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Octuplet Mom Nadya Suleman Launches Website For Donations

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posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 01:58 PM
Thats disgusting. And didn't she get disability for a bad back?

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Afrosamurai

Yes on permanent disability because of damage to her lower back. Does she look in pain in those pictures?

I was so up for creating my own nano-spawn and becoming famous and rich until I saw those pictures, now I am considering abstinence!

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Mynaeris]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:32 PM
Hmm, how about we make even more money then her? We have 52 kids, then with all the donations and charity and welfare we start a pro football team? Since they're ours we'd guilt them in to working for pennies on the dollar! Wait, I take it back we don't need to be giving this woman any ideas.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Mynaeris

Why would there be a law against against her asking for donations?

I am ALL for a mom having as many children as they want.

As long as the tax payers ultimately do not end up paying for the children.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by FritosBBQTwist

I also don't see a problem with an adult begging for money, but when they use their children as the motivation for donation it is child exploitation. If she stood by the side of the road with a sign saying "I don't have a job, I don't have a husband, but I have 14 children that I intentionally created and no money to feed them. I didn't want a man, and all I wanted were children so they could love me so I could feel special. O Sister can you spare me a dime" . I think I probably would just keep driving on.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Mynaeris]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Mynaeris

3) Dr Kamrava and his clinic needs to pay to support her brood

Now that is the best idea yet that I've heard from this whole mess. He's the doctor who caused all of this, and even if it's not his sperm, he did the impregnating and he should be held responsible for the results.

Dr. Kamrava has to bear some of the responsibility here. He should have had some awareness of what he was doing when he impregnated a single woman with 6 children and no visible means of income with more embryos. He had to know that she would wind up taking government assistance, and he enabled her to do that.

In fact, Dr. Kamrava is much like the out-of-control banks who were giving out $750K mortgages to undocumented strawberry pickers. And perhaps the outcry from the American public is our recognition that this is a defining excess of our age. Making him pay child support might be better punishment then stripping his medical license away. It would be poetic justice.

If nothing else, then he should be on the hook for all the government aid and welfare that Ms Suleman is claiming, because he is directly responsible for costing us California taxpayers.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:31 PM
So Octo-mom has been caught out in another lie. Read the two articles below and decide which one feels the most like truth. Remember this is the same woman who said she doesn't receive welfare. AND then did approximately $2300.00 a month.

As for the Angelina comparison, Nadya says she was unaware of the comparisons being made. She told Ann Curry in last night’s Dateline interview, "I have never even thought of Angelina Jolie, except the last time I saw a movie. I think that was like years ago. This is so far away from the place I'm in right now, to think of any celebrity."



Angelina Jolie creeped out by Octuplet mother, Nadya Suleman, after receiving multiple letters.

A source close to Jolie -- herself the mother of six children -- tells the Chicago Sun-Times it's not just reading about Suleman in the press that fuels the Oscar winner's irritation.

Apparently, over the past year or so, Suleman has made attempts to reach out the the actress -- sending her admiring letters and extolling her talent and humanitarian efforts on behalf of children's issues around the world.

''At least she wasn't a total crazy ... like the stalkers who try to actually meet Angelina and follow along with the paparazzi,'' added the source, who also said, ''It is clear this woman needs psychological help. It's one thing to clip out a celebrity's photo from a magazine and ask your [hair] stylist to copy that cut. Who hasn't done that? But to have a nose job, have collagen injections in your lips and start talking like Angelina -- that's over the top.''

News Article

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by FritosBBQTwist
reply to post by Mynaeris

Why would there be a law against against her asking for donations?

I am ALL for a mom having as many children as they want.

As long as the tax payers ultimately do not end up paying for the children.

Weather its through donations or state benefits its still the taxpayer thats paying for her or some poor souls charitable nature, at the end of the day shes got 14 kids she cant provide for, so in this case i think the only donation she needs is that of an education and work placement.

I think i might go complain of a bad back and mild autism to my doctor, not forgetting depression, bung him a couple of grand and milk the system for a few years, adopt 14 children and seek donations to support them because i want to love and care for an obscenly large family i should have no physical right to...

It sounds severe but in the context of this matter its not.

[edit on 12/2/2009 by phushion]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 04:45 PM
The truely sad thing about this is when the hipe and the money run out and the full force of the situation hits her she will take it out on the kids.

This is a true human disaster,the idea of one person takeing care of 14 other humans is physicaly impossable,she will never get any rest or sleep.No doubt the babys will start dieing anytime soon.With three children already disabled and no doubt some of the 8 will be this can only end in disaster unless the state steps in and takes the kids and put this nut job in a mental instatution.

Has she said how many more she will have???

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by sadchild01


Name: Shame on you

Country: USA

Comment: Not once in this entire process of procreating have you considered anything other than yourself. It's the attention you crave, revealed in the amount of publicity you're willing to have, the way you have sculpted your appearance, and the decision to have two LITTERS of children you can't provide for. The risks of infant health problems associated with multiple births was of no consequence to you, because having babies is just a matter of "looky what I can do" to you. The state should take your children due to willful child neglect; you artificially and intentionally had far more children than you knew you could provide for.

You must obtain a license to drive.

You must obtain a license to marry.

Need I state the next?


posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 06:44 PM
I watched Dr Phil for the first time in years and his topic of discussion was Nadya Suleman. Although he was critical of her actions and her ability to raise the children , he felt that she had made a mistake and we should pretty much get over it. Quite a bit of fuss was made about where she was living as it was too small for her and 14 kids. Wouldn't it be great if every time you had more kids , some good samaritan would upgrade your home?And the take home message was to go to her website and donate. Because we should be the village that raises her fourteen children with her.

The message I got was that Dr Phil had been given a scoop by Nadya's publicist and was paying her back for the scoop.

Being fair to him he did cover some controversial areas, but it was pretty much an easy ride for the publicist . The question of why Nadya would need a publicist never even crossed his mind. BUT it did cross his mind to state that she was one of the best publicists in the country and had many many A list clients.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Mynaeris]

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Mynaeris]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:11 PM
She has already taken my money in the food stamps she gets and now the tax payer is going to have to pick up her 1.3 million dollor hospital bill as well. She should be the one giving me some of my money back.

If she can not take care of her kids they should be siezed for thier own protection.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:21 PM
It makes me SICK that a woman like this can be pumped full of babies when others are having them taken away from wrongly being accused of abuse.

How would she like This to happen to her family?

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:38 PM
I saw this story and alot of people I go to college is talking about it.

It is really stupid I would say. It seems like the lady is still a kid can't learn to take responsibility of her own life. She should of known how much it cost to have 14 kids.

I am sure if every American had no accountability for their actions then we will be a hell on earth.

I mean we are in a recession and she expects the country to take care of her kids financially and her.

I can't believe she expects people to donate?? It's just like this bail out situation.

They all made bad mistakes and they want the American people to pay for it.

I mean come on... maybe I should start a donation site so people can help pay for my college education.

Since I am paying for my own college education. Also I can't believe I see so many books written by non professional people and yet they get sales???

I mean I see some actors that now are writing books about the economy when they are not in that profession yet they get high sales on their books.

I would say to sum this up it's like the bail out situation all over again but in a different way.

instead of banks and companies making bad decisions we have a mother making bad decisions and making the American tax payer to pay for their mistakes.

We should open up a government agency that is call Operation Santa Clause.

Cause between the bailouts being used to party and this lady I bet there is more people like this lady that is doing the same but it's not getting media attention.

Now at the end talking about her and hearing whats happening... . what is being done???

nothing just a good story to get every American blood pressure rise up.

I personally think that we should stop talking about it and take action.

If we do nothing then nothing will get done. This will still occur again and again.

We americans are getting rob in many ways. Yet no american would get a group together ans start riots or show your anger.

Then make a plan to end this.

I doubt it will happen. Just like bush got away with criminal stuff. I am sure this lady will get money and donation and we all will pay for her kids while we ourselves are struggling on saving our jobs and keep our own families fed.

So that is all I got to say about this.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Mynaeris

Dr Phil needs to be sued big time. He is not a doctor of any kind. If I know the laws right. he is impersonating a doctor which is illegal in the U.S

He is a actor and not a doctor. By law when your name has DR. in front of it you better be a licensed doctor.

Just wanted to add my comments about him.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:09 PM

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:15 PM
Too proud to accept charity huh? This girl needs to get her story straight.

I'd donate something as long as I know it would go to the children, but I have my own problems right now, and the mothers track record isn't exactly the best.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by computerwiz32
reply to post by Mynaeris

Dr Phil needs to be sued big time. He is not a doctor of any kind. If I know the laws right. he is impersonating a doctor which is illegal in the U.S

He is a actor and not a doctor. By law when your name has DR. in front of it you better be a licensed doctor.

Just wanted to add my comments about him.

But he has a PHD in clinical psychology so YES he is a doctor and can certainly put "Dr" in front of his name.

He is not a medical doctor but that is irrelevant because as I said he has a PHD.


posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by computerwiz32
reply to post by Mynaeris

Dr Phil needs to be sued big time. He is not a doctor of any kind. If I know the laws right. he is impersonating a doctor which is illegal in the U.S

He is a actor and not a doctor. By law when your name has DR. in front of it you better be a licensed doctor.

Just wanted to add my comments about him.

I Cant stand Dr. Phil.

However, he has a PHD which means he is entitled to use the "Dr" in his name. I know many who have a PHD and do not practice anything medical/psychological - yet use Dr. in their name.

He however, has had some issues regarding his "practice": and

[edit on 2/12/2009 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 01:00 AM
Why haven't the kids been removed from her? If someone calls child services because you slapped your kid in the rear for ripping up the couch with scissors, they remove them from the home. If you cannot afford to care for the child, they remove them. Wait, forgot, they only do that to the honest people in this country, and of course people like her and complete drug addicts can keep their kids while receiving aid/support from taxpayer money. I even read not to long ago that overweight parents could adopt because they were too overweight, but yet they let this woman keep any one of these kids?

Since she is going to be receiving money, I think any donation money (not tax payer, to be clear) should go directly to the children. It'll be available for them when they turn 18 and she cannot touch it, whether she has custody or not. Having children, especially for those who cannot have any, are a miracle of life, and she has completely exploited that to meet her selfish desires. What a horrible thing she has done to these children, exploit them to get rich, use them to cheat the system and give them exposure they do not need. Guarantee, whatever money she would receive, it would go to expensive designer shoes/clothes, cars, cosmetic surgeries, and the very minimum would go to her kids.

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