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Where'd The Bailout Money Go? Shhhh, It's A Secret

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posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Wow those figures are staggering!! Where I live most people earn less than £30000 pa. And we still manage to live a life, you dont need all the billions.

These people are just greedy, when they issued the bailout the taxpayer should have took a majority share in the companies. It is quite simple really, if they really where that bad they wouldn't have minded handing over there debt.

Also, when people when choose there own bonuses they get silly. Peoples bonuses being massively greater than there already HUGE earnings. Where I work we sometimes get a bonus every 12 weeks, the last two have been £200 and £150. That is how bonuses should be. It is more the fact that they appreciate your hard work over the money.

When you have the power to sit at a table with your colleagues and ponder about how much you should all receive, That is wrong!!

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:59 AM
When Bernake was asked about the bail-out money, he basically said it's no one's business. I beg to differ with this jerk. After I read the book, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, I was so angry. I can't believe how deceived the American people have been. Federal Reserve, my rear ... a privately owned establishment! I'd like to know who these folks think they are. I hope David Rockefeller is enjoying spending our money! You can bet a lot of that bail-out money ends up in England in Mr. Rothchild's bank. We need to demand that Congress answer to us about this garbage!

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:23 AM
This is yet another example of why we as citizens should get to vote where our tax-money is spent. I'm not talking vote on the politician who is put in office, because for the most part that's all bought and paid for behind the scenes. I'm talking that at the election they should have an option for us to vote on things like this crap bailout plan.

The vast majority of the citizens would vote, NO.

Of course, then the election process would be rigged. Oh wait, it already is rigged.


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:06 AM
I was pondering if individuals would be willing to stop paying into their income tax....

Why pay into an institutions that does NOT govern for the people but for corporations and institutions??

The draw back is frozen accounts and possibly jail time.. why?? Why... why do I feel soiled thinking that I get punished for not paying into something that does not benefit me as a citizen?

How many would be willing to stop paying their income tax.. is it even feasible? Loss of home, cars, bank accounts..

I guess we are so in-tune and dependent on our material wealth that we would be willing to sacrifice a portion of our wealth so we can keep what we have.

Only exception are those who have nothing to lose.. but how desperate is the government to go after those whom have nothing to pay taxes??

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:12 AM
No money changed hands. The only thing that happens in transactions like this is figures on accounting books change. Ever get a loan from a bank? Do they give you cash? No, they give you a check that you can trade for cash. America's entire money system is fake, and uses "fiat" dollars.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:19 AM
Contact those representing your local and state politicians. If they supported the bailout to begin with let them know how upset you are over this. Either way let them know you will not be supporting their reelection and will petition and protest their reelection if they do not start to demand the questions that the public wants to know. If such questions are not answered the money should immediately cease to flow to these institutions.

Those in office now should be removed and never allowed to be in any office ever again. If I had a choice they would all be placed on a small raft and set afloat in the middle of the Atlantic and given the best wishes of hoping they survive.


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:50 AM
Flawed - You poor people -
We are all poor people now and will be for a long time to come.
Will you be happy eating rice and drinking water in another 2-3 years ?
Better get use to it now.....

Something isn't right on the face of this planet and it is gonna affect us all.
You guys need to address this - Stand up if you can en-mass and walk the walk take supplies and bring your country to a stand still until you get the answers you require for all our sakes and our children and their children.

Hell we did it in the UK over Petrol - We stopped the country -----
True say a few year later they did it anyway....
But it can be done - Think about ants nothing on thier own but in hundreds of thousands they are an amry - Just like you guys.

FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT for you right or lay down and die along with your children.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:55 PM
The banks are organizations that make billions of dollars off of interest from loans, the Government pays them money to loan out money, as well as people are constantly making deposits and withdrawals. That these organizations can not dip into their profits between the profits verses losses, instead of just shifting their numbers on paper, shows the corruption of the financial institutions and the complict and tacit assistance of Congress in fleecing the populace.

Banks are "for-profit" organizations, that means they have shareholders to report to for the most part, as well as a board of directors. So, does this means all of those banks board of directors are in on the scam, or are they just going along for the ride? Do the shareholders know more information about this scam as well? Why is it that our hard-earned money is being doled out to these scavengers?

Quite simple.

Because no one knows how to stop them, without violence. There's so much red-tape as well as tax laws protecting these financial predators it's not even funny. Don't forget as well that Congress writes the laws that leave legal loopholes open for these bastards to climb right through.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Originally posted by autowrench
No money changed hands. The only thing that happens in transactions like this is figures on accounting books change. Ever get a loan from a bank? Do they give you cash? No, they give you a check that you can trade for cash. America's entire money system is fake, and uses "fiat" dollars.

That's one of the smartest things anyone has said.
YOU know what's going on.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Raist

Originally posted by Raist
Contact those representing your local and state politicians. If they supported the bailout to begin with let them know how upset you are over this. Either way let them know you will not be supporting their reelection and will petition and protest their reelection if they do not start to demand the questions that the public wants to know. If such questions are not answered the money should immediately cease to flow to these institutions.

It will fall on DEAF ears. And the next person you vote in will tell you the lies you want to hear to get elected and once in will do the bidding of the Corpor-ocracy.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by Muundoggie]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 08:05 AM
This is getting ridicoulous that the "Bailout" is actually going to happen. So, what's going to happen, is that Congress is going to hand over a massive amount of our tax money, and we as citizens have absolutely no say in the matter.

HHHmmm, the old days, this would be called robbery.

I guess the term has changed with the times, as well as instead of being three men on horseback robbing the stagecoach, it takes hundreds of men in suits sitting on their laurels, while we as citizens sit on our keisters.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 12:05 AM
well we can keep wondering where the money is going and exacly who asked for it becouse it looks like not all the banks wanted it.

"NEW YORK (CNN) -- There's a growing sense among some bankers that Troubled Asset Relief Program known as "TARP" has become toxic. As a result, they want to bail out of the bank bailout program.

"It should be called 'TRAP,' not TARP," said Brian Garrett, chief executive of Bank of the Bay in San Francisco, who is trying to return bailout funding. "Giving it back is harder than getting it."

Take the Tarp back

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by svpwizard

You have to wonder about that.

If some of the bansk do not want it, or some of the states do not want it, and the Federal Government is trying to force it down their throats, then what do the banks and states know about it that we do not.

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