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Required reading for the alien arguement.

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posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 08:34 AM
I have slowly been making my way through as much reading material as I hear about that is any way related to the possibility of alien contact, or experiences with aliens.

I began with watching information on The Disclosure Project. UFO Disclosure Project meeting and visited the website for the same name: The Disclosure Project.

From there I read Lloyd Pye's book Everything You Know is Wrong and looked into his website: Lloyd Pye's website, which then led me to examine his Starchild Skull with interest.

I have listened to a very, very long radio interview of Jim Sparks on his experiences, Coast to coast AM Art Bell interview, but have yet to read a copy of his book The Keepers.

I have skim read the Terra Papers PDF Terra Papers, and read a brief interview with Credo Mutwa Meta Tech interview CM. In similar reading I came across The Lacerta File. However, I have not yet read much by David Icke, though he has been quoted often - does anyone recommend his reading?

I have also recently finished skimming through The Mars Records, and have read Alfred Bielek's Montauk/Philadelphia Experiment story Alfed Bielek's website.

I have read Whisper in the Galaxy but not the book preceding this, In League with a UFO.

Is "Communion: A True Story" by Whitley Strieber recommended reading?

I'm sure I've forgotten a few things. However I'm asking for recommendations. Of all the things you have read on this subject, what has struck you as the most fascinating? Plausible? Probable?

What should be made required reading for those wanting to familiarise themselves, not with the probable, but with all the material necessary to understand the references made to even the most highly controversial or doubtful stories?

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 08:37 AM
Your list is biased and pre-loaded toward acceptance of the conclusion without questioning the authenticity of the material or the validity of the conclusions of the authors.

In other words, why bother reading anything, just make up what you want as you go along.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Gawdzilla

Instead of being so hostile, why not just suggest some titles that you consider worth reading in order to provide the balance you feel is lacking?

Hi Azurecara. Have you visited the project camelot website yet and watched their interview videos? Of course, discernment is always required.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by azurecara

Many people recommend "The Day After Roswell" by Col.Philip Corso, the man who was charged with releasing alien technology such as fiber optics, integrated circuit chips and others to U.S. corporations for developement. Enjoy.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Malcram
reply to post by Gawdzilla

Instead of being so hostile, why not just suggest some titles that you consider worth reading in order to provide the balance you feel is lacking?

You can start with Philip Klass or Curtis Peebles.

BTW, don't ascribe emotions to a post unless you're really aware of how the poster really felt at the time they wrote the post. Dismissive would be more accurate than "hostile".

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by MsSmartypants
reply to post by azurecara

Many people recommend "The Day After Roswell" by Col.Philip Corso, the man who was charged with releasing alien technology such as fiber optics, integrated circuit chips and others to U.S. corporations for developement. Enjoy.

Corso was just silly. Claiming the credit for all the hard scientific research done by the people who actually created fiber optics, integrated circuits, etc., was dishonorable at the least. The creation of those items is documented and didn't just "pop out of nowhere".

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Gawdzilla

I said you were "being" hostile, not "feeling" hostile. I was referring to your comments rather than whatever "emotion" was behind them. If you slap someone while feeling zen like calm, your actions will still be termed "hostile". I don't know what emotion you feel Gawdzilla/SaviorComplex (whoever you are), but your comments frequently make no real contribution and amount to little more than verbal "slaps". But If I were to hazard a guess at an emotion you feel while doing this based on your posting history it would probably be "delight".

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Malcram]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by azurecara

I had always had a passing interest in UFOs but watching The National Press Club conference video was the turning point for me and I am now somewhat obsessed with the subject. Check these sites regularily... and .org, and the Paradigm Research Group by Stephen Bassett, the head of our nations only registered political action commitee (X-PPAC) dedicated to lobbying for the disclosure of the ET presence.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Malcram

I challenge people to defend their positions. If that's hostile, it's a problem for the subject of the post, not me. If you can't defend a position, that's okay, just be ready for people to point out it's indefensible.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Gawdzilla

I disagree with your assessment of the role you are playing at ATS.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Malcram
reply to post by Gawdzilla

I disagree with your assessment of the role you are playing at ATS.

Do feel free to do that. (Find me under the "I care" heading (if you can.))

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by azurecara

Some good books I recommend are:

Stanton Friedman's "Flying Saucers and Science". This is his latest book and has some updates on his ideas.

"Fingerprints of the Gods" by Graham Hancock, which is about the possibility of an ancient civilization that existed over 10,000 years ago. This book is another look at alternative history and does not utilize the ancient astronaut theory.

"The Randle Report: UFOs in the 90s" by Kevin Randle. He is an author who is not afraid to call a case a hoax. A good balance in the Ufology community. Also recommended is his recent book and update on Roswell entitled: "Roswell Revisited". He also writes a chapter showing the skeptics argument against it being extraterrestrial.

"Alien Agenda" by Jim Marrs. Some very good cases are written about that do not get the publicity that others do. He lets the reader decide the case for himself, and the book has an extensive bibliography.

And finally: "UFOs, JFK, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don't Have to Be Crazy to Believe" by Richard Belzer. The book is quite humorous, and Mr Belzer also has a large bibliography at the end of the book for reference. Now I know where Det Munch gets all of his crazy theories from!

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 05:35 PM
Do not be afeared Gawdzilla, I have healthy levels of doubt and paranoia. However if I am going to partake of discussions with people on the subject and argue a line of thinking, it would help immensely to know of the work they are going to quote to me. Thus any time any reference has been made to something I surf the web for information. This time, I thought I would take a proactive approach and ask people for their reading experiences. I would like to know not just the material from the skeptical point of view, but also all the claims that have been made. How else are you to form a logically constructed arguement?

Not a lot of people seem to reference skeptic's or famous skeptical arguments, which is why my list is so narrow. Most people I know will refute a claim themselves, using their own arguements or merely say it has been utterly debunked, or a person descredited. But please go ahead and provide me with a list of reading on the skeptical arguements, I will add them to my list and balance out my reading material.

Now, I make no judgements upon the material - at least, not at this time. This doesn't mean I do not want to thoroughly investigate and read all information that I can. The motto of this website being Deny Ignorance - which means I'm going to need to know about every far-fetched and absolutely insane story or testimony that is out there, along with the interesting and perhaps not quite so insane. Read it all, and read it all in detail.

Thank-you kindly kidflash for your suggestions, I will surely make a point of looking them all up for a read

Don't be shy, suggest them all!

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 09:08 PM
I would suggest you and many others that visit this forum to read Carl Sagan's 'A Demon Haunted World'.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by azurecara

"How else are you to form a logically constructed arguement?"

If you construct a logical argument they'll just look at you in confusion. The subject isn't subject to logic. It's a faith-based issue, not a reality-based matter.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Gawdzilla

With much respect to your point of view, experience, and your opinions on the subject Gawdzilla; I completely disagree with the notion that any topic is not subject to logic. Perhaps you imply people in your experience with this subject have faulty or flawed logic?

I also disagree on simplifying this topic into faith-based and reality-based. I believe that dividing and catagorising any and all Alien inclusive material into these two limiting catagories defies the definition of logic. However it would appear you have already made up your mind on this topic.

Logically this leads me to believe that for you, Aliens are a non-reality-based matter. This would generally run along the same lines as my own personal experience with reality. My reality, to date, has not included any conscious recollections of Alien or other-worldly involvement. However I am willing to listen and read other people's claims to the contrare, and then discuss them logically.

I hope you agree that it is a fairly interesting topic, and researching the subject to discuss the possibilities as well as it's improbabilities might not be without some kind of merit.


posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Gawdzilla
You can start with Philip Klass

Go ahead and diss Corso. I personally believe he had insider info on UFOs, but I don't believe everything asserted in the book was 100% truth. But give me a break suggesting Klass as a source, talk about the idea of bias and pre-loaded towards one outcome. The guy was a hack. He didn't use the scientific method to write about UFOs. From the get go, anyone suggesting an ET hypothesis was a a fool. IMO Klass was either one of the dumbest people to achieve journalistic success, or a paid disinfo agent of the CIA. His so called UFO curse is an interesting psychological artifact. He was not on the level.

I also have to say you portray a large ignorance with comments like belief in aliens visiting this planet is tantamount to faith without any basis in reality.

There is a large body of evidence proving beyond doubt, something phenomenal and unexplainable is happening. Since at least WWII, physical objects have penetrated extremely sensitive air space, sometimes engaging in hostile maneuvers, outperforming all known human technology. That's a fact.

If not alien, that what was the UFO tracked by multiple independent radar sites over Washington DC in 1952 that accelerated from a couple hundred mph to over 7,000 mph instantly ? There is no evidence it was from secret US or Soviet origin. I really don't know where you're coming from. To deny there is something very big going on is ludicrous. My impression is you haven't spent much time studying and researching UFOs.

Maybe this thread can give you some tips where to start. Someone already mentioned Flying Saucers and Science. I'll go ahead and recommend you read the book "UFOs/FBI Connection: The Secret History of the Government's Cover-Up". It's written by a PhD defense industry physicist who's rendered expert photographic analysis of the best UFO evidence.

Did you know two of the foremost aircraft designers of the last century, Ben Rich and Kelly Johnson of Lockheed Martin Skunkworks, took the idea of alien UFOs very seriously ? Both of these aerospace giants, thought some UFOs are of ET origin. Something to ponder before dismissing the subject as having no basis in reality. Keep digging.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:00 AM
The Timothy Good books are worth a read.
You will also find interviews with him in some ATS podcasts.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Schaden

"Go ahead and diss Corso. I personally believe he had insider info on UFOs, but I don't believe everything asserted in the book was 100% truth. But give me a break suggesting Klass as a source, talk about the idea of bias and pre-loaded towards one outcome. The guy was a hack. He didn't use the scientific method to write about UFOs. From the get go, anyone suggesting an ET hypothesis was a a fool. IMO Klass was either one of the dumbest people to achieve journalistic success, or a paid disinfo agent of the CIA. His so called UFO curse is an interesting psychological artifact. He was not on the level."

Let's pick one group to diss, shall we? Corso, who claims to have generated microchips, lasers, night visions, etc., in one group". In the other, the people who developed these ideas, in documented steps with clear, detailed records of how it was done.

Which group deserves to be dissed? Please, oh please, do tell.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by azurecara

Perhaps this thread, about worthwhile reading materials into the basics of the UFO phenomena, might help as additional choices for you?

In any case, S&F for bringing up all the links to those materials you have already been reading

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