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A Very Costly Kiss: Senior Denied Diploma

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posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:09 PM
So he didn't get a piece of paper that has no value whatsoever.

When I graduated we had 10 people who walked across the stage, but didn't graduate.

I'm sure they are told exactly what they are suppose to do and what will and will not be tolerated. If he chose to break a rule, then he suffered the consequance.

Although it shounds as if he atleast made it halfway across the stage. More then enough time to get alot of pics in.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:12 PM
The student should have stood there, with crossed arms, and said "I am not going anywhere until you hand me that diploma. You can either create a scene and embarrass everyone here, mostly yourself, or you can give me that piece of paper and let me return to my seat. Jerk."

Seriously, after all the years of work and study, the father of the student should have give that administrator a knuckle sammich.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:13 PM
WRONG! Diplomas do have value! You have to show them to colleges and the armed forces, if you wish to join. You can always say you lost it and take the long way like I did. Then I found my Diploma right after driving up to the school to get a signed letter to verify my graduation. I never let the little basterd out of my sight again!

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by OKCBtard

Diplomas do have value.

The thing you recieve at graduation does not.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:16 PM
At my brother's college graduation, we planned several spoofs! FSU graduates several thousand people each semester, so the whole ordeal is drawn out and boring. My friend and I wore ripped up overalls and straw hats. When they called his name, we jumped up and whooped and hollered, "That's my kin" It was great, we got a lot of high fives and a few grimaces around us.

When my brother went across the stage and everyone was gingerly shaking the president, TK Wetherall's hand, my brother looked out and grinned at the audience and then bear-hugged him like a long lost brother! It was priceless!

There were no repercussions, and no punishments, and it inspired several more hugs in the line behind him!

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:17 PM
But I thought the senior was denied a Diploma?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

That is insane, I mean the fact that they are actually trying to stick with it too. Honestly that is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. I had to wait a minute before posting because I was so angered I might have said something that I shouldn't have.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

Are they going to give it to him now? Or are they just going to keep acting like a bunch of idiots?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by OKCBtard

Wrong!!!! In my experiences I have never been asked for my high school diploma as they can be fixed.

Usually a transcript unopened with the school board seal and directly from the state itself.

If you carry the transcript is not good anymore.

As as a former school teacher I pretty much knows how things works at least for some institutions.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:25 PM
I had to have both an unopened transcript and Diploma.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by OKCBtard

Exactly, you are right some institutions ask for both, but here in GA when I started to work for the school system the school board asked me not for a college diploma but for a transcript from the college.

The transcript have the SSN or student number also is specified if you complete the degree or not.

In todays world many people fake their diplomas and everything else.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

This is surprising.
During my graduation the entire senior class (all 56 of us) were sitting
on stage and after my buddy went up to receive his diploma, he ran up
to me and jumped in my lap, gave me a big bear hug and I think he
might've even kissed my cheek.
Everyone thought is was great. And this was a private christian school!

I say all that because I can't understand how blowing a kiss to the crowd
would cause such an uproar with the administration.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:45 PM
People keep trying to justify this because a high school diploma is a worthless piece of paper. It's not about not getting a piece of paper so much as it is about the overwhelmingly obnoxious political correctness displayed by this administrator.

The frustrating part about this is this administrator only did this to seem like some no-BS and passionately professional school administrator in the public eye, not because he was "offended" or "disgusted" by this kid blowing a kiss. No one is truly offended by something so simple. It's fake outrage.

This is just insane. He BLEW A KISS! Wow...

These people need to be drug out into the street and shot. And no I'm not kidding.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:03 PM
Can anybody corroborate this story. There's no way this is real.

Sounds like a load of BS to me. Even if it was true, the moment the kid is told to sit down , I'm sure he would lose it and the rest of the kids would have torn the place apart.

This story is hogwash.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by DazE777]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:11 PM
This is absolutely ridiculous and I'm glad that there was media coverage because now that School Administration is going to get a lot of heat for it's over-reaction.

However, graduating without a Diploma is not the end of the world. I graduated and was refused my Diploma and it never prevented my entrance into College (although my first year I had to be restricted to Part-Time), and I've never had an employer ever take issue with it (even when I applied for the FBI Academy in my youth they found no problem with it).

Basically I did not receive a Diploma after graduating because I refused to attend a School Awards Ceremony two days prior to the Graduation Ceremony in response to being put on Academic Suspension. In my Senior Year I won two trips to two different National Competitions to represent my school for taking first place at two State Competitions. Shortly after winning at State, one of my teachers had a heart-attack in the middle of the last semester and was in the hospital for the remainder of the year. Since he hadn't turned in grades, my transcript showed an INCOMPLETE. As it wasn't a required class, it wouldn't affect my Graduation status, however, since the School Board passed a restrictive ordinance on the Administration to disallow athletes the ability to play at sports events if they had any grades lower than a 2.0 ("C"), the Administration wanted to prove a political point by doing the same to an Academic competitor. So, since the Administration refused to let me compete at Nationals, I retaliated by refusing to attend the Annual Awards Ceremony where I was to receive 13 awards. The embarrassment this caused to the School Administration was great, so they punished me by withholding my Diploma at Graduation.

Twenty five years later and I haven't missed it once ever since.

Sometimes bad things happen, but if you make lemonade out lemons, good can come of it.

This graduate who was denied his Diploma for blowing a kiss to his family can easily hit the Media Circuit and go from one interview at a National News Desk after another, sit in on every Talk Show broadcast on television, and milk his 15 minutes of fame for what it is worth. It's amazing what kind of offers come rolling in when you have that kind of coverage.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:20 PM
I think the principal was over-the-top on this as a kiss to mom isn't a big thing. But really here, it's not like she can withhold his diploma past the ceremony. He passed the state requirements and she is duty-bound to let him pick it up after-the-fact.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Well, if I was his father I probably would have walked up on stage and taken the diploma denied my son or daughter for doing nothing wrong. Then I probably would've tazed about five times and arrested.

Your kids are not your's, they're the system's.


i consider myself left of center and tend to think the public schools are doing the best they can with what they have to work with...but i fully agree with you, i would have raced you up there to get in the face of that adminstrator...why is common sense so UN-common?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by DazE777

Not Hogwash! You would think so, because of the ridiculousness. I am attaching the story from Fox News, and a link to the local TV station that covered the story. Apparently there were several other kids that had a variety of "offenses."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Print ShareThisA Maine high school senior was denied his diploma at graduation after he took a bow when his name was called, pointed to friends and blew a kiss to his family.

Justin Denney was graduating from Bonny Eagle High School June 12 and had gotten up on stage to receive his diploma when he gestured to his friends and relatives.

School Superintendent Suzanne Lukas abruptly told Denney to return to his seat, according to WMTW TV in Maine. He didn't get his diploma.

His mother, Mary Denney, is livid. Her son told her that the superintendent warned, "There's no fooling around up here."

"He just kind of looked at her because he wasn't fooling around. He didn't consider that fooling around or misbehaving in any sense of the word," Mary Denney told WMTW.

Lukas reportedly asked the soon-to-be graduate why he thought he deserved a diploma.

"He goes, 'Because I worked hard and I earned it,' and she goes, 'No, go take your seat,'" his mother told the station.

There needs to be a coup on that school district. Some mother's should run against this superintendant in the next election. It should be a landslide!

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by DazE777

It's actually most likely true. A lot of high schools give strict instructions not to move your hands or signal the crowd in any way when it's your turn on stage. This includes waving, high fives, thumbs up, I love you signs, etc. The logic behind it is to keep students from flashing gang signs at graduation.

We had a girl who waved to the crowd when it was her turn and she got in trouble but was allowed to proceed. Then there was another student who flashed a fake gang sign as a joke and he was expelled from the ceremony without his diploma.

So it does happen. It's pretty stupid to return him to his seat for blowing a kiss to his mother but that's the reasoning behind the 'no movement' rule.


Also, he's not actually being prevented from graduating or receiving his diploma is he? I'm under the impression he was only prevented from receiving the honorary/ceremonial papers they hand out at graduation (which aren't the real thing, if I recall correctly).

With all that said, as a mother, I'd be LIVID if my son was embarrassed like that in front of his classmates all because he blew a kiss to me. It wouldn't be pretty.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

I could see if he flipped someone off or did something vulgar but he was just very happy with getting his dipolama. This is very absurd. This the world we live in now; a world of absurdities!

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