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Astrronaut Gordon Cooper talks about ufo.(video)

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posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 06:03 PM
Maybe old news to some but here goes for those new or not aware of this interview, it is astronaut Gordon Cooper speaking of his experience and witness of an unidentified flying object actually landing at Edwards airforce base. Here you go enjoy!

[edit on 18-4-2009 by alyosha1981]

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 08:49 PM
Thanks for posting!

Well, i can´t think of any good reason for him to lie about this so i guess he observed what he observed. These guys are generally pretty tightlipped. Something IS out there, other than swamp gas..

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by alyosha1981
Maybe old news to some but here goes for those new or not aware of this interview, it is astronaut Gordon Cooper speaking of his experience and witness of an unidentified flying object actually landing at Edwards airforce base. Here you go enjoy!

[edit on 18-4-2009 by alyosha1981]

Gordon Cooper is old news, but he's the perfect example of why we should be taking this subject seriously. There are many others who have given reliable testimony. It's kind of funny, then, that the subject is widely ignored by the mainstream news.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 10:30 PM
There isn't much to say about eyewitness reports. But it should be noted that Cooper's only personal sighting was the first one he speaks of, the rest are hearsay.

He talks about Jim McDivitt's sighting on Gemini VII (oops, it was actually on Gemini IV).

McDivitt has publicly denied having seen an alien craft and states that the released picture was not the object that he saw. The released picture was a light reflection off the copilot's window. McDivitt believes that what he saw was a manmade satellite which was probably not acknowledged for defense security reasons. Unlike many of the astronauts McDivitt has been willing to speak about his incident with the public and press.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 11:03 PM
So let me get this straight.........

Unlike many of the astronauts McDivitt has been willing to speak about his incident with the public and press.

This James McDivitt fellow, is one of the few to speak openly about his incident,

The 2 incidents mentioned with regard to his name are

1. The released picture was a light reflection off the couplt's window

2. McDivitt believes that what he saw was a manmade satellite which was probably not acknowledged for defence security reasons

Hardly surprising he is willing to discuss his "incident" when it is as earthly as can be.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by Phage

What about the 'landing' account
he clearly describes "landing gear" "saucer"and then the take off
His story is compelling

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by PowerSlave

Well we're not talking about McDivit we're talking about G.Cooper and the report he gives on the video.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by alyosha1981

He did not witness it. He was not there. He is repeating what the film crew described. And there is some question about whether the film crew actually described a landing.

As to the accuracy of the rest of Cooper's recollection of the "Edwards UFO", eyewitness Gettys had this to say in 1982: "I am amazed that Gordon Cooper said the object landed -- as far as I know, he never even saw it.... His story sounds kind of funny to me." And Gettys -- who still does not believe the '"weather balloon" explanation -- was there; Cooper, contrary to legend, played no role at all.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Phage

Could be a dose of disinfo by Getty's in attempt to discredit the story, does Cooper actually say he was not there? and what would Cooper have to gain from lieing if in fact he is?

[edit on 18-4-2009 by alyosha1981]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

Gettys was on the film crew. He still believes he filmed a UFO.

No, Cooper is not lying. He does not say he was there. He says, "as they were sitting there filming...a saucer came flying over their heads...they picked up their cameras." He does not say "we", he does not say "us", he says they. He was not there.

[edit on 4/19/2009 by Phage]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Phage

Ok well if Cooper was not there, and Getty's was then what do we make of Cooper's discription on this account?

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

I would call it embellished hearsay. Gettys does not say it had landing gear, he does not say it landed, took off or left at "a great rate of speed".

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by alyosha1981

Gettys was on the film crew. He still believes he filmed a UFO.

No, Cooper is not lying. He does not say he was there. He says, "as they were sitting there filming...a saucer came flying over their heads...they picked up their cameras." He does not say "we", he does not say "us", he says they. He was not there.

[edit on 4/19/2009 by Phage]

I believe Cooper was present, but he was not 'filming'. When he says "they", he means specifically the film crew.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:14 AM
Regarding Cooper's account of the Edward's AFB UFO encounter...

The incident took place in the late 1950s, either 1957 or 1958 - as Cooper can best recall; and to this day, the photographic evidence of an actual UFO touching down upon the Earth is being kept under wraps. During this period, Cooper was a Project Manager at Edwards Air Force Base, just three or four years before entering America's space program. After lunch this particular day, Cooper had assigned a team of photographers to an area of the vast dry lake beds near Edwards. In a taped interview with UFOlogist Lee Spiegel, the former Astronaut disclosed that while the crew was out there, they spotted a strange-looking craft above the lake bed, and they began taking films of it. Cooper says the object was very definitely "hovering above the ground. And then it slowly came down and sat on the lake bed for a few minutes." All during this time the motion picture cameras were filming away. "There were varied estimates by the cameramen on what the actual size of the object was," Cooper confesses, "but they all agreed that it was at least the size of a vehicle that would carry normal-sized people in it." Col. Cooper was not fortunate enough to be outside at the time of this incredible encounter, but he did see the films as soon as they were rushed through the development process. "It was a typical circular-shaped UFO," he recollects. "Not too many people saw it, because it took off at quite a sharp angle and just climbed straight on out of sight!" ...

The account continues in the link. What I find interesting with Cooper's UFO anecdotes and commentaries are the inconsistencies. We have several witnesses of a UFO here. We have film footage and Cooper looks at the reel. Why isn't there a consensus on size? Some critics (Oberg is one IIRC) claim that Cooper was disgruntled at being left out of Apollo Missions and began talking about UFOs as a means of irritating NASA. The implication being that he was making it all up. That he was annoyed at NASA needn't add or detract from the credence of his accounts.

If you read up on Cooper and his UFO accounts it's hard to gain anything approaching conclusive. Colleagues dispute his accounts. He's always interesting, but I can't shift the possibility (however small) that he was up to mischief. Maybe it's that twinkle in his eye

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by alyosha1981
reply to post by Phage

Could be a dose of disinfo by Getty's in attempt to discredit the story, does Cooper actually say he was not there? and what would Cooper have to gain from lieing if in fact he is?

Of course, Getty -- the eyewitness -- could be telling the truth, and Cooper could be dramatizing his stories for the sake of audience satisfaction. After he was grounded by NASA for inadequare attention to space training, all he really had left were UFO conventions and selling get-rich-quick aerospace engineering schemes to investors (all of whom lost all their money). That's all in the public record -- why is it covered up on the UFO promotion sites?

It's a sad story, best left untouched in its entirety. But if you want to tout Cooper's UFO tales, you have to open the entire package.

In his autobiography, he writes that he saved the space shuttle program from a lethal design flaw by relaying a telepathic warning from space aliens. Problem is -- no design flaw was ever identified, no changes were ever made, and nobody at NASA remembers Cooper's "warning".

Charitably, he told such stories to get more paying speaking gigs at UFO conventions, figuring he could tell such audiences anything, they'd lap it up, and no harm done if the crazies think he's actually telling the truth.

But when he told stories about his space experiences -- such as the meteor shower pelting his Gemini capsule with penetrating impacts -- you can actually go to the Space Center Houston museum and see his capsule and there ain't a hole in its hull of any size. The only holes were in the heads of people who swallowed his entertainments as realities.

[edit on 19-4-2009 by JimOberg]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Graphix10
I believe Cooper was present, but he was not 'filming'. When he says "they", he means specifically the film crew.

Your 'belief' is only proof about yourself, not Cooper and not the event. Check into the credentials of James McDonald the leading pro-UFO scientist of the 1960s. He researched the case and reported on it in detail in his congressional testimony. He does NOT have Cooper 'there' or anywhere associated with the case.

One might speculate that Cooper heard about the story at the O-club, and in later years retold it and evolved it to place himself closer to the center of the action, to excite his audiences.

As an exercise, compare with what Cooper said 'HE' did (as the guy in charge) with what the existing AF Regulation required him (as the guy in charge) to do. If you notice no relationship between the two, you might speculate that Cooper's recollections are all imaginary. Please try this. It offers an internal check on the testimony's veracity.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 02:25 PM
This conversation was getting really interesting and then just stopped. Was there any implicit consensus about the reliability (or otherwise) of Cooper's stories, or did his defenders just feel they had a weak position so they ran away?

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