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star wars, star trek, or star gate.

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posted on May, 12 2009 @ 08:41 AM
Oh yes Babylon 5 was great, imo it should be the third option instead of Stargate or at least the fourth option.
But it has to be Star Wars as the best.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:10 AM
Star wars for sure.

The original trilogy....not the absolute tripe that was passed off as being star wars recently.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:48 AM
I love all three, truly I do! The last three Star Wars movies really took away from the greatness that was the first three, imo, and Enterprise and Voyager took away from the greatness that is Star Trek. The last Stargate movie was total caca.....

So I guess I would have to rank them by seniority:

Star Wars
Star Trek

All great, all lost their way towards the end, and all have a chance at redeeming themselves.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 11:17 AM
Star wars. Summer 1977, I was 13, and when that big ole space ship came rattling over my head, I along with everyone else in the theatre ducked... I've been hooked ever since. I saw that movie 20 times that summer...paper route money sure came in handy.

The last 3 were not nearly as impressive. Still good, but not great.

but to the list:

1) Stars wars (episodes iv-vi)
2) Babylon 5
3) Star Trek (original)
4) Original Battlestar Galatica, can't stand the new series.
5) Stargate sg1.

Next week the last four will be changed... But number one, always StarWars-A New Hope.

[edit on 5/12/2009 by seagull]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 07:59 PM
I'd have to differ from all of you and give a shout out for farscape. It's not a big franchise like the others, but 88 episodes then being canned and then producing a great 180 min two parter thanks to fan pressure has to stand for something.

Farscape has always been the most consistently entertaining sci-fi I've ever seen. For a while there I thought BSG could take the number one slot but they totally dropped the ball in the final series.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 08:01 PM
Edit because of double post.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by sharps]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by sharps

Farscape was a good one! Creative, fun, and pure scifi. I loved Lexx, as well. That show didn't get nearly enough credit as far as I am concerned. Eccentric, crazy, but original and entertaining

Why do you (anybody/everybody) think that the Star-shows were more enduring and popular? Stargate died on Showtime and was reborn on the scifi channel, we all know that the original Star Trek struggled for a long time, and actually didn't last very long on TV. But both shows ended up being huge phenomenons!

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:33 AM
I personally love all three, but for different reasons.

Star Trek for its optimistic view of the future. It had a moral to each story.

Star Wars for its personal struggles of good vs. evil. (They could have done the prequels 100X better) Better writing, and acting of Vader's fall to the dark could have made it far more than it turned out to be.

Stargate because it combines history and science my two greatest interests.

I guess what you are looking for in the show determines how you view it.

I'm surprised how a conspiracy theory board does not propel Stargate straight to the top.

After all...

  1. Not set in the future or far away but right here, right now.
  2. Explaining possible Alien intervention in early human history.
  3. Explaining non-disclosure from another perspective.
  4. Mentions Gray abductions.
  5. Aliens begin to infiltrate Earth political and corporate structure (NID and Trust)
  6. The Aschen depopulation vaccine that causes sterility. ( Similar to NWO vaccine's theories.)
  7. The Replicators (Self replicating machines)
  8. Actually explains why humans are everywhere.
  9. Astrophysicists were on Stargate Atantis (Neil de Grasse Tyson, Bill Nye actually Nye is an engineer but you get the idea.)

Battlestar Galactica (both incarnations) and Farscape were great. I never really watched Babylon 5 but I've always wanted too.

[edit on 13-5-2009 by Studious]

[edit on 13-5-2009 by Studious]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:56 AM
star wars wins.

(replaces blue guy with star trek)

never watched star gate

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:49 AM
I never much cared for Farscape...

Just couldn't get into it...though Claudia Black (woooooo-hooooooo)...IMNSHO.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:05 PM
Star Trek, it seems the most possible that could happen. And that helps as I want to captian the USS Enterprise.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by CaptainCharisma]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by president

Star Trek
Always enjoyed it and forever will.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by sphinx551]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 07:09 PM
I watched a lot of the original star trek re-runs when I was a kid, I enjoyed them but was'nt one of those people that knew everything about it.

Allthough I like star wars, I never got the bug like others seem to have, which maybe has something to do with me not being here when it burst onto our screens? and the newer ones did'nt seem as bad as everyone made out imo but i'm easily pleased so

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:10 AM
I'm a fan of both the Wars and Trek, but never seen star gate. If i had to choose my favorite it would probably be Trek. I started watching Voyager and that got me into all the other series. I just like how Trek has thousands of episodes/movies, compared to the six Star Wars movies. The trek universe is a little more vast.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 01:47 PM

4) Original Battlestar Galatica, can't stand the new series.

Yes, there is another! And seagull, we can both agree on Claudia Black...damn I love an English accent...

I must again though, be the only geek who likes the prequel Star Wars movies... If you watch them and the older films, they really do have a lot of the same nuances and feel. Sure, nothing will compare to the originals, but I'm not sure I'd call them "tripe", etc. Sure, Aniken is always whining about something, and Padme makes a weird shift from window-dressing to pedophile, but the ships, sounds, and performances by others make them pretty decent films imho....

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

4) Original Battlestar Galatica, can't stand the new series.

Yes, there is another! And seagull, we can both agree on Claudia Black...damn I love an English accent...

I must again though, be the only geek who likes the prequel Star Wars movies... If you watch them and the older films, they really do have a lot of the same nuances and feel. Sure, nothing will compare to the originals, but I'm not sure I'd call them "tripe", etc. Sure, Aniken is always whining about something, and Padme makes a weird shift from window-dressing to pedophile, but the ships, sounds, and performances by others make them pretty decent films imho....

Sorry, but you are not the only geek to like the prequels. I'm among you!

Also, I cannot stand the new BSG. I love the old Cylons and space battles. I always love the BSG ride through at Universal Studios back in the days.

I like both star wars and star trek. Stargate the movie was great as well. The series was ok with me, a bit too campy at times, but passable. Babylon 5 was also on my watch list when it was on.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:56 PM
hmm...that is really a tough one....actually makes me think...

i have lovely memories watching star trek as a kid (well, i am 20, so say when i was 10-12 roughly.,probably less, dunno).i ALWAYS loved design of star ship Voyager, always loved Janeway (she had awesome spark in the eyes) and 7of9 was pretty cool too.

however, about starwars, they had....droids...and lightsabers...and...and...err...oh, yeah, the Force, there were so many times i wanted to have special force-like powers...wait, i still do actually

and stargate...well...stargate is alive, which is a big bonus....and i totally loved design of Atlantis, that town just made me go ''WOW'' . plus SGUniverse has #loads of pottential. at least TRY to answer this question...err....yeah, well...thats really a tough one...deciding between stargate and star trek (sry, was loooong time i've seen starwars plus episodes 1-3 were....different, not bad!.....from 4-6) think i will vote for star is really no big victory, but its star trek voyager to which i have deep ''child bond'' and i cant remember any of those memories associated with i guess thats it. btw, u should add to that list of three new battlestar galactica and Andromeda
that would make it really tough. anyway, sry for this intelectual ejaculation, kinda got lost in it myself

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:04 AM
I have to say its Star Wars without a doubt I liked all of them but will admit Episodes 1,2 and 3 were lacking compared to the other 3.

Stargate the movie was good but I have never seen the series.

As for Star Trek I just never could get into it.

So without a doubt Star Wars

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:08 AM
Star Wars (Episodes 4-6 - the original movies) hands down!

Oh and Darth Vader is out there somewhere with a list of people who disagree... and every night he force chokes a few! Just saying...

The primary difference, though, is that Luke Skywalker kissed his sister. James T. Kirk kissed everyone else.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Well, he didn't KNOW it was his sister, and to be fair, she kissed HIM...(and for luck, just a quick peck, not tonsil hockey or anything)... Kirk would probably knowingly even kiss his sister....
(as would Riker)...

I still want to hear the new BSG fans explain how the humans are still alive in that show though...with half their crew as Cylons.
In the old one, evading them was the only way they survived. If there had been one on board, the Galactica would have been space debris.

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