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Does the Right Want a Civil War?

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posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by samhouston1886

samhouston, I really like what you write. And a big "AMEN" to that.

Thanks for the story about the original gun control effort, who was behind it, and the purpose.

Good research!


posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by grover
Since the right asked this question of us on the left during the bush minor years I will apply it to the Obama years...

What rights have you lost and produce proof of it?

Well one can easily point to Congress and the total lack of procedure in debating bills. TARP........ ramrodded though without much debate. Stimulus Bill....ramrodded without debate nor amendments......Cap and Trade....ramrodded through without debate nor amendments. Yes I am aware the Dems hold majorities but they have effectively intentionally ignored the minority.

It's gets to be hard to participate in government when you are not allowed to even get your amendments up for discussion. The Republicans in the House are basically shut out from any meaningful input on any major bill lately....or do you dispute that? Adding 300 pages or 25% to a Cap and Trade Bill at 3AM just prior to a vote is somehow Democracy in Action?

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 12:58 AM
Yes I used to be one of those non violent types that loved to shoot my guns. I would go to the range every now and then to put a bunch of holes into those evil targets. I am not the threat the real threat are the ones that live on entitlements and refuse to work for a living thus stealing for a living. The left want us to believe that honest middle class Americans with guns are the real threat to society when real gun violence happens in the areas that voted for free hand outs. Just admit it grover You envy the middle class and You feel its Your right to relieve them of their hard gained so called riches. You people disgust me because You think money grows on trees and the people that pay taxes receive this money for free. I personally know a lot of middle class people and the money they have comes from working 12 to 18 hours a day 7 days a week and not from some tooth fairy like You imagine it does. One day slavery will be repealed and You will be the ones written about in the history books as the evil ones. So keep acting like You have the moral high ground because 89 million Americans out their think You don't....

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Bearack

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by grover

And the right is inciting hate? Uhh, the left might want to take a look in the mirror and realize what they are doing to the constitution and maybe they will realize why people are getting mad.

One only needs to see the Olbermann interview with Jeneane Garofalo to see the left instills as much hate with moronic ideology that all republicans are redneck racist.

Several weeks ago on one of Fox's night time shows (don't remember which one) the host had a few moderate liberals on the panel. One of them was Kirsten Powers and the other was Juan Williams. Because they are liberals I don't always agree with them, but neither is an extremist. In fact, I actually respect both of them. I have never heard either of them spew the kind of hate filled trash that is so typical of modern liberals. What made the interview so interesting was these two moderate liberals were discussing just how nasty and full of hate the mainstream left is even to the point where they attack moderate liberals as viscously as they do conservatives. Since then I have noticed more moderate liberals and independents saying the same thing about mainstream liberalism. Liberals are really pissing a lot of people off in this country and with recent polls indicating that the majority of Americans (approx. 75%) consider themselves either conservsative or moderate while only 21% consider themselves liberal I'd say they better start toning it down and shut their mouths if the can't say and offer something constructive. If they don't they very well may find themselves getting wiped out in the second American Civil War. I just hope that if it does come to war moderate liberals are not grouped with the far left lunatics that are the real problem in the country.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by jkm1864
Yes I used to be one of those non violent types that loved to shoot my guns. I would go to the range every now and then to put a bunch of holes into those evil targets. I am not the threat the real threat are the ones that live on entitlements and refuse to work for a living thus stealing for a living. The left want us to believe that honest middle class Americans with guns are the real threat to society when real gun violence happens in the areas that voted for free hand outs. Just admit it grover You envy the middle class and You feel its Your right to relieve them of their hard gained so called riches. You people disgust me because You think money grows on trees and the people that pay taxes receive this money for free. I personally know a lot of middle class people and the money they have comes from working 12 to 18 hours a day 7 days a week and not from some tooth fairy like You imagine it does. One day slavery will be repealed and You will be the ones written about in the history books as the evil ones. So keep acting like You have the moral high ground because 89 million Americans out their think You don't....

Outstanding post my friend and a star for you.

I think we are headed for civil war or, at the very least, civil unrest. People are slowly starting to figure out who the real problem is in this country. Unfortunately, most Americans still seem to be to complacent to act in the best interests of this great nation by eliminating liberals/progressives from government positions at the ballot box. And I'm not just talking about democrat liberals. I'm also talking about the liberals in the republican party as well. If it takes a third party based on true conservatism to wipe out the insanity then so be it

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 09:06 PM
No one WANTS a civil war...

Now let me ask you a question... How much is your liberty worth?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 01:47 AM
Wow OP should look in the mirror cuz that question is so loaded it could kill someone. I have never listened to limbaugh (sp)? or even heard of the other radio hosts mentioned a registered Democrat, who believes in the right to bear arms, who believes in smaller government, who despises socialism, and by the worlds standards is a very poor person. I dont have health insurance and i dont even want this healthcare crap to go thru. Did i mention i dont like government spending?
Whatever the case may be for others i would like to present my case for why our government no longer serves us. remember that bailout package? that everyone got together and said sucks? well hell that passed.... remember how we are still being spied on by our own government? "Once in power one will do anything to keep from losing it". I mean even then where our government is telling as many people who will listen that your either with us or your against us?....

Oh yeah i never answered your bs loaded crap question... No.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by grover

wow, how did I miss this one haha.

To the OP.

I believe the exact same thing could be said of the left.

I think the left is pushing for a civil war with all their might.

Actively using the government to rob the public, eliminate the free market, and take any remaining freedoms we have left.

The left are the instigators here.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Who all but holds a monopoly on talk radio... the majority of which is hard right?

I will give you a hint... it ain't liberals and Democrats.

who holds a monopoly in print media and televised media? the liberal left.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 04:41 PM
The question is misleading.

You really want to know if the right is willing to have a civil war to retain the rights that the left is attempting to take from them.

I think the answer to that is a yes.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

Actively using the government to rob the public, eliminate the free market, and take any remaining freedoms we have left. The left are the instigators here.

And do you think corporate power doesn't do the same? When are people going to realize that this is where all the TRUE power lies. This is where our legislations comes from. The CEO of CNN...yes him....has 400 million dollars invested in the health care companies. He loses if Universal health care goes through. Many people lose. The pharmaceutial companies profits are over a TRILLION dollars a year.

A TRILLION DOLLARS. The health insurance companies are spending 1.3 million dollars a day lobbying Washington.

See it yet. This is what the left is screaming about. Yes, some people on the right and left are loco..but the majority of the country is not. Many liberals are angry just as conservatives are because they are seeing that government IS NOT WORKING for the people anymore.

People really need to stop insulting one another and start coming together and do what is best for all of us.

We need

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Helghast1

Who all but holds a monopoly on talk radio... the majority of which is hard right? I will give you a hint... it ain't liberals and Democrats. who holds a monopoly in print media and televised media? the liberal left.


So what's the GD difference. Are we railing for corporations now? Is that what we've come to?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 04:45 PM
proving how much of a one sided fool that he actually was. i win.

second line

[edit on 13-8-2009 by Helghast1]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by grover

I can remember the summer of 1963 was very much like this one, filled with hate speech. We all know what happened that fall.

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