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What If Things Don't Impove Under Obama

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posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 11:52 AM
Time and time again I hear people comparing obama to lincoln, regan etc etc. Isn't it strange that they compare him to reps? When ever someone challeges the great obama people come out of the woodworks and say "hes only been in office for 2 months". So if that is the case then why praise him when hes only been in office for 2 months? Countless of times did Obama bash Bush for his excess spending but yet when he's elected office he passes a bill that has a price tag for 800 BILLION dollars. And now he wants to Nationilize the bank system. But yet when someone challeges him its a sin. Since when did we lose the right to question Obama? So now i ask you, What if things don't impove under obama?

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Dark Jester

What If Things Don't Impove Under Obama?

Well it will be Bush's fault of course.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Questioning Obama has come close to the effects of questioning religion.

If things don't improve it'll still be know as "we didn't know Bush did this much damage!!"

Although some things will improve, not 'everything' can't suffer a fall, one thing will turn out good.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 12:10 PM
If things don't improve under Obama I will suspect that the world is still functioning as it always has. Presidents since the beginning of time have promised the sky and delivered dirt and so far he looks to be doing a bang up job of keeping that tradition.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Dark Jester

Then he'll be just like every other president. People will always find a reason or excuse to say that things didn't improve.

[edit on 7-3-2009 by baseball101]

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Helig

Here here I completely agree.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:13 PM
Obama can't fail.

I mean honestly, there are two choices.

If gets exponentially crappier and the state intervenes more-- giving free aide, food, shelter etc. He is seen as FDR-esqe saviour if this happens. He is seen as hero. People see the economy as either Bush's fault, big Business's fault, or a freak occurance. In any case, they certainly will not blame Obama for the stagnation.

If things get good, Obama gets all the praise for pulling us out. I think things are going to be on the up and up, but not because of B.H.O.II. but because Americans are resilient and will not be kept down for long. I just hope he doesn't do any long term damage or get the term limit rule changed anytime soon.

I mean the only way Obama could lose is if he became a dictator and was diposed by the general populace or something freaky like that-- and truth be told, while I don't think he is exactly the most intelligent guy in the world, I think he is smart enough that he knows he has to keep Congress and the DoD happy unless he wants his happy a$$ fired.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:17 PM
I have a better question.

What if things do improve?

Do we allow things to continue as usual, or do we remove the people that instigated this whole mess and hold them accountable?

I would think the answer to that question was obvious considering how we are treating that filth, Bernie.

Get off the couch!!

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:24 PM
It is all rather hypothetical isn't it?
We can never know to what extent who destroyed what -
Just as we can never know to what extent someone or something is actually helping -
At this point we are all just grasping at straws - even those in power.
Mostly those in power.

If we take a look at how long this systems core has been corrupt, abused and damaged
- we will just know in our hearts that it is time to tear down and start again.
And - it clearly looks like that is what is happening - regardless of those in power.

There have been too few people who hold the control -
- making decisions that we need to make for ourselves.
We cannot make that mistake again.
We have to pay attention this time and rebuild the way we choose.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:37 PM
What if things have reached a point where improvement is impossible now?

What if there is no plan that can 'fix' this downfall?

What if we are all witnessing the impact of finally reaching the limit that our human civilization can support continued growth globally?

Gee, what ifs R fun!

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:57 PM
Hey Jester I was actually waiting for fellow conservative ATSers to post this topic. Kudos.

Originally posted by Dark Jester
Time and time again I hear people comparing obama to lincoln, regan etc etc. Isn't it strange that they compare him to reps?

As I recall we have both parties and ideological supporters comparing present day candidates with the past. To restrict this to just the Democrats shows little more than partisan bragging. Bush jnr... yes the one who lead the last administration, was on many occasions compared to Reagan and made as a close friend and what not because of his fathers relationship with Reagan as vice president... Palin was called on numerous times in comparison to the values of reagan.... and same to some dems. It happens both sides.

I certainly dont compare Obama to anybody in the past... I think his his own man and will judge him on his own actions when his first term ends.

When ever someone challeges the great obama people come out of the woodworks and say "hes only been in office for 2 months".

There are ten times as many Obama bashers on this forum than anything else, and the thread count is alone as evidence. The fact of the matter is that "conservatives" here are already calling out on things yet to happen under this administration. Folks also tend to forget the crises started prior towards his administration, and yet two months into office his already deemed a faliure. Left or right, I dont think thats a fair analysis.

Now nobody is stopping you from being critical over his policies and what you think will happen but the above should be of common sense to see folks are pruposefully jumping the gun.

So if that is the case then why praise him when hes only been in office for 2 months?

Again there are some extreme supporters of Obama just like there were of Palin and Ron Paul here... we cannot generalize as we feel and put it up as fact. I never praised him for a successful administration nor do I know of any other Obama supporters. I do praise him for his coolness over the scorn and economic pressure he is having to go through though. I think for any presidential candidate coming into the presidency now is indeed a brave one.

Countless of times did Obama bash Bush for his excess spending but yet when he's elected office he passes a bill that has a price tag for 800 BILLION dollars.

And heres the difference. Obama is putting forth a stimulus inorder to curb the current economic mess that was brought forth in most by the policies of the prior administration. Bush decided to spend trillions on pointless wars and tax cuts that have not shown any effectiveness following his term.... there are clear differences. You may feel that the only way to solve the crises is to give out tax cuts or just wait it out however these is a consensus among the dems and most economists that one has to invest in america and spend inorder to curb the crises. If repubs were in power, they would be doing things their way.

And now he wants to Nationilize the bank system. But yet when someone challeges him its a sin.

I dont know Im yet to see Bushies, Paulers and other conservatives actually challange him on the relevant issues... not go on trolling sprees... If you are critical about nationalization of all the banks (which we are yet to actually see) post a thread were references and and explanation, instead of going on trolling rants.

Since when did we lose the right to question Obama? So now i ask you, What if things don't impove under obama?

As i said in my prior thread like this one, if things not marginally improve under Obama, meaning if theres no sufficient improvement or if things have become significantly worse, I will throw him in the garbage bin with Bush and the rest of the administrative officials.... but thjere should be recognition from your side that this is a pritty deep financial crises and as with any administration facing this there are no quick cures.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 06:03 PM
We can vote in JEB - he's a Bush and only he can properly finish the job!

Palin for VP

and Charlie Manson can spearhead ethics reform!

REAL America!

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 06:13 PM
If Obama lets us down and continues selling the country down the river a la George W Bush, then he is even a worse man than the Bushman himself.
I imagine its just an act and Obama would be act II, in this comedy of horrors.
IF he lets us down, FEMA camps or NOT, WE as Americans can revolt and get him tossed out of the White House. IT is our DUTY TO SEE THAT HE WORKS AND PERFORMS FOR THE GOOD OF THIS COUNTRY AND THE WORLD!!!!!

No time left for the wait and see attitude that has ruined this country and this world.
Screw that.

Or are we going to fight like we should. That is the question.
imo, of course.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 07:28 PM
America finaly wakes up is what is going to happen!

as everything being Bush's fault I am so sick of hearing this crap, every time bush is blamed for our current economic troubles every single senator and congrasman for the last 100 years smiles, because none of the blame is layed on them!

Bush just sent us over the edge we where allready standing with out toes at the edge of the cliff!

In fact I will take this one step further and say, it is your Fault, my fault every american is to blame for letting our goverment get so out of hand!

[edit on 7-3-2009 by Verd_Vhett]

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 07:39 PM
I reiterate.
What if things do improve?
What then?
I mean unless we overhaul our entire way of thinking, we are doomed to have a repeat performance.
We need local manufacturing again, plain and simple.
We need to employ some of the old ways of doing things when it comes to employment and lifestyle.
Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, etc...
We need to relearn the trades thrown overseas.
We need to be smart with how we use resources.
We need to have something to take pride in again.
We need to trade, not just buy and sell.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 07:55 PM
Obama will keep improving the zombie financial institutions that keeps the market up and down that is why, that is the priority right now.

That is only temporarily as the money flows.

The plan he has put forward for the nation will not help at all.

Because while his intentions are nice the problems facing the US economy is too deep and complex to fix overnight.

Still he has not given a specific plan to take care of the complex problems.

His stimulus package that has nothing to do with the incredible budget that he is also working on will add more deficit on our already bankrupted nation.

He truly believe that making government bigger in order to provide jobs will help the American worker, as he can no create jobs within our industries as they are not many left.

President Obama has presented the most irresponsible budget in U.S. history. His fiscal year 2010 budget projects federal spending of $3.5 trillion and a federal deficit of $1.75 trillion. In other words, 50 percent of the government's budget consists of red ink.

One more problem that Obama stimulus and budget is facing.

America doesn't have the money stash away for a raining day.

That money has to be either borrowed or printed with the promise of some country buying out or banking our debt.

Sadly as the rest of the world feels the global economic crisis, countries will be very short handed as how they will afford Americas increasing debt.

To whom can the U.S. government turn for $1.75 trillion for FY 2010, on top of $1.2 trillion for FY 2009?

Not to taxpayers. Obama's net tax increase comes to $170 billion over 10 years, or $17 billion a year, a drop in the bucket. A supply-side economist could have told him that not even these paltry revenues will be realized.

Not to private savers. Americans are over their heads in debts.

Not to foreigners. Thanks to Clinton-Bush financial deregulation and Wall Street and bankster greed, the rest of the world is in financial turmoil and hasn't $1.75 trillion in savings to lend. Possibly, the stock market will collapse further, and whatever remaining wealth Americans have will flow into "safe" U.S. Treasuries

This money right now to fix the economy is nothing more than the promise of better days if you have enough faith.

And faith feeds the soul but do not feed a hungry stomach.

Sorry to say this but Obama perhaps without a miracle will not improve the economy in the long run.

Borrowing and spending is what got our nation in the mess it is right now.

His tax projects are not going to make him very popular in Wal street either.

[edit on 7-3-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 08:30 PM
I give up.
I don't think at this point there is any solution.
We a Screwed, plain and simple.
Life goes on though.

[edit on 7/3/2009 by reticledc]


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