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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Waldy
reply to post by toast317

Yeah, I understand that and its all fine and dandy. I was just replying to Operation Mindcrime that for some reason decided to bash me for adding my 2 cents.

Ahh ok...then in that case it's all good

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Ponyboy_86

NICE mathematics there man!

25 years is still in our lifetime though. Actually with the increase in data (quakes, deformation, the like) it seems very plausible that it could go withini our lifetimes. But hopefully i'll have done a good portion of what I wanted to do with my life by then.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:33 PM
May be pertinent to our interests...


Some Erupted More Often, Others Less Often After Big Jolt 2,000 Miles Distant

May 27, 2004 -- A powerful earthquake that rocked Alaska in 2002 not only triggered small earthquakes almost 2,000 miles away at Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park - as was reported at the time - but also changed the timing and behavior of some of Yellowstone's geysers and hot springs, a new study says.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Mushussu
It is a very large lake!
For it to be showing a rise is an important note.
The Weather is not warming up there and I do not think any Beavers have been busy.
So it is an important note.
That is alot of extra water.

Actually water discharge from Yellowstone lake to Yellowstone river has been steadly increasing since around December 15th after a long decreasing period. Unfortunately the database on the USGS site goes back only up to 60 days so we can't check if this is normal or not or if it has already happened in past years.

However most probably it's not normal, and is tightly related to recent geological activity as you point. Check out this other page (with graph).

[edit on 2009/1/6 by Shirakawa]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:43 PM
Shirkawa, thanks. I was just trying to find a way to track past flows from previous years and have had no luck. This chart here definately shows the increase. For this time of year that IS unusual. It IS a huge lake and that really IS alot of water. I have a good perspective of the size of it too. I drove around it once. Whew!

[edit on 6-1-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Shirakawa

Well looking at the Median daily statistic (over the last 79 years) it should indeed be going down instead of up....The turning point however seems to have been around the 15th of dec. Something already happening back then??

Good find..

edit: spelling is a bit off. It's 01:44 in the middle of the night over here!!

ATS is turning me into an insomniac.....oh well again no sleep tonight. Coffee anyone??....

[edit on 6/1/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Shirakawa

Originally posted by Mushussu
Hey Shirakawa,
Didn't we or someone chiming in give a chart on how much out put of water from various geysers, by the event or day?

It would be interesting to corrolate output with your chart

I've added a running average of water discharge at the outlet of lake Yellowstone. Data from this page.

It has been only very slightly increasing during the last few days.
Sorry for not being able to insert a real scale for this data, as I cannot add other vertical axes with my spreadsheet program. You can see its trend though.

Here's the updated chart:

Hey Great Work!

Here is a lost of the past 10 pperiods of activity and the related outflow info just prior to the event and the one just following..

Event time -------------------Flow reading prior to---Flow reading following





04:55.5-04:59.5.....................484..................................479 (485 at .15)




09:03-09:09...........................488..................................479 (497 at .30)


10:24-10:28...........................479..................................475 (484 at .45)



13:27-13:32...........................488..................................488 (484 at .30)



15:37-15:40...........................493..................................484 (493 at .00)


posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Shirakawa

Originally posted by Mushussu
It is a very large lake!
For it to be showing a rise is an important note.
The Weather is not warming up there and I do not think any Beavers have been busy.
So it is an important note.
That is alot of extra water.

Actually water discharge from Yellowstone lake to Yellowstone river has been steadly increasing since around December 15th after a long decreasing period. Unfortunately the database on the USGS site goes back only up to 60 days so we can't check if this is normal or not or if it has already happened in past years.

However most probably it's not normal, and is tightly related to recent geological activity as you point. Check out this other page (with graph).

[edit on 2009/1/6 by Shirakawa]

So the Q to ask is where is the extra water from Y river coming from and what is its cause.
Good to look into . will see what I can find. Still that is a lot of suface area on the lake.
Even a small rise means a lot of water.
Thanks again, good work
Checking now...

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Mushussu

Check this one also please. link
Yesterday the madison river abnormalities.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Shirakawa

Originally posted by Mushussu
It is a very large lake!
For it to be showing a rise is an important note.
The Weather is not warming up there and I do not think any Beavers have been busy.
So it is an important note.
That is alot of extra water.

Actually water discharge from Yellowstone lake to Yellowstone river has been steadly increasing since around December 15th after a long decreasing period. Unfortunately the database on the USGS site goes back only up to 60 days so we can't check if this is normal or not or if it has already happened in past years.

However most probably it's not normal, and is tightly related to recent geological activity as you point. Check out this other page (with graph).

[edit on 2009/1/6 by Shirakawa]

If I am not mistaken, RFBurns brought up the point in talking with his geology buds that the event started before the 26, and I think his post mentioned that his geologist buds mentionerd this thing started to cook on the 15th..which agrees with your point about the water levels starting on this date.
What happened on the 15th...anyone know?

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:57 PM
Just speaking hypothetically, if the large explosion of Yellowstone did happen, what could I expect to see in southwest Ohio? Closer to Cincinnati, would it be a ton of ash? A bit? Would it be so much that I would have to move East towards New York ect;?


posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by coolvibe

That def. looks really weird indeed. Could very well be a chart of me stepping into my bathtub.

Oh ps: you were right about the screenshot of the OF webcam. It can't be done. Still trying tho with desktop monitoring tools etc. Will post if i get results.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Mushussu

This detailed map of Yellowstone park may help. I think it's already been posted a hundred pages ago:
Link to a very big image

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by coolvibe
reply to post by Mushussu

Check this one also please. link
Yesterday the madison river abnormalities.

Thank you for this.
It is for Montana though.
Unless.. it percolates down to the Aquifers,and travels south to Y's Aquifers and travels up through the system there...
Thats cutting a long shot. I could not even possibly come close to proving that.
Thanks though for the site

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by seasonedherb
Just speaking hypothetically, if the large explosion of Yellowstone did happen, what could I expect to see in southwest Ohio? Closer to Cincinnati, would it be a ton of ash? A bit? Would it be so much that I would have to move East towards New York ect;?


I'm not sure you're grasping the magnitude of a full-blown eruption of the Yellowstone supercaldera. If it were to truly would be a global event.

Yeah, you could say there would be a ton of ash. There would also be the equivalent of nuclear winter. Life as we know it would be over.

[edit on 1-6-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Shirakawa

Thank you

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Mushussu

The strangest thing i have seen is the temp drop on tantalus creek.

Also there are more odd's take the map posted above and find these in this list link

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:10 PM
Back once again! Have to ask, did FOX ever show their story?
They didn't did they...
Know why?
They got a call shortly after airing the teaser.
Something to the effect of "Hi, this is president Bush. YOU WILL NOT AIR THAT STORY" Understood?????

What the heck hapened this morning? FOX got ahold of a good story. Did Israel and Blogoyovich steal the spotlight? Their job is to report things blowing up. When this blows up, they'll report it.


I've been out once again increasing publc knowledge. Like the bumper sticker says "If you're not concerned, you're not paying attention".

Go guys!

[edit on 6-1-2009 by sageturkey]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by coolvibe

Good, thanks

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by sageturkey

Hey Sageturkey!

I've got 'Water' on the brain.
A puzzle to figure and plot.
...and now I see by the clock it is time to feed my troops
be back soon

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