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Core of Corruption: In the Shadows now on Google Video! (a 9/11 exposé composed of a ton of video m

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posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 12:51 AM

Google Video Link

I just got done watching this documentary, Core of Corruption- In the Shadows. This is just the first installment of five separate movies, this one dealing with 9/11. And I can't stress this enough- you've gotta see this movie! It weaves much of its convincing case directly from clips from the mainstream media, which makes it all the more compelling, as much of this stuff hasn't been seen since it was aired.

Anyway- I have a strong feeling this movie is going to become huge very soon, and that the subsequent videos are going to be both mind blowing and very damaging to the powers that be. And boy, it couldn't be any more timely than now.

Please let people know about this!

Here's the video description:

I just got done watching this documentary, Core of Corruption- In the Shadows. This is just the first installment of five separate movies, this one dealing with 9/11. And I can't stress this enough- you've gotta see this movie! It weaves much of its convincing case directly from clips from the mainstream media, which makes it all the more compelling, as much of this stuff hasn't been seen since it was aired. Anyway- I have a strong feeling this movie is going to become huge very soon, and that the subsequent videos are going to be both mind blowing and very damaging to the powers that be. And boy, it couldn't be any more timely than now. Here's the video description: quote:Core of Corruption is a documentary film series which details a comprehensive investigation into clandestine intelligence operations and conspiracies. The project is surfacing exclusive whistle blowers, insiders and critical evidence for the very first time. Over 2,000 hours of credible network news clips have been surfaced for this ground breaking event, most of which have never been seen since they aired and have never been available on the internet. Some of the video news segments for this project, when requested from the networks, were denied access to and corporate representatives would say that the information sought does not exist or has been misplaced. Someone doesn’t want the public to see these stories, that when put together, establish a conspiracy of the magnitude that could change the way one views the world. Countless millions of people are being manipulated and lied to by a network of individuals within government that work on behalf of private interests. The individuals were involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11th. Many of those same figures are are connected to historical events that have shaped our understanding of government crime. For instance, the Iran Contra affair involved many figures that showed up in the 9/11 attacks.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by citnaj

This garbage perpetuates the completely unrealistic 'official story'.

Anyone serious about knowing the truth about 911, don't bother watching this propaganda there are much better films on the subject.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 02:06 AM
There are just too many films on 9/11 out there now. People are kinda getting burnt out on it. They need to be condensed into one good all-encompassing one.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by CapsFan8
There are just too many films on 9/11 out there now. People are kinda getting burnt out on it. They need to be condensed into one good all-encompassing one.

yah and this isn't it. Move along.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 03:06 AM
This is a terrific 9/11 truth video, as stated by the OP. There is a lot of footage in it which I hadn't seen before. There are ten chapters within the body of the video. The great thing about the video is that it follows the back story threads that only someone very interested in 9/11 would be aware of and it pulls them together into a video documant that is heavily damning to the Bush administration (and even to the Clinton administration.)

A lot of the story lines in the video will be familiar to people who have been involved in a lot of the different 9/11 threads on ATS, but the makers of the video have done a very good job in collecting TV reportage on these, sometimes obscure aspects of 9/11. A good example is the thorough way they deal with the various vans either loaded with explosives or which actually exploded on that day, bringing several reports of such things together, playing the police radio reports concerning them.

There are other examples of interesting interviews and footage that I hadn't seen before as well. For instance a man who was driving near the WTC when the second tower was hit and saw explosions going off in WTC 6 at the same time.

This video was put together by people with a very good overview of the whole 9/11 scenario. It is hugely damning of the Bush administration.

This video is definitely a keeper. I can't recommend it too strongly.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by CapsFan8
There are just too many films on 9/11 out there now. People are kinda getting burnt out on it. They need to be condensed into one good all-encompassing one.

So your solution to "too many films on 9/11" is for there to be another one?

Does this seem logical to you?

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 03:34 AM
On the subject of the documentary itself...

I think it's actually really good. It's long. But it really nails a lot of the crucial elements of the official story.

The section dealing with other explosions on the day is very comprehensive. No-one who watches this could come away able to defend the idea that there were no witnesses to explosive charges in the building.

It's a little teasing on Able Danger. We do get the idea that there were highly placed people ensuring that the hijackers were able to pursue their activities unimpeded. The involvement of Porter Goss is documented pretty well, but the stuff on Able Danger falls short of what is presented in this video:

I'd really recommend this movie. It's presented very well, and as other posters have remarked, it lets contemporary footage speak for itself.

I found it particularly amusing that a lot of the stuff about connections between the terrorists and the US intelligence community comes from Fox News. Makes you wonder why they didn't put the pieces together, pursue the story more aggressively?

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by king9072

I can only assume that you didn't have the attention span required for what is admittedly a very long video.

If you actually watched this and didn't learn anything, you're either incredibly well-informed, closed minded, or stupid. Given that you think that this documentary supports the official story, I'm finding it hard not to conclude the third option.

9/11 is a huge subject, and this film does a fantastic job and still leaves out shedloads of stuff. But there's plenty that I'd either forgotten about or never seen, and I've been looking at this on and off ever since it happened.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 04:32 AM
The video pulls no punches when it comes to Israeli involvement. Everybody knows about the dancing Israelis on the white van and about Odigo employees getting a heads up about the attack two hours before it took place, but I never connected the dancing Israelis to the other white vans with explosives found that day.

The 911 call in which the caller talks about the driver of one truck wearing a "sheik uniform" instantly made me connect the Israelis, who were later ID'd as Mossad operatives, and the moving and explosives company they supposedly worked for with all the exploding or explosive laden vans driven, in one case at least by a guy in a "sheik uniform".

Another tidbit I wasn't aware of was that John O'Neal worked, not for a security company that had a contract doing security for the WTC, but for Silverstein himself, who had his own security staff. Silverstein is wired to Israel, with a business partner, who ran the mall in the WTC who was a former Israeli paratrooper or something like that.

Any bets on how many former Israeli military personnel were on Silverstein's security staff?

There is a lot of nuanced stuff in this video. I hope I have the opportunity to view it again. It is long, but certain parts of it are worth going over thoroughly.

[edit on 4-4-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 01:09 PM
There's another video, I can't remember the title, and it bangs on and on about Israel way past the point of diminishing returns. This documentary, on the other hand, does make the links evident without blaming everything in thw world beyond Israel.

A couple of things I've heard that weren't addressed: supposedly Mossad agents were keeping tabs on Atta down in Venice Florida, and also there was supposed to be at least one Mossad agent on one of the planes. Someone who wasn't playing ball, perhaps? Or a non-person to make up the numbers?

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by rich23
There's another video, I can't remember the title, and it bangs on and on about Israel way past the point of diminishing returns.

I know.

There are certain 9/11 truthers who are obsessed with Israel, Eric Hufschmidt for instance. I respect him and I respect certain of these other Israel-phobes. I truly do get the point. All the Israeli dual citizens close to Bush foreign policy thinking, the wag the dog syndrome, the USS Liberty and now 9/11.

Yes Israel is a problem area, but they do serve US interests in the middle east. If they didn't, they would be cut loose pronto, so I don't complain about the fact of Israel and its effect on US policy. If you want to dance with the girl who jitterbugs like a lunatic, then you have to be willing to take the bruises with the sweetness.

However, the law is the law. In my opinion, if you kill three thousand of your own citizens to further your foreign policy agenda, you're no better than Saddam Hussein or any other tin-pot dictator and you should go to the slammer, along with anybody who helped you out, including Israelis.

Furthermore, if you kill upwards of a million people in a trumped up phony war, you should be recognized as a war criminal and be dealt with by the international tribunals, whether you recognize their jurisdiction or not.

It is highly ironic that a crazy anti-Jew like Hitler, by his excessive murderous extremism, should have had the effect of removing the right of ordinary people, worldwide, with legitimate criticisms of Israel, from having the freedom to express those criticisms without being labelled anti-Jewish.

The white vans with the drivers dressed in sheik uniforms is just so Mossad. It's like the whole production was a variety show and every ham in the production company got to throw his party piece into the production. Mossad's reputation is not what it used to be.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 01:09 AM
Nicely put.

I also notice that Obama seems to be taking a leaf out of the Zionists' playbook by accusing Eurpoeans of "anti-Americanism". This is the equivalent of the "antisemitism" charge so beloved of those who wish to defuse criticism of Israel's policies.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by rich23

I saw a clip from a town hall style meeting in Europe where Obama is telling his European audience that America didn't ask for the war in Afghanistan.

Excuse me?

How did that war get started? As I recall the Aghanis asked for evidence linking bin Laden to 9/11 before they would turn him over to US authorities.

Well, the posse of vigilantes didn't have time for evidence.

But never mind about that kind of thing. We know what Obama was doing. He was being a huckster for the war, doing a sales job. Net result: 5000 more European troops for Afghanistan. Europeans are only too happy to make nice with the Obamas, but they are not fooled by them.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
reply to post by rich23

I saw a clip from a town hall style meeting in Europe where Obama is telling his European audience that America didn't ask for the war in Afghanistan.

Excuse me?

In fact, wtf????

How did that war get started? As I recall the Aghanis asked for evidence linking bin Laden to 9/11 before they would turn him over to US authorities.

I have a vague recollection of this being compounded by a couple of other difficulties - splits in the ranks of the Taliban plus an overall sense that even if they did want to hand him over, they wouldn't be able to find him.

I also remember thinking, yup, there's the US moving the goalposts again - they'd make a demand, the Afghans would agree, the US would make another demand until the Afghans couldn't comply.

Net result: 5000 more European troops for Afghanistan. Europeans are only too happy to make nice with the Obamas, but they are not fooled by them.

Hmm... I'm not sure that that net result doesn't go against your conclusion there. Let's face it: we've just seen Obama, with a flourish of rhetoric, rewrite history pretty comprehensively, on a par with the "Saddam kicked out the inspectors" nonsense that was pervasive in the run-up to the 2003 invasion.

Obama got 5000 more troops! Was it the Jedi mind trick? What happened to those droids?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 04:52 AM
In the press I've seen 5000 troops out of Europe is being written as an underwhelming response, but what I wanted to say here is that people reading my posts may think I don't like America or that I'm trying to undermine America. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I just spent the last half hour or so watching videos of Glen Campbell in concert and that led to a great little video called True Grit Then and Now in which someone visited the sites in Colorado where the film True Grit was shot. What a beautiful country and what a beautiful film. I found myself tearing up watching John Wayne and Kim Darby in that film. That sent me to another video, an interview in which Lee Marvin reminisces about working with the great director John Ford and John Wayne.

I love America and Americana.

I just can't stand what America is becoming, what America is doing to itself.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by rich23
reply to post by king9072

I can only assume that you didn't have the attention span required for what is admittedly a very long video.

If you actually watched this and didn't learn anything, you're either incredibly well-informed, closed minded, or stupid. Given that you think that this documentary supports the official story, I'm finding it hard not to conclude the third option.

9/11 is a huge subject, and this film does a fantastic job and still leaves out shedloads of stuff. But there's plenty that I'd either forgotten about or never seen, and I've been looking at this on and off ever since it happened.

No your mistaken. I am just able to see when someone is telling me theyre giving me an apple when in fact they are giving me some red fruit. Just cause they disguise it as a truth, and come out appearing to damn the administration, at the end of it, you still don't know the truth and you believe alot of the half truths that they present.

Anything to do with hi-jackers, is complete fabrication. This is actually the worst type of video for the truth movement, as instead of outright agreeing with the official story, instead (more convincing btw) they talk about subjects of a section of the official story. If you can't gather what I mean,

Instead of saying we agree that so called "terrorists" snuck onto these planes, and with absolutely no real world flying experience, were able to fly into 3/4 well known landmarks, they tell you about what the hijackers did that day, and yada yada. So after watching it, you come away with the "truth" that there were hi jackers that day, and misdirect you by blaming the bush administration for "royally dropping the ball".

What you fail to understand while your praising the film for its apparent condemnation of the Bush Admin, is that you are taking the stance that they were simply accomplices to the murder, but not the actual murderer themselves. They were, "at the scene" but didn't "pull the trigger".

So they know, that we know, they were involved, so instead of outright denial, they simply build a case to imply that they had simply dropped the ball. After the first 15 minutes of the film, I had seen enough misdirection that there wasn't really much else for me to gain from the film so your right I did end it there.

Just imagine if you masterminded the most brilliant bank robbery in the world. You execute the plan, and make off with 100 million, you kill a couple people, but overall a great success. Only trouble is, someone who knows you gives a positive ID of you at the scene but doesn't know exactly what you were doing. Do you want to go down as the mastermind of the plot and the guy who pulled the trigger? Of course not, so when someone accuses you of being just a dumb mule that was pressured into being the getaway driver, YOU LOVE THAT! Cause its not as bad as the truth. So gobble up the lies, so you'll never be troubled with the truth. It helps you sleep at night.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by king9072

So they know, that we know, they were involved, so instead of outright denial, they simply build a case to imply that they had simply dropped the ball. After the first 15 minutes of the film, I had seen enough misdirection that there wasn't really much else for me to gain from the film so your right I did end it there.

You make a good point. At first as I started to watch I thought the same thing, but even early on, within the first twenty minutes or so, the CNN correspondent commenting in connection with his book says that there was a pervasive pattern of protection of the "hijackers" emanating from the administration in the months leading up to 9/11.

When you view the film in totality, I think you will find that it is a crushing demonstration of Bush administration culpability in the events of the day, not a claim that they were negligent or "letting it happen" for their own purposes.

[edit on 5-4-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 01:58 PM
Honestly, go back and stick with it. Fair play for admitting you were done after 15 minutes.

The picture that's emerging for me is that there were indeed "hijackers" that day, but they were playing a different game to what happened. So far, one of the most interesting lectures on 9/11 is by Webster Tarpley and can be found here.

If you look at that and then go back and look at Core of Corruption you can see where they're going with the Able Danger stuff, even though they don't go as far as Tarpley.

Not every video is going to give you exactly what you want. Perhaps none of them are. But, I have to say, you bailed too early to be able to say with confidence that this video supported the official story.

Please, read the comments here again - see what other people liked about it - and give it another go. I think you might see some footage you didn't see before, get a new perspective on things you already know, and maybe even learn something new.

Edit to fix video link - it's just disappeared from the original site I linked.

[edit on 5-4-2009 by rich23]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 10:43 PM
Here's an email I got from the creator of the film. This should effectively address some of the (incorrect) complaints that "this movie supports the official theory!!!"

Hello all,

The shopping cart on the Core of Corruption site is now accepting checks with invoices.

Over 2 hours of deleted scenes will be released soon online and stay tuned for information on the sequel.

DVDs have been shipping and arriving, please get the skeptics you know to watch the film. I attached some photos of us from this week having fun shipping the orders.

Review thus far has been positive for the most part. A few who have watched only the first half assume the documentary pushes the "official" story, we highly suggest watching the rest of the film and looking for the sequels. We are working towards a very large presentation of information which will conclude with the MIHOP angle. This project was set out to try a different approach to skeptics and truthers out there to see the information about 9/11 slowly unfold and eventually we start connecting the stories of Sibel Edmonds, Robert Wright, Abel Danger, and more. Investigative work from most members in the so called 9/11 truth movement will be shown interwoven in one thread, by the third film. Exclusive footage of the pentagon that has not yet been seen, information about drug money laundering, threads connecting the insider trading with the laundering of Heroin drug money while simultaneously connecting all of that to Mohammed Atta and Intelligence Agencies, comprehensive evidence discussing financing "black operations" with drug and arms trading money, etc.

Remember, this investigation will span 5 films and enter into other topics outside of 9/11, so please stay with us and spread the word. I did write a book for the entire series and am looking for a publisher still; I hope to succeed at printing and distributing it to the masses.

Thank you all for your support and please make sure to tell others in the movement of truth about this project. The first film is introductory and designed to open random people outside of our movement to the information by analyzing the official story, slowly breaking it down, finishing with a strong LIHOP-MIHOP transition and the sequel kicks into the MIHOP and goes into serious detail.

I did see some reviews saying we are official story pushers and this is far from the truth. Please continue to watch the series and we look forward to sharing with people exclusive information and news footage that has not been surfaced since it aired!

-Jonathan Elinoff

Director, Core of Corruption

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 11:25 PM
Got through the first 50min, some interesting stuff so far.

The use of actual news footage to make their points and connect the dots between the "players" is fresh when viewing 911 videos.

And no annoying rap/grunge/metal music distractions some far, a plus in my book.

PS: I like music but if you can't make your point or hold peoples attention without it you've got a weak product. IMO

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