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Air France Flight 447 - Timewave Zero Correlation

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posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Evasius

Ok, this is the first time i put attention to the Timewave Zero concept, so i looked for a timewave software (i found one at i checked that the dates you provide have the same pattern.

Then i checked for the next year 2010 (because it was stated somewhere that it has the biggest pick before the point Zero) and so i get the next graphics:

It seems like May 1878 is the month where the graph pick, and so i look forward to events of that moment at HistoricalEvents

And i found something really remarkable for May 31:
US Congress accept decrease in dollar circulation

Would this be a sign of the climax of the current financial crisis?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Darthorious

That's highly interesting. I also wonder where they were obtaining this 'statistical data.' If they've been using it for awhile there's no telling what their data says now.

It reminds me of this DARPA project called .

It is a mathematical way of deciphering and reversing a transmitted code in order to pinpoint the transmitting source. Maybe the military technology exists where we can decipher 'reality' and reverse or revert the code in order to obtain the likeliness of similar future windows...just a thought.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Jomina

I had never heard of Ian until last year. Since then I've watched his seminar on the Mayan Calendar several times on google video. He was a great teacher and I'm continually amazed every time i refer back to that video and compare it to the present day.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by Evasius

Thanks for bringing Mckenna some much needed attention (although post after post is focusing on the wrong aspect ) Evasius.

I do disagree with a few things from one of your posts.

"That's the resonant event. You can't make this stuff up."

Actually, you can't make up anything else. Thats how this technology works. We are bound to our wave because its the only story our culture can tell. You can't escape the story because according to Timewave its already started and finished.

Think of it like the Tramafaldorians in "Vonneguts - Slaughterhouse 5"; the race of aliens that could see in four dimensions. They blew up the universe by testing a new space engine. They test there engine with the foreknowledge that it will destroy everything. The protaganist (much like you Evasius) is dismayed and asks why they still pull the lever knowing full well that everything gets destroyed. They don't even understand the question. They test the engine because they have already tested the engine.. That is the story of the universe and that is how it always happens.

"These resonances are here for us to learn from. If we dare do the same thing again, we will sure fail as a species.


This Time magic sure would be boring if that were the case. Its that misconception that counter-intuitively acts as the catalyst for the wave spiral tightening. By trying to escape the inescapable it only gets squeezed tighter.

Think of a string that is 4 inches long. there is a dip and a valley on the line. Lets say those dips and valleys are full of "gross smelly bad things" in life that make you uncomfortable. So you say to yourself... Now that I understand my past resonances, I can skip that part of the story (because its gross and smell). So you cut that bit off your string.. its 2 inches long now. Now your string is shorter... But... shoot.. Your dips and valleys are proportionately more intense..

Another way to look at it is like this.. Lets say you don't like to poop.. Its smelly, you have to wipe, its kind of un-hygienic... Screw it you decide... I'm not pooping anymore. Well now its a couple days later and your just checking some stuff out at the grocery store... WHAM.. You crap your pants. But.... I did'nt like that part of the timewave, I wanted to learn from my resonances and cut out pooping.. NO CAN DO.. You will always end up with a crap in your pants if you try to escape the inescapable.

Again... Kudos on bringing Mckenna to the forefront.

We're still all missing the element that underpins all the time magic though.. Altered States...

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by StarsPlantsEndlessDance

Maybe it's 'cause we're not to speak overtly about our personal experiences with these agents of change here on ATS so as not to trip auto censors and thereby limit access.Just sayin.

The truth of this aspect of the matter is the whole culture is influenced by those that DO these things,much as the leavening in bread.A little goes a long way,especially when talking micrograms.

And as to the webbot earthquake thing last year,I think our attention to the event timeframe was enough to satisfy the required condition without the actual EQ to happen.As we approach this "Infindibulum",we come closer to the center of the action,our minds come together,like here on ATS and we can satisfy the wave pattern without the event of which the resonance would dictate,say in an earlier time when focused attention was not possible.We as humans,here at this time and on a collective mind site like ATS are KEY.Our attention is all that's required.I would prefer us all saying the word "earthquake" a bunch of times until we're sick of the discussion(like last time)to having the event happen.Even if such catastrophe would prove TWZ.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:17 AM

The singularity of 2012 involves aspects outside our culture as well as within. As members of ATS you are all familiar with the 26000 great year cycling down, the many many alignments occurring, as well as all the activity on the sun..etc.etc.etc..

Our peoples have been obsessed with the stars right from the start (rightfully so, we all came from them) so its no surprise that our cultures wave and the wave of the stars finish their cycle on the same day.


reply to post by trueforger

Maybe it's 'cause we're not to speak ... The truth of this aspect "

Sort of like pretending you don't poop? Or by saying "all plants are fine except that, that and that one..". Or kind of like having a T.V show about F*cking but not allowing the actors to say "F*ck" on air.

Maybe its because were not to speak on the truth of this aspect... .........................EXACTLY...............................

A shallow society obsessed with the surface, afraid of their primal self and the primal world they live in.


Here's some nice words from our friend Terrence.

Plan - Plants - Planet
The Plan where the Plants save the Planet.

Thanks & remember.....Pooping is not that bad once you get used to it.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by ForbiddenSuit]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:32 AM
Vastly entertaining subject.

Right now I'm reading "Fractal Time" by Gregg Braden. He has apparently taken Terrence's Time Wave Zero, improved the calculations and integrated some interesting correlations from our ancestral record (Mayans, Hopi, etc..). He also mentions some interesting new info from the Bible Code research.

So far I've had to read half way through the book to get to the goods. But, it is getting pretty interesting.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by StarsPlantsEndlessDance

"These resonances are here for us to learn from. If we dare do the same thing again, we will sure fail as a species.


This Time magic sure would be boring if that were the case. Its that misconception that counter-intuitively acts as the catalyst for the wave spiral tightening. By trying to escape the inescapable it only gets squeezed tighter.

I love your take on the timewave, especially the correlation between Kurt Vonnegut's book and what seems to be happening here...however 'escaping the inescapable' is not really what I was getting at. We're not all doomed to mindlessly repeat the cycle. We're not here in order to bang our heads repeatedly against a wall with no say in the matter. We choose how we meet the zero point. We choose the very nature of the zero point.

Resonances carry themes with them that can be worked out a number of ways, some very good, others very bad. Some resonances can even remain dormant. Although the final point in the timewave is inescapable (being that it encompasses all resonances and all of human history), we choose either our success or failure in what happens beyond that point. I find that to be quite inspiring (rather than boring).

By the way I don't think anyone's actually trying to escape this accelerating freight train we're on. Most people don't even know we're on a train, let alone we can choose what track to take...or the fact that either a cliff or a bridge await us ahead.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior

Its invigorating seeing all the new minds talking and sharing on this subject. It actually almost allows you to feel the wave resonating around you.

Kind of like were all tuning forks slowly trying to come into tune with eachother. If you've ever been in a band you'd know there's a warping breathing sound when you try to tune your instruments to eachother. The warping is the 2 sound waves colliding with eachother at the out of tune spots. To tune an instrument you just have to remove the warping and eventually they both ring true..

Thats exactly what were all doing now.

Thanks all you forks out there.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by ForbiddenSuit]

[edit on 5-6-2009 by ForbiddenSuit]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Evasius

"We're not all doomed to mindlessly repeat the cycle. We're not here in order to bang our heads repeatedly against a wall with no say in the matter."

Why does the cycle have to be dooming? You choose to bang your head. Why do we have to have a say?

I love Einstein but you remind me of him.. this quote actually.
"Life is like riding a bike, you have to keep moving or you'll lose your balance."

Why do we have to be going somewhere? Where are we riding this bike?

When Einstein wrote that, we as a civilization were riding on a nice wide road, now the road is a tightrope, there is no choice to get off the bike.. and the only option is to start pedaling your butt off because balance was a luxury of the past.

You should read "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn, its about deciding where you want to go on the bike, before you just get up and start pedaling.


posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by trueforger
As we approach this "Infindibulum",we come closer to the center of the action,our minds come together,like here on ATS and we can satisfy the wave pattern without the event of which the resonance would dictate,say in an earlier time when focused attention was not possible.We as humans,here at this time and on a collective mind site like ATS are KEY.Our attention is all that's required.I would prefer us all saying the word "earthquake" a bunch of times until we're sick of the discussion(like last time)to having the event happen.Even if such catastrophe would prove TWZ.

That's precisely the nature of the cycle, and that's precisely how we choose the nature of the wave. Brilliantly put, trueforger, very insightful. Consciousness is the key.

Imagine being aware yet blindly repeating cycle after cycle in the same fashion with the hopes of breaking the cycle...wasn't it Albert Einstein that once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”? Perhaps the collective mind we comprise is indeed insane, however I tend to give mankind a little more credit than some.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:54 AM
the timewave zero theory has always intrigued me. it makes so much damn sense its scary.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Evasius

Speaking of collective mind.. If you typed in that Einstein quote the same time I typed mine in.. Wow..

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Spirit Warrior
Right now I'm reading "Fractal Time" by Gregg Braden. He has apparently taken Terrence's Time Wave Zero, improved the calculations and integrated some interesting correlations from our ancestral record (Mayans, Hopi, etc..). He also mentions some interesting new info from the Bible Code research.

I freakin' bought that book today! I had originally said I'd never buy his book because when he was on Coast to Coast promoting "Fractal Time," he didn't once mention McKenna's original work regarding fractal time or Novelty Theory.

However today on my lunch break, I saw the book and found that he spends at least 3 pages (pgs 75-77) talking about Timewave I thought what the heck. His take on cycles in time is definitely worth reading - I like it so far (I've skipped around a bit).

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:08 AM
apparently this isnt even a story anymore at cnn.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by ForbiddenSuit
Why does the cycle have to be dooming?

It's not, and it doesn't have to be. I'm saying there's much more to it than repetition that requires our participation for the sake of it.

You choose to bang your head.

Ignorance allows it. Intelligence avoids it (or at least softens the blow).

Why do we have to have a say?

It's in our nature to want options.

Why do we have to be going somewhere?

It's also in our nature to evolve, to grow, to learn from our mistakes, to be in a constant state of motion, perhaps even in constant transition towards transcendence beyond our current state of awareness...not simple repetition, and god forbid - stagnation.

You should read "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn, its about deciding where you want to go on the bike, before you just get up and start pedaling.

Thanks indeed, I'll add that to my list.

[edit on 5/6/09 by Evasius]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by ForbiddenSuit

That's hilarious, I read your mention of Einstein and thought it was in response to my mention - now I see it happened prior.

I've been caught in the backwash of a localized time cycle, no doubt.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

I still see it as the main story on CNN:

Recovered debris not from Air France jet, Brazilian officials say

For them to have not been able to find the wreckage yet must mean either the transponder was destroyed by a massive blast, or the Bermuda Triangle has shifted south.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 12:17 PM
Csn the OP please upload the program somewhere or PM me please?

Also, can you give a brief summary of the videos you posted as it is time consuming to see them...

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 12:51 PM
Regarding the "October Event", is it possible that that will be the final collapse of the US and possibly global economic system? The Great Depression effectively started on October 29th, 1929, better known as "Black Tuesday".

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