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Am I going crazy??????

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Raud

Don't love someone for how they make YOU feel, love them for who THEY are. If you would change things about them, then you don't love them.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by devildogUSMC]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:53 AM
You're asking for mental health advice on an internet forum about conspiracies. Real smart. You DO need a doctor.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by themystic123

You couldn't be going crazy, because then folks wouldn't have to come to your thread to tell you that you're crazy and that you need help.

Also, this appears to be an epidemic at the moment, as there's a thread a day with your same story... results of quick ats search are as follows:

Sorry about the quality of the topics... there are many more of much higher quality. There's even a bunch from myself...

That's about all I've got for you. I don't give advice anymore, since no one listens.

Good luck

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

This chick sounds like shes one big bundle of bad energy. these kinds of people like to lead you into believing their some sort of devil, she probably has many unresolved psychological issues, shes doing this as so she can sociopathically bring you into her own personal misery, these people have forgotten their own happiness and like nothing more than to destroy others, and in doing so feed their sense of self-guilt and pity for themselves they are est avoided at aaall costs. when more psychically-orientated people go wrong they go very very very wrong. they are absolutely pathetic excuses for human beings.

as for the voices....
people who have bad ego-fuelled energy, their energy will gravitate to other people's minds and create a sort of noise, after a while this noise attunes to the frequency of the minds creating it, you are literally hearing thoughts passed between her and her husband on a wavelength, similiar to being on someones wavelength or level in conversation, shes likely using a very low frequency related to people with low energy, depression, anxiety .etc such a low frequency is inaudible to most more active-minded people but in your case having a history of paranoia and bipolar you are especially at risk, smoking weed really doesnt help and will make you far greater at risk around these people.

As intrigued as you are to solve her mystery there is none, she is simply a self-pitying wretch trying to emotionally blackmail(hence the speech) you into her and her husbands own psychotic and delusional reality.

unknowingly many different people are constantly engaged in wavelength with others, its part of the natural group survival instinct within the animal nervous system present in human beings, this animalistic telepathic was actually the beginning of all modern mind-control experiments in russia.
its most notably present within close-knit families or couples (any group with a close emotional bond) especially with use of marijuana or similiar drugs that heighten the lower-emotional body. to differing effects good or bad it is evident, i was in australia a couple of years ago and a group of three totally stoned brothers were sitting in apparent silence with the odd "yeah" i almost immediately realised they were in group telepathy with each (or collective subconcious) , i tuned in as it were and dear god were their thoughts not only exceedingly boring but also fairly offensive. to some extent all human beings are connected via their subconcious with others, some people sadly knowingly will manipulate others in being so. a lesson to be told would be to take control of your own thoughts and try to a) only connect to another with good intentions in a state of one on one balance and b) regardless try to think for yourself at all costs. what others think really does not matter whatsoever as most people arent even thinking what they'd want to be thinking if they were concious of their own though patterns. very interesting articles on the subject can be found at

ANYWAY STAY AWAY FROM THIS CHICK AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:58 PM
This post is for the people who are claiming that Mystic projections are the cause of the idea that his friend is 'evil'.

Everybody has a dark side, that is true. The dark side is for survival. Normally a person don't want to kill a human being. But when you have to survive the dark side is a good thing.

THe mind has many chambers. Some chambers you don't want to get open because its not necassary and it's not YOU(r) (choice).

Some (evil) people want that you have some of the 'evil' chambers open. It's like people who use drugs. They want you to join because they feel stronger when others do the same as them. It's not logical because the drugs get more expensive. The 'evil' people can also have other benefits wich i don't know because i'm not like them.

Listen to your heart and don't listen to people that you should blame yourself... in other words it is not a projection of yourself but she projects evilt things to you. She is filling the space in your brain wich is ment for your survival, not for your state of being.

Evil people want that people join their state of being instead of your survival needs.

Mariuahana triggers your higher brains. That's why you hear those voices.

Don't let anybody open the doors of your 'evil' chambers.

"Some people find happiness in miserie..."

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Gnozt]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:02 PM
There is no such thing as the devil.
It was a concoction of early christians who 'borrowed' the dark vs light theme of Zoroastrianism.
There is no black and white, just shades of grey.
Go tell what you told us to your doctor.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:09 PM
I didn't read most of the replies because most of them were garbage getting you to think like others think.... "go to the status quo and get status quo because your thoughts are not status quo"

Your whole life is a symbol for you to figure out, and you might be wrong, be right, be misled by voices or visions... but crazy would actually be to think that others know what it is you should do. That is ridiculous and I kind of wish people knew better before firing off a status quo entrained by the system response thinking that they are helping. They are being tools, literally, of the machine. Don't listen to it. Listen to your heart, and if you end up being driven down a deep dark hole, well so be it. Learn from it. You've got all the time ever.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:01 PM

Mariuahana triggers your higher brains. That's why you hear those voices.

We have more than one brain?
Wait, when you say THC triggers the higher brain, do you mean THC causes paranoid delusions, or am I misinterpreting?
You should totally, like, ask the voices in your head what to do. Like, totally, dude. And then, like, do a bong! That would be totally, like, cool. Then, like, your higher brain will open up, and like, totally, it will be awesome.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by cruzion]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:35 PM
Mystic, let's be honest here and cut it out with the higher self and similar discussions here.
I am by no means a professional or know everything, but do hear me out.
This is neither professional advice nor a professional diagnosis.
What you seem to be having is a possible situation of having a form of schizophrenia.

All in all, see your doctor for a professional diagnosis. We all hope it goes well for you.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by cruzion

Lower brains...reptilian brains....higher brains

i had to use the word Brain. It's because the translation. In my language brains are multiply (in language).

Higher brain activity causes/is paranormal brain activity.

Intuition etcetera.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Gnozt]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:47 PM
pLEASE !!!

And i do urge you !!!

Log out of this place.

Go to a specialized qualified and well established doctor first thing on Monday.

EXplain thorougly your situation.

Listen carefully and act accordingly.

Come back when your situation is sorted.

I will then be your best friend.



posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by GEORGETHEGREEK

He (Mystic)already says in this topic that he is going to see a doctor very soon, right?

Going to a doctor is my advice too.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:19 AM
Stop smoking pot immediately, then go see a doc.
I had a friend a long time ago went triple schizophrenic through smoking weed. Can trigger some nasty stuff. They fixed him up, though, and he returned to normal. Never smoked again.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by themystic123

ok.. your freind is NOT the devil for sure.. however both her and her husband might be trying to manilulate you in some way especially if they know about your fragile mental state.

Some people get kicks out of this and do it simply for the sense of control and power it provides, but some people are up to more sinister agendas.

On the whole it sounds like you are entering into early stage psychosis which is a symptom of too much THC abuse from marijuana.. take a break and run yourself through a 21 day detox program with simple herbs like - burdock, milk thistle, rosemary, alfalfa etc.. you can buy these online and a months supply will be around $25 and it will help to clear your head..

I would suggest not mentioning this to your freind as if they are trying to manipulate you this will only give them more power.

Good luck and dont abuse your body "so much"

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 04:09 AM
You could be being programmed by the shadow government's quantum computer. Its AI can replicate the symptoms of schizophrenia. The technological singularity occurred in the public sector I speculate at least 30 years ago and along with it came mind transfer. Here is my experience with this system: Military AI Supercomputer Mind Monitoring: What I have learned

[edit on 20-12-2008 by tmk81]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by cruzion
Stop smoking pot immediately, then go see a doc.
I had a friend a long time ago went triple schizophrenic through smoking weed. Can trigger some nasty stuff. They fixed him up, though, and he returned to normal. Never smoked again.

People don''t get schizofrenic of smoking marihuana alone. Smoking mariuhana + mental disorder and/or environmental factors can cause schizofrenia. It's a hypothesis that mariuhana can TRIGGER schizofrenia.

How do you mean your friend went back normal? As far as i know schizofrenia cannot be cured, only be treated with good medication and therapy.

Voices in the head are not particular the result of schizofrenia as some mention... that's a misunderstanding. There are dozens of mental diseases with the phenomenon of voices in the head.

There are people too who are totally functional normal and have a happy life can here voices in there head. It is a big mystery.

I don't want to claim that Topicstarter his voices are normal, because i rather don't know. (I cannot watch his head) I only want to give another point of view.

[edit on 20-12-2008 by Gnozt]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 05:12 AM

this troll is entertaining.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by MegaTherion

Nice Guys Finish First : ocid=-3494530275568693212&ei=Y9xMSeCZFI-cjQK4oKnLCw&q=nice+guys+finish+first

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 06:05 AM
listen themystic, you have to understand, that if you are stil in the mindset of even believing in the devil as a person or something alike, then your in a low level thought process.

The devil doesnt exist, what the devil or god can be thought of is the most powerful negative or positive consciousness, that is currently in existence within this realm

Your thinking of your friend as the devil, which she is not, is merely an exacerbation of your feelings towards her. The truth is, you have never told her how you feel, so your manifesting thoughts run riot behind the scenes while you act like everything is normal

First step, is to tell how how you feel. not say i think your the devil. ofc. but, that you feel she is highly negative, what ever and etc etc, as you know how.

your not going crazy, your driving your self crazy, by believing there is such a thing as craziness in the first place.

remember we are all one, in effect you me and your friend are a part of the same living breathing consciousness, firstly if you think your friend is the devil, identify with the devil in YOU.

see you can be like that also, dont deny your shadow, and then accept her as you should accept yourself

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by predisposed

remember we are all one, in effect you me and your friend are a part of the same living breathing consciousness, firstly if you think your friend is the devil, identify with the devil in YOU.

Question, is Hitler also part of the "All One" theory?


People, Please...stop telling people they have to blame thereself without knowing the situation. What do you know and are you sure what you know?

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