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If we know so much, why aren't we organizing ourselves?

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posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:44 PM
When I first opened my eyes to what is really going on around me and reached out to see if I was the only lunitic thinking these things I couldn't believe how many others like me there were. I was blown away. But the initial shock of our numbers quickly wore off as I realized just how completly unprepared and unorganized we are. The very few of us that take it seriously enough to prepare might at best have a bug out bag, a store of food and medicine(that you will probably have to flee from), maybe a few guns and some camping equipment that you might get away with. And while that is all fine and good for a bit, what are you going to do past day two or three of whatever ordeal you go through? When you finally stop running long enough to catch your breath, then what? Any idea? Aside from the obvious, taking care of yourself and your loved ones in a strange new world. But what else? What next? I doubt very seriously if it will simply be an extended camping trip. I imagine we will be living in a violent new world. What about the others like you? Surely you wouldn't make it alone. How would you know who has what skills around you? What about other fighting men? What if the people of your area needed protection during uncertin times or in times of disaster and the government couldn't respond fast enough to "protect" you? What if it's the government you need protecting from(which I feel is the most likely situtaion to occur). Do you have knowledge of others and a place to meet in the event of a disaster or situation? What about comunication? They can take that from you at will. Cell, net, radio, tv, it's all under thier control. You should have all this worked out. It should all be set in stone so when something happens you don't need to comunicate anything, you will merely execute the disaster plan. I think it would also give you something to hang onto while the world falls apart around you. Just a little piece of something solid to hang onto....... you'll need it. I know this sounds alot like an unpopular "M" word but we need to organize to some degree. We need a plan, we need to know each others whereabouts. Not just in our region, but the surrounding regions also. I know this may sound a little nutty, but if we a truely believe what we pound out on our keyboards, if we are smart enough to see through all the BS and be aware of what really lurks, then we should be smart enough to have a friggin plan. The whole "me and my fam are headed to the lake/deer camp/ect ect prob won't work. We'll need each other, at least small groups. We'll need to know where the other people are too. We need some sort of rudementary comunication plan once we all get together. And we will need a way of identifying one another(again, I'm sure things will be quite violent). Do you know anyone with medical training? What about hunter/soldier/woodsman types? Maybe people who know about the inner workings of infrastructur? Might have to power up/power down something.....I know I know, just saying......the world will be a crazy place to be. A few of us might have a decent start on a bug out/disaster plan but only as individuals, we need to start thinking as a group moments after we realize we need to put our plan into action. Boyscout motto....Be prepared!

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:06 PM
For the same reason chicken little didn't round up the hens. It's fun to speculate, but what's happening on this site lately is getting down right concerning.

About 80% of the threads on the recent post page are doom and gloom oriented and it's getting rather depressing, (not to mention a bit careless and reckless for those individuals incapable of discerning fact from fiction).

I'm finding there is a large cross section of people who do not come on this site solely for entertainment, there may actually be people who believe most of this crap. (by crap I mean doom and gloom) I am genuinely concerned and hope the mods caution most of the questionable content and the members posting it.

We recently had a delivery of vehicle lifts for the new Toyota facility and if photgraphed from the right angle, they could be passed off as "FEMA coffins". I had thought of posting them as an example of the unfounded hystaria (and as a means of making light of the recent trend) and wait for someone to say "hey look, oh no! more FEMA coffins" before letting everyone in on the gag. But reading some of the posts on here lately, doing that would have been incredibly reckless.

We all really need to lighten up around here...

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:15 PM
Because people are waiting for the UFOs and extraterrestrials to come to the rescue and save everyone

Big problems demand big solutions

As none of the world's leaders is worth a pinch of .. er, salt

and as God doesn't seem interested

people have turned to other god-figures, such as benevolent greys

or .. even reptilians would do, I think, as long as it was like a movie and everything ended up happily ever after

Death seems preferable to existence for many. This is the impression I'm gaining.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:19 PM
All very good points. I've topped off an treated the extra fuel for the generator, plenty of extra bottled water, food, ect. And a fall back plan if things get real ugly. That is if they don't decide to keep us at work due to some major emergency.

reply to post by mushninja

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by TheRooster
Are you serious? That's your plan?.....That makes me sad so I'll pretend it''s not real? Of course there is alot of BS out there but there is also much truth. Puttting your head in the sand it exactly what you're expected to do.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:45 PM
I have wondered the same thing but considering that a lot of people who come here are just 'fishing' for a website to kill time while at work or school and would not consider taking the contents of ATS seriously.

However, i also think that this forum gives those who do see some truth in the issues raised here a wonderful opportunity to find like minded individuals who can build a support network for when a need does arise to take action.

just my two cents worth

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:47 PM
To be honest, I think its Hippe syndrome. Everyone KNOWS that its screwed up but no one will step to the plate to LEAD.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:58 PM
I know i cant organize in the way you say because i don't have the money and hell i don't have real experience I'm only 18 i have yet to see the real world. If i did bring up the fact of stocking up to my family and friends they would just laugh at the idea, they would think i was a crazy lunatic preparing for nothing. There is no one that i know at my school or city that's even remotely thinking of stocking up. But maybe its just that no one likes to talk about this kinda of thing in order to avoid ridicule.

The only time sadly that you'll ever see anyone running to the store and stocking up is when the disaster or event actually happens. But by then its to late.

(Now that i think of it I think I'm good for a while, since my parents own a bar, we have loads of beer,water and Gatorade, and boxes among boxes of margarita mix. But i hate beer so all water and Gatorade for me!!!!!)

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:05 PM
personally, i don't think i know anything for fact.

sure i have a lot of information packed into my brain, but trying to decipher what's garbage, fact, fiction, or completely useless get's quite exhausting at times.

and even then, how can you REALLY be sure of the authenticity of the information you intake.

so, i for one, have no plans to organize to do anything at the moment, as i don't feel i have the full perspective and therefore cannot make a proper judgement as to what should be done.

having said that, i do live my life to the best of my ability, i plant seeds in people's minds, get them to question their existence, question the things around them, i start conversations that spark debates and get people thinking from a different perspective. personally, i think even getting people to this point is very useful in order for humanity to progress together.

some might think it's just not enough. that's ok. i'm sure there are plenty who will make up for my lack of organization.

in the meantime, i will continue to absorb, analyze, adjust my perspective and repeat.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by mushninja


posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:19 PM
This is insanity. Is the popular opinion? If that's the case, we are so screwed......

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:21 PM
I may be over the top at times, but I am certinly smart enough to know better than to think no plan is the best plan.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by TheRooster

Lighten up? To what........take a deep polluted breath and gaze through the haze around you....... Our global civilization is on fire.....

Planned fire in my opinion.

As for the OP my dad has been telling me which makes sense..
"People here are reactive, not proactive"

So in that it won't be untill immediate threat or harm that most of the population will do anything. I believe we've been conditioned as so.
Try and keep faith that our systematic society with all its goodies for us will stablize and we can continue to rip and suck the planet dry of resources for useless gadgetry, over the top fashions, excessive food consumption etc etc...

If there is a war bring it to our decieving Leaders doorsteps, and the rich elite capitalistic oppressive snobs who milk and slave us into achieving thier way of life. Enjoying there 200ft yachts with helicopter landing pads and every other useless # we allow to build.

We need to revamp our whole way on how we choose to live.

Set a goal for the whole of humanity.
Under that goal should it be determined how we live our lives to best achieve that goal.
I say we set the goal of securing our species in the cosmos and expand our effort in mass space exploration.
No more free willy nilly do what ya want and think its not hurting anyone #e.

Unsuppress technologies locked and bought out by Big oil. Unsuppress medicines oppressed by Big Pharmacuticles.

Dedicate globally the scale of human power and determination during both world wars to achieve space exploration.

Everything we need to do to achieve this goal will bring about technologies and advancements in science that will set us at a new level. Place us in harmony.

Were's the leaders on this subject. They want us to have nothing, the bare minimum of what is humanly possibly.

Something like that.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by GodshipForAll]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by GodshipForAll
reply to post by TheRooster

Lighten up? To what........take a deep polluted breath and gaze through the haze around you....... Our global civilization is on fire.....

Godship, if we all decided to take a few weeks off from watching the news (or TV in general), listening to the radio, or logging on to the net, we would no longer be being spoon fed this dooms day garbage. I don't know where you live, but when I look around where I live and begin to focus my energies away from the BS, I have A LOT to be greatful for. And I bet you do as well.

Nay sayers have been warning us about armageddon and the demise of all humanity for ages. Only in todays "24 hour" news cycle and "info in an instant" internet society have we been so conned into believing it.

I'm sorry you seem so jaded about our future, IMHO you've been sucked into the matrix and have bought it hook, line, and sinker. I wish I had a peso for every "Galactic Fly Over" on such and such date that has come and gone without fruition.

If you want to see true human suffering? Go to your nearest pediatric cancer unit, Burn unit, or homeless shelter and volunteer your time. Only then will you truly understand how blessed you actually are.

“I have never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself
A small bird will fall frozen dead from a bough
Without ever having felt sorry for itself.” – TS Elliot

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by mushninja

i did said 'at this moment'

i also did not say that no plan is the best plan anywhere in my post.

i said i don't feel i have enough true facts about things to be organized enough to make a plan.

i am open to ideas, options and opinions.

but i'm not ready to go out in the streets shouting at people that they need to do something, as i don't have a solution to offer them in the first place.

i can only open their minds and get them to think about alternatives.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by TheRooster

Alright man you don't take time to look at global statistics do you?

EXTINCTIONS: (recommend looking through that site)


" After completing this report, how would you characterize the state of the world’s marine ecoregions?
Mark Spalding: It’s a bit depressing. "





Another good statistics site:

Only a small example of a portion of the spectrum of our global situation.
And I don't feel sorry for myself at all. Where did you pick that up.
You talk of cancer wards, burn untis and homeless people. What are our elected leaders doing about that? Sweet # all, the bare minmum they fund big wars and are backed by elite coporate scum. Take our Tax dollars and direct to the exact opposite way of which it should be directed.
Research the work of Tesla and see what was suppressed, whom bought his patents, whom they are associated with. Research why potential life saving medical discoveries and breakthroughs have been suppressed. What companys pose to lose if such science was allowed to flourish. Why relgion and it's moral ethics suppress life saving treatments here (In Canada anyways ) and sends people to foreign countries to seek these treatments.

Do your homework and see how we've been cheated out of a real society we should be in. Not where only the upper class thrive.
One with an equal class, a balanced harmonous society thriving.
You think with all our technical achievements and scientific breakthroughs
our work hours would be reduced. We invent and develop to make life easier for ourselves. You see that happening. I see it only at the top of the food chain. We must have a job no matter how useless it is to society and provides nothing.

Nice quote,
Iv'e never seen a creature so repugnant as man as to allow this to happen to himself. Through miss management, misplaced trust, lies, deciet, shadow governments, hidden agendas. In a lust for power, greed and dominion over eachother.
A bird is nowhere near what we are, and we nowhere near what a bird is, so I didn't understand any paralell or correalation you may be trying to relate.

Educate yourself on the most powerful families on this planet. How long they've stayed in power, what they've done to keep such power.


[edit on 7-10-2008 by GodshipForAll]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 04:43 AM
Originally posted by GodshipForAll

Alright man you don't take time to look at global statistics do you?

Why would I? Besides controlling your thoughts, what good are those statistics? The thought is not even rational, I can't control the "globe". Besides, control is only a perception anyway. I learned that little pearl of wisdom when my son was born, anyone with children knows what I mean. If your statement was to imply that man must affect change to manipulate those statistics to better man, then you can only attempt to exert control in "your world", when enough of us do this globally, we affect change. But it sounds like you expect the government to do this for you, excuse me, I think the term you used was "elected leaders".

And I don't feel sorry formyself at all. Where did you pick that up.

Forgive me, I have a tendancy to read between lines that aren't there.

Im not in any matrix there guy.

You used (cut and pasted) the very garbage I spoke of to prove my point, and make no mistake my friend, you just proved to me the Matrix owns you. Instead of trying to disprove me, disconnect your computer, TV, radio, cell phone, etc... Step outside the digital world for a week then come back and tell me how horrible YOUR world is.

Nice quote, A bird is nowhere near what we are, and we nowhere near what a bird is, so I didn't understand any paralell or correalation you may be trying to relate.

Think again, it's the very messge T.S. Elliot was attempting to convey. Read it a few more times and re-read your first post, if you open your mind, you'll see what I mean. There's and old saying when listening to Jimi Hendrix, it goes something like this... "I know you can hear Jimi, but are you listening to Jimi?" The digital world has narrowed your vision, until you "unplug" for a while you will be missing what is right in front of you.

There are groups to hold responsible. We as a whole are not to blame.

Sorry to burst your bubble my friend, we originated the fiasco. In our lust for more "the groups" just failed to say "no" to us. We are not in this fiasco because everybody's still making the payments on their 2nd or 3rd house, or the huge house they can't afford, we are in this fiasco because we stopped making these payments. Yes, people like you and me who bit off more than they can chew started this whole thing.

"The "groups" as you put it, are the liberal democrats pandering for the minority vote. They are complicit because they forced lending institutions to change sound business (lending) practices, thereby removing the safety precautions to avoid all of this.

You talk of cancer wards, burn untis and homeless people. What our elected leaders doing about that.

The better question is what are WE doing about it? Another symptom of Matrix disorder is the belief that our elected officials are the solution to our every problem. They aren't my friend, you and I are. It really does take a village to raise a child. We need to be more compassionate towards each other, more tolerant of our differences. We need to go back to being kind to our elders, saying please and thank you. The politically correct world we've erected around us has failed us.

[edit on 10/7/2008 by TheRooster]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:02 AM
I think we can't prepare for this. There is no way our ruling leaders will wipe them selves out. I guess as best it will be somewhat something like fallout the game.

Basically if we let that crap happen it is too late.

Now is a perfect time to make things better. As I have been proposing in all my post, we need to admit obedience to our leaders. We need a one world government.

We need to praise our leaders.

We need faith.

We need to focus on sharing and positivity in our own lives. As we bring more positivity to others it will spread.

I have been a believer in armageddom for a long time. In 2006 I had cancer. I beat the cancer by finding the problem then only focusing on the positive solution. If all I focused on was the problem and how worse it could have got, I would have died.

This planet is the same. This plant has cancer. We now know the problems, now lets focus on solutions. Peace, Love, Sharing. Even if we do nuke each other, this is how I want to be as we go out. Let be hippies, but with responsibilites. Im in 3rd year of environmental engineering. Heres to hope and Faith

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:03 AM
I dont think running away with a few cans of food is the answer.

We need major change within our government & the powers that be. And Im not sure we can achieve that.

What we need is some major players to advance change. We need people of influence to rise up & lead.

On a positive note, I believe those people exist and are willing to step out & risk it all to make the changes we so badly need. But they need the support of the majority, not a minority, and at the moment, until more people are pushed out of their comfort zone, we (and they) are still a minority, and no-ones going to risk losing all that they have, to fight a battle they are sure they wont win.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:41 AM
]Originally posted by TheRooster
[quote]Why would I? Besides controlling your thoughts, what good are those statistics? Educating yourselves on world affairs, as to make informed decisions. Key word decision, as to how you choose to interpet such information and how to act on it.

The thought is not even rational, I can't control the "globe".

Control ourselves individually and as a whole species, set caps and limits.

If your statement was to imply that man must affect change to manipulate those statistics to better man, then you can only attempt to exert control in "your world", when enough of us do this globally, we affect change. But it sounds like you expect the government to do this for you, excuse me, I think the term you used was "elected leaders".

Yes, if you believe in a government then the elected leaders are to establish a party of the most suitable people. These people are to manage direct and guide us with plans and a goal for us to achieve. They're there to lay guidelines and directives for us. While we work away at developing sciences, technologies, medicines, extracting resources, refining resources, agriculture, eductaing ourselves in schools etc.
We are doing our part our leaders are not. As I have established through eductaing myself on the world statistics and thier own actions.

Forgive me, I have a tendancy to read between lines that aren't there.

Take it easy partner

You used (cut and pasted) the very garbage I spoke of to prove my point, and make no mistake my friend, you just proved to me the Matrix owns you. Instead of trying to disprove me, disconnect your computer, TV, radio, cell phone, etc... Step outside the digital world for a week then come back and tell me how horrible YOUR world is.

Ya next time I'll telepathically send you information. I just came back from a hiatus away from phones, internet, television. How horrible my world it's nothing. My parents who are almost ready to retire differnet story. Old age pensions barely able to afford to heat thier homes. Homeless people in vancouver lots whom are children, while we build for the 2010 olympics.
Theres a time and a place for merry making right now is not the time.

Sorry to burst your bubble my friend, we originated the fiasco. In our lust for more "the groups" just failed to say "no" to us. We are not in this fiasco because everybody's still making the payments on their 2nd or 3rd house, or the huge house they can't afford, we are in this fiasco because we stopped making these payments. Yes, people like you and me who bit off more than they can chew started this whole thing.
Count me out please. I own next nothing, don't own a car, computer,phone, tv, not paying for a house, bus when I travel. What I own is a couple cameras, clothes, and a guitar, some books and radio. I've produced more for socieity then I've asked for back.

The better question is what are WE doing about it? Another symptom of Matrix disorder is the belief that our elected officials are the solution to our every problem. They aren't my friend, you and I are. It really does take a village to raise a child. We need to be more compassionate towards each other, more tolerant of our differences. We need to go back to being kind to our elders, saying please and thank you. The politically correct world we've erected around us has failed us.

I undertsand you position on that we have a role to play and yes to an extent we have to monitor ouselves. But when working as a whole in a collective society understand your role. It's the role of a good leader(s) to lead by example. Set the standard and keep the flock on the staright an narrow.
Understand the technology thats been suppressed to us guy please,
The trickle feed us, always have...
They're are people willing to lead us on a path of equality. But are oppressed and murdered.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by GodshipForAll]

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