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Report: Homeschooling more widespread

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posted on May, 29 2009 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Ron Paul Girl

Ron Paul Girl..if you werent married I would be kneeled before you. You actually get it. You dont use the governments problems or anyone elses as an excuse. You and your husband did the right thing and sacrificied for the good of the family. You are lucky to have each other.

The reason people pull their kids out of public schools is because they are a mess. Its not the teacher's fault though. I feel for what they have to deal with. They are stuck with a classroom half full of kids that are starving, uncared for, unloved, undisciplined, etc, because they are being raised by selfish idiots who think it is the governments job to raise and care for their children.

How in the world did schools get into the providing kids lunches? Because people suck so bad at parenthood they cant even pack their kids lunches. Why? Because they would rather have the next crack rock, or a new TV, or some fancy rims for their car. If you cant feed your own kid breakfast and pack them a lunch they should lock you up. Period.

Then add to this all the administration in public schools and it becomes ridicuous. How can you need an administrator for every one or two teachers. Does someone sit in the room and hold the teachers hand while she teaches?

[edit on 5/29/2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

I have known 4 people that were home schooled. All of the people of coarse were Christian. Everyone of them turned out pretty good as far as I am concerned.

1 = computer programer
1= doctor
1= nurse
1= married to doctor

So as far as I am concerned they all turned out better than the public school systems average. These kids are now in their 30's but all the arguments against home schooling is once again BS. I have heard its not fair and the children don't learn how to communicate with other children. Well all of these kids went to church and spent time with other kids that had the same mind set. So as far as I am concerned do I want my child being taught all the wrong things or do I want her to be taught the good things. As far as I am concerned the only thing the public school system gives You is a poor education (brain washing), drug education (teaches you to do drugs), sex education (teaches you to have sex in a irresponsible manner), and violence solves all problems. I only have one daughter and she will be 5 really soon so I have time left to get her out but until my finances are in order i'll have to make do with the crappy education supplied by the public school system.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 08:46 PM
This is great news IMO. Government schools have been failing us for a very long time now. They are much more about indoctrination than they are true education. Home schooling not only provides a much better education if done properly, it’s an end run around the literal brainwashing that gov schools instill. People are waking up. Great news.


posted on May, 29 2009 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
I think it is because our public schools set their standards so low! Most homeschooled kids graduate before they are 16, and they still do better in college, because they are actually prepared.

My three nieces were home schooled. The oldest one was almost 21 before she graduated. The second finally quit and got a GED at 20. The third is 17, but I doubt she can do 10th grade work. One day when she was 11, they came over to our house and I kind of got her alone with me. I gave her a paper and told her to read it to me so I could type it. She couldn't read simple words at 11 years old. The problem was with the mother, she would tell them that they would not have to do anything that day and they would go riding or something and that happened all the time. It can be a great thing with the right leadership.

[edit on 29-5-2009 by MBF]

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by Tentickles

This is the main reason why I home school,My daughter is in third grade and reading at a 5th grade level.I would encourage anybody that is thinking about it to give it a try.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by MBF

Originally posted by getreadyalready
I think it is because our public schools set their standards so low! Most homeschooled kids graduate before they are 16, and they still do better in college, because they are actually prepared.

My three nieces were home schooled. The oldest one was almost 21 before she graduated. The second finally quit and got a GED at 20. The third is 17, but I doubt she can do 10th grade work. One day when she was 11, they came over to our house and I kind of got her alone with me. I gave her a paper and told her to read it to me so I could type it. She couldn't read simple words at 11 years old. The problem was with the mother, she would tell them that they would not have to do anything that day and they would go riding or something and that happened all the time. It can be a great thing with the right leadership.

[edit on 29-5-2009 by MBF]

Uh huh. How do you quit home school? This post smells.

I'm sure that the sort of thing you describe is possible, but why would a parent that lazy and irresponsible not want the children out of her hair for 8 hours a day? A woman like that would welcome free babysitting services. Also, with parents like that, a child would fail in government schools as well. Children will only do as well as the parents insist that they do. It really doesn’t matter where they are getting the lessons on that point.


posted on May, 31 2009 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by resistor

Uh huh. How do you quit home school? This post smells.

I'm sure that the sort of thing you describe is possible, but why would a parent that lazy and irresponsible not want the children out of her hair for 8 hours a day? A woman like that would welcome free babysitting services. Also, with parents like that, a child would fail in government schools as well. Children will only do as well as the parents insist that they do. It really doesn’t matter where they are getting the lessons on that point.

You quit home school by quitting the lessons. This woman is a control freak. My brother has divorced her because he said that he was tired of getting the s##t beat out of him every day for 24 years. She would sleep all day and when he would get in from work, she was ready to fight all evening. People that worked with him have told me that there were lots of days that he would come to work and they knew that he hadn't gotten any sleep all night.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by MBF

Originally posted by resistor

Uh huh. How do you quit home school? This post smells.

I'm sure that the sort of thing you describe is possible, but why would a parent that lazy and irresponsible not want the children out of her hair for 8 hours a day? A woman like that would welcome free babysitting services. Also, with parents like that, a child would fail in government schools as well. Children will only do as well as the parents insist that they do. It really doesn’t matter where they are getting the lessons on that point.

You quit home school by quitting the lessons. This woman is a control freak. My brother has divorced her because he said that he was tired of getting the s##t beat out of him every day for 24 years. She would sleep all day and when he would get in from work, she was ready to fight all evening. People that worked with him have told me that there were lots of days that he would come to work and they knew that he hadn't gotten any sleep all night.

So she's a control freak, but isn't able to control her own children. And you're the sister of her former husband, and so quite impartial. And you know the people your brother worked with. It just gets more believable all the time. I hope you're a disinfo puke, because if not, you're a member of an all time great hillbilly family.

Or perhaps that's just how you're trying to paint home schoolers?


posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by resistor

So she's a control freak, but isn't able to control her own children. And you're the sister of her former husband, and so quite impartial. And you know the people your brother worked with. It just gets more believable all the time. I hope you're a disinfo puke, because if not, you're a member of an all time great hillbilly family.

Or perhaps that's just how you're trying to paint home schoolers?

She is a control freak, school is just not her priority, singing and going to yard sales and out to eat is. I am the brother of her former husband. I know the people that my brother worked with because this is a small town. The police have been called to her several times and not always by my brother. I have seen his clothes ripped off him several times, cut marks and bite marks all over his body. Her psychiatrist said that she was the most severe bipolar person that he has ever seen.

I am not trying to paint home schoolers any way. If kids don't have the right guidance, they will tend to not do their school work.

By they way, she is available if you want an inbred hillbilly.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by MBF

I remain unconvinced. In every home schooling thread someone comes in with some anecdote very much like yours, some home schooling horror story. It’s simply counter-intuitive that someone willing to go to the trouble of home schooling would be so irresponsible. It’s the same reason you don’t expect to see a drunk working out in the gym. No, you’re on here to disparage home schoolers as slovenly, violent and unfit parents.

Oh, and we have plenty of hillbillies in Texas to choose from if so disposed. But if she shore has a purtty mouth, PM me.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 06:59 AM
I was homeschooled and consistently tested years (generally about 2 to 5) ahead of the average for my grade level. I was definitely more interested in certain subjects than others, but I tested high on all subjects. I wasn't brainwashed with religious dogma at any point. I learned from a set curriculum that was provided by an accredited academy and they fully monitored all of my grades and test scores and provided grades based on my performance.

I was pulled from public school and homeschooled for educational reasons. I spent far more of public school first grade in trouble than I spent learning. I got into trouble because I finished my work quickly and then had such a hard time not fidgeting and squirming (or chattering) because I was so bored and tired of waiting for what seemed like forever for the rest of the class to finish their work. Finally, my mom pulled me and said she'd handle it since the teacher in the class was stuck teaching to the slowest student while everyone else waited and my mom could focus solely on me and I could work as fast as I wanted.

One popular argument against homeschooling is the "what about college?" cry. It's garbage. I got into a very good college with no trouble at all. It wasn't even a small issue.

A lot of people were initially concerned about the social aspect as well. That was never a problem and they were reassured quickly. I have always been a social creature and, in a neighborhood full of kids, there was never a time that I felt left out or ostracized. On the contrary, I was generally one of the leaders (and chief instigators) and my yard was always a popular gathering place for all of us because I was always the first one available to play in the afternoon.

In addition to all of the kids in my neighborhood providing social interaction, I was very active at my church and in our youth group. So, there was a whole other group of people I could socialize with. Again, nobody there would mistake me for being shy, withdrawn, or lacking social skills.

If the neighborhood kids and the church activity didn't provide enough socializing for me, I was also active in the local community theater. I have always been a theater geek (I'm still crossing my fingers for Rock Band: The Musicals) and this was even more perfectly suited to my interests while providing socialization with a wide spectrum of ages.

So, while I can only speak for myself, homeschooling worked out very well for me and I don't regret it at all.

OTOH, my daughter is in public school and I got a particularly disturbing note home from her then kindergarten teacher. It was hand written and photocopied in the teacher's handwriting. This is EXACTLY what the note said (yes, I saved it):
"Hi we're doing a Fundraiser for the victims of hurricane Katrina. If ever one here gave at least $2.00 and we can raise over $400.00.
And if we raise more then $300.00 we get a pj Party!"

This is not any alteration to the spelling, punctuation, caps, grammar or anything. I understand that we are all human and make mistakes, but this is just one example of many. I had a couple of notes home the first week of school that caused my husband to literally confiscate my red pens. The weekly newsletter wasn't much better, either.

At a different public school, my nephew's kindergarten teacher called my sister on an almost weekly basis to ask the definition of various words that my nephew was using. Hello!! Dictionary woman! Use it - make it your friend! One word that I remember off hand was "vociferous". There were quite a few others that I just can't remember right now. But, come on! Really? When did it become a parent's responsibility to educate the teacher because the student was too smart? If my kindergarten nephew is too smart for his teacher, I have SERIOUS misgivings about the state of the educational system!

So, this is my opinion as someone who was homeschooled. YMMV.
Take care,

[edit on 6/6/2009 by Glencairn]


posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by resistor
It’s simply counter-intuitive that someone willing to go to the trouble of home schooling would be so irresponsible.

I agree, but her idea of home schooling was, every once in a while, go do your lessons girls. I have a cousin that was kicked out of public school in the sixth grade and "home schooled". I doubt he can read even a simple sentence because he was never forced to do anything. At the same time I know more kids that did good and did better than they would have if they had stayed in public school. What I'm saying is that it is not for everybody. If the kid is not willing to put forth the effort or the parent does not supervise the kid, it will not work. That is what happened in these two situations.

Oh, and we have plenty of hillbillies in Texas to choose from if so disposed. But if she shore has a purtty mouth, PM me.

I guess she does have a purtty mouth.....if you like a bulldog. I wouldn't wish her on anybody.

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