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RAF radar chief: I saw UFO fleet

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posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 02:09 PM
Old story might be true as fleets are never found on radar these days.
The governments have worked out stealth for the saucer.
Videos of fleets in the Bronx, NYC have been recorded.
I know, government liars say is mylar balloons or geese.
Now days the saucer makes a trail to simulate a jet trail.

[edit on 9/13/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by ArMaPI don't understand it. What is the source for that article, "The Sun" or "UFO Data Magazine"?

- I think it originated with UFO Data Magazine and reported by The Sun.

UFO Data Magazine are advertising (/holding?) the conference where the witness will be speaking.

They may be millions or even thousands of millions, if what they say does not clear any doubt the number of witnesses is irrelevant.

True. But then again it may be a case of piecing together the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle from a number of testimonies before we know what we are looking at.

The article, when they call them "spaceships".

Indeed he did

However, I am more concerned about what he knows he saw and not what he thinks it might have been.

we must make a thorough selection of the information we find to separate the wheat from the chaff, so we do not get "chaffed" conclusions.


I felt that this was an important piece of news as this witness has only just come forward to give testimony on an as yet unknown event. I am just bringing it to the attention of ATS.

I think it is only fair that the witness is given the opportunity to give his full account of the events and answer any resulting questions.

It maybe the case that the guy has been hit by the 'credit crunch' in the UK and needs some cash. It maybe that he feels that he wants to tell all before he kicks the bucket.

Until we have all the facts, asked all the questions and heard all of the answers, maybe we should see how this one pans out.


[edit on 13/9/2008 by skibtz]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:04 PM
There is a more detailed account here.

Hopefully they have nailed down the actual date so that any FOIA requests can be made.

[edit on 14/9/2008 by skibtz]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

The Lightnings stated rate of climb was around 15km/min or 532Mph. It could even outpace the F-15C and was highly maneuvarable. It's only drawback was it's limited weapons payload.

It was a remarkable aircraft and on a NATO exercise was the first fighter ever to "intercept" a US U2 spy plane at 60,000ft , previously thought a safe height for the U2.

Anyhoo, assuming the speed of the objects was a typo and they meant 3000Mph, then that would be impossible by any plane, even today. If it wasn't a typo, then 300Mph isn't that exceptional at all, even for 1971. The world record for ROC is set by the Mig-29 @ 330m/s (or 702 Mph).

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by skibtz

How much longer ?

Well according to this article, not long !
Looks like the Visitors are about to reveal themselves !

Blossom Goodchild’s Predicted Mass UFO Sighting
An Aussie actress received channeled information about an event to take place on October 14th, 2008.
--UFO Digest


Blossom Goodchild’s Predicted Mass UFO Sighting: Will it Force Disclosure to Occur?
by Stephane Wuttunee

Posted: 14:30 September 8, 2008

Blossom Goodchild
Like wildfires in the Australian outback, rumors of an upcoming mass televised UFO sighting over American skies are taking the Internet by storm. Blossom Goodchild, an Aussie actress and author, has the international Ufology community on its ear with channeled information concerning the eminent appearance of a massive extraterrestrial spacecraft for October 14th, 2008. Calling themselves ‘The Federation of Light’, these Beings from another world have stated to Goodchild that they intend not only to make themselves known, but also to remain more or less in place for a full 72 hour period, thereby providing the media with ample opportunity to once and for all capture on film evidence that will silence the skeptics and debunkers forever. The predicted rendezvous point? Alabama.

To read the rest of the article,go to :

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by skibtz

How long do we have to wait ?

Not to long according to the article below.The vivitors are about to reveal themselves !

(I found this at

Blossom Goodchild’s Predicted Mass UFO Sighting: Will it Force Disclosure to Occur?
by Stephane Wuttunee

Posted: 14:30 September 8, 2008

Blossom Goodchild
Like wildfires in the Australian outback, rumors of an upcoming mass televised UFO sighting over American skies are taking the Internet by storm. Blossom Goodchild, an Aussie actress and author, has the international Ufology community on its ear with channeled information concerning the eminent appearance of a massive extraterrestrial spacecraft for October 14th, 2008. Calling themselves ‘The Federation of Light’, these Beings from another world have stated to Goodchild that they intend not only to make themselves known, but also to remain more or less in place for a full 72 hour period, thereby providing the media with ample opportunity to once and for all capture on film evidence that will silence the skeptics and debunkers forever. The predicted rendezvous point? Alabama.(continued)

To read the rest of the article,go to :

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by spookjr
This sounds more like a large meteor breaking up in the atmosphere than a bunch of alien spacecraft. No speeds greater than 300mph?, that could be almost any military aircraft from any western country. Anyone that truly believes that this is 100% proof of ALIEN activity is just plain fooling themselves.

Wait, did you even read the article?

Meteors shooting up? Dissapearing from radar before being replaced by another "craft"? And your most intelligent guess is a meteor? And you're the one claiming others are fooling themselves?

Come on people, stop insulting your intelligence just to come up with an excuse that is twice as ridiculous as any alien theory you can come up with and moreover, physically impossible.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:57 PM
Excellent post thanks for that I didn't have time to read the article last night but have done now.

I have come to the conclusion that The Sun newspaper is being used to de-sensitise the population of UFO'S e.t.c whether its part of the plan 2000 I don't know but The Sun is running articles near enough everyday now involving UFO'S or alike.

Disclosure could really be warming up now I am being serious.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by stumason

On this page, posted by skibtz, he says:

It was estimated that they were doing around 250 knots, but it must be borne in mind that this was a lateral speed as seen on radar - they must have been travelling very much faster to climb over 50,000 feet in less than forty miles.

so I guess it was not a typo.

Also, that page has some more details, I think everyone interested in this should read it.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 11:30 PM
this being a meteor is ridiculous.

great find - this will prob go pretty far - if true - he should name others there to see if they will corroborate story.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by azureskysthe eminent appearance of a massive extraterrestrial spacecraft for October 14th, 2008.

Not too long to wait for that then.

I do have some reservations when people are selling books, cds and their services. It seems to be more about the cash and less about the message.

However, time will tell and as you say...not too long

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfreeI have come to the conclusion that The Sun newspaper is being used to de-sensitise the population of UFO'S e.t.c

Quite possible.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if that is what was happening.

However, there is also the possibility that the UFOs are good for business
- although that wouldn't really matter if there was substance to the story and in this case it looks like there could be some interesting developments ahead should any FOIA requests are successful and new witnesses found to corroborate the events of that day.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 09:57 AM
The scotsman is running the story aswell


posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 04:18 AM
Add my support to spook and Armap for a critical approach to sightings. I hope when more details come out this will be a great little case.

I was a little concerned when I read:

" they disappeared to be followed almost immediately by a replacement at the point of origin." and the Canberra;
" confirmed that the weather conditions were such that they would have had no difficultly seeing something that close"

There is always a chance this was not a group of cloaked non terrestrial spacecraft, they did not change velocity - I read of no change of ground track nor speed.

Don't dismiss ground reflections (Ferris Wheel, Conveyor excavators, etc) enhanced by weather conditions as radar can showblips where there isn't anything (5d). Nor Sounding rocket launches in 1971 which may of been carrying exhaust additives etc. Military ECM systems.

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