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YOU can't handle disclosure. yes,YOU!

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posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Not sure of the graph there, but i am sure you are right. The planet has been warmer, but one thing is for sure, the planet has also been alot colder in the past in cycles.

Like you i would bet on colder part of the cycle. But of course the general public only remember yesterday so the media easily fools them.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 12:31 PM
not to burst your bubble, and not to sound all machismo or anything, but yes, I CAN handle it! I'm sure the majority will riot and panic as you say, but I for one, wouldn't be "freaking out, crying and running for under my bed" not too sure what exactly I'd be doing, depends on if they're friendly or not, but it certaintly won't be THAT! I'd like to think I know what I can and can't handle myself, thanks

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by TrueBrit
but I tell you what, I can grasp big concepts in basic principle. I posit that there is absolutely NOTHING that can be disclosed which would shatter my resolve , my solidarity. There is NOTHING I cant adapt to. Adaptation, advancement , growth of mind and body is what defines our entire race. I do not agree that the knowlege which could be disclosed is in fact staggering enough to bring all the years of evolution, which lead to this moment, and to me , you , and every other free thinking being on earth , crashing to the ground ..

Really? You positive?

Just recently they cut access to the satellites and made incoming asteroid data CLASSIFIED

You have heard all the hype about Nibiru and 2012

So WHAT IF that is true?

Tell me oh brave one... how will you handle THIS?

This is what will happen if a large asteroid, even smaller than the Moon, hits Earth. But if one IS on the way (and I don't mean Nibiru but merely an asteroid ) we would now have no way to know as they cut off access to that data. We are back to relying on amateur astronomers to give us a heads up so we can kiss our butts goodbye before we see it coming in the sky...

Now tell me honestly... are you ready for THAT? All our history, all our great works... wiped out like the dinosaurs a few million years ago...

And the universe will never know we existed... unless we really do have that space fleet hidden behind the moon to take a few of us away

[edit on 19-6-2009 by zorgon]

I'd still want to know if an asteroid was going to wipe us all out. much rather know, then just have it happen, noone wants their last minutes to be at work, asleep, or on the can.

asteroids are partially why we need to get off this planet, human survival, but that's another topic., eitherway, i really don't like having someone else tell me what I can and can't handle

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 01:58 PM
humans, culture, religion, economy, society, everything will look diferently after disclosure

i dont know if i can handle it really.... but will be fun i guess

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by ozzraven
humans, culture, religion, economy, society, everything will look diferently after disclosure

i dont know if i can handle it really.... but will be fun i guess

I hate all these elements of society already so it can only get better!

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:21 AM
I've read most of the posts in this entire message thread and I find it VERY fascinating, to say the least.

Fortunately, I think humanity is ready for disclosure, more or less. Does anyone remember how our government actually worked with our entertainment companies to acclimate us with possible disclosure? Think about movies like The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T.: The Extraterrestrial, two Transformers movies, and several TV series from the 1960's on. People like Steven Spielberg and Stanley Kubrick may deny all they want, but TPTB would have effectively stopped the production of Close Encounters or 2001 if they felt humanity could not handle disclosure.

Also, television science documentary series like Cosmos could not have been produced if TPTB felt humans couldn't handle disclosure.

Since today even mainstream science accepts the fact chances are excellent that at minimum microbial life forms can exist on other planets, when real disclosure occurs the very possibility of panic will be small, maybe with the exception of very fundamentalist religious cults (which fortunately are in the small minority!).

The problem with the people who fear a panic are those who are still trying to think with a 1950's Cold War mentality. Fortunately, thanks to the movies and TV series I mentioned above since that time, the shock of disclosure will be far less today than it would be if it happened in the 1950's.

By the way, why haven't ET's been openly here? Does anyone remember the Prime Directive of the various Star Trek TV series, where the United Federation of Planets had a strict policy of no interference with the local planetary civilization? Is it possible that the ET's that have visited Earth are part of a real Federation that has such a policy in place? Mind you, given the current distressed political and economic situation around the world, disclosure could happen because the ET's are very concerned that humanity is setting the stage for another world war and intervention may be necessary to stop this.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by SactoGuy001
...disclosure could happen because the ET's are very concerned that humanity is setting the stage for another world war and intervention may be necessary to stop this.

Why would ETs want to stop such an event?

Besides, that would go against the "Prime Directive" you seem to think they have...

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Why would ETs want to stop such an event?

Besides, that would go against the "Prime Directive" you seem to think they have...

There's good reason for this: what happens if the ET's have an interest in the mineral riches of our planet? I don't think they want our planet be polluted by nuclear radiation from a world war, which may make mining our planet difficult.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by SactoGuy001
what happens if the ET's have an interest in the mineral riches of our planet?

All the more reason to let us kill each other off...

And you forget we pulled the uranium out of the Earth - It used to be in our "mineral riches" before we put it in bombs, reactors etc. ...

You overestimate our capabilities.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by ewokdisco
Admit this. admit it. when or if UFO/ET/ disclosure happens,YOU will not be able to mentally handle it. you have all the conspiracy books,youve seen all the "are aliens real" programmes and youve even gone as far as to join ATS! but, if the day comes and YOU sit down in front of your TV and a news item begins with 'please remain is an emergancy message from..." YOU will freak,cry and run for under your beds.
there WILL be riots in the street. there WILL be mass panic. and there WILL be trouble that YOU can even begin to contemplate. the trouble will come from groups and corners you cant even begin to imagine. and you? YOU will be the first to scream in fear. THIS is why disclosure will NEVER happen. because,despite the "the government is fibbing and i demand the truth for us tax payers" comments,you cant handle the truth. and i couldnt either.

Well, first of all, one can only talk about himself.

The only people who will "freak out" are those who make their way of life around their religious beliefs (although religion is embraissing the possibility alien life) and will see what they believe come crashing down with proof that the god they believe maybe doesn't exist.

The people who think it's possible for alien life to exist and contact us will be kind of chocked by the confirmation, but will not freak out. That kind of people will adapt to the new reality, like most americans adapted to the reality of a major attack (or supposed attack, whatever you believe) on homeland and war that follows.

Those who believe that aliens exist, that they contact (or try to...) us, and there are some things that our governaments should explain, will actually be pretty happy about it.

All of us that registered on ATS and are believers (skeptics will crash and burn
) about this will embrasse this new reality with happiness. I mean, it's like you desire something for so long, and believe it so deeply, and then it becomes reality...

What do you think people will think? "OMG! I would love to see aliens, spaceships and tech wonders, and it's happening! I'm going to kill myself!"... It doesn't make any sense.

People will love to know the truth the same way a People will embrasse freedom.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Tifozi
People will love to know the truth the same way a People will embrasse freedom.

What if the truth is that we are fighting a secret war in space against a species that looks much like us and who have infiltrated various positions in our society?

*We would actually lose freedoms if such news were to ever come out - Would you embrace martial Law in such an instance?

[edit on 25-6-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Tifozi
The only people who will "freak out" are those who make their way of life around their religious beliefs

That accounts for about 80% of the population

If 80% 'freak out' and stampeded what do you think will happen to our way of life? Ever been in a soccer match stampede?

(although religion is embraissing the possibility alien life) and will see what they believe come crashing down with proof that the god they believe maybe doesn't exist.

The Qur'An has always considered that Allah create life elsewhere and the 'rock' at Mecca is a meteorite

The Vatican says its okay to believe in ET and has plans to baptize them.

The Vedic scriptures already tell us what happened the last time the Gods (true ET's as the gods are not of teis Earth). They had a war and wiped out most of mankind (This is hinted at in the Bible as well, the Flood that wiped out all mankind, the nuking of Sodom and Gomorrah

But none of that will help if the movie Aliens is the real truth

The people who think it's possible for alien life to exist and contact us will be kind of chocked by the confirmation, but will not freak out.

Most people that are 'believers' think the Aliens are good and here to save us from ourselves... that GFL 'ship of light'? Hate to burst your bubble but it's a giant plasma space amoeba that lives here

That kind of people will adapt to the new reality, like most americans adapted to the reality of a major attack (or supposed attack, whatever you believe) on homeland and war that follows.

Some will adapt, yes after the shock...
And then those that adapt will be the leaders of the NWO

Those who believe that aliens exist, that they contact (or try to...) us, and there are some things that our governments should explain, will actually be pretty happy about it.

Not if they are being corralled into the FEMA camps to be shipped off world to work those mines or being readied for the dinner table

will embrace this new reality with happiness. I mean, it's like you desire something for so long, and believe it so deeply, and then it becomes reality...

ONLY if 'this new reality' fits what you BELIEVE is the truth. If its the opposite you won't be too happy

People will love to know the truth the same way a People will embrace freedom.

Freedom is merely an illusion... THAT is disclosure for you

[edit on 25-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by ewokdisco

Yes, we all can handle it. For the most part an average middle class american family will probably just be delighted and curious.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by uioup
reply to post by ewokdisco

Yes, we all can handle it. For the most part an average middle class american family will probably just be delighted and curious.

I agree 100%. Many of the posters here need to take off their tinfoil hats and realize that if mainstream science is already talking very openly about what life on other worlds will be like, Disclosure will have surprisingly minimal effects outside of the few extreme religious factions (which fortunately are a very small minority of our population!).

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to uioup. that' so laughable. middle class families cant handle immigrants moving in next door nevermind aliens! ONE LAST TIME. when or if full and proper alien disclosure happens,man kind WILL sweat. and all internet ego aside,so will i and YOU.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 11:57 PM

Take a look at the material uncovered in the Australian Government's National Archives UFO files at

or Google "Disclosure Australia UFO"

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:47 AM
I have read all of story's threads, posts, read it all!

all I can say is "no comment"

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 01:00 AM
I agree most americans can not handle the fact of life outside of our earth.

revealing this kind of a hoax to be truth would cause mass panic since we do nto have a republican led government to handle the situation honestly and with justice.

This would never happen if we still had W leading the fight internationally for freedom and justice.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 01:11 AM
Let's just put this into perspective real fast. Disclosure is what the world needs. I, repeat I, do not need anything. If it comes, terrific, but I already know. Why search for the truth when you have it? So you're statement that I cannot handle disclosure is unfounded and biased. Thank you sir, and have fun with the rioting and looting.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by ewokdisco
Admit this. admit it. when or if UFO/ET/ disclosure happens,YOU will not be able to mentally handle it. you have all the conspiracy books,youve seen all the "are aliens real" programmes and youve even gone as far as to join ATS! but, if the day comes and YOU sit down in front of your TV and a news item begins with 'please remain is an emergancy message from..." YOU will freak,cry and run for under your beds.
there WILL be riots in the street. there WILL be mass panic. and there WILL be trouble that YOU can even begin to contemplate. the trouble will come from groups and corners you cant even begin to imagine. and you? YOU will be the first to scream in fear. THIS is why disclosure will NEVER happen. because,despite the "the government is fibbing and i demand the truth for us tax payers" comments,you cant handle the truth. and i couldnt either.

Speak for yourself. You don't know ANY of us. I have never understood this simple-minded belief. Simple minded because of the level of primitive fear involved. It is simply shocking and inexplicable to me that so-called adults would react in this way. I say, so let it be. We need to grow the @$%! up no matter how much it hurts the less mentally competent among us. And so what if there is mass panic. How long do you think that will last? So what if it lasts weeks or even months? That's not what's holding up the truth anyway. Other countries have stepped closer to full disclosure than ever and there's hardly a peep out of the masses. Who the hell needs the US anyway? We have all been conditioned so much by movies and other forms of media that we'd probably get not much more than a twitch from anyone. Remember, real unemployment is probably around 15-20 % and the rest are living in fear they'll add to that number. People are afraid of being homeless, not of an unknown that, for all they know, could make things much better for them. They could very well welcome aliens as a long-sought change to this shi#hole.

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