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FEMA and the Galveston West End Cover up

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posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 03:55 PM
I saw a report the the mayor of Jamaica Beach checked the town.

This bring up a point in my mind of how the mayor of the city of Galveston has control of all of the Galveston pennisula. It seems Jamaica Beach faired pretty well.

If JB has no say or gave control to the big city, I wonder if it will change in the future.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 04:44 PM
They are going to declare martial law on galveston? CNN just said maybe

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by iamthatwhichiam

I agree with you!

Stop funding with federal; insurance for people to build on SAND!

Make them pay 10 times the insurance you and I pay for a house sitting on land with no water close to wash it away, and such.

Johnny Robinson
[email protected]

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

I'm leaning toward this myself. Here in Katrina Land, Bay St Louis, MS. FEMA/MEMA is putting a buy out option to areas of certain areas back on the market. The locals said no a year ago, but after this month of storms & storm threats will some folks change their minds. We had homes flood here for Ike; over 400 miles away. The gulf coast of this country is being eatten up. Not to mention (again) what this is doing to our economy. This town is dead. My wife & I are putting a plan together to move in the next 6 months. Between the threrats of storms & the lack of a local economy what is here for us?

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by corusso
This town is dead. My wife & I are putting a plan together to move in the next 6 months. Between the threrats of storms & the lack of a local economy what is here for us?

I'm sorry to hear this for you. None of us want to leave the towns we feel are "our homes". U2U if you decide to move west and let me know what kind of jobs you're looking for...who knows, some times we talk to each other for a reason!

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through what I know must be a painful decision and transition.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 08:24 PM
Maybe the officials do not want the property owners to find the dead but it looks like that is what will end up happening. Seems like someone needs to start searching for the dead now. Hopefully the total will still be low.

GALVESTON — The death toll from Hurricane Ike is remarkably low so far, considering that legions of people stayed behind as the storm obliterated row after row of homes along the Texas coast. But officials suspect more victims are out there and say some might simply have been swept out to sea.


Search-and-rescue crews began clearing out today after plucking survivors from Galveston and the devastated Bolivar Peninsula. Authorities are relying on Red Cross workers and beach patrols to run welfare checks on people named by anxious relatives.


"We don't know what's out there in the wilds," said Galveston County Medical Examiner Stephen Pustilniks. "Searchers weren't looking for bodies; they were looking for survivors."

Officials expect victims may have been swept out to sea

Edit: Is there the possibility the the search for survivors meant knocking and doors and waiting for a response?

[edit on 9/17/2008 by roadgravel]

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 10:01 PM
Do you suppose that the true numbers will only be revealed in the eventual numbers of missing people as in Katrina with thousands unaccounted for to date. Although they are still considered missing from that hurricane. During our searching on Ike, I noted several sites that are gathering information on survivors on things like I Am Safe lists etc. Who maintains an actual central database for information exchanges on survivors and missing people? I saw pleas to the Galvaston County Daily News to also step in as a hotline when the emergency line is not being answered that the Mayor's office set up and/or information was vague at best. It seems like these efforts should be of more importance in a search and rescue operation. How do "they" know where all the refugees are? Does anyone have more insight into the logistics of this type of tracking in the event of any kind of emergency.

Many have noted on this thread that we can't/shouldn't expect the government to step in and save us/help us in the event of an emergency, be it predictable or not. So what should individuals do to make sure someone can find them after an emergency? Remember all those ads by Homeland Security that run on tv...the one's that ask What's your family's emergency plan in the event of a (not subliminal) terrorist attack for example? So...who you gonna call?

I don't know. I guess after this thread...I just can't imagine what these people are feeling. Cut off without information. Calls unanswered looking for people. Not allowed to go home. Out of work and out of a paycheck. It's so sad. They should have at least someone on the end of the phone who answers and can find answers.

Thanks for all the input from so many on here. Seems like the search for answers only beginning now. There is no doubt though that what really happened on those islands will never completely be known or seen. The cover up worked. Some complaints will leak out but any outrage suffered, was suffered in silence. Those in charge left room for only their soundbites. Not those whose whole lives were changed or lost overnight. The veil of secrecy can now be drawn over whole populations of people.


posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by corusso

I am sorry that you have to move .I know how that feels I have moved alot in my life .I just try and see every move as a new beginning instead of ending .
It really helped me to get adjusted each time we had to move .

Life is really getting scary and tough for everyone .Especially people like those who just went through that hurriciane .These are times though everyone needs to just stay strong and determined that no matter what as long as they are alive then there is hope ... .And make darn sure we are just thankful for what we have and for who we have in our lives (our loved ones we hold dear)
Some people are all alone with no one and nothing .Wandering around not even having much to live for at all .
I can even understand why some people stayed during that hurricaine .
Maybe they really didnt have anyone or anything to leave for (Maybe some of the them gave up HOPE) ...
We have HOPE as long as we are breathing ..and alive ..lets just be thankful for that and not concentrait on the bad (I know its easier said than done)
There really is a God and he is the ONLY one who can change things ..We need to depend on him and him alone .Not man not Gov .Not anyone but GOD and the HOPE you keep in your heart for him.That is something that cannot be taken away from you .

Hold onto that in your heart and you will all get through anything that may come your way.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by LostNemesis

I'm living in Houston and there are some things you should know. the USGS now says that in all reality the Bolivar Peninsula is now 3 separate islands.

Mobile telephone communication to Galveston island was severed before the hurricane and stayed down until after.

This has just been published in the associated press: "As the hurricane closed in, authorities in three counties alone estimated 90,000 people ignored evacuation orders. Post-storm rescuers in Galveston and the peninsula removed about 3,500 people, but another 6,000 refused to leave."

Current death toll is 12.

I'm not sure if this is a cover-up. It is possible the government genuinely do not know. However, it is possible they are downplaying the possible outcome (?80,000 dead) to avoid panic.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 01:34 AM
As someone who lives in the Houston area, I'm extremely sick of the people who are starting to bash the local population, especially my "fellow" Houstonians who are in better shape than most and want to accuse others of being "lazy" or "stupid" or whatever. Its a gross over simplification of the situation and way out of line.

1. FEMA has screwed up the reponse, this should serve as notice to all Americans that you need to provide for yourself and not depend on the govt to come to your aid.
-- 300 first responders were sent with no food or water for anyone, including themselves.
-- The govt has become "gun shy" since Katrina resulting in a great number of evacuations called for too early in storms which resulted in building a sense of disbelief by the public in evacuations. The mass evacuations for Hurricane Rita immediately after Katrina left many people dead on the highway, the roads completely congested for days and stranded families all over I-45 who ran out of gas from sitting in bumper to bumper, 100 degree plus weather with no ability to get to a gas station or even turn around and go home. We've been through nearly a dozen so called "killer storms" in the past two years most of which missed us entirely.
-- Ike was on track to make a direct hit on Houston yet very few areas were evacuated. Other storms with more indirect tracks resulted in mass mandatory evacuations and voluntary evacuations all the way past Conroe. The system for evacuations and for post storm response is completely illogical and based on what we've seen - completely broken.
-- The utility companies continue to build the cheapest and most ill advised distribution networks, continuing to rebuild them rather than convert to underground systems even as they have to replace these systems 1-4 times per year after the storm season. One area of Houston had power back within 24 hours of the storm. It had been converted to underground cabling after TS Allison. My town came through mostly un-damaged but our power will be out for one month thanks to Entergy (same company from New Orleans) who run the shoddiest, badly maintained distribution network which feeds power over extremely long runs rather than using power generating plants closer to the customers. We have no other choice, btw - just as our phone, cable, internet, water, etc is all single provider sourced with no competitors.

Some claim the higher cost of going underground isn't worth it. A month with no service to bill for (no income) and paying top rate for thousands of workers to rebuild the system over and over seems to be more expensive, IMO. It comes down to Entergy primarily and the other power companies to some extent hoping the government will pick up the tab for modernizing the system. They should look at the interstate road and bridge system for a realistic view on that happening....

We stayed until Sat morning when our power went out. We were being told immediately that restoration would take 4 weeks so we left in search of a hotel. We had to drive 4 hours in total to Waco to find an available room and most of the town along the way had no power also (meaning no fuel).

People in Houston have no power and were being told not to drink the water. The grocery stores were all closed and thanks to "just in time" distribution systems were out of food days prior to the storm arriving. We were prepared but many were not or cannot afford to maintain a source of power, water and food continuously.

will continue below-

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 01:49 AM
FEMA's eventual solution, (once they were able to actually get supplies) was to set up POD (point of distribution) Centers which are spread out all over the metroplex. Houston and the surrounding areas take up a huge amount of land with a fairly dense population spread out over a huge expanse. There have been maybe 4 to 6 of these PODs operating at a time. You have to drive to them. Most of the gas stations have no power. The few that do have long lines and run out in a hurry as those who can afford to buy generators fill up as many gas cans as possible. This need to drive all over the place just to find gas, use it waiting in line, get to a POD before they run out of food and ice has been a nightmare for many.

A lot of people are driving to places like College Station, Waco, etc to buy food and gas and even then there are shortages and long lines.

After tropical storm Allison, the various aid services brought food, water, ice and even clothing and tents TO people. It was much more efficient for the govt trucks who had ready access to fuel to bring the aid TO the people rather than setup wide spread "POD" centers and ask people to drive to them. The roads are full of traffic, gas lines block roads, traffic signals out make for long back ups - all while emergency crews, utility trucks, etc are trying to navigate the city.

As much as I appreciate the job these responders are doing, and am glad they are here to help those who could not prepare - the system being used is horrible.
(We have not made on trip to a POD and have provided everything we required ourselves, just to be clear).

Something weird is going on in Galveston - the people allowed in seems to be a strange mix of land developers, people with political connections, etc. Residents who could have saved property - including boats were denied access and lost property after the storm had passed.

They've gone on TV saying people will be allowed in and then turned them around after they managed to scrounge up gas and make the drive, sometimes from 4 hours away - with no reasons being given.

The cell network was taken over, leaving many with no ability to call for help including people who weren't even on the island.

We saw a news report that martial law has been declared in Galveston and possibly other areas of Houston. The promised clarification has not yet come. We've had curfews from day on, this "martial law" is not about the curfews.

Anyone in the downtown Houston area blowing their horn about being back to work already..... Yes, you had power back soon, congratulations. This part of the US is a very spread out one with some places not having power for weeks to come. Even getting fuel to get to work or to a POD for that matter, is still a challenge for some. What about all the people who relied on public transportation?

Try not to be so self centered.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by roadgravel

They announced even before the storm had passed that they would be using special FLIR devices to check buildings for trapped or disabled inhabitants.

[edit on 18-9-2008 by nfotech]


posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 02:49 AM
If someone is "missing" would insurance companies have to pay out for loss to property or even total loss of property?

If someone is "missing" how are estates wound up and life insurance payed?

How were the missing peoples estates handled with Katrina?

Does anyone know the laws in Texas regarding this things?

I only ask as I saw the AIG conspiracy thread.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 06:27 AM
Look at this cluster...

I made the mistake and tried to call them and fix it. You can't. They don't have live people answering the phones. I have called them over and over again and no answer. You just get "go online" messages. I sent them an email and also, no reply.

WHY! would FEMA not have people working the phone???

Geeze-louise on a biscuit.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 06:42 AM

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by nfotech

As far as the access to the island, the officials tried to implement a 'look and leave' policy so the residents could inspect property but not stay overnight. The number of people was so great that they had to discontinue the policy. They stated it created too much traffic.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by roadgravel
reply to post by nfotech

As far as the access to the island, the officials tried to implement a 'look and leave' policy so the residents could inspect property but not stay overnight. The number of people was so great that they had to discontinue the policy. They stated it created too much traffic.

Yeah, that's what you get when you're disorganized. That could have been easily avoided in a myriad of logistical approaches.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Valhall

I have to agree. There is a reasonable solution but it seems the city in control isn't going to look for it as it is easier to just throw up hands and say 'no can do'.

It is said the officials are working on another plan. Stall another another week or two and it will solve itself. Wonder if the residents are rethinking their vote for the city officials.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 11:18 AM
Now we all KNOW why President Bush cancelled his visit to the damaged areas,
allegedly to work with his advisors on the state of our economy. Yeah, right.
He hasn't done that in the past seven years or so, why is it a priority now?
More like something horrendous has occurred in the west end. Why doesn't
some civilian group fly over and take a look, it is not protected air space.
Then we will have our answer. If they get shot down, we will definitely
have our answer. Can you say plague?

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Valhall

Hi, I agree with whomever psted this question that you're not really answering. What does it benefit FEMA to not tell the truth. They're not responsible for the folks who did not evacuate. What benefit would it be to conceal the devastation of the West End? The governemtn did not make the hurricane and the government asked everyone to leave. Givent he example of Katrina and the destruction of galveston decades ago by a hurricane, anyone who stayed behind must have known what could happen. Why would a cover-up happen in this incident?

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