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Strange Sickness in Norfolk, VA

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posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:09 AM
Everybody in my family has come down with "stomach flu" symptoms. Now everybody in the hotel I am remodeling is coming down with it. The symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, dizziness and inability to concentrate.

The last two symptoms are the strangest. People are comparing it to being stoned or drunk. The other thing is that it comes on very strong for the first 24 - 30 hours and incapacitates most people. I stayed in bed for 20 hours straight, getting up twice to puke and use the bathroom. Once the worst is over, and you can get back to school or work, the nausea and disorientation come back. I can't shake it and neither can anybody else.

It has been over a week since I got it and suddenly, I am very nauseous and can not concentrate. I could barely get out of bed this morning and I am having a hard time writing this post. Some of my employees say this is the worst they've felt in ten years and they never get sick.

Norfolk has been the site of other Navy medical tests on the public at large. They have admitted to exposing their soldiers and others to dangerous microbes, mustard gas, nerve gas and hallucinogens.

What is up??? Any other parts of the country experiencing these symptoms??

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:41 AM
I live in Virginia Beach. We are neighbors! I think you guys should go to the doctor immediatly. I am a nurse and I would get checked out soon. Feel Better

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:43 AM
I go with what she said. Does it not seem somewhat logical to visit a physician?

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:00 AM
Up here in PA, that's exactly what my mother-in-law had from Thurs through Mon. She still seems really tired, but went to work on Weds. She's been coming home and just laying in bed. My son has had a couple of boughts of rhea-rhea and a fever of 103 the week before her. He only threw up once, but said he felt like he had to. My son was also lethargic and spent less time playing video games, more time layin on the couch.

No, none of them went to the Dr. Just did the standard lots of fluids, applesauce, bananas and mashed potatoes.


posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by zarp3333

That is strange everyone coming down with something together like that.

I would go to a doc. - but one that would "really" try to figure out what is wrong... compared to a "same" old story of flu or something.

Good luck

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Nobody wants to take time out of their busy day to go to the doctor if they are just going to say "take it easy, drink fluids and don't forget your co-pay."

How would they treat the disorientation? I think they'd look at me like I was a hypochondriac. I've had colds and the flu before, but nothing like this. My hands are shaking as I'm typing and if I think about the nausea, it makes it worse.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:29 AM
I'm a couple hours north of you and we've had a very similar things going around here for a few months. Nearly the same, except with lung congestion and coughing too. Nausea, and most of all dizziness and trouble concentrating.

Bacteria has been ruled out, and it is generally being attributed to a new strain of flu. After a few weeks all but the cough and occasional dizziness subside then those symptoms trail off over a month or two.

None of the symptoms seem life threatening, but the local docs are aware it is going around.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:38 AM
Yeah, I had that a few weeks ago here in Ohio. Went to my doctor - it was.... wait for it..... Oh, the suspense..... The Flu!!!!! 4 weeks later I am still experiencing after-effects. Funny thing about the Flu... there are millions of variants; some much worse than others. This one is obviously one of the "Worst" ones.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:39 AM
I wonder if it sounds like the infection may have effected your adrenals.

I have a friend who has an adrenal problem, who has what are called "adrenal crisis" when her her adrenals fail. And most of your (dizziness nausea concentration) symptoms are the same as when that happens to her.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by zarp3333

This was posted yesterday - Also VA

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:00 PM
I dont think people realize how many products have been recalled due to salmonella. Most people think it was just a few things that had peanut butter in them. Actually it is not only things that have peanut butter in them but peanuts too even trail mixes, and chinese food (with peanuts). I am still getting at least 20 emails a day with new recalls due to this salmonella outbreak. It has most of the same symptoms as the stomach flu. Its much cheeper to say its the flu. Its a nasty bugger either way. My son, despite my warnings, got a peanut crunch bar from a friend at school. Poor kid had horrid nightmares, and puked every 5 - 10 min for 7 hours straight before it started comming out the other end.

Best thing to do, drink lots of fluids.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:17 PM
I live in Oregon, and have just gotten over the same (or at least, same sounding) illness. I had it, my girlfried had it, and 4 other people we know have it. You're right, though, it isnt that odd, except for the "stoned" feeling.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:58 PM
This sounds like a mold infestation. I would contact physicians and the CDC or local health department to see what's going on in those vents.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 01:14 PM
sounds like the flu to me which is in full swing right now.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 01:24 PM
How many of the people exhibiting these symtoms have had a flu vacination in the last 12 months? When was your lst vacination OP?

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:02 PM
My husband and I both have had it, but I had it the worst. I lost so much body fluid through vomiting and diaorhea that my bowels were literally emptied out.

I literally had nothing left in my bowels. I lost so much fluid that the doctor that came out gave me anti-sick tablets and a powder, which is added to water to bulk up the bowels. My bowels are still quite loose.

Whatever kind of virus it is; it is ruthless. I live in Norfolk, England here in the UK. All my neighbours have had it and there has been several people off work because of it.

I have Spastic Paraplegia and a weak immune system, so it takes sometime for me to get over a bug.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
sounds like the flu to me which is in full swing right now.

I'd tend to agree. Fever causes disorientation and stuff. We're a small office of 21 people in Atlanta and have had two rounds of it already this winter (late December and early February). All 21 people have gotten sick within 5 days of each other both times. Seems particularly virulent. And of course we have few sick days so everyone comes to work and spreads the cheer. The same thing has happened to a friend of mine where she works in London...she said it's so bad there they're sending people home and turning them away from hospitals, which are overrun (late December...early January). It's a pretty nasty, long-lingering flu that seems to progress from top down in the boddy, with symptoms being typically flulike (starting with head congestion, sweats, chills and moving to chest congestion, muscle aches, and stomach involvement, lower) but varying slightly from individual to individual, based I'd guess on the individual's particular immune strengths and weaknesses. The last round had a sore throat too. Most who have gone to the doctor have gotten the old "Oh the flu shot missed this one" and everything ranging from prescribed antibiotics or antivirals to just go home and rest. Only one doctor did a test and told the guy that there are two strains going vira,l one bacterial...and that the wrong prescription could cause some very severe consequences. Whatever that means.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:20 PM
Sounds like gastric flu to me or possibly the winter vomiting virus which we get in England every winter, It is so virulent that whole wards get closed down for deep cleaning and in December several schools were closed because of it. the bug is also called norovirus. it is really contagious and the bugs can survive on hard surfaces so it is important to disinfect all hard surfaces. Difficult i know -if you feel like poop.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:56 PM
We have an enormous amount of mold in the hotel that is being released as we tear the wallpaper down. The thing is, I've been exposed to mold many times as a general contractor and I've never had any ill effects.

I doubt it is mold because we've been getting rid of it since August and these symptoms have just started in January. The other reason I'm ruling out the respiratory aspect of mold is that most people have no upper respiratory symptoms, it is the nausea, diarrhea and "stoned" symptoms that are troubling and the fact that they have been coming and going for weeks.

Thanks very much to everybody for posting. I feel very grateful to have access to this resource. Because it is free, I feel the answers, suggestions and feedback are inherently more honest and open-minded than anything I'd pay for from a "doc in the box."

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:21 AM
OR its the Salmonella

typhodial Salmonella

Clinical Manifestations:
a. Typhoid fever (a.k.a. “enteric fever”): Fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea and/or constipation, nonspecific
flu-like symptoms; also may have altered mental status (“muttering delirium”).

Over 1900 items have been recalled. Anything that has peanuts or peanut paste has been recalled. Everything but jars of peanut butter like jif basicly. Trail mix, ice cream, cookies, candies that have peanuts, etc. They said at the begining that it was typhodial salmonella. They are not wanting to repeat that right now because the lawsuits have started. BUT yes the icky bug that tries to turn you inside out, can come with a fever, an altered mental status - feeling stoned, or having nasty nightmares - is typohidal salmonella poisioning otherwise known as typhoid fever. BUT if you want to prove it it will cost you or the Dr.'s so giving the test is not on the Dr's to do list at this time. Cant prove it, cant join in the lawsuit. SO must be the flu bug. Wait a minute, the stomach flu, is caused by salmonella." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">WebMD

There are many causes of stomach flu (gastroenteritis), including bacteria such as E. coli, Camphylobacter, Shigella, and Salmonella.

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