft. Or so it says on the package. Being an avid skydiver I would say that 2000ft seems about right. They are truly beautiful to watch until one catches on fire and the resin chunk drops out of the sky still lit. OOOPS!!! Which is kind of what it looks like in the OP's video.

Please do not think that all of these orbs are Chinese lanterns, I can assure you with 100% certainty that some of them are the real deal. I live in Birmingham, England and I had quite a close encounter with these UFOs not too long ago in the area. It's an inconvenience that they're sometimes mistaken for Chinese lanterns (rightfilly so), but there is a very clear difference when you see them from up-close. In person it is absolutely surreal as they literally look like baskbetball-sized spheres that flicker all the colors of visible light from the electromagnetic radiation spectrum and then disappear/reappear in another patch of space, as if they somehow change the wavelength of radiation to a range that's invisible to the human eye and then change it back so that it's visible again. No wonder some of the crop circles display signs of radioactivity; they are increasing the wavelength of radiation from visible light (400nm-700nm) to microwave (0.3ghz and 300ghz) when they hover over the crops. This is also probably why they can only be seen in infrared sometimes (infrared cameras pick up the wavelength of light that these ufos fly around at). I am not a scientist but am certain that this is the case with these UFOs. I just wished more scientists would take the subject seriously so that it yielded some hard research and investigation. Intuitvely I believe they are multi-dimensional.

Member ufoorbhunter caught & filemd the exact same UFO I saw in Derby, England: vidoe link (click to watch)

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives
Sorry I don't think these are Chinese lanterns, The speed in which the second orb emerges from the first in a verticle trajectory is pretty convincing.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:42 PM
I also think this is a sky lantern. I've also released them myself to study their action and the flight characteristics are the exactly same. Considering the date, it souldn't be too surprising that these were being set off anyway.

I believe the small 'orb' is just a piece of the rice paper envelope that's cought fire, come away and floats vertically upwards in the hot thermal rising from the lantern, now with a leaking hole on the top. The apparent speed of separation is exaggerated by the video zooming in as separation occurs. The small piece soon burns out leaving the remnants of the rest to flicker and fade out.


posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by L.HAMILTON

Convincing of what? I have Sky Laterns that can do that. Especially when you string them together and add baby ones to the back. Eventually the string releases and it floats upward toward the heavens, apparently it makes it go up further, which I have seen. To me it looks like a Sky or Chinese latern that was released with a baby addon. The wind might have carried it up in a sort of wind sheer motion. The wind in the upper atmosphere is odd and unpredictable. The baby could have gotten caught in a wind sheer, a wind tunnel, an add on to something else. It could have been another one that was released, but was covered by a cloud an dthen it just appeared out of the second. It happens, but remember this was July 3rd, the day before the 4th. It may have been cloudy from the fireworks or sparkler fireworks. Of course I could be wrong, but this is just my opinion.

At the most you have a UFO, but nothing alien at all. Still a nice catch

[edit on Jul 10th 2009 by TheMythLives]

[edit on Jul 10th 2009 by TheMythLives]

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