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How to keep the police on your side

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posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 11:12 AM
I agree with the OP on every count. Another time I was traveling on an Interstate needing to turn off 10 miles or so ahead. Was going FAST when I noticed a Ford that looked like a state police car. I tucked myself in behind him and went the same speed as he, which was way over the limit. Another vehicle came up fast and was about to pass him, we were center lane. Suddenly two blue lights flashed in the cars rear window. The guy slowed and got behind me. By the time we turned off their was a line of cars a mile long behind him. The police officer and I turned off and reached a traffic circle. He pulled aside and waved, then pointed at his head as if to say, your OK!, you got sense. He had a smile on his face.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:40 PM
My friend got pulled over by a cop. He works for the military. He cooperated and was nice to the cop and told him he was a soldier, but the cop gave him a ticket anyway. He was very hurt. He said " I'm overseas protecting this country, and I come back home to a ticket".

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Voxel

hands on steering wheel. [good]
polite [good]
have license and insur ready [good]

incriminating yourself [bad]

there is a reason we have laws to protect us. don't give up your rights. giving up your rights to save yourself a $200 ticket just isn't worth it.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 07:44 AM
This thread has nothing to do with survival techniques!

Please move it to the ATS political forums.

Unless of course, you're black, Hispanic, Muslim, or poor. Then you're screwed because the cops regardless of race don't work for the public good, they work to maintain order so that the rich can rape you blind without fear of reprisal.

Last time I was pulled over was late at night and I was told I was speeding by a cop who moving in the opposite direction. He pulled me over because I had a beat-up old car and he figured that I didn't have insurance, so he could stick me with a big fine. When I produced my insurance card, he looked disappointed. He then asked if I would consent to a search and when I said no, he got pissed and cuffed me and put me in the back of his car. He kept me there while he illegally searched my vehicle. When another patrol car showed up, the other officer asked him why he was searching my car and he said because I refused to consent to the warrantless search. The other officer was obviously of higher rank then asked why I was cuffed sitting in the back of the patrol car, he lied and said that I was being belligerent. The senior officer got me out of the car, uncuffed me and said I could go after returning my license and insurance card. I didn't stick around but I'm sure the junior officer got a a**-chewing for being a power-mad pinhead. I don't think all cops are bad, just 90% of them. Especially the ones who think a badge makes them some sort of bada**.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:46 AM

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by crgintx

you know they can clock you coming in the opposite direction dont you? and cops are not automatically evil, without them who would keep order and keep the gang bangers and esse's off the street, you probably were being biligerant judging from how you sound in the post,

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by footfall
reply to post by crgintx

you know they can clock you coming in the opposite direction dont you? and cops are not automatically evil, without them who would keep order and keep the gang bangers and esse's off the street, you probably were being biligerant judging from how you sound in the post,

Instead of trying to keep the police on your side why not avoid them as much as possible by moving out of the larger towns and cities where they flourish. A UK govt report in 2006 pointed out that as our cities increase in size and crime becomes ever more violent and organised more and more police resources from rural areas will be diverted to the cities. the few remaining cops living and working out in the countryside know damn well they need to work with the locals to be able to function. I personally gave up on most british police after they took 3 days to respond to a 999 call I made to them about five years ago. since moving out the the boonies the only time we see the police now is on remembrance sunday.

The days when Police officers were usually ex army types who wanted to do ssome good for their communities have long since passed, most modern cops are their only for the money, care nought about the community ( most cops commute to work these days) and are very politicised, they serve the state rather than the people.

[edit on 28-12-2008 by Northern Raider]

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by footfall

If the cops are supposed to be keeping the gang bangers and esse's off the streets then let me say that they're doing just a cracker-jack job of it. Not all that long ago, it was discovered that several officers on a local narcotics task force were trading information about task force activities for sex with a 14 year old girl. Yet one more reason along with the others I've mentioned why I don't trust local cops and feel that the best way to manage them is to manipulate, intimidate, or evade. (I'm fresh out of underage sex slaves, so I guess bribery isn't an option)

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 09:11 PM
If a police car pulls up behind you and you can be ticketed for a moving violation why then speed up? why not slow down and encourage him to pass or try switching lanes?

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by crgintx
This thread has nothing to do with survival techniques!

Please move it to the ATS political forums.

Surviving extremist government is just as valid as surviving bear attack or nuclear war

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:52 PM
I agree with NR above: It IS a matter of survival when the cops are guinning people down and demanding that we give up our rights so they can toss our personal belongings anytime they wantb to. That is very close to fascist...very close. but it is always hidden behind the lie of safety. They will make us ' safe' as long as we become slaves. then we are not safe, of couse...we are dead.

it is a matter of time, I predict, when the cops will become even more openly hostile and abusive, and a small part of the population will not take it lying down. I for one will be with them. cops are no better than their conduct, and if it is not being used properly, someone must put a halt to it.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by footfall

I'm a retired USAF munitions technicians who knows about how radar works and there's no way that the dash-mounted radar units in police cars can operate with any sort of reliable accuracy without daily calibration which has to be done in a certified lab not with some silly tuning fork. If an AMRAAM's $1million radar receiver is only accurate to +/- 5% speed wise, there's no way a work-a-day radar unit bouncing around on a police car's dash is going to be really accurate enough in the legal sense. Haven't any you folks seen those expose's on stationary speed trap cameras and how often they give false readings like the deer running at 130 mph? Anyone who pays a speeding ticket that was clocked by a moving police radar is just screwing themselves.

Gangs had a funny way of disappearing in the old days when folks got fed up with their crimes. It usually had something to do with a neck-tie party here in Texas. Cops are around to protect the rich not the poor.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 08:30 PM
That was a really good post. I know Im going to get pulled over sometime in my life, probably more than once (I only have my permit ATM), so Ill be sure to use this.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by ConservativeJack

I hate SUVs, trucks and the like.

I hope your brother clubbed a few of 'em too!

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 01:23 AM
People have too many rights, as an Officer I can say many good people have been killed because of peoples "rights". Everyone that wants to argue should put themselves in our shoes. If I pull you over..its for a reason, and if someone acts suspicious...its for a reason. My no. 1 concern is my safety. On PUBLIC and seizure laws should not apply...AT ALL!!! My family drives on the same roads. It should be simple...dont break the law. The PUBLIC's right to be safe, and my right to be safe should far outweigh YOUR "right" to hide a weapon that I cant legally search for to kill me with because you have warrants etc.. We keep order, we keep you safe. Nobody wants us until YOUR butt is on the line. And yes..if you are "'nice" and have nothing to hide...I dont want to write you a ticket...its a pain....just a warning will do..but if I catch you again and you think your just outsmarting will be getting a ticket. Like the guy in TX that got Tazed because he was being a jerk and returning to his vehicle...bad move...that tells us...hmmm..he MIGHT be getting a weapon...and if I dont know him...havent got a check back on him..Taze away..the cop was right. We dont like taking chances with our lives. And BTW..if I pull you over...your "nice"..are not hiding anything..I'll be one of the friendliest people you will ever meet. WE put our lives on the line to keep YOU safe so YOU can go home to YOUR family. WE want to go home to OURS.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 05:18 AM
I dont know about the US of A but in the UK its now pretty much a case of the police are no longer part of the community and are more akin to being very politicised. The ACPO and police federation frequently come out with comments and statements that go completely against the concept of innocent until proven guilty and even against the concept of freedom, libery and just for all. Even handed common sense policing is a thing of the past. another part of the problem is many officers no longer see themselves are servants of the public, rather the big stick part of the state. they try to command compliance and respect rather than earn it.

The official answer to absolutely every problem with law and order in the UK appears to be the police asking for ever more powers and ever more eosion of civil liberties. I was in Berlin during the cold war and for myself I can hardly see the difference between the old East German state and police and the UKs state and police. The problem is every time the police demand and recieve more powers two thing occur,more abuses of their powers occur, and the detection conviction rate falls even further. IE last gun ban in 96 , naturally the gun ban only affected the law abidding citizen, the criminals continued to ignore this latest daft law. Over the following six years gun crime in the UK rose by over 100%. The police said banning hand guns will make gun crime go down, it went up, massively. They said the ban will reduce the crime rates for lawfully owned guns being used in crimes. They forgot to mention that only 1% of gun crime involved lawfully held guns, and most of those offences were suicides. All the gun bans did was create more victims in waiting.

Same with the baton ban, stun gun ban, cs spray ban, it meant our european and american relatives could take steps to protect themselves but the British could not. Naturally the police proved utterly incapable of protecting the public at large either, but they dont accept that the public should have the same rights as themselves or the rest of the EU/ US to protect themselves.

Next time you talk with a British cop ask him how many criminals set out each day to rape, mug, rob, steal from, murder, defraud, abuse, attack policemen. Then ask him how many criminals set out to do the same with district nurses, taxi drivers, gas station attendents, shop staff, cash in transit drivers, store detectives, pensioners, students travelling home late at night, farmers living in remote places etc ? Yup the criminals attack the vulnerable in society, those same vulnerable people the police are completely incapable of protecting, but still campaign to disallow the most vulnerable in society access to the best tools suited for self defence.

BTW dont believe the bare faced lies Police and politicians say about " Self defence not being a good enough reason to own a handgun" The police themselves have various guns and other weapons for self defence AND so do some MPs.

The best way of dealing with the police is to stay as far away from them as possible, they do not serve you, they serve their political masters and themselves.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Northern Raider
The best way of dealing with the police is to stay as far away from them as possible, they do not serve you, they serve their political masters and themselves.

Well said that man!.

The UK police are nothing more then state subsidised bullies, trying to squeeze more money out of the british taxpayers; by what must be tantamount to legalised extortion.You think you got it bad in the US - over here the police send you to court for speeding every time, they are never lenient, what's more they don't ticket you immediately they follow you for a few miles up the motorway and to see if you break the 80mph mark and can then recommend to a magistrate that you pay a fine in excess of 400 quid; and even recommend that the magistrate take away your license. Just proves that they don't want to help, just get money. They can also now clamp your car for no tax, or crush your car for no insurance by forcing you to hand it over at the side of the road, other wise you have to pay a £200 a day storage fee to get it back from their impound yards.
Because in the UK the police are quite well paid while requiring relatively little formal education to join, some of the worst type of people apply.

In my experience you get two types : the stereotypical male copper, 5 foot 10 - 6'2, 200 lbs, who's catchphrase is ' y'alrite fella' or 'can ya step outta the car please pal' or when you know they mean business 'oi mate, turn it orf or i'll nick ya'.Rude, arrogant, chip on shoulder because they were bullied at some point in their lives, unintelligent, generally a complete oxygen thief.

Then there is the female copper, just like the male equivalent but shorter, fatter and louder. They are the ones you want to watch out for, because they have something to prove and will attempt to out man you by standing half a foot from you and grabbing you by the wrist, and when she realises that a 5'4 women cannot physically manhandle a 6'3 280lbs former powerlifter ,even when you politely say that you can't do what she's asking because you have chronic rheumatoid arthritis, and making a pitiful attempt to restrain you while her partner searches your car(if your ethnic) they usually don't search if your white, she then accuses you of resisting arrest, and her partner then puts you in a headlock and tackles you to the floor on the side of the road; and you end up being led away in a police van, thus another load of fines.

Inevitably you'll have dealings with them at some point in your life but If my experience has taught me anything it's that you cannot reason with them, and that avoiding them for as long as you can is the best way not to end up incarcerated at her majesties pleasure.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 05:04 AM
Are some of these posts accurate? Arms crisscrossed on the steering wheel or arms out the window? Cops over there would actually have a hand on their holster? If this is normal, then you are living in a zoo. No offense intended, but that is messed up.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by shamus78

It's safe to assume most posts are accurate judging by the number of threads on ATS devoted to teaching the animals how to placate the zoo keepers.
If anyone's offended, it's most likely just a conditioned response.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Darthorious
Work for the police department is a good way to avoid a ticket lol

But the brake lights is huge never break right away. The reason I say it is I was doing 85 in a 55 (late for a plane flight military flight that is) I got tagged around a bend my radar detector went from 0 to max and I never bothered to brake and kept going he never pulled me over.

If your military even if you do get pulled over they almost never give a ticket. I had a friend pulled over in the early 1990's for going 120 in a 65 the cop was ticked but when he found out he was military didn't even give him a warning just told him to slow down. I'm guessing military ticket = a lot more paperwork maybe?

Yeah, I know what you mean. I was going north out of Lancaster on 14, doing about 105. It was a little past midnight and nobody was out on the road. Suddenly my radar detector lit up by the 138 intersection. A CHP, parked on the on ramp painted me. I was dressed in my flight suit and had my flight jacket on. He asked me where I was going and I told him I was late for my pre-flight at Edwards. He chewed my a$$ pretty good, but let me go. I still am very grateful.

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