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ABC's new show "V", human looking aliens arrive, gain trust, turn out to be reptilian

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posted on May, 21 2009 @ 07:15 PM
This used to scare the bejaysus out of me....thanks for the info

A few familiar faces in it too that chick with the short black hair is adria from stargate the ori godess! that blond chick from lost too cant wait for this.....wonder when it will be aired in ireland

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 08:21 PM
This show used to scar the crap out of me when I was younger. I remember having so many nightmares or reptile people shedding there "human" skin, and having scaly green underneath with red eyes.

I can't wait for the remake!

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 08:23 PM
I remember the original which was a great concept, but rather stale and repititious plot and character-wise.

I do recall one "V" related incident that happened in Vancouver that was quite funny and surreal. It was during the 1984 federal election. I was in Vancouver's Chinatown by coincidence at the same time as the Prime Minister John Turner was dropping in for a public appearance. There was a big crowd and the usual Chinese Lion Dancers. But walking around at the edge of the crowd was a single man holding up a sign, like you would hold up a protest sign, except the only thing on the sign was a big, spray painted "V" logo from the TV series. The man didn't say anything at all, he just held up the sign and walked around. I suppose he was trying to warn us that our Prime Minister was an alien reptilian in disguise (hah hah).

Anyways, the guy was followed by a couple of guys in suits and sun glasses that I assume were part of the PM's security detail. With the guy holding the sign, the whole thing looked like a "true to life" scene from a Sci-Fi movie.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Independence day copied it.

Perhaps in a minor aspect. The biggest influence to Independence Day was H.G. Wells: War of the Worlds. The flashy arrival, the long wait for the preparations, the incineration heat ray/tsunami of fire, the systematic movement from city to city, the physical appearance of the aliens (in their bio-shell) compared to Well's description (bulky, octopus-like creatures the size of a bear), the significance of a couple split by the chaos (Smith/Tyra vs the Narrator and his wife) and the fact that the mighty invincible aliens were brought low by the infection of a simple virus.

ID4 = WotW.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 08:40 PM
Omg the memories are flooding back. Back in the 80's we used to collect bottles so we could raise enough money to loan the original series on VHS. Original miniseries came from the telly, was it 4 episodes split into 8 if I remember correctly. That end was just soooo cheesy. The 'sequel' was really good too.
Englund did his best work on the original series. That character was way better than Krueger.

Little trivia: the script was originally about resistance against nazis, so the similarities are not coincidence.
Let's hope they take a page from BSG playbook and go for the more dark and sinister kind of show. I remember the cartoons that had stuff like the V's practicing combat on human captives and such. That would make a better show and not just a cheesy remake.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 09:49 PM
aha, hey!
Ah man, I remember V- It's from way before my time though!

Well, looks like it'll be a good show; however all those religious undertones are kind of throwing it for me already.

I'll give it a shot though- After all, I don't want to be their next meal.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 10:09 PM
I remember V, but I'm 34 so that was right in my wheelhouse as a kid. I thought Faye Grant was pretty hot(the blonde alien).

I sure hope this does better than that show from only a few years ago "Invasion" that despite being alright was canceled real quick.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by nerbot
You would have thought they'd call it "W" or "X" if it's a remake.

V was for "Visitor".

W for "we're back".

X for "xenophobia"

And Y is for...


posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
Apparantly its coming out Fall '09
I cant wait

What is fall in non-US speak?

Why don't you buggers use the name of months !! lol!!

But seriously, icbf googling it.. be nice to know.

I did no edit this post, the under statement is a lie!

[edit on 22/5/2009 by badw0lf]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by AKARonco
i guess you all know now, that it is a remake...but do you remember that the aliens get drunk off of curdled milk...
hopefully this is as good as the original, i remember watching it every week.

Have no idea what Alien Nation was abo.. Oh wait,

Yeah I was gunna say, that had also nazi overtones, the 'slaves' and the overlord sorts.. or whatever.. akin to the elite and the lower class, to me at the time reminded me of nazis.

I remember an episode where the kids of one alien mob got pretend tattoos like their controllers, for a play or something, and got in trouble from the parents.

I never did work out how a guy tho, in real life was named Mandy... Weird.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by AKARonco
i guess you all know now, that it is a remake...but do you remember that the aliens get drunk off of curdled milk...

Wrong aliens that was from another show called Alien Nation

Ha! I entirely missed that fact, I thought he was referring to that show.

Indeed, two separate shows.

I mean, the lizzard one, you have freddy kurger having his arm frozen off from a liquid nitrogen burst, on a space station launch platform. Whinge whinge whinge, he's a lizard, it should grow back afterall.. coh..

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:34 AM
Finally a new/old T.V series i might be interested in.Vaguely remember it from my childhood.Anythings gotta be better than pop idol and all the other clone shows that are on nowadays.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by starsyren
Why is everyone so quick to point to the Reptilians as the "bad ones"?? It's been brought up on this site before (and I think it makes a lotta sense), that it may in fact be the Reptilians who are the good guys and the Nordics with their Greys that are the "bad ones". If this is in fact the case, then propaganda like this will only further peoples misconceptions of who they'll be able to trust when either race does decide to show itself.

Reptilians actually our friends...

So what tv show are you talking about now?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
They are blatantly trying to put doubts in people's minds so when this actually happens.. no one will trust them.
Whatever the media tells you, usually the opposite is true.

And when james tiberius kirk says so in person to my face, I will believe it.

COme on, its the age of cashing in, not subtle nonsensical revelation.

Take it for what it is, a cash in on a popular old show.


posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by ronin-dex
This used to scare the bejaysus out of me....thanks for the info

A few familiar faces in it too that chick with the short black hair is adria from stargate the ori godess! that blond chick from lost too cant wait for this.....wonder when it will be aired in ireland

OHOOOOOHHOH!! Adria.. she entices me to be bad to myself, zoinks!

I didn't actually watch the clips, now I will and I just might be forced to get this when before it was just a groovy idea.

You mean vala's ori daughter, ya?

gosh, me being a sad poor ignorant bloke and all, all she needs to do is say "sit boy" and I'll happy pant...

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:53 AM
I wonder who is playing Diana this time around... she was so hot back then

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:55 AM
This was one of my moms fav shows in the 80's !
She even has tapes of it, haven't watched them though.

Was the Conspiracy of certain people being of reptilian nature as known back then as it is today?
Sorry I only know the basics about this theory and wasn't even around for the good part of the 80's haha.
It also makes you wonder about the writers and how they came to their ideas, are they skeptics who think the theory makes good tv? Are they belivers trying to spread their word? Or is the government actually releasing real info by the means of catchy tv shows and sitting back laughing at us?(in this case, I doubt it.)

Anyway thanks so much for posting me and my mom and now going to watch this and hopefully it will be good.

S&F for you.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:21 AM
Sweet! They're remaking V!

Used to love that mini-series. I am currently on my knees praying that they cut that Disney crap ending where the little girl goes all sparkly and saves the world by stopping the ship from self-destruct. An entire excellent series ruined by one #ty moment.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Parabol

I'm more excited that they got the girl who plays Juliette in LOST as one of the main characters. I think she is an awesome actress. Let's hope they really go all out on this one and don't muck it up.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 10:15 AM
Ha ha this thread made me go and look out the
copy of the original mini series,and talk about cheesy!

Lots of lovely 80`s hairdo`s,bad acting and special effects
to go with it.
A remake could be interesting,but I`ll admit I find the whole
ET`s=Evil to be getting a bit tedious and most certainly disinfo!
But could be fun!

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