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Have We Done This Before?

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posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 12:19 AM
Please forgive me if I put this in the wrong forum...

Recently, I had been reading the thread pertaining to the underground tunnels beneath Cairo, Egpyt. I remember reading a post along the lines of a region near their where people had been exposed to radiation about 12,000 years ago from a nuclear explosion. This got my mind in motion...

Has anyone here ever had the feeling that we as a human race, have been where we are now in time. The world right now seems to be at a boiling point and the hot water is about to spill over all of us. I guess every generation has their signs of the end times...maybe this is ours.

Anyways, the fact that this supposed region was exposed to an apparent nuclear
explosion 12,000 years ago made me wonder. If this technology was around back then, it could only be for 2 reasons, or maybe even more if you guys know of any.
1. Humanity was created by a superior race of some kind alien lifeform(s) with this technology.

2. We are some kind of an experiment by the powers that be, or a superior race of beings, who have controlled us since the dawn of humanity.

Does anyone see what I'm getting at here? I have a lot more to say, but I am tired, it's late, and I need to go to bed. I will post more tomorrow. I would have liked to explain more, but I really needed to at least type this much before I inevitably forget what I have been pondering the last few days. Until tomorrow....

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by edgecrusher2199

The Program of Earth has been plaid so many times before, it is impossible to count how many times!

It is a program that is used involving the Metamorphosis of The Soul.

You can find this in many ancient writings...

The most available source is the book of Genesis....

This is only one example of this happening, that is found in the ancient writings....

I don't want to get into a discussion on religion, as I am Not of Roman Doctrine, or any other religion, but anyway here is the verse in Genesis....

Chapter 1
Verse 28.


23. And God blessed them,
and God said unto them,
Be fruitful,
and multiply,
and Replenish the Earth.

The Word Replenish means to Fill up again!

Hmmmmm, Guess we have been here before, haven't we????

Ground hog Day..... LOL..

or should I say Ground hog 7,000 year Program (In human time)....

Our Experience is only a Program....

A Holographic experience produced by an "Optical Based Geometric Processing System"!

[edit on 8-12-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Well no it didn't back then, you have to take the meaning of the word in the time it was written The Websters and Oxford dictionaries gave the definition of replenish as "TO FILL" until about 1900. Then they added to "fill again" to the list of definitions. I believe that the first definition is still in the dictionary today as one of the definitions.

You have to take what is written in the context that it was written in and the definitions of the peoples then.

For instance if a book from the middle 1800's said that "Billy was a GAY ole boy" what does that mean?

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

Matrix is absolutely correct. This is a program! Read Jonathan Grays works. And Open Your Mind!

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

23. And God blessed them,
and God said unto them,
Be fruitful,
and multiply,
and Replenish the Earth.

The Word Replenish means to Fill up again!

Yeah... do you not "replenish" your supply of food once you've eaten it all? Come on...

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by edgecrusher2199

I have been thinking about the same questions over the past few years and i have come to the conclusion that Yes we have been here and done this before...But i guess we did not get it right the last time....And i don't think we are going to pass the test this time around.

I don't know if you have read the Terra papers ?if not then you should have a look at the information in this story of our creation... Personally i don't agree with every thing in the papers but most of it rings true to me.

I think we have great city's under our vast waters and under the sands that we the sheeple will never know about due to the fact that the people in power don't want to upset the common people...Take a look

I personally feel that our time is coming to an end and the reset button is about to be pushed
and this might just be a game to some thing..

See you on the other side

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 03:11 AM
I read a post that got me thinking about this kind of thing,because space is infinite,all possibilities would have happened infinetly...if that makes yes.Not in a conscious sense though i think...but because all possibilities have happened id guess we have been here at exactly this moment infinite amount of times and all other possibilities in the universe have happened an infinite amount of times...crazy...

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 03:15 AM
Well that's the way English is depending on which dictionary and which bible translation you look at.

But anyway I do know this is the case that the Earth is in fact a product of an Optical based Geometric Processing system.

Your beliefs may tell you otherwise but I guess you will find the Proof in the Technology we are introducing in about 15 or 16 months time.

This technology will allow you to view any stage of the program on earth from the beginning of the program through until today, and what you call the future.

So you will just have to wait and see when this comes out...

So there is no point in arguing at this stage.

You will be able to get hold of this technology, some time in the future, when it reaches your country...

So I am Not talking Ideas or beliefs but Technological facts...

I don't need to interpret or guess.

[edit on 8-12-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Solomons
I read a post that got me thinking about this kind of thing,because space is infinite,all possibilities would have happened infinetly...if that makes yes.Not in a conscious sense though i think...but because all possibilities have happened id guess we have been here at exactly this moment infinite amount of times and all other possibilities in the universe have happened an infinite amount of times...crazy...

No Not crazy at all perhaps closer to the truth than you realise... LOL.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

But anyway I do know this is the case that the Earth is in fact a product of an Optical based Geometric Processing system

First off I haven't got a clue what you're talking about here and suggest you elaborate on it by starting your own thread. From what I can gather you think the matrix is real?

Back on topic. The theory that Earth is on a perpetual life cycle with the human race being created then destroyed ad infinitum is a little absurd. If there had been countless technologically advanced civilizations here before we would have evidence in the form of artifacts.
Archaeologists dig up dinosaur fossils on a regular basis, I have yet to hear of a scientist on a dig brushing the dust off an F15 or excavating the remnants of a theme park.

Also, what about the earths resources that we are using? Oil will run out shortly - is the suggestion that it has also run out before but replenished itself? The same goes for coal, tin etc. etc. - no evidence of prior mining / extraction exists. Millions of cars, buses, lorries - where are they now if they have been on the planet at an earlier period?

The theory just doesn't cut the mustard I'm afraid.

[edit on 8/12/08 by vonspurter]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by edgecrusher2199

I agree with a lot of what you've said.

I think there is a lot of evidence that civilizations before us were equally advanced, just in different ways.

The crystal skulls and related myths intrigued me a while ago, and I did quite a bit of research into it. There is a lot of scientific evidence to suggest that at least one of the skulls found was crafted in such a perfect way as to not be possible today.
There are also suggestions that these skulls hold information.
Scientifically, when you see the processes we use (quartz for example) for retaining information, this is entirely plausible.

There are so many thousands of remarkable things that ancient civilizations managed to do, and it all seems to indicate that some of them were vastly more advanced than many believe or are able to understand.

There is also a lot of evidence that these civilizations had contact with, or at least witnessed, flying craft in their skies, again suggesting what I think you implied in this first post; that there was alien involvement in the development of these civilizations somewhere along the way, even if it was right at the beginning and such legends passed on through centuries.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:34 AM
I would suggest you do a bit more homework on this...

Your words...

"Also, what about the earths resources that we are using? Oil will run out shortly"

There was a geological survey done by NASA in the Late 60's or early 70's of the Earth's oil fields if my memory serves me right???.

Oil does not come from fossils, but it was discovered that oil is manufactured in the earth. I don't know all the theory on this but you may be able to find it???

The reason why oil is mainly extracted from along trenches between tectonic plates, is that it is the cheapest source. I understand that the Crude Oil is found in these Trenches.

There are also vents releasing oil into the seas along oceanic trenches that is well documented in TV Nature programs.

We have so much oil in our country it is oozing out of the ground in many areas as crude oil, to the extent it is a dam nuisance.We also have many wells that have been plugged, and will be extracted when needed.

The shortage is not a lack of oil but is only an economic problem in the balance between the many different industries that use different by products from the oil and there have been many documentary programs on TV about this over the years.

But there is a need to change our technology because of environmental issues.

But anyway you can probably find material on this subject through NASA as I don't have the exact details and am not an expert in this area.

But I am sure you have the time to look into this...

Good luck with your posts.

I have written much on the subject regarding Optical Interfaces with the true Mind and have a couple of threads on associated Topics and write to a couple of Hundred people that write to me regarding this Technology.

I have had problems uploading Geometric Drawings because of the size of the files. But who knows I may find the Time to get around the problem...

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by vonspurter

My friend you need to go have a re think and come back once you have watched this

I never understand why people come to this site if they don't have an open mind

[edit on 8-12-2008 by duffster]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 07:04 AM

Oil does not come from fossils, but it was discovered that oil is manufactured in the earth. I don't know all the theory on this but you may be able to find it???

I'm sorry. I can't subscribe to such a ridiculous theory and therefore will not waste my time on searching for it. What you believe is up to you and I respect that so please don't take that last comment personally.

I am not an expert in this subject either - however these guys are The Association for the study of Peak Oil and Gas

That link will also inform you on how Oil was created.

I'm no stranger to believing in certain theories / phenomena (hence my presence here) but this belongs in the same bin as chemtrails.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by duffster

I do have an open mind. One documentary does not prove this wacky theory.
Continuing in the same vane as your closing comment I can't believe why people come on here and believe everything that is presented to them no matter how preposterous it is.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:40 AM
Did you take the time to watch the documentary??

I should take back my comment as every one has a different point of view....but my point is you can see how over time every thing breaks down and returns to mother earth.

And let me assure you i don't believe every thing on here

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 09:40 AM
I watched this documentary a few months ago, and found it interesting. But please take a look at the facts - there are many, many examples of insects encased in amber, millions upon millions of years old. Just insects. No mobile phones, screws or rivets are ever found preserved in amber or in the ice of the poles.
The day something like that is unearthed, then yes I will follow your belief.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 02:43 PM
Look I know this sounds perhaps wacky to you.

But we assume things are in a state coming from millions of years ago, as we know at this stage no other way to look at our history as we only have our ignorance as a base to build on...

Not much of a base is it???

Just stop and think for a moment.

If the Universe is the product of a programmed Holographic nature, and all the forces dynamics and interaction are of a programmed nature, producing the best virtual reality program ever existing, we may have to think again and gain new understanding....

Just as book the story may enter describing a state of prehistory having all it fossils etc, without that history even actually being plaid out or in other words taking place.

I mean humans quite often start a movie or a book with constructed background giving the past of a given situation or story to establish the plot..

Who can possibly realise the Intelligence behind what has brought about your experience???

Even in the fact you exist, let alone produce a dynamic experience you call living.

If you believe in "evolution" something has produced this condition, with all its rules etc. otherwise even evolution wouldn't exist.

I am Not, I repeat Not suggesting a god of human invention...

But think about it, we don't have All the information required to make any judgements about our origins or the Universe we supposedly live in, do we ???

We only have a very small fragment, of the total situation...

I know many rule this out but hey, it is certainly Not impossible is it???

In fact more probable!!!

After all, humanity is entering a computer age, that is about to change drastically....LOL...

[edit on 8-12-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:29 PM
At first I thought you meant that humanity itself repeats in a cycle, as in our civilization reaches our technological peak, we being to blow each other up and civilization resets once we're back in the stone ages. This could explain a lot of things, such as out of place artifacts.(

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
Our Experience is only a Program....

A Holographic experience produced by an "Optical Based Geometric Processing System"!

Perhaps you should start a thread explaining this?

As for the topic at hand, if that is the case, perhaps collectively, we keep repeating it until we get it right?


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