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The Voyages of the Penelope and the Yydryl

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posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 03:10 PM

The illusion of motion left me clinging to CindyMars and when I finally let go my first steps on Earth were wobbly ones.
“It used to effect me the same way Silo, you’ll get over it” She laughed but stayed close her hands cupped under my elbows until I got my legs back under me.

CindyMars moved through her Earth quarters with a familiar joy, running a hand over items and naming them for me as she went.
The memory discs I’d been given by Ship taught the difference between fungi and feather duster plants, but not *refrigerator* purring quietly in one corner, the other assorted furniture Cim named and assuredly not the furry little life form who moved about freely and had me climbing a seating platform before CM explained the *cat* would be fine as long as I didn’t get between it and it’s next meal.
“I’ve never seen anything like it Cim” I told her, wide eyed in trying to take in everything at once.
“The cat or my place?“ She chuckled relaxed and happy. “Naw, I know what you mean, this place is very special to me.” She glanced over the room her eyes returning to mine shining in pride.

After rummaging through the refrigerator CM handed me a “snack”.
I took it with thanks but the wedge of brown didn’t give much promise it would be appetizing at all.
No little salt chunks, no nicely browned twist. So un pretzel like.
Explaining it was *cake* Cindy waited while I took a bite and broke into a grin at the expression of bliss on my face.
“That Silo, is called indulgence - Pure sinful indulgence! And you wont find another cake like that this side of the galaxy either, I still make them by hand.”
Almost choking, I stopped chewing to probe the chunk of cake with my tongue. I didn’t know what "by hand" was but the more I thought about it knowing Cim wasn’t a Rigelian I relaxed and finished the cake.

Activating her stereo before she moved out of sight I found myself engulfed by sound as it rose and soared around me.
She’d named it Debussy and I knew right then and there I wanted to take cake and Debussy back to the Yydryl to share with Carpet.
Her cat on the other hand who’d been eyeing my ankles since Cim left the room, could stay right here on Earth.

The woman who reappeared from the side room was stunning.
Even without her soft blue skin I’d have recognized CM anywhere.
Clad in a fiber top the color of night, below a durable fabric clung to her long legs and at once she looked sleek and comfortable.

Handing me an armful of clothes Cim rattled off instructions that left me baffled.
“First the bra and panties, then the T-Shirt and jeans. We’ll pick you up some sandals latter.”
Whatever sandals were. Whatever jeans and panties were I wondered becoming a bit discouraged.
Looking at Cim owlishly I blinked and waited for more instructions.
“You can’t walk around in your Yydryl uniform here Silo, put these on and let’s take a look at the new human you!” Smiling in anticipation Cindy pointed to a door she said led to my sleeping chamber.
Not sure why she was pointing I morphed out of my uniform, down to my skin.

“Shy little thing aren't you?” CM laughed and smiled when I cocked my head and looked at her quizzically.
“Look between you and me it‘s fine - but no morphing out of your clothes outside the flat. This may be 2010 but most humans still get nervous when people walk around naked.” Dropping to sotto voice she giggle and added, “Next time change in your bedroom.”
Rolling my eyes and twisting my antenna in embarrassment I stumbled over the words but finally got them out.
“Help... Please.”
“Oh my stars! Silo, I’m sorry, here...” At once understanding my plight in a flurry of action Cim shuffled through the clothes and came up with a two pouched harness colored a soft lily blue.
“ First you put this on, it’s a bra. Good thing you’ve got two boo... Well never mind that...”
Handing me the bra Cim’s eyes narrowed, her gaze flicking over the pendant at my neck.
I knew she wanted to ask but didn’t. I gave her credit for letting me keep my secrets.
Handing me the other articles of clothing one by one CM explained how to wear them and helped me dress all the while her cat wound around her ankles making sounds like the refrigerator and clearly enjoying the moment.

Dressed and looking to Cim and her cat for approval my eyes squinted and dazzled as golden light filled the room behind her.
Brighter and brighter rays painted the area in a golden glow, a swath of its’ warmth fell across my face.
Reaching out I tried to touch the blaze of color but though I could feel the heat on my skin, I couldn’t catch it in my hand.
“CindyMars, look!” I whispered, my fingers playing through the dust motes dancing through the light beams, my throat closing around emotion choking off my speech.

Taking my hand CM led me to the largest of the windows where we stood together bathed in the sparkling glow.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it Silo” CM closed her eyes and raised her hands in a benediction, her blond hair shining like a halo.

Raising my own arms in like kind we stood together in the sunrise enjoying it‘s warm life-giving radiance.

“You’re just gonna love the beach” She said before bursting into laughter and slapping me on the back.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 11:57 PM

After Slayer, Badger, Seeker, Studious and Nenothtu were all gathered, Luder motioned for them to follow him into his briefing room.

"First off, let me apologize. If I've been short with any of you it is due to the fact I've been babysitting two very obnoxious females with a deep set urge to kill each other for the past week and a half. That being said. Welcome on board the Penelope, Badger. I look forward to having an honest to goodness wing commander in charge of our fighter complement."

Luder walked around the edge of the desk in the briefing room and opened a drawer. He pulled out some documents and some other things in small cases.

"Ever since we left port, we've had a Chief in charge of Security, a Chief in charge of Engineering, an Ensign in charge of our weapons control and now a Major in charge of the fighter groups. Gentlemen. UEF Regulations authorize me to promote all you chiefs to the rank of Lieutenant Commander immediately with all the benefits, pay and privileges of that rank. Seeker, I am authorized to promote you to the rank of Lieutenant. So, without further adieu," Luder handed each of the men a set of the new rank and a document approving the change. All except for the Colonel, who was still out cold.

Luder smiled and sat on the edge of his desk.

"Nenothtu. you have performed well outside of your job position on numerous occasions and done things no Captain could ever rightfully expect a security chief to do. You commanded the ship in my absence and the fact that she still hangs here in space says something. Congratulations."

"Slayer. you have brought the ship back from the brink of destruction and then some. Your crews and their actions speak highly of your guidance and training and I couldn't have asked for a better chief engineer."

"Badger. You and I haven't formally met. However, I'm replacing your rank of Major with that of Lieutenant Commander so that you'll be better suited in the rank structure of the ship and the fighter wing. I'm sure you'll do great things."

"Seeker. I'm sure there are many aboard this ship who would hang me from the engine drive for even considering promoting you and giving you your position back, but I think I know you. At least I hope I do. You have proven your loyalty to this ship and her crew even though you've had some bumps in the road with what Naval Intelligence did to you. I hope to see you excel and continue your path to becoming a great leader one day."

Alright gentlemen, return to your duty posts except for Neno, Seeker and the Colonel. We have some things to talk about....

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 01:01 PM

It was delightful watching Silo in this unknown environment, she stuggeled with the fabric trappings of Earth undergarments, but she sure looked cute in them. Cim’s ipod was full of a wide arrange of music that she saw Silo was fascinated by. At the moment a song by Elton John called “Benny and the Jets” was playing and had Silo bopping her head to the beat and Fernando contemplating attacking her. He really was a nasty little cat.


“So Silo, what shall we do tomorrow?” as the city lights twinkled in the night outside her windows. “Would you like to go to the beach?” Silo looked puzzled.
“What’s a beach?" Silo ask, looking down suspiciously at the cat.

“It is a place on the edge of a lot of water.” Cim crosses her arms and smiles

“Yes, I would, are there any plants there?”

Cim thought this a curious response. “Some, but why do you ask?”

After a bit of fidgeting Silo says” I want some botanical samples, I was thinking of doing some gardening on the ship.” Cim suspected there was more to it but, it really did not matter.

“Well after we get some sleep, we will get up early and go to the beach, after that we will do some marketing, you will like that I think. Oh and at the beach they have huge pretzels, this big!” indicating the size with her hands, exaggerating a bit. Silo’s eye’s widened considerably. Cim laughs. "Then we will go to my cabin in the forest, there are lots of plants there. I will also take you to different places and times on this planet to collect samples.That sounds good to you?”

“Sure”says Silo

“Ok well there is a television in your room and if you get frightened come and get me.
Let’s get some rest.” Cim goes over to the stereo and turns it off, walks over to Silo and kisses her on the forehead. “Sleep well my lil friend” at that she goes into her room and closes the door.


The next morning, Cim opens her door and doesn’t see Silo, maybe she is resting in her room, thinks Cim. So she goes into the kitchen to make some coffee, wondering what Silo will think of coffee. The noise must have alerted Silo as she comes out in her bra and panties. “Good morning Silo, would you like some food? On Earth morning food is called breakfast.”

“What’s that smell, is smells wonderful?” Silo goes over to the coffee maker and sniffs.

“It’s from a bean that grows in another part of the world, it makes you sort of hyper. We will visit there if you wish?”

“Yes I think so, can I try some with cake?”

“Sure coffee and chocolate are great together, then get dressed and let’s go, OK?”

Cim pours Silo and herself some coffee and adds some crème, gives her a small piece of cake.

“I am getting dressed now.” She exits the kitchen carrying her coffee with her.

When she returns Silo has her clothes on a bit askew so Cim makes a few adjustments.

“Let’s go!”

[edit on 12-6-2009 by cindymars]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Nenothtu stared at the paperwork and rank insignia. Lieutenant Commander. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Probably have to let some of these brats under his charge get away with hanging a title on him now. They'd be insufferable when they found THAT out. maybe not. He'd just have to find a workaround.

Rank insignia. The shiny kind. Shiny. Given his history, shiny things made neno nervous, particularly when they were attached to his person. They made good aiming points. Maybe he could throw 'em in the back of a drawer. Nope, that wouldn't work. Regs said you had to wear your rank, unless you'd gone 'covert' for some reason. He'd have to go to supply and get the black, subdued variety. Those would fit in better with his habitual wearing of a combat uniform anyhow. He'd just pin this shiny set on his "pretty" uniform, and stash it at the back of his closet where it generally stayed hidden.

Lieutenant Commander. Somehow, neno still didn't "feel" like a "sir". Maybe it took getting used to. "His" brats would have a field day with this. He'd just have to figure out a way to make 'em rue the day. Just because he had more shiny stuff to go with the fruit salad on his "pretty" uniform, didn't change much. Putting a new label on an old can still didn't change the contents. Nenothtu half-grinned. He was fairly sure he could convince folks of that. For all of that, the title itself might add a bit of force to his orders. He doubted it, but it might.

After the Captain adjourned the meeting, he called for neno, Asher, and Studious to remain for another meeting. This might get interesting.

Lt. Commander. Shiny stuff. Neno looked down at his scuffed boots, and unconsciously tried to stash them under the table. Try as he might, he couldn't prevent his chest from puffing out, just a little bit, as he waited for what was coming.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 05:23 PM
Asher stood tall in his dress uniform. In his hand he held the insignia of his new rank, Lieutenant Command. Quite a step up from the Ensign rank he technically held in the UEF Navy.

In the back of his mind, he wondered if his NI-QZero rank still held. Somehow, he doubted it. NI would have gotten news of the fall of NI-7 by now, and were doubtless on their way as Asher stood in the well furnished briefing room.

In the mirrored finish of the Lt. Commander medal, Asher could see his reflection. His face was still as nightmarish as ever, lined in gray. He sighed deeply and pinned the medal to his uniform.

Asher glanced over at the unconscious Studious, laying aboard a hover gurney next to him in the briefing room. The man was still in a chemically induced coma, breathing regularly.

With a short pause, Asher spoke to Captain Luder.

"Captain... Are you sure I am befitting of this rank? I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. It took the quick action of Lt. Commander Nenothtu and the equivalent of a lightning bolt to free me from NI's choke hold."

Asher looked toward Nenothtu.

"By the way Neno, I've not gotten a chance to thank you for that. If you hadn't been on your toes, the Captain would be dead and I would still be a slave assassin for the damn NI. Thanks Neno. If someone ever tries to stick a knife in your back, they get to meet me first."

Turning back to the Captain, Asher continued.

"I'm not sure how well suited I am for leadership, Sir. Certain people will have a hard time forgiving me for the Nimitz incident, and I can't blame them.

Asher gestured at his face. "Besides, it would seem that I'm still somewhat less than human. I'm trying to come to terms with whatever this is. Then, there is the issue of Naval Intelligence. They've effectively disowned me at this point, I imagine. They will be trying to kill me at every opportunity."

"I know too much about how they operate. I can identify every known NI agent through their tracking implants and equipment. NI will not be happy that I've gone rogue. It may even constitute a threat to this ship. NI has some nasty hardware at their disposal, beyond what most can imagine."

"If they come after me, I will kill them. I can't promise that I won't. It's the only way to stop them."

Asher unpinned the Lt. Commander badge from his new uniform and held it towards Captain Luder.

"Captain, you don't need me in your command structure right now. Respectfully, I request that I be demoted to the Weapons Control Officer status that I held as an enhancer."

Asher stared at his boots.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 06:23 PM

The Chief snapped to attention and saluted the Captain thank you Sir. Then stood at parade rest. He waited patiently for the Captain to finish. It seemed like hours, when in reality it was only a few minutes. Finally they were dismissed. None too soon, Slayer was about ready to collapse from hunger. He quickly made his way to the lift. As soon as the doors closed he thumbed the comm.

Callan where are you?
I'm at your station Chief, where are you? She replied.
I'm headed to the mess hall, have you eaten yet?
Well enjoy the sandwich out.

The Chief went to the mess hall. He looked around and noticed ensigns Horn and Martinez off in the corner enjoying their lunch. He quickly grabbed a tray full of food and went over to them and sat his tray down. He stood there a few moments wondering how long it would take them to notice.
Noticing the new rank the two them were almost upright and ready to solute the Chief but before they could finish the Chief Barked.
At ease sit down!

They looked at each other then sat back down. The chief continued. I have been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. According to fleet regulations I am now to be addressed as SIR! Do you understand?

They both immediately stood and snapped to attention. Aye Sir they answered in unison.

Pacing back and forth the Chief continued...
Now having said that. The next one of you who calls me Sir will be skinned! I'm the Chief engineer and as far as the rest of the Engineering crew are concerned I will still be addressed as Chief! Got it?
Aye Sir... uummmm Chief!

How you feeling Martinez? Umm... fine Chief, just a small cough is all. That's good to hear. I'm glad you're back. Horn here wouldn't shut up about the 40 bucks you owe him. Martinez looked over at Horn puzzled and with out saying a word mouthed 20 bucks! The chief smiled. Relax boys it's just a rank. Never let it go to your head. I'm still the same lovable Chief you knew this morning. They both sat back down. Enjoy your meals ladies. The Chief grabbed his tray and left the mess. He didn't need any form of rank recognition from the Engineering crew. He knew they all were excellent crewmen who knew their jobs and would give 110% for their fellow crewmen when the time came. He knew he would do the same for them

As he walked down the corridor towards the lift he saw a young Marine Grunt coming from the combat simulator. Hey Chief the grunt said as he passed the Chief. The Chief whipped around and Barked. Private! The young Marine snapped to attention with his back to the wall. Looky here! The chief said pointing to the new rank. Notice anything new hhhmmm?

The young Marine replied with a dutiful
Yes Sir Lt Commander

The chief circled the Private like a vulture circling it's prey.

The next one of you Astro-leather necked jarheads who doesn't recognize a superior officers rank and give them the respect they've earned. I'll have them written up, drawn and quartered, hung, and shot! Is that understood?

Yes Sir Lt Commander


The Marine just about ran down the corridor. Hey this could be fun the chief thought to himself and smiled. Finally the Chief was able to eat. He sat at his station inhaling his food. All the while tapping out replies to some of his messages with his clean pinky finger. It only took him a few minutes to finish his meal. Looking up he noticed some odd readings. He thumbed the comm Horn, Martinez?

Aye chief

Are you finished with your break?

We just finished a few minutes ago. We're in the lift now and almost there. Good, stay there and finish riding it down to level 16. Go to sub junction 12. I'm looking at some rather unusual readings from the anti-matter inducers. I need you two to check it out. It's running hot and we don't need a melt down of one of the capacitors.

Aye chief.

[edit on 12-6-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:58 AM

"Captain... Are you sure I am befitting of this rank? I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. It took the quick action of Lt. Commander Nenothtu and the equivalent of a lightning bolt to free me from NI's choke hold. Asher looked toward Nenothtu.

"By the way Neno, I've not gotten a chance to thank you for that. If you hadn't been on your toes, the Captain would be dead and I would still be a slave assassin for the damn NI. Thanks Neno. If someone ever tries to stick a knife in your back, they get to meet me first."

Turning back to the Captain, Asher continued.

"I'm not sure how well suited I am for leadership, Sir. Certain people will have a hard time forgiving me for the Nimitz incident, and I can't blame them.

Asher gestured at his face. "Besides, it would seem that I'm still somewhat less than human. I'm trying to come to terms with whatever this is. Then, there is the issue of Naval Intelligence. They've effectively disowned me at this point, I imagine. They will be trying to kill me at every opportunity."

"I know too much about how they operate. I can identify every known NI agent through their tracking implants and equipment. NI will not be happy that I've gone rogue. It may even constitute a threat to this ship. NI has some nasty hardware at their disposal, beyond what most can imagine."

"If they come after me, I will kill them. I can't promise that I won't. It's the only way to stop them."

Asher unpinned the Lt. Commander badge from his new uniform and held it towards Captain Luder.

"Captain, you don't need me in your command structure right now. Respectfully, I request that I be demoted to the Weapons Control Officer status that I held as an enhancer."

Luder waited for Asher to finish before he spoke.

"Asher. Your actions up to this point in time have been justified as far as I can tell. You are correct, there are those on this ship who would look upon this as unjustified, but the good thing about this ship is that it is my ship and if I decide to promote my senior staff, then no one gets to raise objections. You will still hold your post at the weapons control station, but you will be wearing rank befitting that posting. I'll hear no more talk of demotions. I have decided you are deserving of the rank, so there it is." Luder motioned at the unconcious Studious.

"Bring him out of this coma state, but keep him subdued on that gurney until we can figure out exactly what in the hell is going on around this ship."

"Neno. I would like you to send for an escort to bring all NI agents you captured to this briefing room at once under heavy guard. We have some business to discuss." Luder turned to his desk and punched a button on the conn.

All hands, this is the Captain. Prepare for immediate departure. Helm, lay in a course directly for Earth, maximum speed. We have a battle to get to.

While Luder waited, he punched up another code and opened a hailing channel to the Yydryl.

Starship Yydyrl, this is the USS Penelope. We have enjoyed this opportunity to meet with another culture, but unfortunately we have important business to attend to. I leave you with good wishes and the hopes we will again cross paths in the future. If you so desire to make contact with the UEF or any of our ships, I am transferring a data packet to you for diplomatic purposes. Good wishes. Captain Luder out.

The relay crackled in from the bridge.

"Sir, all fighters report docking status complete and we are ready to leave this system."

"Do it." Luder felt the compensators shift to alleviate the G-Forces as the Penelope turned on her axis and slithered into a purplish crackling haze. The ship elongated and vanished into a swirling purple-bluish wormhole which lasted approximately five seconds, then vanished.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by mf_luder

"Neno. I would like you to send for an escort to bring all NI agents you captured to this briefing room at once under heavy guard. We have some business to discuss."

Nenothtu stuffed the rank insignia and documentation into a pocket for the time being, and raised security on the comm.

Nenothtu to the brig. escort the NI detainees to the captain's briefing room. Hoods and shackles. I want NO communication between them before they get here, not even so much as a glance. 4 escort guards per man. If any attempt to speak, shock 'em down, and carry 'em in. NO communication! I don't want 'em to be able to cook up a story between 'em. Nenothtu out."

He then turned to Asher as the captain was finishing up the departure orders.
"Asher. Ain't no thanks necessary. What you did as Seeker wasn't your own doing. NI had a terrible grip on you, and there's no shame in that. A man will do funny things under duress sometimes. For what they did, NI has an appointment with destiny. As many as I can help to keep the appointment anyhow. You have my word on that. what you did under their influence wasn't you, and you ain't got no need to beat yerself up over it. what's done is done. we all got stuff behind us we ain't all that proud of. What YOU got to do NOW is saddle up and get back in the game. That there rank gives you an extra bit of an edge, that's all. What we saw you do getting rid of them infernal bombs that NI surreptitiously saddled us with, THAT was you. THAT was the man Asher, and It's a man I can be proud to serve with. That was the 'above and beyond the call of duty' that you hear about, but rarely ever see." Neno then dropped his voice a tad "and yeah, I caught that smartass 'sir' you threw at me when the heat was on. I don't miss as much as I let on sometimes. I let it slide once, i wouldn't do it again" then he paused and gave Ashe a lopsided grin "and now you CAN'T 'sir' me, being equal rank and all. Cap fixed you good!"

"That'll teach ya!" and he sat right back down, suppressing a laugh.

[edit on 2009/6/13 by nenothtu]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 01:25 PM
Seems there would be no rest for him today. Even the past few hours had produced more suprises than he was comfortable with. All things considered however, it could be worse. The character who had just boarded was in Med Bay, unconcious and the ship's repairs were coming along nicely.

According to logs Antar would need to put the final touches on his work in order to bring operations to 100%.

A com channel blinked open, and Adilaris shot up, hoping to hear form Cim.

Starship Yydyrl, this is the USS Penelope. We have enjoyed this opportunity to meet with another culture, but unfortunately we have important business to attend to. I leave you with good wishes and the hopes we will again cross paths in the future. If you so desire to make contact with the UEF or any of our ships, I am transferring a data packet to you for diplomatic purposes. Good wishes. Captain Luder out.

Well this would be extremely usefull. Adilaris pondered his options once more. There was no need to follow the ship, as he had no interest in it's occupants for the moment. However the diplomatic outreach would need to be kept secret for the moment.

As the packet came through Adilaris copied it within himself and then removed it from all of Yydry's system memory.

"The......ccrreew...migh...eed...aht...." Yydryl speech was being impared, most certainly by the repairs taking place. No matter, her imput was not needed for this particular task.

"This will not affect the crew in the slightest. Please do not strain your systems, the repairs will be done soon. I apologize, the damage is a little more extensive that I thought."

Perhaps it was time to visit out new found friend.

"Ensign, get up here now!"

A few minutes late, Ensign appeared in the door, looking a bit flustered.

"You are to stay here and keep watch over these particular screens. They are showing the progress of the overall repairs and once it reaches one hundred, I want you to press this lever, to realease the nanites from the system."

"Certainly Sir, I will make sure to check up on it while you are gone"

"No. You are not to "check" up on it" Adilaris said with a deep sigh.

"You are to stare at this screen and not move until you see that little bar one the left, be colored green ALL the way to the right. And then, you may release the nanites and contact me.

If you dare leave this bridge during my absence, I will throw you into the vaccum of space."

Ensign's eyes widened as he pictured the scenario in his mind. He had been threatened before, by alot of people. Actually...probably everybody. But this one, seemed more serious than the rest.

There was no compassion behind his eyes. They were truly brilliant, it was hard to imagine such a demeanor eminated from him. He wondered what could have happened to have left such a beautiful mind, so shattered and disconnected.

As Adilaris left the bridge in direction of the Med Bay, Ensign sat in front of the monitor, and stared...

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 01:43 PM
Myth Remained asleep, but he occasionally wake up and look around. But sense he felt to hurt and in too much pain. He just layed there and tuned in.

Myth Listened to what the others were saying, but he was too tired. He really wanted to see the captain, but was unsure if he would be able to stay awake. He was not sure if they had injected him with some sort of sedative or muscle relaxer, but he felt very tired and sleepy. Before he fell into that sleep he could hear someone walking up to the entrance of the Med Room.

Myth again, slowly drifted away into a deep sleep....

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 01:57 PM
Asher heard what the Captain had to say.

"Captain, I humbly accept promotion to Lt. Commander. After all this, you haven't lost faith in me. Thank you, Sir."

Then Asher grinned and turned to Lt. Commander Nenothtu.

"I wondered if you had caught that 'Sir' I dropped. At the time it felt like a good idea to see what kind of response I would get. It won't be happening again, I've got my health to consider."

Asher thought for a moment and turned back to the Captain.

"What will become of me once we reach Earth, Captain? NI is going to firmly demand that I be returned to them and most likely try to get more agents on board the Penelope. Just a heads up, Sir."

With a thought, the medical gurney hold Colonel Studious began to bring the man out of his chemical coma.

"Oh and Studious is merely sleeping now, Captain. You can bring him out of it at your leisure."

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Coming into the entrance of the med bay, Adilaris could sense a very intriguing presence. A man from Earth, how interesting.

Walking into the room he was sprawled onto a table, staff furiously working to mend his wounds and stop the bleeding.

"We've almost lost him, the debris is scattered throughout his system, we don't have the tools on board to operate without Antar."

"I will tend to his wounds, is he properly sedated?"

"It took four times the normal ammount to keep this one down, seems he's a fighter."

Looking around the room, an odd looking piece of metal sat on the table beside our new friend. It had been ages since he'd seen an actual firearm. A real metal and ammo fire arm. How astounding. As he reached for the handle in order to covet this work of art, a sharp pain ran through his spine and a word flashed in his mind.


Adilaris shivered a bit, something he did very rarely.

"Well, apparently our stow-away is a killer as well. Nobody touch that gun, if you value your lives, and bind him to the table. I dont' want any unsuspecting surprises."

Adilaris reached again for The Judge, picked it up and placed it back within it's holster on the stow-away's person.

"Alteast, he'll feel safe when he wakes up. Time to heal his wounds."

Adilaris extended a hand over the man's chest. It glowed a purplish hue and what looked like tenticles of light came forth. Reachign within the man's chest, right above the stomach, the body jumped upwards in an attempt to get free.

Adilaris attempted to make things easier by communication within the man's dream.

"Do not fight it. You are being helped. Moving will only prolonge the pain. This procedure is re-working the organs that have been damaged and repairing the infected tissue. This ship is a living entity, and the debris you have within your body is attempting to bind with your DNA. You're body is fighting the infection, but this is far too advanced for you to fight on your own."

As he finished his message, the body slumped back down. Apparently he'd gotten the message.

The light dissapated and Adilaris showed the first signs of strain. Perhaps he had pushed himself a bit hard today.

"I will be returning to the bridge, please bring him up when he awakens. And untie him. He might shoot you if he wakes up angry. Oh, and tell him I am the captain, no need to get into silly details."

The staff nodded and quickly began cleaning up the room. Apparently the minor crew were very good at following orders. I wonder what drove them to this extend, after all, he was a complete stranger, yet following orders like good little sheep.

Perhaps there were secrets he was not yet aware of. A mind control device was perhaps present, he would not have known. Such things aren't in his scope of vision as they do not affect him in the slighest.

As Adilaris walked into the bridge, Ensign was still sitting in front of the monitor, like a statue awaiting to be finished.

"Well, I see you've followed your orders this time Ensign?"

"You were quite clear with your demands."

"Yes I was, you are now to do something else for me. Go to the med bay and wait for our new friend to awaken. Then take him here. Collect any information he is willing to give out, and I mean ANYTHING. Now go."

"Yes Sir!" Ensign seemed very pleased to leave his monitor position, as he ran out of the bridge, Adilaris caught a passing thought.

"Now I can stop at the lounge for a snack"

Another large sigh from Adilaris, and the and a chuckle.

"Ohh well, alteast he keeps things interesting"

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:54 PM

The voice: “This is just like Norfolk isn’t it?......Remember?”

Wife: “NO! You’ve relived it for too long. It’s not worth it, don’t do it again.”

As she spoke the white background became even brighter, blindingly even.

Then he was there, back on the bridge of the Halcyon. Out the window the massive Saratoga was visible in the distance as it had been so long ago.



Studious tried to move.

“uh-uh-uhhh” The menacing male voice said now personified as a dark haired man.

“You can’t change anything. After all, none of this is real. But, I’m going to make you relive this again and again……and again.”

Wife: “He’s done that enough himself.”

“Then one more time couldn’t hurt very much, now could it?” He smiles and snaps his fingers…

[edit on 13-6-2009 by Studious]

[edit on 13-6-2009 by Studious]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Luder nodded at Asher to go ahead and bring Studious to full wakefulness. A few moments later, the door beeped, indicating the security teams had arrived with the NI prisoners.

"Hold them in the side room until we're finished in here."

Luder watched as Studious blinked a few times and looked around the room.

"Colonel Studious. You are under arrest for an unauthorized incursion aboard a non-hostile alien vessel which resulted in the loss of life. What do you have to say for yourself?" Luder waited for his response....

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 12:06 AM

He was pulled from the torment created by the dark haired man.

As his vision ended he said, as he had so long ago, in a soft tearful whisper

Then he blinked his eyes and heard the Captain speaking.

Originally posted by mf_luder
"Colonel Studious. You are under arrest for an unauthorized incursion aboard a non-hostile alien vessel which resulted in the loss of life. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Studious looks over at Seeker. His memory floods back. The deaths…the gore…the pain. Then the Colonel notices Seeker is wearing the badge of a Lt. Cmdr.

“A promotion!?”

“Are you out of your mind!? He just killed four unarmed men!”

“Do the lives of 4,091 men and women mean nothing to you sir. He spit out “sir” with disgust.

“Or Have you forgotten them!?”

Let me refresh your memory Captain. The Nimitz crew, our fighter pilots, my spec ops Marine team, Neno’s Security team whose men were diced right in front of your eyes! Now the monster kills again! So what do you do? You promote the b######!

“I went on an authorized mission Captain, though not by you, to rescue Seeker. I thought when he destroyed the N-bombs that maybe he was still human…….I was wrong. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Don’t believe him, don’t trust him. We can’t afford to give him a third chance can we!?”

He continues “Now I have no doubt whatever he told you is a mere flimflam story, and nothing but shams and lies.”

“He’s even convinced you into thinking that ship was “non-hostile!” Perhaps you should review the chief engineer’s scans. That ship was behind the mind control and while onboard I saw human flesh in jars…curing into jerky. I’d call that “hostile” sir.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Studious]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 12:10 AM

Badger sat at a desk piled high with document readers, charts and records. The more he looked into, the more needed work. He had his XO and squadron leaders along with just about everybody else in the wing auditing and inspecting. Technically the wing was ready for combat. It looked good on paper but in the real world it was too disjointed and loose. There was enough work here to keep everybody in the wing busy for the foreseeable future. He would be buried in paperwork for weeks. .
Badger paged Petra.
“Petra, come to my office, and bring the manual copies of the pilots’ records please.”
“On the way Sir.”
Badger took a sip of coffee from a half empty mug and popped an analgesic tablet for his near perpetual headache.
He stretched and yawned glancing at his watch. It was late.
He paged Petra again.
“Forget the manual copies. It’s late. Get a little sleep. I’ll see you in the morning. We've got a battle coming. I need you fresh ”
“But it is morning, Sir.” replied Petra.
“You know what I mean.” Replied Badger with a half grin.

Badger waited until he heard Petra leave her office. He left his desk and went into the large office that housed admin staff and dug out the files he needed. He returned to his desk, took another sip of coffee, opened the top folder and started to read.

Out in the flight hangar Petra stood at a maintenance console watching the admin office on camera. Rebar was standing next to her watching as well.

“How’s the old man?” said Rebar.
“He’s ok so far. Told me to get some sleep and then pulled the files himself. He’s reading everything on every pilot.” she answered.
“ No kidding?” he said.
“He does all of his own reading. Gets a point in my book. Maybe he’ll be ok to work for.”
“Maybe.” said Petra.
She turned off the monitor and the two of them headed for the lifts. They entered the car and turned. Through the open doors Petra could see the length of the launch bay. This was one of four operating bays for the fighters. They were actually two separate flight decks that were split by a pair of blast doors. They were bays one through four. All four bays had equal facilities and compliment of crew so they could work in four rotating shifts or simultaneously. Bay one was the senior staff bay as well because the wing commander officed out of here. Right now the three other bays were bustling hives of activity. It was bay ones' off rotation hours so in here it was empty and quiet. The bay was dark except for minimal exit lighting. Petra could see the long row of fighters in the half light waiting for the next day of work which was only a few hours away. The far end of the bay was shrouded in darkness. A bright rectangle of light spilled across the bay floor from the open door to the flight offices. It reminded her of the open cargo hatch of the cloaked drop ship.
The lift doors closed.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by badgerprints]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 12:49 AM

"....and that's where our problem lies, Lieutenant Studious." Luder yanked the Colonel's rank off his uniform and tossed it across the room.

"Lietuenant Commander Nenothtu is hereby in command of all security and marine forces aboard this ship until further notice." Luder handed a data chip to Neno.

"That is all the necessary procedures and command codes."

Luder turned back to Studious.

"You've had a serious problem understanding the chain of command on this ship. I'm surprised you even warranted a Ventura Class ship assignment in the first place. Since we left port you've shown yourself to be a vagrant who can't follow the simplest of orders - even to report to the DAMNED BRIDGE.

I've tried to be reasonable. I've tried to give you a bit of leeway because of your years in the Corps, I've tried. But I can't take this type of behavior from someone who is supposed to be on my senior staff.

NO ORDER GIVEN ON THIS SHIP MATTERS UNLESS IT COMES FROM ME, do you understand that?! NI doesn't run this vessel, Lieutenant. I do.

I'm not a dictatorial leader, but I will not be ran over by a rogue officer with ambitions of his own.

Now. Before I have you tossed out an airlock for treason, you better explain to me exactly what in the hell you were doing leading an armed party to a NON-HOSTILE ship in the first place."

Luder was furious, he took a couple of deep breaths and tried to calm himself down a bit. He noticed his right hand was balled into a fist and shaking a bit.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by mf_luder]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:45 AM

Sloe eyed, head lowered, tail twitching Fernando continued his stealthy advance towards me where I huddled on the bed.

Cim showed me to her guest room where I'd sleep, explained the workings of the hygienic cubical attached, even how to control the television with a hand held device she left on a side table. She'd kindly told me everything I’d need to know to pass the night in comfort.
Everything but Fernando could open doors.

Pulling Cim’s favorite cashmere coverlet over my head I left my antenna poking out to keep eyes on the cat.
How could I have known my antenna - two bobbing weaving wands with balls on top - looked remarkably like the last cat toy Fernando had destroyed with kitty mauling enthusiasm.

Biting my tongue to keep from screaming for Cim I watched the cat, it watched me, I didn’t move, the cat did, closer and closer.

One hand sneaking out from under the coverlet I grabbed the remote control, pointed it at the cat and started clicking buttons.
The TV responded by flickering to life and back off again, Fernando just flicked his tail, buried his head deeper into his shoulders and wiggled his hind end before continuing to creep forward.

Having made his was to the side of the bed the cat disappeared from my sight.
Leaning forward I let my antenna stretch their farthest and was just able to see over the rim of the bed, where the cat was bunched up under itself readying to launch upwards and onto the sleeping platform.

Jerking back from the edge I wished with all my might for Chumley.
He’d blast that darned cat from here to eternity.
No, no no no, that wouldn’t do at all, Cim obviously treasured the little monster.
“Carpet, what would you do” I asked myself huddled miserably under the blanket.

“I don’t know what Carpet would do but I can tell you one thing, you’d better pull those antenna in before that cat gets any closer.”

“Carpet is that you!” I crowed, clutching the cashmere close throwing myself to the floor sending Fernando hiding under the bed.

“Get back on the bed!” The voice commanded. “And don’t leave my corners hanging down for that cat to get it’s paws stuck in me!”

“Who are you? I pitched my voice low. Bewildered and not a little disappointed I returned to the bed. “Cim said there was nothing living in her flat besides Fernando” I reddened in embarrassment remembering Cindy laughing when I tried to talk to her rug.

“I’m right here, in the cashmere, natural hairs that, if it wasn’t I’d still be stuck on your uniform.” The voice answered.

“You mean I brought you here?” I squeaked, checking but finding nothing unusual in the blankets soft downy hairs woven in an intricate pattern.

“Yes, when you said goodbye to Carpet you caught up a piece of his fiber on your uniform.” The voice explained.

“Annnddd?” I pulled out the word hoping the life form, whatever it was, would continue explaining.

“And, here I am. It took me a while to get to the point I could communicate, but, just in time I see. That cat was about to scratch your eye balls out”.

Horrified I pulled my antenna fully into my head and peered back over the edge of the bed.

Without an attentive - and terrified audience - Fernando turned his attention to grooming, his head bent behind his back licking a spot over his shoulder ignoring me completely.

“So, you’re not Carpet, but you are Carpet?” I tried again.

“I’m a Milli-Being, Milli, you know, just like Carpet. A part of your friend actually, only more evolved. The same, but different.”

As if that explained everything.

“Did you do that?” I couldn’t help asking as slight tremor moving like a wave through the blanket.

“Yep, just getting the hang of this manipulation thing. Before you know it I’ll be self propelled.”
“I don’t think Cim is going to like this.” I whispered shaking my head in dread.

“Then we wont tell her will we?” Milli replied, pulling itself closer around my shoulders.

“You’re tired, I can feel it. Get some sleep, I’ll keep my eye on the cat.”
Tucking itself around my toes and up under my chin I couldn’t help but give into the comfort, relaxation and exhaustion combined to close my eyes and send me to sleep.

The next morning I woke in a state of confusion, not quite sure where I was, vaguely remembering my surroundings.
Earth. Cim’s house. The CAT!

Bolting upright I was surprised to see Fernando curled up at the foot of the bed in the middle of a nest of cashmere.
Opening his big blue eyes, yawning and stretching out one long paw Fernando looked me square in the face and said “Morning Silo, Sleep well?”

[edit on 14-6-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 04:05 AM
I didn’t lead the group sir Lt. Cmdr. Ackerman did. Now you were saying something about a “non-hostile” ship. When you’ve looked at human flesh being prepared as food in a jar THEN you can tell me the ship is non-hostile.”
Luder doesn’t speak

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I break your concentration? I didn’t mean to do that. Please, continue. You were saying something ignorant. Deny Ignorance Captain investigate!”

“Whatsamatter? Oh, y-you were finished? Well then allow me to retort. What does a hostile ship looks like?

Luder doesn’t speak.

“What country you from!”

Luder still doesn’t respond.

That ain’t no country I’ve ever heard of. They speak English in…” Studious makes Luder’s facial expression clenches his fist mocking the Captain’s movements.

Luder yet again doesn’t respond.


Studious knows the Captain does and continues when Luder does not answer.

“If you do then you understand what I’m sayin’! And what I’m sayin’ is that you need to look over the scans the chief engineer took of the enemy ship. Then you will know that ship was hostile.

Luder doesn’t change his expression.

“Make that face again I dare you, I double dare you motherf#####. Make that face one more time.

Then it struck him….

The strange behavior the odd faces…

The one who had reprogrammed the communications antenna output to be on the same wave front as the quantum signature of the mind control wave was……. Seeker.

Seeker had reprogrammed the communications antenna and probably knew how to change it back.

Studious realized Seeker would have had spent plenty of time aboard the enemy ship and might have been taken over and reprogrammed.

Therefore Seeker could easily be working for the aliens and could have shut off the communications antenna output. Meaning… It’s mind control!!

Wife sarcastically “Great work Sherlock! I’ll go make you a deerstalker out of tinfoil.” she rolls her eyes.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 04:09 AM

Luder scowled in disgust.

"Neno, take this.... person.... away and put him in the solitary confinement bay. I don't want him to see the light of day until we reach Earth. Make sure no one has any outside contact with him whatsoever."

As they started wheeling the clearly insane man out of the briefing room, Luder motioned to the guards by the door.

"Send in the NI guys."

Luder walked around his desk and took a seat.

"Neno, Asher, you stay in here with me. This should prove to be interesting."

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