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Most monumental UFO event in recent times?

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posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 05:15 PM
Facefirst,i watched the same show it seems.They played back the info off one of the F-16's radar and, if i remember correctly,some proffessor said that the speed the object accelorated at would mean the object was capable of infinite speed.Or something similar to that.It has been a while since i watched the program.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
the hosting service for those videos has suspended the account.

anyone else have a copy of those videos ???

Also, try these links at the same sight. One is stills from the F16 radar. radar

This other is an interview with one of the pilots. (IIRC)

Interview with Col De Brouwer

hope this helps

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Supernova
Facefirst,i watched the same show it seems.They played back the info off one of the F-16's radar and, if i remember correctly,some proffessor said that the speed the object accelorated at would mean the object was capable of infinite speed.Or something similar to that.It has been a while since i watched the program.

There have been quite a few shows on the Belgian incident(15yrs!) and I can't remember from which show I saw the news conference....

But I do remember a radar operator remarking that the object on screen was doing manuevers at speeds that would be impossible by our current technology.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 05:32 PM
I don't know if it'll focus on Belgium but one of the major news magazines, either Dateline or Primetime NBC or ABC is doing a whole hour on Paranormal tonight (thrusday) ranging from UFO's to hauntings.

Nine o'clock eithe ABC or NBC.

Check your local listings.


posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 05:38 PM
Radars can be spoofed with active countermeasures.

I think that yes, this is a well-documented UFO case.

I think that there was a real physical craft.

I do not believe the UFO was manufactured on another planet by non-humans.

I believe that some of tracking data showing unbelievable accelerations is mistaken and a result of active and advanced countermeasures by the craft.

I believe the purpose of the test was to see if it could be passed off as an extraterrestrial craft, and the test was successful.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel

Radars can be spoofed with active countermeasures.

I believe that some of tracking data showing unbelievable accelerations is mistaken and a result of active and advanced countermeasures by the craft.

Good points, but, unless a craft like that is unmanned, the Gs pulled on those manuevers would render a pilot useless.

Also, the Belgian flap happened over two or three years. Not just one incident of radar contacts.

But in the end? Who knows? Either of us could be right.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 06:39 PM
id have to say the one i saw two weeks ago from a personal stand point ...from a non personal stand point id have to say what ive heard about the Belgium sightings

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 08:33 PM
The most recent monumental UFO event? The 1/5/2000 Illinois UFO sighting. Big triangle, seen by numerous cops, followed by a media shutdown of the subject.

Stan Romanek's videos are also fairly amazing recent evidence.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Facefirst

You are right on that point. None of them are actual proof.

I just think most of the ones we have listed in this thread demand to be looked at with open minds.

Well, a common belief in the masses (and among skeptics, who I have sparred with on occassion) is that UFO always means alien spacecraft, and government cover-up/conspiracy always means they're hiding the aliens. In one such 'debate' (read: argument), I cited examples of several aerial events that lacked explanation. I never mentioned or evne hinted at extraterrestrial origin. The other guy simply says 'Prove they're aliens, fool'. The thread then went on for 3 pages of he and his sycophants constantly telling me to provide evidence for claims I DID NOT MAKE. I eventually got so disgusted that I left that forum, never to return

Unidentified Flying Objects are real. I'm not totally sure what they are. But I am sure some are not mundane explanations. Be they test aircraft, strange natural phenomena, or even alien spacecraft, we cannot at the moment know with any clarity. And I am damn sure there are groups out there that know more than has been released.

posted on Apr, 16 2004 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Esoterica

Unidentified Flying Objects are real. I'm not totally sure what they are. But I am sure some are not mundane explanations. Be they test aircraft, strange natural phenomena, or even alien spacecraft, we cannot at the moment know with any clarity. And I am damn sure there are groups out there that know more than has been released.

Well said Esoterica. Most people seem to have the strange belief that UFO means Alien Spacecraft. IT DOES NOT. A UFO is any object that appears in the sky which cannot be positively identified. Therefore UFOs are most definitely real. There is much evidence for them. DOes Rendlessham, or Phoenix or many other hundreds of objects actually have any indication that they are connected with ET activity. No.
Had anyone even connected UFOs>Aliens befire the myth of Roswell?
And many people wonder why UFOlogy and the investigation of the paranormal has such a bad name and is generally considered to be consigned to wackos. *sigh*

posted on Apr, 16 2004 @ 09:23 PM

I saw the phoenix lights debunked on some UFO show on Channel 5 a few years ago.They were flares dropped from planes, which then disappeared behind the mountain range.


And it should be obvious that each light is a separate object I'd have to say no on Phoenix.

Rendlesham is definitely a contender, but the prize must go to Roswell...

After all, it remains the ONLY time the US Government actually claimed to retrieve a saucer....

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 12:26 AM

I saw the phoenix lights debunked on some UFO show on Channel 5 a few years ago.They were flares dropped from planes, which then disappeared behind the mountain range.

Flares? Those flares in the recreation looked nothing like the Phoenix lights... I didn't buy it at all.

I too think the Phoenix lights have to be the most significant UFO related event in recent times. Second would be the Belgian Triangle events.

I don't see how anyone can really deny there is something wierd going on. Just look at tapes from both of those events and I think there is enough evidence to say WTF? Nevermind all the eye witness accounts from the thousands of people who were personally there...

Interestingly Native American legend from the [name escapes me] tribe near Phoenix, AZ speaks of strange flying lights dating back hundreds of years ago.

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Rendlesham is definitely a contender, but the prize must go to Roswell...

After all, it remains the ONLY time the US Government actually claimed to retrieve a saucer....

Not to mention they admitted to a cover up. A cover up of a secret balloon, but a cover up nonetheless. Sort of shoot # into the sail of those who say the government is incapable of a 50-year coveru up.

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 12:47 AM

Not to mention they admitted to a cover up. A cover up of a secret balloon, but a cover up nonetheless. Sort of shoot (c) into the sail of those who say the government is incapable of a 50-year coveru up.

I read a story on MSNBC a while back about the government "coming clean" about Rosewell. In the story they showed weather ballons and recently declassified footage of testing. At any rate there was a lot of interesting info that did have me convinced... For a while...

Then there were some images taken at the national archives of all the files being looked over by investigators/ interested people. Inside this little box there was even an artifact... It was supposed to be a piece of weather ballon.

Now, I'll stop right here because what the artifact looked like doesn't even matter... The thing that made me call BS on the whole Rosewell story and how it was secret USAF testing was the simple fact that parts from a "weather ballon" had even been included in the archive. I though that the inclusion of physical "evidence" seemed like someone was trying very hard to get the public convinced of the story that was being told.

At any rate it didn't help that the weather ballon looked like a piece of balsa wood and mylar you could buy at a hobbie shop...

I think something very strange happened at Rosewell...

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 01:30 AM
That's pretty funny the decided to come clean about a weather balloon. Pretty hard information to swallow. A damn weather balloon. Forget UFOs guys, we have a weather balloon..

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 03:54 AM
The Belgian wave seems to me to be quite a "proof"... No one though has ever proved, in anycase anywhere, that the unidentified thing was extraterrestrial though. Still, the Belgian militaries and government admitted that they had something unidentified, and that they ruled all known things out, leaving them with officially a true UFO.

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 04:26 AM
UFOs (saucer craft) have been around a long time.

And yes, the real question is are they terrestrial or extra-terrestrial, meaning they can travel the stars and are not born on Earth.

UFOS in Art

Take a look at the Madonna image on that page.

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 04:57 AM
I`d have to agree with those mentioning the Belgium triangle incident. However, I would only say this conditionally as I don`t really consider any UFO event, from Roswell, Shag Harbour or the Belgium incident, to have been monumental. Only a event which brings the subject fully in to the public eye and asks serious questions of everyone could be considered truly monumental. So until a UFO lands/crashes on the front lawn of Buckingham Palace they will all seem incidental rather than monumental.

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 08:27 AM
What is this thing with the pheonix lights being debunked, this never happened!!

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by jhova
What is this thing with the pheonix lights being debunked, this never happened!!

Well, some TV shows did so, and it had me pretty convinced. Then I looked it up on th WWW. The debunked is so incredible. Its absolutely nothing like the original Phoenix Lights footage, and the Mountain line is in the wrong place.

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