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Here is it FEMINISM again, Taking all we men have.

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posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 12:00 AM

Well men, it sounds like it's time we got off our butts and joined the Masculist movement.
Time to take it back.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by sezsue

I was actually thinking about this today. Was it actually the feminist movement that convinced all women they had to have a career? Or is that how the information was perceived?

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by sezsue

I was actually thinking about this today. Was it actually the feminist movement that convinced all women they had to have a career? Or is that how the information was perceived?

I think it started out of necessity post WWII. Or at least a perceived necessity to feed the American dream, but that's another discussion. The original intent of feminism as I see it was that since women were going to be in the work place, they deserved equal treatment in all respects. That makes sense to me. Though I think certain elements in the movement pushed an agenda.

Now, what I'd like to know is how alimony makes women more equal?

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

Because women don't get equal pay to men. Still don't. Women still only get 70cents to the dollar for men. Black women even less.
Women tend to put their careers on hold for children. Younger couples tend to put their husbands careers first. You are far more likely to see a couples careers evolve around the men then the women's.

Women tend to put their careers more at risk since they are they take care of the children. It is more likely the woman will use her sick leave, vacation leave, and what have you for childcare then the man.

Women lose a whole heck of a lot if they want to stay home and put their careers on hold for a quite a few years to raise children. A lot of employers don't want to hire someone who has been out of the circuit for a couple of years. So it is to make up for the differences.

That being said, I don't think alimony should go one for more then three or four years. Enough to get training and a job. Unless you are way older, where getting work or another mate is much harder.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

I think that women finally got sick and tired of having to ask hubby for a few bucks to feed the family, buy clothing and the like. I also think that this divorce rate has made a huge difference too. Back in the "Old Days" a woman would stick around and put up with infidelity or abuse simply because there were no other options but poverty.

I was a stay at home mother for 17 years!!!! I have 5 children and my ex husband and I decided it was important for me to stay home and care for the kids. When the youngest was school age I went back to work, that was '98. As bad luck would have it, I became disabled in 01!

After only a few years in the work force I now live on a meager $700 a month and qualify for $174 food stamps. Sure it isn't fair, but hearing the way the kids are grateful for the lives they had when little, it was worth it. I know one thing, I would really caution any woman that chose to stay home with the kids for that period of time. Besides being far more difficult than working outside the home, you put NOTHING up for your later years. red

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by redhead57

Yes, it is precarious. But I think it is really important for someone to stay home with the kids.

What I think is a good idea is to volunteer. Or work part time. Does't make a resume gap.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by sinister_scarecrow

What exactly are women taking?

Why is having a women's council a threat?

You could be severly oppressed for the next 500 years and still not equal what women have been put through.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by sinister_scarecrow

Well considering your dismissive attitude to this post and anything that doesn't agree with your own, you are gathering your own biased information, to create an enemy so you can have someone to blindly hate. When you can logically and openly discuss something and are open to debate, then you can place your arguement.

In the meantime, yoru just biased and bitter.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 11:12 AM
To the OP

OH, and don't argue with a will get nowhere. It's all about THEM apparently.

Man, you should have learned that a long long time ago. It's pointless to argue with any woman.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by sinister_scarecrow

I really believe the feminism in the 21st century west is a is a movement that no longer has any real purpose, for example, some years ago swedish feminists wanted urinals banned. They held that peeing whilst standing up "triumphilised" the male form, I ask you?!?!?!? (

However, OP, i'm not that sure that a more matriarchial society would nessisarily be a bad thing. My thinking comes from studying the societal make up of our neares relatives, chimps and banobos.
Chimps have a very patriachal society, a male chimp will not get on the ladder if he can't first dominate all the females in the clan. Chimp society is violent, rape, infanticide even war.
Banobos on the other hand are more matriarchal, the chicks are in charge!!, and do they fight?, do they rape? No. But they do have plenty sex
So you can see where my thinking is going.
Slightly off topic, but can you imagine what christianity might be like had Mary Magdeline been given full credit her part in the gospels?, just a thought.
I do undertand your thinking though, but i think it has as much to do with political correctness rather than feminism, although PC is a feminist weapon. E.g. Myself and my kids are all involved in the scouting movement and I find it rather odd that in my country at any rate, that the "boy scouts" no longer exist and must admit young ladies (i have no problem with this), however the "girl guides" are permitted to exist. We can have organisations for little girls but not for little boys and this is deemed politically correct.
I'll think i'll go pee off a ladder.
[edit on 16/3/09 by feoil]

[edit on 16/3/09 by feoil]

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by sinister_scarecrow

As a man in a "man's world" on a feminine planet, I for one are grateful this planet will be returning into a feminine state of affairs.

As men we have completely and utterly farked this planet like no other - Mars does come to mind for some reason.

We have held women back. We have hurt them by not being real men in letting the feminine nature of Earth (Gaia) rule in all its nurturing ways.

No doubt men like you will continue to cling to false outdated beliefs like you have stated, and I truly feel sorry for you. Surely there are far more important topics that you could 'worry' about?

The masculine has had its chance - the earth demands her femininity back. Now.


If the earth becomes too feminine it might become like Venus, and I don't want that.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
This thread is going over the line of the T&C's and it needs to stop. The personal attacks are over as of now.

But its okay to make attacks as long as they are generalized out to an entire group, like "women" right?

I just want to be clear, there was that whole "no hate speech no matter how subtle" issue.

Originally posted by Springer

Consider this post as FAIR WARNING that the staff and owners of will be following the T.A.C. to the letter and we are implementing a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on ALL hate speech.

What has transpired up to now is water under the bridge and the slate is wiped clean for one and all. From this moment forward however, there will be no mulligans, no passes and no exceptions.

If you are found to be spreading hate rather than discussing the policies, actions and world events your account will post banned immediately and your membership will be reviewed by staff.

It seems to me the OP has not once offered any specific criticism of the policy, but rather that the policy was used as an intro to spewing on feminists in particular, and women in general.

[edit on 17-3-2009 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by feoil
E.g. Myself and my kids are all involved in the scouting movement and I find it rather odd that in my country at any rate, that the "boy scouts" no longer exist and must admit young ladies (i have no problem with this), however the "girl guides" are permitted to exist. We can have organisations for little girls but not for little boys and this is deemed politically correct.

That is sexist. If all male scouting groups are not allowed to exist, then you are absolutely right that all female scouting groups should also not be allowed to exist. Fair is fair.

Instead of just peeing off a ladder, perhaps you should campaign against the Girl Guides. I would support that cause. Discrimination is discrimination. My guess is that the reason it is tolerated in your country is a long Catholic tradition, rather than some feminist plot. But once non-discrimination laws are enacted, they are blades that cut both ways, as well they should. I am willing to bet that if young males pressed the issue of admittance to the Girl Guides that that could be accomplished.

I support equal rights for all people. Not just for women. If men are being discriminated against, (as in child custody cases) then I think that should be stopped. However it is up to men to organize and lobby against it. I will happily sign their petitions, and email my representatives on their behalf, but if it is important to men, they need to organize and fight against it. I would also like to see objective criteria used to determine who gained custody of the children following a divorce. Perhaps willingness to take parenting classes, submit to a psychological exam, etc. Not all women are good parents. Not all men are good parents. I think competence in parenting should be the only factor considered. Not gender, not wealth.

I would even gladly support a "male abortion" where in the first couple months, (similarly to a females right to choose) a male would have the right to terminate for all time their parental rights/responsibilities with or without the consent of the woman involved.

Not all people who support equal rights are hypocrites. Some actually do support equal opportunity instead of just lobbying for advantages for their own position.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Seasick
Scarecrow, please seek some help. I am not trying to sound flip, sarcastic or rude, I am very serious. I suffer from PTSD myself and I can see mental pain and anguish in your posts. Please seek some counseling and help from a family member, clergy or friend. This is from a concerned fellow human, not anyone trying to be above you or anything like that. Rest well, friend. This mess is not that serious man. Wow. Not every woman is out to get you. I certainly am not, for one. I apologize on behalf of your ex who did you wrong, now please try and move on with your life and think constructive thoughts.

Seasick, do not apologize for the supposed dumping by a woman of a man who may or may not have some mental illness going on. It sounds like she got fed up with the BS he was spewing out. If you really want to help him then send him some psychiatric contacts or give a reference to some psychotic medicines which might calm his 'agitated' mentality. You cannot apologize for another person. She might have had a valid reason for leaving him. Maybe he was wronged or maybe he might just be plain Kookoo for cocoa puffs.. ya know? Either way, you cannot apologize for the wrongs of another. You don't have the right nor authority ...nor does it mean anything towards righting a supposed wrong since you were not part of the original transgression.

[edit on 17-3-2009 by mhinsey]

[edit on 17-3-2009 by mhinsey]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
But its okay to make attacks as long as they are generalized out to an entire group, like "women" right?

I just want to be clear, there was that whole "no hate speech no matter how subtle" issue.

Took the words right out of my mouth. There is way too much women bashing in this thread. Not all women are feminists, and is it really wrong for a woman to want to have equal rights as men?

Feminism has it's place and definitely has some good points. The problem with feminism is that it goes way too far. The women are doing to men exactly what they are trying to fight. As for there being a women's council, I don't see what the huge deal is. The government is completely male dominated, but now that there is one little council that is female dominated, women are taking over? I find it hard to believe that it's going to make THAT big of a difference.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 05:18 PM
Haha, the presidents passing bills that could get you locked up for rocking the boat and your getting pissed about a group of women?

Consider this:
Throughout history women have sufferd (more so then men) In many parts of the world women still suffer while men maintain control and go about there biased lives. (mostly in muslim countries) It wasnt that long ago here in the uk where women couldnt even have a morgage on there house and were basicly dependant on men. Being that dependant on men gave many the opertunity to treat women how they wanted. that of course = more suffering for the female sex.

So, now women have a small little group that wont make much of a difference anyway. Men have ruled countrys and empire's for centerys. let us have our little group damnit!

Oh..and equal rights ftw

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 05:55 PM
In the not too distant past women had a much more difficult time obtaining credit which adversely affected their ability to rent; purchase a home; get phone service (technology has helped greatly in this area); electricity, purchase a car, etc--the basic necessities of life. Having a career enabled women to enter into the mainstream of commerce and become self sufficient (70's). The economic times (80's) changed (as they have again today) and it became more of a necessity for women to work, even if married, for the family to stay afloat. I hope that most men appreciate the economic contribution that their wives and other women make. I just wish it weren't a necessity and that most families could have a stay at home parent as long as their children are minors.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Shrukin89

women belong in the kitchen! they were created to serve man.

Well im no christian, but if u ask me, feminists are satan worshippers, because they are going directly against the word of god.

eve was created to serve adam, so says the bible.

these feminists worship the dark lord, in all his glory!

The bible is the most corrupted religious texts in the world. I personally beleive that it has been modified in order to suit the world's needs. by that i mean at the time of making, it was changed (as if it always has been) so that men went to war & work while women stayed at home.
Since you are reffering to a corrupt text i might aswell ask, Did adam not get along fine without eve? Did he starve? get blisters on his hands? i dont think so. I guess the guy was just lonely? makes sense to make him a friend.

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
Feminism = Destruction of Family Unit

You expect you children to grow up normal when neither parent is around to raise them?

I disagree. There are many women who are tallented enough to work AND take care of the family - admittedly not as well as a full time stay at home parent. however, if you are so concerned that children are not being brought up proper, perhaps you would consider sitting at home and taking care of the being's you helped bring into the world? But of course, you love your freedom dont you? you like being the provider and protecter? nothing wrong with that, but hey, so do women.

Feminisim wouldnt exist if things had been equil from the start. As a women, i wouldnt seek to push down the opposite sex because of how things were in the PAST. Tyranny i dont think is in a womens nature. We do and think things slightly different for a reason and that reason is to counter-balance your idea's.
Life is unfair, the least we should be doing to trying to balence out the unfairness?

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by sliceNodice

If you haven't seen this video, and you are interested in the truth about feminism... I suggest you give it a look. Fast-forward to nine minutes.

When Aaron Russo says "he", Aaron is referring to David Rockefeller the globalist... you know, the guy who wants to take over the world.

[edit on 14-3-2009 by sliceNodice]

Yeah right, you look at THIS video from a man who initially started helping feminism and their cause and then realized that they had more sinister agenda.

[edit on 22-3-2009 by sinister_scarecrow]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Shrukin89

women belong in the kitchen! they were created to serve man.

Well im no christian, but if u ask me, feminists are satan worshippers, because they are going directly against the word of god.

eve was created to serve adam, so says the bible.

these feminists worship the dark lord, in all his glory!

The bible is the most corrupted religious texts in the world. I personally beleive that it has been modified in order to suit the world's needs. by that i mean at the time of making, it was changed (as if it always has been) so that men went to war & work while women stayed at home.
Since you are reffering to a corrupt text i might aswell ask, Did adam not get along fine without eve? Did he starve? get blisters on his hands? i dont think so. I guess the guy was just lonely? makes sense to make him a friend.

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
Feminism = Destruction of Family Unit

You expect you children to grow up normal when neither parent is around to raise them?

I disagree. There are many women who are tallented enough to work AND take care of the family - admittedly not as well as a full time stay at home parent. however, if you are so concerned that children are not being brought up proper, perhaps you would consider sitting at home and taking care of the being's you helped bring into the world? But of course, you love your freedom dont you? you like being the provider and protecter? nothing wrong with that, but hey, so do women.

Feminisim wouldnt exist if things had been equil from the start. As a women, i wouldnt seek to push down the opposite sex because of how things were in the PAST. Tyranny i don't think is in a womens nature. We do and think things slightly different for a reason and that reason is to counter-balance your idea's.
Life is unfair, the least we should be doing to trying to balance out the unfairness?

Equal from the beginning huh? It's funny, I keep hearing that FROM WOMEN! These are the very women who use sexuality to get what they want and have since the beginning of time. Every woman is taught by her mother how to use the 'sex card' to manipulate men and WE ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE BEEN DISADVANTAGED FROM THE BEGINNING AND WITHOUT EQUALITY.HMMM, Erin Brockovich comes to mind, furthering her career by dressing like a tramp and then getting media to help her in her feminist campaign simply because they asked her to dress appropriately for court thus taking away her advantage that is her sexual manipulation of men. There is an old saying that women have when confronted with men running the household and it goes as such "the men aren't in control we just let them THINK they are". I have heard this so many times it makes me sick. So you're right, it has never been equal, you women have just tugged the puppet strings from the sidelines since the beginning of time making it look like men are doing that YOU don't have to take any responsibility for your devious actions. Women cheat more in relationships and try to make it look like men do. They lie more. The very first woman on earth seduced a man into doing wrong and screwed it up for the whole world to follow. I know someone will come on here and claim Adam could have made up his own mind and that's true, but such is manipulation, It breaks down defenses and is an illusionary tool that women wield that, to me, is just as dangerous as any nuclear bomb to this world, it is just a slower death to us men.I mean there are some women who seduce that really should not be able to. About the Adam and Eve thing, read God's word's about what happened, don't try to twist my words here.

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