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Homosexuality indeed a psychological thing...?

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posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by TasteTheMagick
Personally I don't think that sexuality is a "psychological" thing. I'm going to admit right here and how that I am bi-sexual. I never chose it and I knew it at a young age. I can't choose who I find attractive or not, rather I am simply attractive. I don't find every single person on the planet attractive.

For me, it's more like I see everyone as a soul with a body. I am attracted to the soul of a person rather than their genitalia.

Yeah, you chose, I chose and WE ALL CHOSE our sexual PREFERANCE.

I got sugar diabetes reading that load of crap you so delicately wrapped your philosophy in with all that sugary sweetness saying you are attracted to the soul of a person rather than their Genitalia. Good Grief guy, I bet when you hunker down to celebrate that attraction to that soul, you end up where? The Genitalia! Moreover, why does it not make any difference to you what gender they are? Because YOU are so horny, it doesn't matter and you simply discovered the "trick" of HOW to have sex same gender without sub conscious conflicting emotional arguments polluting the comparison or allowing toxic shame to enter in, diminishing the sexual experience with a false dichotomy. That for the majority of those males who experiment with it, results in shame and remorse.

Then we have the social constructs of religion, which albeit true, does not approve of the gay lifestyle, I see gays asking for the problems they get from religious people. Perhaps if Gays did not always over compensate for their idiotic belief they have to put on such disgusting public displays of sexual affection merely to test the "Tolerance" of those they feel the need to act out this inappropriate display of swapping spit, they would not be seen as so anti society. Why is it they invariably have to dress like the most repulsive looking female impersonators in every one of their ridiculous "Gay Parades” It is pathetic for them to think they are going to "influence" voters still on the fence that would have voted in their favor during prop 8 had it not been for the gays dogged determination to exemplify a stereotype so utterly repugnant. while carrying signs talking about sex this and sex that. Alternatively, some dyke with a sign saying she might not go down in history but she will go down on your sister!

Just try to erase THAT from your mind.

Yeah gays are really doing themselves a disservice when they set up threads on ATS ANNOUNCING titles like “Jesus was gay" or why does everyone think the Bible is against Gays. Then they get all indignant when LO and BEHOLD! Who comes in to argue the logical fallacy threaded political baited bear trap but CHRISTIANS.

Now isn't that unusual!

Hell no it isn't and they know it but how do they act when any Christian corrects them about what the Bible says is sexual sin by saying all sex sin is sin? Well they get all indignant again mocking up some disturbing display of holier than thou judgementalism asking, ARE YOU SAYING GAYS ARE AS BAD AS PEDOPHILES! They do this knowing the opinion they initially requested are those written in the Bible.

That does not matter to them because THAT was the whole POINT of the thread. So they setup a sting with a straw man and then get all their other "in your face" angry gays to hit the alert button to get that ATS member Post banned because, believe it or not,, that same Gay guy that can look up another guys hairy ass and say THIS IS LOVE,,

Now says he was "offended"

I have watched this happening for a long time, and anymore, I think gays are so over the tops and so out of touch with the English language they have made it an art form to blur the lines of what is truth and what is slippery tongued circular semantics that only serve to trip them up as hypocrites and whining crybabies that don't know choice from Pro choice when it is convenient to use it in that way to justify an abortion calling it "pro choice" and the "choice" that all of a sudden some woman cant help because NOW it isn't choice anymore. They just cannot help it.


Breaking News from the facts of life: We are all, the sum total of the choices we make and for some, they are their own compromise.

Gay is no more NOT a choice when it is used in the logical fallacy called a false argument. Of COURSE, it is a choice! The impulse to have sex may be prompting one to seek out someone to have it with, but be it a gay guy a straight guy or a female a Mexican midget or a Holstein cow, they ultimately choose who that person will be and what gender out of the TWO they would most like to choose from.

Choices when they are hard or have mitigating circumstances as to who and what you are attracted to doesn't change the fact that you are making a choice nevertheless but is the REASON for making that choice that needs further examination.

The Moment I hear one more gay saying they are the victim of their body chemistry or the fact they are usually hair dressers and interior decorators never noticing it is vocations like that they never get a damn callous on their hands and why they are so similar to that of a female.

SO WHAT! Gays will use any attempt to suggest that there lot in life is in their genetic design and albeit true, it is possible, the fact remains it has never been proven beyond the wishful thinking of Gays wanting an excuse for their choice so they can say they HAD no choice.

They usually do this in the same voice the expect to be treated with tolerance while being as intolerant as they can. The moment we reject them for this same failing fictional fabrication of desperate Darwinian dimwitted, dogma, we are summarily accused of hatred and bigotry.

Well ya know what,, gays,, I can't help it, I too,


I did not have to choose when I was a kid because I remember before I had any sexual thoughts at all that Mom was a female and Dad was all of our Boss. Yeah that is what I thought. Ya know what else,, all of our neighbors were married to the opposite sex! So conventional wisdom at this very young age was automatic and I really could not tell you whether I actually am cognizant of making a decision like that, and neither can any of you. The kind of ultimate bent or fetish you would have and who you would be more comfortable sharing that extreme style of male animalistic sex is one gays would have us believe is as simple to explain to woman as it is for men knowing all along no one is going to argue the point because woman having never had a Richter scale prostatic orgasm while the few straight men that do, do it again, on the "down low" yet insist they are not gay.

They are not gay they are straight guys engaging in cloak and dagger subterfuge and secret homosexual sex.

While gay men, not only want everyone and their pastor to know who their "lover" is,, the Bottom line is

It is NONE of our Business

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Aermacchi

Wow, that was quite a rant. I'm afraid you lost me at the end though. I think what you're saying is that you resent men who are attracted to men because the best sex you've ever had was with a man but that's not what you're attracted to? Or maybe just, it's what you're attracted to but it causes you guilt and remorse?

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by americandingbat
reply to post by Aermacchi

Wow, that was quite a rant. I'm afraid you lost me at the end though. I think what you're saying is that you resent men who are attracted to men because the best sex you've ever had was with a man but that's not what you're attracted to? Or maybe just, it's what you're attracted to but it causes you guilt and remorse?

Well you would have to tell me exactly what part you got lost but re-reading it, I can understand why you would think I am speaking frome experience but I assure you I am not. It is more a theory I have about sexual moiré’s and non-verbal que's. That of the many sexual liaisons I have had with the various twisted bents and superfluous exchanges of sexual expletives that while offensive in everyday talk, seem erotically appropriate when in that particular moment and time. That who we decide to expand the range of said shared experiences, it is ultimately who we feel more "comfortable" with that such varied and worldly lusts and expressions can get confused with who we love and who we settle for sharing sexual expression with. One may confuse the intensity of their orgasm for the intensity of their love, For another the person such otherwise intimate details of our lives are usually held as the darkest secrets of our sexual history in what they believe is a shameful act of weird sex while to still another it is nothing more than the expression of shared inhibited sexual mediocrity and whether you carry out such sexual flights of fancy vicariously through others via secret subtleties of the cheating husband or wife, it is when we examine these issues that it is not ABOUT sex we find most of them may deem as repressed, guilt ridden or remorseful, as you suggested quite presumptuously of me, but about something that is MISSING in our lives. That we may not know exactly what it is, we just know we do not have it.

If you are like most of us, by age thirty or forty, you have done things sexually, that if one were to tell that person ten years ago, they would be engaged in that kind of sexual activity, they would have said they were NUTS! I know many Gays that often refer to their past as "when they were still straight" and while you might assume this to mean, while they were "still in the closet" or gay but acting straight, the FACT is, at the time they were what they were but we are NOT who we have sex with, moreover are we to assume we should be identified by our sexual preference or orientation. To make that a class distinction like Race, is a slippery slope gays would have all of us want to believe and while it may be said, gays act or dress different who they have sex with and what gender that person is, can not be ascertained merely by appearance or malady, no more than it can be an indicator of an issue which may hurt them in public office or their respective employment. We usually know unequivocally a person is Gay or Lesbian, in what they would like to say is innocent acts of self-disclosure.

Most however are not so innocent but are the "in your face" subtleties of homosexual activism, conveying the message they are saying? Hey I am Gay, now whatcha gonna do about it!"

I am going to have an opinion about it that's what and whether it is one they can agree with or not and whether it is one that is religiously motivated or influenced or not. Most of the shame we attach to sex is the same kind of intimate details that traditionally were always kept in the intimate secrets we shared with those who "understand" us.

I will never understand why males are far and wide, the majority of serial killers or sexual predators, high-risk players, cross dressers, pedophiles, or why they die an average of five to ten years sooner than there female counter parts, or any other number of things we can attach to having a common denominator called testosterone.

I DO know that we have seen some strange activity when levels of this hormone are manipulated and that sexual behavior including a complete reversal of gender attraction is common among them.

That in the final analysis, it is CHOICES we ultimately make in deciding to act on these behaviors and that NONE of it is so drop dead black and white and all of them are subject to our approval to carry them out.

This is about Behavior, NOT issues of our genetic circumstances we cannot help but give into, but the moral decisions we make are what make us.

The moment we allow the human condition to be that which is directed by our sexual behavior is the day the logical fallacy for the laws of the jungle, is no longer a logical fallacy but path to our own uncivilized and uncertain destruction.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 07:44 PM
My new theory- there is no such thing as sexuality or gender based on attraction. There are only hormone amounts that lead to different physical organs and different roles in reproduction, if reproduction is possible.

Our attraction is mostly based on hormones. However, I don't believe people "only like boys" or "only like girls." I think gender/sexuality would be based on our roles during reproduction and birth. But in general, humans are attracted to other humans, and even if you don't think you like one gender over another, it just means you are attracted to one person or another.

Gay, bisexual, straight- Not really a fan of those terms.

Are people with sexual genetic disorders- like xxy and xxxx syndromes neither male nor female? According to most definitions, yes. So if somebody with xxy syndrome liked a male, what does that make them? Bisexual? Ugh. Too confusing.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Yup, being gay myself i can definetly say it's not a mind thing at all. I"ve been with women, prior to really knowing or understand myself. And i can honestly say it didn't FEEL the same.

And it wasn't just the attraction that was different, it was the over all feeling of the relationship, something was missing from it, something was....un-connected.

Now over 20 years, a divorce and the raising of 3 children with my partner, i don't have that void anymore, i feel content. Am i still attracted to women? Ofcourse (IMO you'd have to be crazy not to really) but it's more than attraction, it's my personnal preference, it's really excuse the over used term, the way i'm built.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
My new theory- there is no such thing as sexuality or gender based on attraction. There are only hormone amounts that lead to different physical organs and different roles in reproduction, if reproduction is possible.

Our attraction is mostly based on hormones. However, I don't believe people "only like boys" or "only like girls." I think gender/sexuality would be based on our roles during reproduction and birth. But in general, humans are attracted to other humans, and even if you don't think you like one gender over another, it just means you are attracted to one person or another.

Gay, bisexual, straight- Not really a fan of those terms.

Are people with sexual genetic disorders- like xxy and xxxx syndromes neither male nor female? According to most definitions, yes. So if somebody with xxy syndrome liked a male, what does that make them? Bisexual? Ugh. Too confusing.

You are wise and you are quite right about much you have said. Many get confused in making the distinction between what gays have increasingy been blurring the lines of which is why they choose such language like using the word "orientation" to muddy the waters.

It is a typical ploy of most post modernists and works for them when arguing they think but the subconcious mind as an uncanny ability to reverse such semantic word usage leaving us and them both thinking they have got the better of the other in the same argument but what they decide to do when voting laws are the act of a decision we make in the privacy of the voting booth is where gays still are not getting it.

The activisim they have employed might have worked for the civil rights movment but it just ain't working for this kind of distinction because it is simply NOT true.

Sex and gender may not have anything to do with our genitalia but the assumption a person with a penis is still male is a class distinction predicated on the physical attributes associated with the male of the species and NOT how the male chooses to use that penis and / or with whom. Psychological distinctions can be manifested chomosomally and are in fact STILL not going to change the fact that a girl trapped in a males body is still a males body that does not have the coordinating chromosomal makeup usually expressed in the typical male acting on typical sexual behavior. This would be the exception to the rule but it ceratinly is not nor should it ever become the rule.

This not only takes away from the very real seriousness of what is and shouold be noted as a defect of birth but ironically these are the same people who have alligned themselves with the gays in their attempts to change laws where one really does a disservice to the other and it is the transgenedered person who ends up suffering while thinking it is the straight and religious voting block that is the cause of their concern and at the center of such social mis understandings

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Aermacchi

Good point about being one gender trapped inside another gender's body. I think this sometimes is due to the amount of hormones absorbed in the womb.

Identical twins- one can be gay if it absorbed less testosterone than the other in the womb, creating slight physiological differences in brain structure.

How many cells does it take to make a person "gay" or "bisexual" or "male"?

I call myself bisexual, but I really like people. Just... nice, smart, attractive people. I don't care what genitalia they have, because in all reality it really should not matter.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I agree, in my teens, i was categorized as a bi-sexual, because then, really i was looking for same qualities in a man, then in a woman, i could fall in love with either or. But eventually, i dunno my thinking changed, i would date women, but again, found it very different, not as "exciting". It could have been the Taboo of being with another man that excited me so much, but that sort of excitment hasn't worn off....and i mean..25 years of being excited over men is enough to make me realize that i liked men.

I think it's a bit different for women tho, i have lesbian friend that always says there's a little bit of lezbo in every girl. I don't know what the connection is, but women are obviously more reception to emotional cues and actually seeing attraction in the air.

My oldest is 17 now, turning 18 next week, and she's come forth and talked to us about how she's felt a little confused about her "orientation". I explained to her that she needed to follow what her heart and mind told her to do. If she wanted to be with women, then be with women and vice-versa. But i also told her not to feel as though she NEEDED to make a choice, cause in the end it didnt' matter who she chose, aslong as she was happy with the end results.

Deciding things based on gender and sexual preferences is extremely overrated.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Yup, being gay myself i can definetly say it's not a mind thing at all. I"ve been with women, prior to really knowing or understand myself. And i can honestly say it didn't FEEL the same.

And it wasn't just the attraction that was different, it was the over all feeling of the relationship, something was missing from it, something was....un-connected.

Now over 20 years, a divorce and the raising of 3 children with my partner, i don't have that void anymore, i feel content. Am i still attracted to women? Ofcourse (IMO you'd have to be crazy not to really) but it's more than attraction, it's my personnal preference, it's really excuse the over used term, the way i'm built.

If you would have waited till you DID understand yourself, perhaps you may not have had the false sense that you thijnk you understand yourself now merely because you have found your sexual niche.

It is a dead giveaway you unknowingly share a glimpse of one of the many contradictions of the human condition in this last paragragh and one that permeates all of mankind in many ways. The abberations we hide usually expressed in the sexual arena are the kind where the unsaid rule is that we don't screw each other over but we can still screw.

This again is often elevated to our identities of self but whether you comply with that idea or not is up to you, but it isn't something we should force society to comply with simply because it is a false dichotomy.

The idea that such self imposed mis representations of ourselves should be characterized and protected under the umbrella of equal rights is one of the most absurd arguments I have seen given by the gay movement and one they are quite willing to be willfully ignorant about regardless of the societal misgivings and repercussion it may cause them and others.

Aids comes to mind as one of the manifestations for this kind of lack of self discipline by ignoring everything modern medicine has said is a slippery slope all the way to religion and BOTH of them have every reason to rub it in the face of this kind of behavior acceptance and ALL are having to pay for it in increased taxes and billions in aid to other countries where it is the same lack of respect and discipline NOT for gay sex but sex in general where places like Africa have so many affected and infected by ignoring everything from medical advice to religious rebuke.

The FACT is we are told we are the product of darwinian natural selection and cannot help but act on our sexual impulses and without a conflicting force, be it religious or by the consequences of desease, the FACT is, when it is culturally approved, only exascerbates the final and tragic outcome and it is undeniable

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Aermacchi

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Yup, being gay myself i can definetly say it's not a mind thing at all. I"ve been with women, prior to really knowing or understand myself. And i can honestly say it didn't FEEL the same.

And it wasn't just the attraction that was different, it was the over all feeling of the relationship, something was missing from it, something was....un-connected.

Now over 20 years, a divorce and the raising of 3 children with my partner, i don't have that void anymore, i feel content. Am i still attracted to women? Ofcourse (IMO you'd have to be crazy not to really) but it's more than attraction, it's my personnal preference, it's really excuse the over used term, the way i'm built.

If you would have waited till you DID understand yourself, perhaps you may not have had the false sense that you thijnk you understand yourself now merely because you have found your sexual niche.

It is a dead giveaway you unknowingly share a glimpse of one of the many contradictions of the human condition in this last paragragh and one that permeates all of mankind in many ways. The abberations we hide usually expressed in the sexual arena are the kind where the unsaid rule is that we don't screw each other over but we can still screw.

This again is often elevated to our identities of self but whether you comply with that idea or not is up to you, but it isn't something we should force society to comply with simply because it is a false dichotomy.

The idea that such self imposed mis representations of ourselves should be characterized and protected under the umbrella of equal rights is one of the most absurd arguments I have seen given by the gay movement and one they are quite willing to be willfully ignorant about regardless of the societal misgivings and repercussion it may cause them and others.

Aids comes to mind as one of the manifestations for this kind of lack of self discipline by ignoring everything modern medicine has said is a slippery slope all the way to religion and BOTH of them have every reason to rub it in the face of this kind of behavior acceptance and ALL are having to pay for it in increased taxes and billions in aid to other countries where it is the same lack of respect and discipline NOT for gay sex but sex in general where places like Africa have so many affected and infected by ignoring everything from medical advice to religious rebuke.

The FACT is we are told we are the product of darwinian natural selection and cannot help but act on our sexual impulses and without a conflicting force, be it religious or by the consequences of desease, the FACT is, when it is culturally approved, only exascerbates the final and tragic outcome and it is undeniable

i never said I understood myself solely on the fact that i had found my sexual niche. My response was meant to show that in my uncertainty i dabled in all areas of things to gain a better understanding of who i was. Now MANY events and experiences have led me to the person i am today, i don't falsely believe i understand myself, trust me, i know who i am, inside and out.

Also my being with another man, isn't a sexual impulse that I can't control. It's a choice, it was my personal choice to follow that path that best suited me, and me alone. No other factor other than my full fledged happiness ever came into the equation. It was simple. Am i happy being with a, and i happy being with man...yes. My choice was made.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Jkd Up

Are they indeed "born that way"? Or is is troubled pasts?

There really is no one answer to this.. Its not just one or the other.
Its both really.. Some are born this way.. While others have things that happen in their lives to bring them to that point.
Such as most kids who are molested.. When they grow up.. They tend to wanna play out that as a sexual fantasy.
Our minds are very dark places.. And each person is different.

There is no one way that is solid for everyone..
Each one of us have our reasons for why we are who we are..

And each reason is a personal thing.. That only the person living can fully understand..
So yes some are born that way.. Others become curious, while others are playing out things of the past.. And thats only a very small fraction of the truth..
Truth is personal for each person.. And there is no 1 answer to your question..

Such as this.. If you saw an extreamly beautiful woman.. And she was everything you thought a woman should look like.
And it was just you and her alone.. And she had a penis, what would you do? Well you don't have to answer that.. Becasue well.. Most men would never be honest about that in public.. Its all good.. Just think to yourself for a moment. And Im not talking about some drag queen either..
Im talking BEAUTIFUL Tgirl.. Ive seen them, and I know a couple who are simply breath taking! And I don't think it makes me gay, just becasue I find them the most beautiful creatures on this Earth..
To me they are all woman!! All the way down to well.. Then its something yo have to be open minded too.. and understand.. Some are born this way.. Others.. Well we just are who we are..
And it shouldnt make you gay.. Becasue you happen to find a woman beautiful. when infact they where born as males. But thats purely IMO.
No need to answer that.. honestly.. Just keep it in mind..
I would never expect any "straight" man to answer that honestly..
And it out of fear of what other "straight" guys might think..

I stopped caring what others thought a long time ago.. Well becasue I am so much different than most.. Much much different..
I don't think I can be defined as either gay or straight..
Or I can be defined as both gay and straight.. Depends who you are, and how you feel.. As I said.. its a personal thing..

[edit on 10-1-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:40 PM
Note- it is NOT okay to support AIDs/religion to take care of these things. HIV occurs often in straight people, too, and not only drug users, if you haven't noticed- there is no disease that ONLY gay people get. Just a thought.

Also a sexual impulse is like... well, I'm not getting into that, but it has nothing to do with deciding who to have a relationship with or spend your life with.

It's just not so clear cut, but again, I think that people like other people and even the most diehard anti-gay people could, with an open mind, be attracted to a member of their same sex, either psychologically or physically.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

Originally posted by Aermacchi

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Yup, being gay myself i can definetly say it's not a mind thing at all. I"ve been with women, prior to really knowing or understand myself. And i can honestly say it didn't FEEL the same.

And it wasn't just the attraction that was different, it was the over all feeling of the relationship, something was missing from it, something was....un-connected.

Now over 20 years, a divorce and the raising of 3 children with my partner, i don't have that void anymore, i feel content. Am i still attracted to women? Ofcourse (IMO you'd have to be crazy not to really) but it's more than attraction, it's my personnal preference, it's really excuse the over used term, the way i'm built.

If you would have waited till you DID understand yourself, perhaps you may not have had the false sense that you thijnk you understand yourself now merely because you have found your sexual niche.

It is a dead giveaway you unknowingly share a glimpse of one of the many contradictions of the human condition in this last paragragh and one that permeates all of mankind in many ways. The abberations we hide usually expressed in the sexual arena are the kind where the unsaid rule is that we don't screw each other over but we can still screw.

This again is often elevated to our identities of self but whether you comply with that idea or not is up to you, but it isn't something we should force society to comply with simply because it is a false dichotomy.

The idea that such self imposed mis representations of ourselves should be characterized and protected under the umbrella of equal rights is one of the most absurd arguments I have seen given by the gay movement and one they are quite willing to be willfully ignorant about regardless of the societal misgivings and repercussion it may cause them and others.

Aids comes to mind as one of the manifestations for this kind of lack of self discipline by ignoring everything modern medicine has said is a slippery slope all the way to religion and BOTH of them have every reason to rub it in the face of this kind of behavior acceptance and ALL are having to pay for it in increased taxes and billions in aid to other countries where it is the same lack of respect and discipline NOT for gay sex but sex in general where places like Africa have so many affected and infected by ignoring everything from medical advice to religious rebuke.

The FACT is we are told we are the product of darwinian natural selection and cannot help but act on our sexual impulses and without a conflicting force, be it religious or by the consequences of desease, the FACT is, when it is culturally approved, only exascerbates the final and tragic outcome and it is undeniable

i never said I understood myself solely on the fact that i had found my sexual niche. My response was meant to show that in my uncertainty i dabled in all areas of things to gain a better understanding of who i was. Now MANY events and experiences have led me to the person i am today, i don't falsely believe i understand myself, trust me, i know who i am, inside and out.

Also my being with another man, isn't a sexual impulse that I can't control. It's a choice, it was my personal choice to follow that path that best suited me, and me alone. No other factor other than my full fledged happiness ever came into the equation. It was simple. Am i happy being with a, and i happy being with man...yes. My choice was made.

Ahh I see, I stand corrected and apologise for the misunderstanding

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Note- it is NOT okay to support AIDs/religion to take care of these things. HIV occurs often in straight people, too, and not only drug users, if you haven't noticed- there is no disease that ONLY gay people get. Just a thought.

Also a sexual impulse is like... well, I'm not getting into that, but it has nothing to do with deciding who to have a relationship with or spend your life with.

It's just not so clear cut, but again, I think that people like other people and even the most diehard anti-gay people could, with an open mind, be attracted to a member of their same sex, either psychologically or physically.

Actually i think that most hardcore anti-gay people do have attraction to the same sex, but they've been told for so long that it's wrong, the only way in they're minds to rid themselves of those so called sinfull thoughts is to rise up against the threat.

It's all about fearing what you don't understand, so people try to find reason by saying it's nothing but choice and anamalistic impulses. In the end it isn't cut and dry, black and white. Everybody's experiences are different, and led them to different conclusions about who they are, and who they'd like to be with.

People are just gonna have to accept that it happens, for whatever reason, and it's not going away. Let bygones be bygones.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Note- it is NOT okay to support AIDs/religion to take care of these things. HIV occurs often in straight people, too, and not only drug users, if you haven't noticed- there is no disease that ONLY gay people get. Just a thought.

I believe that is what I said too but that having sex for sex sake invariably takes people down and when it is culturally approved of via "Look at me I am Gay" in parades that ultimately are not about class distinctions having to to with genetic circumstance but one of a people that yeilded to sexual thoughts ultimatimately acted on and now wanting some kind of Government Entitled acceptance of them.

The day this Country starts legislating attitudes is the day the attitudes become more resentful and society becomes more divided in the name of "multi culturalism" when it is UNITY that had made us strong and why such axioms as untited we stand divided we fall holds true.

We see it everywhere today with our country and again, all of it boils down to the choices we make and the discipline we have to take charge of our lives NOT by what we think is natural and not by what feels good but by what is true and what is right. Now days even Christianity itself has been polluted with so many versions of itself with so many contrasting ideas that today Religion Prays on people. (no pun)

This doesn't change the fact that what Jesus taught is still not as true today as it was back then, but that truth is so hard to define when so many are working so hard to make it ambiguous in addition to approving of that same ambiguity. Their are some things that are black and white and should be true for everyone who sees them and this is what we call FACT but what is TRUE for you may not be true for me thing is the philosophy of every Great society that fell because they could no longer recognise all the many truths their were with so many different opinions of what it was in a language so bastaradized by what was said to be "progressive" ideas but were the same old socialism or communistic or facist models of Goverened society that has been at the center of their very destruction and one of the reasons we had tried a new form of Government that would use conflicting priorities as to how much Government is Good Government and how much Private enterprize has to say is good private enterprize. We would balance a Government of the people by the people for the people in a republic called the American experiment and one sadly I feel is no longer using the very document that was at the center of this once great ideal, the Constitution.

here is a quote that actually sums up my feeling that no matter who it is whether you think Obama was actually for change or not the idea that if we ever want real change, I mean the kind we can REALLY believe in anbd the kind we can get Results is to purge the entire system clean of every single incumbent because change is NOT good enough when it is not improvment and Change is not good enough when it doesn't start in our own back yard.

Before he sets a foot in his office we see that Obama is not only not so special afterall,, in fact, he is Business as usual and I am afraid the very worst kind of thinker holding a worldview of more Government but as he said, spending won't be a free for all when the fact is,,

he is guilty of being at the head of the line in accepting money from everyone in Fannie may and freddie to what our taxes are spending to bail all their asses out.

WSJ: Obama Breaks Pledge on Inauguration Donations

Friday, January 9, 2009 12:14 PM

By: Jim Meyers Article Font Size

A full 90 percent of donations to fund Barack Obama’s Jan. 20 inauguration have come from well-heeled fundraisers — including Wall Street executives whose companies have received federal bailout money.

A total of 207 fundraisers have collected $24.8 million of the $27.3 million in donations disclosed by Obama through Thursday, according to an analysis by Public Citizen commissioned by The Wall Street Journal.

Slightly more than 2,000 donors accounted for the $27.3 million raised, but 378 of those people each contributed the maximum $50,000 allowed by Obama, raising almost 70 percent of the total, or $18.9 million, the analysis found.

Wall Street employees have been the largest single source of private donations, and many of the contributions have been channeled through financial-services executives who have put together bundles of donations worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“The preponderance of large donors and the fact that so many come from an industry receiving government handouts comes as the president-elect has sought to keep his inauguration free of special interests,” The Journal observed.

Now if we can agree on this idea, I believe America may have a chance in hell

Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, we have deficits? Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does. You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does. You and I don't write the tax code. Congress does. You and I don't set fiscal policy. Congress does. You and I don't control monetary policy. The Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president and nine Supreme Court justices - 545 human beings out of the 300 million - are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered but private central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman or a president to do one cotton- picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it.

No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.


Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a SPEAKER, who stood up and criticized G.W. Bush ALONE for creating deficits.

The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it. The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.

Who is the speaker of the House? She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow Democrats, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto.


It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts - of incompetence and irresponsibility. (and all should be convicted of dereliction of duty as defined by their oath of office, and in some cases outright treason.)

I can't think of a single domestic problem, from an unfair tax code to defense overruns, that is not traceable directly to those 545 people

When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair. If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red. If the Marines are in IRAQ, it's because they want them in IRAQ.

There are no insoluble government problems. Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power.

Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exist disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation" or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible. They, and they alone, have the power. They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses - provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees. We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Note- it is NOT okay to support AIDs/religion to take care of these things. HIV occurs often in straight people, too, and not only drug users, if you haven't noticed- there is no disease that ONLY gay people get. Just a thought.

Also a sexual impulse is like... well, I'm not getting into that, but it has nothing to do with deciding who to have a relationship with or spend your life with.

It's just not so clear cut, but again, I think that people like other people and even the most diehard anti-gay people could, with an open mind, be attracted to a member of their same sex, either psychologically or physically.

Actually i think that most hardcore anti-gay people do have attraction to the same sex, but they've been told for so long that it's wrong, the only way in they're minds to rid themselves of those so called sinfull thoughts is to rise up against the threat.

It's all about fearing what you don't understand, so people try to find reason by saying it's nothing but choice and anamalistic impulses. In the end it isn't cut and dry, black and white. Everybody's experiences are different, and led them to different conclusions about who they are, and who they'd like to be with.

People are just gonna have to accept that it happens, for whatever reason, and it's not going away. Let bygones be bygones.

I not only agree with this statement but Gays whether they want to admit it or not, personify this statement that was made below:

It's just not so clear cut, but again, I think that people like other people and even the most diehard anti-gay people could, with an open mind, be attracted to a member of their same sex, either psychologically or physically

It is also why teaching sexual education should be more about biology and not about everything from "its ok to be gay to being transgendered is cool" because being transgendered is not a decision we make based on what we think is cool it is an anomaly of birth and being gay is a choice not an anomaly of birth and the same one they, in one voice say is genetic (which is unproven) but at the same time do not want to be associated with the term birth defect. So what they want has nothing to do with "equal rights" but more to do with "special rights"

The idea and fears you express about the hard core anti gay movement is by and large the result of the increased efforts by gay activism and this countering one political voice with another is typically seen by many as a phobia of sorts which makes for great comebacks by many in the gay community but I doubt many straights are very worried about a gay guy being able to convert them if they don't destroy them first.

The science fiction shows of the 50's often had themes where a monster from another planet came to earth and the end was made the comment:
We didn't understand it,, so, we killed it. lol

I think it has no more veracity then claims by gays that they can convert any straight guy to being gay. The bottom line is there are solid proven reasons everything from Science to religion has always held that as a behavioral choice and that keeping it in check whether by religious rebuke or threats of disease there are sound scientific consequences to it that are justified in criticising it from ever becoming the "Norm" in society.

The norm is what the majority does, as is the case in most society and albeit true that just because all the birds are flying in the same direction doesn't mean it is thr right direction, the fact that as long as they keep flying in that direction, they are going to end up where they are headed.

In most cases, the majority know where the are going and they are usually right about the fringe being lost

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:05 PM

for example, you CHOOSE TO TAKE OUT YOUR PENIS and have sex. So it IS a choice to have sex with the opposite sex or the same sex.
now to the other subject

you attraction.

no one has pin pointed a specific event in homosexuals life that triggers their "homosexuallness"..if I could be that crazy about it.
just coz they have NOT found that specific trigger does NOT MEAN it doesnt exist. or that there isnt a certain pattern of events that occur that coz a person to desire THEIR OWN SEX.
so let me reiterate that idea.

wanting something that you HAVE on your own body is not only not common.but..well ill stop.

Im all for people doing whatever they want.
there is no way that people are BORN with that. your attraction towards the opposite sex is just that..NATURE.
and dont give me that ten percent crap.

its psychological. meaning if you take certain triggers out of the individual's past, he or she would have been straight.
before you all get upset, that does NOT MEAN that homosexuals are less happy, or would go back and change or SHOULD change or anything.

let the hating on me begin

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Aermacchi

I agree, i do think that the mainstream "gay culture" has made this more and more of popular phenomina, and some people are getting in on the trend, so to speak.

For me, i had to deal with coming out in the 80's, which wasn't a very friendly time still.

I think this whole Gay is ok thing may have been taken a bit too far, and also i do believe that alot of the anti-gay populace have been fueled by the fact that gay culture is squarely in your face, day after day.

I cannot condone they're actions, but i can understand they're views and opinions on the matter.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by MrJelly

Nope.. No hating here.. But let me ask you about this..

there is no way that people are BORN with that. your attraction towards the opposite sex is just that..NATURE.

What about those of us who are born with both male and female parts?
How is that a choice? We did not just decide while in the womb to have both male and female parts.
Hence how do you label such a person? If you are born with both parts.
And you are into women, does that make you gay because you have female parts.. Or if you like men, does that make you gay becasue you have male parts too..
See where Im going with this..
People tend to forget all about hermaphrodites..
Like I said, Not hating on you.. Just bringing up a valid point.


[edit on 10-1-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 12:10 AM
What about those of us who are born with both male and female parts?
How is that a choice? We did not just decide while in the womb to have both male and female parts.

Hence how do you label such a person? If you are born with both parts.
And you are into women, does that make you gay because you have female parts.. Or if you like men, does that make you gay becasue you have male parts too..
See where Im going with this..
People tend to forget all about hermaphrodites..
Like I said, Not hating on you.. Just bringing up a valid point.


[edit on 10-1-2009 by zysin5]

Hermaphrodites? Yeah, what about them and is it necessary to disclose that about you to us? Label them? You mean like gays have labeled themselves as gay when they are people that happen to serve a master called homosexual sex. I know them and call them by name, for instance one named Jerry, I call him Jerry.

I know another guy named Jerry that is straight and sometimes other people all of us know get confused about which one I am talking about and have been guilty of saying " No the gay one" but that is only because we all know he is gay and it is that he made that known to us.

If you are a hermaphrodite, you are someone quite different from the norm and one of those born with genetic circumstances that make for a personal sexuality the rest of us cannot begin to identify with but the sexual choices you make are yours and yours alone.

Again, those are personal choices and define WHAT you are but not WHO you are and unless you label yourself a freak or someone with the best of both worlds, it is ultimately YOU and how much of that personal experience you deem is unique and special or a private hell that makes you a freak that ultimately gives those you call friend, the freedom to use it as a term of endearment as if to say you are like Jerry only you are Jerry the hermaphrodite or Jerry the freak.

I guess from a physicality that observes the facility to be the coordinating sexual appendage or orifice makes it hard to know which is gay or lesbian but that is your cross to bear and yours alone. I only hope it is one you make responsibly and with self-respect and self-discipline.

Other than that, it is comparing apples to oranges

[edit on 11-1-2009 by Aermacchi]

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