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Vancouver police shoot, kill man - Then DELETE witness video

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posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by YeahSureIWILL
Yay for you psycho!
Lets just kill everyone who annoys us huh?
Cos of course that's what God tells us to do right?

Annoys an armed guy stealing and robbing is just a nuisance? WOW.....thats actually I would love to see this word run with that attitude...maybe you would be the first one robbed and stabbed then you MIGHT change your mind...OR...maybe you can look at it as a pesky nat..

What does GOD have to do with it...

gotta love brainiacs

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:27 AM
In Australia the police are trained in shooting to kill, not to injure. I'd presume it's like that in Canada as well.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:28 AM
Also let me add this from the article...

"a common vehicle break in"

I am glad to see whoever wrote this is a jerkoff too. There is nothing common about breaking into OTHER peoples cars unless you yourself are a scumbag crook too. If breaking into vehicles is THAT common up there and they are willing to so easily write about it like.."oh those pesky guys went and smashed windows and stole a lot of items from people again today" thats sad. Especially when the article makes it seem like the theif was the VICTIM

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by rcwj75
Bottom line...there is only ONE person to blame for ALL OF THIS!! The douchbag criminal who armed himself and decided to steal and threaten others....oh well..tough ----!

How you guys can NOT hold the scumbag responsible for HIS DOINGS and now hate on officers is BEYOND me. Do you have a complaint IF there is truth to the deletion of video..yes and even I will agree with you that if its found to be true it was wrong and they should be held accountable. But to bash these 2 female cops for dealing with an armed retard...pathetic. And people wonder why crime rates soar.....just make sure you feel the same way when your the victim.

[edit on 3/22/2009 by rcwj75]

The SUSPECT, not the douchbag criminal. In Canada, and probably the Stats, a person stands ACCUSED of a crime. At what point did the police become judge, jury and executioner?

No contrary to what might happen in the states, there will be no hearing. There will be no trial, as the suspect is DEAD. There will be a shooting inquiry, done by the police themselves, and there will be no mention of any deleted video unless the witness comes forward really loud. At which point the police will ask for some kind of PROOF that the video existed.

I strongly suggest that the owner of the camera visit his local computer guy to retrieve the video before the blocks on his card are over written. If any other witnesses come forward with video proof of the incident, the police officers at the scene will be really screwed.

Cops that immediately assume guilt without any due process should NOT BE COPS. They aren't there to avenge anything, but to do their jobs in a PROFESSIONAL manner with the highest amount of respect for life and liberty. Frankly your attitude belies a predisposition to exactly the kind of cops that society should be ridding itself of. The douchbag indeed.

To 'Serve and Protect', does not mean one's own self interests.

Thanks for reading

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

hmmmm..lets see. He is WITNESSED breaking into cars. He is WITNESSED holding a knife by bystandards. He is apparently WITNESSED holding the knife by this video camera cell phone guy, he is WITNESSED holding a knife by 2 police officers...oops wait my bad...let me guess....the officers lied...he didn't have a knife right? He wasn't breaking into cars right? This wasn't about his guilt or innocence of the was about him being none to smart to bring a knife to a gun fight. The charges are irrelevant...had he dropped the knife as ordered he could now be eating food on your tax dollar awaiting his trial...he made another bad choice and didn't drop it...oh well.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:38 AM

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by YeahSureIWILL

Good reply from someone who has ZERO argument. The man was a criminal, committing a criminal act, armed with a weapon...he didn't drop the weapon...he died because of the stupid choices HE made...there is NOTHING here to debate except the deleting of the video IF that occured.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:47 AM

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by YeahSureIWILL

WOW...if ATS lets someone like you stick around for long I'll be suprised. You are of no worth to this site, this thread or anything after your last 2 responses. Please if your not smart enough or old enough to debate things, go play elsewhere.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by rcwj75
reply to post by v3_exceed

hmmmm..lets see. He is WITNESSED breaking into cars. He is WITNESSED holding a knife by bystandards. He is apparently WITNESSED holding the knife by this video camera cell phone guy, he is WITNESSED holding a knife by 2 police officers...oops wait my bad...let me guess....the officers lied...he didn't have a knife right? He wasn't breaking into cars right? This wasn't about his guilt or innocence of the was about him being none to smart to bring a knife to a gun fight. The charges are irrelevant...had he dropped the knife as ordered he could now be eating food on your tax dollar awaiting his trial...he made another bad choice and didn't drop it...oh well.

And apparently he was VIDEOTAPED being shot to death by the cops, which had to be deleted so as not to conflict with the official story. This is EXACTLY about him committing the crime, and having the right to due process.

Lets look at this a different way shall we, as he is giving up, the cops shoot him, then PLANT a knife (box cutter) on him to justify the shooting, the incident is taped, the tape would obviously incriminate the police, and is quickly erased.

How exactly do you KNOW he didn't comply? Simply because he was shot to death? A witness testimony will not hold up against a police officers testimony. You know it, we know it which is why the video is so important. Perhaps if many witnesses come forward there may be an opportunity for rebuttal, but certainly not if its the "brother cops" taking the statements. I so hope you get to experience the prejudice you are so quickly ready to hand out one day.

I don't know this person, nor do I know you. I do know that ANYONE may be accused of an offense and is entitled to have their day in court. If 2 female officers aren't able to handle an incident without killing everyone, they should not have approached the suspect until there was backup. or they should not be police officers.

You really should not be a police officer if you cannot see the simple logic the entire justice system was built on. INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. "Not kill em all and let God sort it out."


posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

You did read the article where it said there were WITNESSES..i.e. plural...more then one. If this was handled so wrong and the cops were so out of line people WOULD be talking. There wouldn't be just ONE guy making a claim that his video phone was taken and deleted. Face it, the crime is irrelevant because the man WAS guilty of it..would of been found guilty of it...but HE chose to hold onto that knife when told to drop it.

As for your assumption, which is what it is, NOT fact...because FACT is WITNESSES saw the guy NOT laying down the he was shot because he WAS a threat. In your assumed scenerio, had he been laying down the knife and been shot then YES the officers were wrong. But thats not the FACTS! You asked how I know this...again...WITNESSES..more then where are they and why aren't they all coming forward if things were unjustified?

I agree every criminal who DOES NOT put himself or herself in a position to be killed DOES deserve their day in court....but if you so choose to puch the envelope while armed with a gun or knife...again I got no sympathy for you. All you gotta do is drop it....and innocent until proven guilty is VOID when your caught in the act armed and decide to put a fight.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by rcwj75
reply to post by v3_exceed

hmmmm..lets see. He is WITNESSED breaking into cars. He is WITNESSED holding a knife by bystandards. He is apparently WITNESSED holding the knife by this video camera cell phone guy, he is WITNESSED holding a knife by 2 police officers

And witness testimony is totally infallible and impossible to fabricate and to be entirely relied upon in a court case as well all know.

Are you familiar with US Legal code or just pretending to be ignorant of the concepts of due process and "beyond a reasonable doubt" to further your own vague suspicions?

Witnesses are nothing without credibility. Who are they? Where were they? And what exactly did they see?

You don't know any of the above circumstances, hence stop referring to the witnesses as if they're all untouchable, credible people and stop typing it in capitals like the word is magical.

You don't know jack about the witnesses and neither does anyone else.

and innocent until proven guilty is VOID when your caught in the act armed and decide to put a fight.

How exactly is a man with a knife a threat to two officers with guns?

That's quite a stretch.

The fact that it hasn't been conclusively identified what he was holding is even more of a stretch:

Devan Conliffe said he saw three to four officers approach the man, who turned around holding what “looked like a little box-cutter,” before several shots were fired.

If this was handled so wrong and the cops were so out of line people WOULD be talking.

You would have thought more people and especially officers within the LAPD would have been speaking up about the Rampart Scandal in the 1990's and how officers were shooting innocent people and then framing them with drugs but it took a full decade after that scandal happened for it to actually come to light.

So please, enough with the "Someone would have said something" diatribe.

The Police have shown themselves to be adept at concealing the truth when it threatens to blow the lid on a big, damaging scandal.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by king9072

I agree with you, but would like to balance-Vancouver also has a lot of highly trained knife fighter's children on crack.

The police have a real thing to be scared of there.
I was raised within your indo population-you can't tell me any different-as to the 'safety' level of living near its' gangs.

Though their essence and the idea is to be honorable. One could pop another person's head off in a couple quick blinks. It is not an over exageration-it is a neccesary skill to survival. And the knife is an important religious tool as well.
(THEY need some better self policing....rant.....running around on crack-murdering and selling dope; kidnapping people)

Just a handful of course. It pollutes the rest. Yet Vancouver is highly strung for problems.

The police may have not acted correctly:
This here sounds like the common bum that they killed.
Will you post further information??

But-if it was one of your former separtist indo gansters-even at 50-armed with a pen is a lethal force-the officers should have damn well shot him. They know. I know. The indo's know. It is a big problem, blood shed in Vancouver.

And maybe the police up there are just 'murder-happy'. Maybe they saw something in regards to the level of training or agility the bum actually had.

It seems like so far away from Ottawa-they just don't know what to do with themselves anymore after the reconfiguration.

Tragic-the polish man. Like-don't these people know how to knock someone to the ground? Without blowing up their heart, I mean.

What happened to the Canadians? They got 'split' when their duties were separated into CSIS/RCMP.

In the late 1970s, revelations surfaced that the RCMP Security Service force had in the course of their intelligence duties engaged in crimes such as burning a barn and stealing documents from the separatist Parti Québécois, and other abuses. This led to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Certain Activities of the RCMP, better known as the "McDonald Commission," named for the presiding judge, Mr Justice David Cargill McDonald. The Commission recommended that the force's intelligences duties be removed in favor of the creation of a separate intelligence agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).

RCMP wiki
I'd prefer a better link to the above.

As I recall-they didn't actually separate until before the terrorists attack of 1984/5.

CSIS was created on June 21, 1984 by an Act of Parliament passed as a consequence of the McDonald Commission.[4] The main thrust of the McDonald Report was that security intelligence work should be separated from policing, and that the activities of a new agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, should be subject to both judicial approval for warrants, as well as general oversight review by a new body, the Security Intelligence Review Committee, as well as the office of the Inspector General. Its de facto existence began on July 16 under the direction of Thomas D'Arcy Finn.[5] Before this, Canadian intelligence had been under the jurisdiction of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Security Service.

Canadian Security Intelligence (created 1984)-after conclusion of McDonald commission

Do you feel that Canada will ever 'undo' a bad mistake and reunite it's policing forces and merge it's CSIS back into it's RCMP?

As it seems all sorts of these type of problems started to rise up after this fatal mistake.

[edit on 22-3-2009 by HugmyRek]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

For the sake of clarity, all of your referenced quoted text was quoted from rcwj75 post. I agree that the story doesn't actually tell us enough to make a judgment on why a person needs to be killed for breaking into a car. Now lets face it, a "box cutter", a little, often plastic tool used to cut boxes, frequently with a break away blade is hardly useful when breaking into cars. Unless perhaps its a soft top.

Personally I think too often the media provides a slanted version of a story in favor of the police. I mean c'mon, a homeless guy and a box cutter, a truly lethal combination for two armed police.


posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by v3_exceed

Sorry should have made that clearer, I was in a hurry.

But I think everyone can clearly discern between the sceptical and the outright loony within this thread.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira

But I think everyone can clearly discern between the sceptical and the outright loony within this thread.

Yes I am sure they can....

you have the shoot to wound, don't blame the criminal, he was only stealing, he was olny holding a knife which can kill loons...

then you have those who know better...

The ONLY thing worth a debate here is the camera phone incident....

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:52 PM
That'll learn him.
I wonder if he would have still broken into that car with the foreknowledge that police would shoot to kill if he was caught? I doubt it. You pays your money, you makes your choice...

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75
The ONLY thing worth a debate here is the camera phone incident....

Hardly as they both relate to one another. It's quite shocking how trigger happy those from N. America can be, how do they think the rest of the world copes without armed police vs knives?

The article did not claim the man was threatening the police either (or that it indeed was a knife), which is extremely important! Could you imagine walking back one day with a skinfull from a bar with cellphone in hand, and two police officers pull guns on you in a case of mistaken identity, but in your inebriated state you become confused and think they are referring to someone else... BANG! Too late, you're dead.

Not saying that's what happened here at all but they can't just go round blasting anyone that might be a threat, even some of those who are can be subdued without extreme violence or just by words alone. Don't they train officers in such techniques any more?

[edit on 22-3-2009 by Goathief]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by CA_Orot

Originally posted by Pockets
Shouldn't the Feds be able to retrieve that footage from the phone?

I don't believe, we have Feds up here in Canada.

we do have feds. the RCMP are the feds.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75
Perfect thread...proves the outright stupidity of many ATS members.

FACTS: Some douchbag decides to break into someone elses car
Some douchbag decides to use a knife in the process
Some douchbag thought it was ok to destory other peoples lives and property
Some douchbag actually thought it would be ok to hold onto a knife infront of LEO's trying to arrest him for BREAKING THE LAW!

how do you now whether the man was a douchebag? maybe he needed to save someone's life, and needed the car to do it? maybe someone was holding one of his loved ones hostage and was forcing him to do it. maybe he was simply insane.

highly unlikely possibilities, but it's not for people with little to no information to be the judge.

Originally posted by rcwj75
Also to you members who apparently really arent to bright...NOONE shoots to wound...NOONE. Only a retard shoots to wound and actually believes that you can...especially those who watch WAY to much TV and think its real.

you're judging and insulting the members who don't agree with you. it is possible to shoot someone once. you don't need to shoot four or forty times.

Originally posted by rcwj75
Bottom line...there is only ONE person to blame for ALL OF THIS!! The douchbag criminal who armed himself and decided to steal and threaten others....oh well..tough ----!

you're being judge dread, again.

Originally posted by rcwj75
How you guys can NOT hold the scumbag responsible for HIS DOINGS and now hate on officers is BEYOND me. Do you have a complaint IF there is truth to the deletion of video..yes and even I will agree with you that if its found to be true it was wrong and they should be held accountable. But to bash these 2 female cops for dealing with an armed retard...pathetic. And people wonder why crime rates soar.....just make sure you feel the same way when your the victim.

the death penalty is not warranted for holding this 'scumbag' (another word for human being?) accountable. would not one bullet have stopped him? did they have to keep shooting until he was dead? was a taser not a better choice? people being tased can't hold onto their knives.
crime rates soar when the illuminati, er, banksters suppress the economy.
and, ....'female' cops? what's the difference between a male cop and a female cop?

vancouver is DIRTY, and the cops there are angry from wallowing in it, and power mad from having to exercise it constantly. imho, based on observation while in vancouver, of course.

i got pulled over there simply because the cop wanted to see who was in the limousine. he said the driver made his left hand turn TOO SLOWLY as the reason for pulling us over. lame, and illegal harassment. i let him off with a warning, lol.

[edit on 22-3-2009 by billybob]

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