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Our Servicemen and their dirty secret

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posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 11:49 AM

The fact that if you have served in Iraq, Bosnia, or Afghanistan you have been given a nasty present by the US government. The use of DU (depleted uranium) munitions is causing a human and ecological disaster of biblical proportion. Take a look at these vids and then tell everyone you can and post these links on as many places as possible. This little dirty trick has got to come before the people.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Do you have any other sources besides YouTube videos?

Sorry for the one-liner but that's the only question I have.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 01:38 PM
Nice.... thank you for sharing...

Ever wonder why just prior to Bush's Iraq attack that the Israeli's first astronut mission was...

His main responsibility in space was to use a multispectral camera to track dust particles from the sandstorms that blow from the Sahara over the Mediterranean and Middle East. The study - the Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment, designed at Tel Aviv University - was intended to provide information on how dust affects rainfall.

Do you think it possible that the study of wind patterns might also indicate if Israel would be contaminated by the DU with which the US was about to poison the Mideast?

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 01:48 PM
Sorry but those 2 films were pointless and useless in your argument. They prove NOTHING, show NOTHING, and defintily DO NOT tie anything to DU! I served many years and have been around DU...and trained on the effects...I think this is nothing more then a PERSONAL ploy and I'm not mistaken there has not been any DU used in this WAR thus was used back in the Gulf there is no need for DU since we have not encountered heavy armor resistance.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75
Sorry but those 2 films were pointless and useless in your argument. They prove NOTHING, show NOTHING, and defintily DO NOT tie anything to DU!

Yea, what he said. I know a lot of guys in the sandbox atm, and nobody's mentioned the use of DU. Not to mention I don't know anybody who's suffered the effects of using DU.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75
Sorry but those 2 films were pointless and useless in your argument. They prove NOTHING, show NOTHING, and defintily DO NOT tie anything to DU! I served many years and have been around DU...and trained on the effects...I think this is nothing more then a PERSONAL ploy and I'm not mistaken there has not been any DU used in this WAR thus was used back in the Gulf there is no need for DU since we have not encountered heavy armor resistance.

I'm afraid you don't have the facts, only opinion. The US and UK released in 2003 alone between 100 - 200 metric tons of DU munitions, most of which was used in urban areas. But exact figures are hard to come by as the Pentagon has made it a point to obscure facts about DU to the American People.

But they aren't the only ones...There is alot of "activist" propaganda circling around as well.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 11:06 PM
DU, while not harmless (I'd not call being on the pointy end of any munition harmless
), is hardly the boogie monster made out by these people.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 12:01 AM
Most of the medical problems that the anti DU crowd claim are bogus.

DU makes up 98+% of raw uranium ore.
why have the miners in the desert southwest not had the same disorders.

this anti DU bulls**t is mostly propaganda by foreign countries and the anti nuke nut cases in the US.

if you can not use the Internet to research the information and to sort out disinformation. you are doomed to l life of being in the dark and fed sh*t.

First check the source if they are anti what they claim is bad most likely they will use the net to spread disinformation.
Use neutral collage and university research papers.
and check for disinformation.

Some foreign countries want to ban DU because it makes big holes in there tanks,

Would you like to sign my petition to ban "Hydroxyl Acid".
it has killed many more people then DU and is found on government property allover the US
Very deadly one breath can kill you.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 02:09 AM
The source I posted above makes a very even handed attempt at looking at the DU pros and cons, and by exposing the fact that we have been seeing alot of propaganda, that isn't even based on fact,(most propaganda isn't anyway) from both sides of the argument, and it has made it EXTENSIVELY difficult to actually discern whether DU is safe for use, or harmful to man and environment.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 06:46 AM

Studies indicating negligible effects Studies in 2005 and earlier have concluded that DU ammunition has no measurable detrimental health effects. A 1999 literature review conducted by the Rand Corporation stated: "No evidence is documented in the literature of cancer or any other negative health effect related to the radiation received from exposure to depleted or natural uranium, whether inhaled or ingested, even at very high doses," and a RAND report authored by the U.S. Defense department undersecretary charged with evaluating DU hazards considered the debate to be more political than scientihfic. A 2001 oncology study concluded that "the present scientific consensus is that DU exposure to humans, in locations where DU ammunition was deployed, is very unlikely to give rise to cancer induction". Former NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson stated in 2001 that "the existing medical consensus is clear. The hazard from depleted uranium is both very limited, and limited to very specific circumstances". A 2002 study from the Australian defense ministry concluded that “there has been no established increase in mortality or morbidity in workers exposed to uranium in uranium processing industries... studies of Gulf War veterans show that, in those who have retained fragments of depleted uranium following combat related injury, it has been possible to detect elevated urinary uranium levels, but no kidney toxicity or other adverse health effects related to depleted uranium after a decade of follow-up.” Pier Roberto Danesi, then-director of the IAEA Seibersdorf +Laboratory, stated in 2002 that "There is a consensus now that DU does not represent a health threat". The International Atomic Energy Agency reported in 2003 that, "based on credible scientific evidence, there is no proven link between DU exposure and increases in human cancers or other significant health or environmental impacts," although "Like other heavy metals, DU is potentially poisonous. In sufficient amounts, if DU is ingested or inhaled it can be harmful because of its chemical toxicity. High concentration could cause kidney damage." The IAEA concluded that while depleted uranium is a potential carcinogen, there is no evidence that it has been carcinogenic in humans. A 2005 study by Sandia National Laboratories’ Al Marshall used mathematical models to analyze potential health effects associated with accidental exposure to depleted uranium during the 1991 Gulf War. Marshall’s study concluded that the reports of cancer risks from DU exposure are not supported by veteran medical statistics, but Marshall did not consider reproductive health effects.

Theres been lots of studies regarding the use and hazards of DU. I have been exposed to my fair share of this and tbh have not experience anything that I attribute to prolonged exposure of DU. The above quote is just one of many studies I have found regarding the risk's involved in using or being exposed to DU.

[edit on 16-9-2008 by StarTraveller]

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 06:54 AM
But then theres always both side to the argument, and yet again certain fields find it hard to come to the same conclusion.

Increased rates of immune system disorders and other wide-ranging symptoms, including chronic pain, fatigue and memory loss, have been reported in over one quarter of combat veterans of the 1991 Gulf War. Combustion products from depleted uranium munitions are being considered as one of the potential causes by the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, as DU was used in 30 mm and smaller caliber machine-gun bullets on a large scale for the first time in the Gulf War. Veterans of the conflicts in the Gulf, Bosnia and Kosovo have been found to have up to 14 times the usual level of chromosome abnormalities in their genes. Serum-soluble genotoxic teratogens produce congenital disorders, and in white blood cells causes immune system damage. Human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in the offspring of persons exposed to DU. A 2001 study of 15,000 February 1991 U.S. Gulf War combat veterans and 15,000 control veterans found that the Gulf War veterans were 1.8 (fathers) to 2.8 (mothers) times more likely to have children with birth defects. After examination of children's medical records two years later, the birth defect rate increased by more than 20%: "Dr. Kang found that male Gulf War veterans reported having infants with likely birth defects at twice the rate of non-veterans. Furthermore, female Gulf War veterans were almost three times more likely to report children with birth defects than their non-Gulf counterparts.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 06:56 AM

The numbers changed somewhat with medical records verification. However, Dr. Kang and his colleagues concluded that the risk of birth defects in children of deployed male veterans still was about 2.2 times that of non-deployed veterans." In early 2004, the UK Pensions Appeal Tribunal Service attributed birth defect claims from a February 1991 Gulf War combat veteran to depleted uranium poisoning. Children of British soldiers who fought in wars in which depleted uranium ammunition was used are at greater risk of suffering genetic diseases such as congenital malformations, commonly called "birth defects," passed on by their fathers. In a study of U.K. troops, "Overall, the risk of any malformation among pregnancies reported by men was 50% higher in Gulf War Veterans (GWV) compared with Non-GWVs." The U.S. Army has commissioned ongoing research into potential risks of depleted uranium and other projectile weapon materials like tungsten, which the U.S. Navy has used in place of DU since 1993. Studies by the U.S. Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute conclude that moderate exposures to either depleted uranium or uranium present a significant toxicological threat. Graph showing the rate per 1,000 births of congenital malformations observed at Basra University Hospital, Iraq Graph showing the rate per 1,000 births of congenital malformations observed at Basra University Hospital, Iraq One particular subgroup of veterans which may be at higher risk comprises those who have retained internally fragments of DU from shrapnel wounds. A laboratory study on rats produced by the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute showed that, after a study period of 6 months, rats treated with depleted uranium coming from implanted pellets, comparable to the average levels in the urine of Desert Storm veterans with retained DU fragments, had developed a significant tendency to lose weight with respect to the control group. Substantial amounts of uranium were accumulating in their brains and central nervous systems, and showed a significant reduction of neuronal activity in the hippocampus in response to external stimuli. The conclusions of the study show that brain damage from chronic uranium intoxication is possible at lower doses than previously thought. Results from computer based neuro-cognitive tests on veterans have indeed showed a correlation between the levels of urinary uranium and "problematic performance" on tests assessing performance accuracy and efficiency. Also, veterans with internally retained DU fragments might be more exposed to cancer and leukemia risks.

Sources and More Info:
Properties and Characteristics of DU
UN Press Release UNEP/81: Uranium 236 found in depleted uranium penetrators
Toxicological profile for uranium
Depleted Uranium: A By-product of the Nuclear Chain
Is an Armament Sickening U.S. Soldiers?
Depleted Uranium in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Postconflict Assessment
Radiological Conditions in Areas of Kuwait With Residues of Depleted Uranium
U.S. Center for Disease Control's Toxicological Profile for Uranium
Teratogenicity of depleted uranium aerosols: A review from an epidemiological perspective
Reproductive and developmental toxicity of natural and depleted uranium: a review

Sorry for multiple threads, Character limitation of 4000.

[edit on 16-9-2008 by StarTraveller]

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Watch the documentary named "Poison DUst", or look at some of the work of Dr. Doug Rokke.
D.U indeed does have a very low level of radiation that is almost undetectable. However when a D.U bomb is dropped or high-caliber D.U rounds are fired, atomized D.U particles are released into the air and can easily be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Once in your bodily tissues, the D.U particles begin to deteriorate the cells around them because of the extreme proximity in the human body.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 04:02 AM
Speaking as someone who has served. There are several other factors for bad health you MUST also consider. Flat out, most of us did/do not eat healthy. We dip snuff, or smoke, and have enough stress to kill a normal person. You add all this up and more like drug use, and drinking and you have a clue to what also may contribute to this problem. DU shells were the least of my worries. The stuff that passed through my leather doughnut hole worries me more

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 04:03 AM
Speaking as someone who has served. There are several other factors for bad health you MUST also consider. Flat out, most of us did/do not eat healthy. We dip snuff, or smoke, and have enough stress to kill a normal person. You add all this up and more like drug use, and drinking and you have a clue to what also may contribute to this problem. DU shells were the least of my worries. The stuff that passed through my leather doughnut hole worries me more

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 04:13 AM

when a D.U bomb is dropped

Can you give us the Mark and Model of these DU bombs.

I can't find them in my EOD or my fire department ordnance identification manuals
And if they exist i need the MK and MODs to get a update for the department.

the manuals we have show all the gun fired ammo even DU ammo and all the bombs that have been in active use by the military even nukes that might by shipped by truck in the US by MK, MOD, and color coding and other ID markings. but list no DU bomb.
These manual even show any DU that might be used in aircraft for counterweights.

But i find no DU Bombs that have been in active use by the US

[edit on 17-9-2008 by ANNED]

[edit on 17-9-2008 by ANNED]

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by StarTraveller

You are citing a RAND report as a source? Laughable.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:38 PM
I have spent quite a bit of time eating, sleeping, and working in a 72 ton box made primarily of depleted uranium that fires depleted uranium munitions. I am in prime health besides some high cholesterol, and I doubt that is DU related, although it would be nice to have something to blaim it on besides myself. I've even been involved in several flarebacks and a vehicle fire where DU was involved.

I work with guys who have spent upwards of 20 years working with DU on a daily basis, and the only thing wrong with them is a few bad knees from jumping off the tank.

I wouldn't suggest eating DU and would stay away from any burning tanks you may encounter, its far from the "biblical plague" some would make it out to be.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 02:24 PM
As the author of The Globex Corporation Newsletter, I appreciate the link. However, nowhere do I ask anyone to sign a petition banning hydroxyl acid.

Hydroxyl Acid (also known as DHMO) is dangerous, but I also realize that it is used in most medical injections and its use is essential when treating those afflicted with dehydration.

I would never support any ban on DHMO, nor would I ask anyone to sign such a petition.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by atakdawg

Our Servicemen and their dirty secret

Your title lags...from first glance it would seem that our 'servicemen" (what happened to the women that serve?) have a dirty little secret...

No - it would be the government that harbors this secret - if it's a secret at, don't call me on whether it's a secret - just consider changing the title...unless you have another agenda here.

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