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posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:03 AM
Rense doesnt seem to be updated since yesterday.

dont think you get extra traffic with that.

You can say what you like about rense, i think there must be some reasons that they think they are under attack from some kind of government source.

And on a side note, i dont think rense himself believes everything posted on his site, im sure he has a disclaimer, i think some news is ment to make you think about certain ideas.

Cyber attacks are a common thing these days, and they are not only done by litle hackers.
So far i have seen some other conspiracy sites claiming they where under attack, and i am sure ats has seen some.
Why would it be so strange for to be disrupted by maybe even governmenthackers.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:27 PM
you guys should check out sindaddy. just google it.

it is music for people that visit stuff like rense on the web.

awesome lyrics.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:31 PM
I cannot even get there now, seems it is down? Can anyone else view it?


posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by jaamaan

Is it new 9/11/01 stuff, what are they up to lately.

They will never crack UFO, Tesla and Free Energy and the electrical
universe, or Cosmos as Carl Sagan used to say, dis info.

Those secrets are defended quite well.
Rense will never publish Alien rubbish.

Maybe that's it, they will not submit.

ED: doesn't load with some ip blockers in place.

[edit on 9/5/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 08:37 PM
Rense's ISP, has been taken down as well, again. This happened the last time. TheHostPros aren't a bunch of amateurs, ergo these incessant, daily attacks are concentrated and targetted. Clearly, if it was as simple as doing a WhoIs, don't you think it would all be over by now? (What a dumb suggestion THAT was!)

Fact is, the attacks on TheHostPros and Rense are criminal in nature, in case you don't understand your own law on these matters. The hackers have taken down all of TheHostPro's customers' sites at once.

Despite the articles on Rense which often make me grit my teeth and move on, his site has regularly posted the most interesting factual information and news on, for example, the Russia-Georgia trouble and the deep background to the whole situation, and also many excellent analyses of the plans to attack Iran at the behest of Israel. I think it's perfectly OK for people who don't want WW3 to be ignited to please the Israelis to express their counter-opinion on this. It does, after all, affect the entire planet.

This is all material that I bet my last penny you will NEVER have presented to you in your country by your Corporate media, because if the greater audience were ever presented with anything like the real facts of the matter, maybe the constantly baying, flag-waving kill-them-all mob would be substantially smaller. THAT would be VERY bad for Corporatist business, wouldn't it, a properly informed, educated population?

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 11:05 PM
9-6-08 Can't pull up Rense- seems there might be something to the claims from Rense they are under attack. I have noticed a growing problem- slow loading, often can't even get Rense for a little while- growing worse, with today the worst yet. Some stories are hard to swallow, but overall, I have come to depend on Rense. I can filter the BS myself, so thanks Rense for allowing me to do that.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by jupiter1uk
Clearly, if it was as simple as doing a WhoIs, don't you think it would all be over by now? (What a dumb suggestion THAT was!)

If it was that simple i dont think rense would have so many problems here.
The fact that they post this news lets me bekieve that they have at least some indication that they are attacked my some form of government.
Pitty they dont/cant share it with us to see if we would come to the same conclusions

Despite the articles on Rense which often make me grit my teeth and move on, his site has regularly posted the most interesting factual information and news on, for example, the Russia-Georgia trouble and the deep background to the whole situation, and also many excellent analyses of the plans to attack Iran at the behest of Israel. I think it's perfectly OK for people who don't want WW3 to be ignited to please the Israelis to express their counter-opinion on this. It does, after all, affect the entire planet.

I totaly agree with this and couldnt have said it better.

There have been more examples, of sites bringing info like this, beeing dissruppted.
I think it would be better to dissrupt than to take then down completely.
When they get dissrupted often people will get quickly bored and will move on to more easely entertaining places, like the mainstream media.
If governments would go to the trouble of spreading dissinformation, than i am sure that they would take the effort in dissrupting sites like and others.
The link posted to the us government site on page 1 shows take they are willing to put resourches in this type of activity.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 03:35 AM
So why doesn't rense get some decent ddos protection.
Its not that expensive.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 03:59 AM
I'm in Australia and I can't get to at all. Most hosting companies have pretty good firewalls and protection, and given recent record I would think they would have put in some decent protection. It is probably a pretty professional attack therefore, most likely paid for by mossad or by the CIA/Homeland Security either to block news regarding Iran attack (mossad) or the imminent colapse of the US economy (CIA/Homeland Security) Thats my guess!

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by primamateria
I'm in Australia and I can't get to at all. Most hosting companies have pretty good firewalls and protection, and given recent record I would think they would have put in some decent protection. It is probably a pretty professional attack therefore, most likely paid for by mossad or by the CIA/Homeland Security either to block news regarding Iran attack (mossad) or the imminent colapse of the US economy (CIA/Homeland Security) Thats my guess!

Well considering its speaking of things like Russia and the like.
Some Russian hackers have some of the biggest bot nets.
If they said anything bad about Russia that could be who's doing it.
However these hackers rent out there site smashing services so someone could have paid them.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 06:23 AM
Yes, but most of the respective articles at are defending the Russian side.
Some say that Rense too is a disinformation site. But I don't think so.

Rense links to information related to certain topics. Those articles may try to tell the truth based on their own research or they may disinform. Some of that disinformation is purposely and wickedly designed to lead readers in the wrong direction, but other disinformation articles may represent the honest opinion of writers who are still sleeping, who couldn't yet get out of the cage that the conservative society has put around them.

We should not put the responsibility or blame on Jeff Rense, we should be grateful that he collects relevant information and does not sort out or censor too much of opinions, which obviously represent "the other side", the side that Jeff Rense, according to his private opinion, thinks is wrong.

It is important to know how the mainstream media disinform - and as many of us have already stopped to watch TV or read MSM it is quite practical to get both sides through one site.

In the end it is always up to the reader to make up his mind if an article is honest or fraud, truthfull or spin. I think the powers to be have many reason to shut such sites down and I already wondered years ago why they didn't do it. For sure they have the power - probably the market share of the so called "conspiracy sites" was not significant enough. But now it seems more people up and the web traffic for such sites grows exponentially.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 01:50 PM
link Taken ofline ?

Yep rense seems to be realy offline now for a while.

Update: is being hacked again..

No other world news service is being assaulted like this so we know and all those who support its Freedom of Speech and freedom of journalistic inquiry are directly on and over the target. Thank you for your kind emails and gracious patience. We ARE taking more steps to upgrade our security but the opposition is literally the top of the Westen power structure seeking to remake America in its image. Something I am dedicated to opposing to the last. - Jeff Rense

I wish they would tell more about why they think it is done by government agencies.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by jaamaan

It's back up, now!!!
I hope it stays on for good!

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 10:45 PM
I have been reading Rense Before it was Rense (How odd does that sound?) before Rense got it it was (remember that TV show?) I have to say that if it wasn't for I would NOT be at ATS, they brought me here a few years ago, at least a year before I joined. Some of the stories may be questionable, but the good stories, are Good. It was the only News site that talked about an incident in my home town, even the local newspaper wouldn't touch it but the TV news in the town next to ours did ( a little ) It was the first time I got to personally verify a story, I used to check it three times a day. Now I check them 3 times a week. I laugh at some of the stuff, (just like I do here)but some of it does make me think...

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 04:10 AM

Rense Under Attack - What Does it Mean for All of US?

by:Michael Goodspeed

Here is an interesting video about the attacks on the site.
I think he makes an interesting statement about this whole case.

If this is realy a government attack than we should all keep a close look at these matters, because if it is, who will be next, ATS ?

I believe it is importand to keep news running around free and unrestricted on the internet and we should stick up for the fundamental right to communicate on a global scale.

So i am a little dissapointed about hte first reaction of the site owner to write this off as (......!??!) without having more information about this case.
ATS could be attacked in the way states it is, can it not ?
Lets take this thing serious untill we know more, cause again, if this is true, who will be next.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 09:54 AM
I too discovered via some years ago. I'm somewhat surprised that no one has pointed out that the site has been listed by the Dept of State as the #1 Conspiracy News Site. I'll have to admit that Rense doesn't pull any punches especially when it comes to free speech and perhaps might have something to do with it's recent attacks ??

Coincidentally, about a week ago, I had noticed a reference to what was apparently some controversial information pertaining to Sarah Palin, at least from the title, and when I attempted to access the page it had been apparently hacked because it was referenced/resolved by the server but the static html page was absolutely blank. Apparently someone did not want that controversial information revealed, especially prior to her acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. The following day the reference and links to this page later to disappeared from the site all together never to be seen again.

I too enjoy the unbiased information provided pertaining to current events that the MSM often times fails to acknowledge such as the recent Georgian skirmish..and it's links to Israel as well as Financial/business economic news with valid sources from Bloomberg, WSJ, BBC and LondonTimes.

After having lived and worked in Europe and upon returning to the States you really see how slanted the news here really is.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:23 PM
It is a propaganda war and Jeff Rense is not supporting the US propaganda.

Here is something I noticed from Pravda.

Both sides are doing it but I believe the US is doing it more than Russia, one of the biggest weapons in the US Arsenal is the Media.

My family does not watch CNN or Fox news, if you want real news get satellite and subscribe to a foreign news service.


[edit on 8-9-2008 by kdial1]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 05:39 AM

Rense Under Attack - Part Two

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 04:21 AM

What Jeff Rense and his site have achieved is more easily understood by a close study of a political movement that is only becoming apparent now. It is a completely new trend that this planet has never witnessed before. Before it is through this emerging movement will have kicked the legs out from under our failed society. As you will see this force cannot be stopped.

Before the advent of the Internet people were divided along the lines of race, creed, class, color, religion, sex and location. This made it easy for politicians to carve us up by playing one side against another. This made it easy for the Controllers to manipulate us.

But in the last few years this model of demographics has not only been completely undermined, it has nearly been destroyed. The weapons that decimated this old view of how we think and live are the Internet and more specifically sites like

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 10:48 AM
With out paranoia, conspiracy would wither and Die. Think about it.

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