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Legal Bid To Stop CERN Atom Smasher From 'Destroying The World'

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posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
hi all, im confused
can someone explain something to me

wouldn't recreating what happened seconds before the bing bang........ you know... recreate what happened seconds before the big bang?

Probably not, it would not even be on the same scale as the original event surely.

We have nowhere near enough power.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:00 PM
If people like the ones worrying about the LHC had their way we would still be stuck in the stone ages.

Nothing will happen, it'll just be another day except we'll have some fantastic new found knowledge on our beginnings and how things work in the Cosmos, why people want to put a stop to the pursuit for knowledge I don't know

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Welsh Jester
Probably not, it would not even be on the same scale as the original event surely.

We have nowhere near enough power.

Wait they have not enough power, or rather too much of it?

They are getting ready to see the universe born again.
Again and again and again 30 million times a second, in fact.

30 million times a second and you call that a weaker version than the original event?

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Discotech
If people like the ones worrying about the LHC had their way we would still be stuck in the stone ages.

Nothing will happen, it'll just be another day except we'll have some fantastic new found knowledge on our beginnings and how things work in the Cosmos, why people want to put a stop to the pursuit for knowledge I don't know

I am all for the devlopment of any science whether it be medical or metaphysical, but sometime we have to draw a line.

is it worth the lives of 6billion people to confirm something we are 90% sure exists, that will actually reveal itself over time anyway?

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:12 PM
4.4 billion dollars on an experiment it amazes me with humanity when this happens , just think of the benefit of 4.4 billion dollars for world poverty or helping the needy, oh yeah of course people really have their goddam priorities right in this world.....humanity really is pitiful when you put it all into perspective!

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by monkeybus

Just how exactly do you think it will reveal itself over time ?

Yes I do think risking 6billion lives is worth it, the same was said during the Manhatton project and nothing happened apart from the advanced development in Atomic energy & Nuclear weapons.

Nothing is going to happen, I'll believe those who know what they are doing at CERN and not those people who don't have a clue and are making law suits. Besides who's going to claim the money from the lawsuit & who's going to take the blame when we're all sucked into a never ending vacuum of eternal darkness ?

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:13 PM
Seen a video or two from the Cern guys and they basically laugh at any talk of blowing up the world and universe
Im sure if I was working there and knew what they did about all that stuff.. I would be laughing too. I think we have had enough hype spread from rumours. All good to be concerned no doubt.. but who thinks they would really do it if they had any concern of that amount of danger

Or maybe they are bi polar manic depressives at Cern.. I wouldnt be surprised

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:58 PM
I'm betting on this:
... If you've ever flicked a lighter, above the flame, you can see sparks going off just after the flame is lit.

So I hypothesize that when the collider is turned on and the differencing atoms smash together, at least one 'spark' escapes the metal chamber (as the created phenomenon may be able to transcend space or dimension) and goes off somewhere around the smashing chamber's space.

'What' will go off? Nothing? A harmless spark, an antimatter explosion, or a black hole?

Kind of dangerous to assume what's created will exist and die within its chambers.

9 days until doomsday, I'm getting my Mad Max gear out just in case.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

Hmmmm... well.. now you put it that way.. there always is one 'bright spark' jumping about at random somehwere being a nuisance..
mad max gear... haha. nice

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by andy1033

That's interesting. I agree with this sentiment as well. If we destroy our world then we probably deserve the outcome. Why delay the inevitable? After all our leaders have been trying to foment a nuclear exchange with Russia in recent months. Either way we will eventually lose. I'd rather be sucked into a black hole than die due to radiation poisoning.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:39 PM
Black holes are still a mystery but as I see it, they require some sort of fuel to keep going.

If there was a black hole to form, I would think something similar to what the sun is composed of would be required to perpetuate it.

It just might be a matter of shutting down the process fueling its creation. The earth is a mishmash of all natural elements. Without some purified concentration of a given substance I don't believe the black hole could make it out of the area related to the purified matter that created it.

I'm not a scientist, but just the action/reaction equation should apply.

Take away the fuel or introduce impurities and the baby is contained or forces to fizzle out.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Atlantican

Ive no idea about any of that. Could HAARP help? seems a bit multi talented does that thing
it does on a mini level what the sun does. I dont know if that adds any fuel to your fire there. In certain HAARP documents that arent supposed to exist... they actually want HAARP to produce 100 billion watts.. as opposed to the measely (lol) 1 billion watts it does currently.

I dont know probably useless info, no scientist here either..

[edit on 1-9-2008 by True-Light]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 11:11 PM
this project is obviously a world wide thing. Can we have a world wide party when we do find the god particle? Were I come from we trow massive raves-concerts-house parties-street/block parties we all hug, shake hands toast to champagne, beer do lots of drugs and have sex aka make love with our soul mate. It's a tradition i mean this is what this whole thing is really about geeks and scientist are just trying to get laid and we all have a little geek and scientist in us.

champagine-food-beer-music-cigars-cigaretees and everthing after

I predict the experiment will be a smashing success.... Afterwards when you turn the news and hear and see reports coming in from all over the world that people are raving-parting-dancing in street all around the world join the party

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Mindsmog
4.4 billion dollars on an experiment it amazes me with humanity when this happens , just think of the benefit of 4.4 billion dollars for world poverty or helping the needy, oh yeah of course people really have their goddam priorities right in this world.....humanity really is pitiful when you put it all into perspective!

And this is the problem I have with human kind. Is this a true example of intelligence? It is not! It is stupid and right now...a waste of time. Right now, we must focus on other things. When we solve what needs to be solved now...we can deal with other aspects of life...or other questions rather.

The possibility exists that something can go wrong...because the fact is...something can always go wrong, whether you believe this or's a fact that cannot be ignored. So, anyone who says nothing will happen are people who need to think 4 and 8 times before the speak. As 1 thought is apparently not enough to produce intelligent speech.

What I do know however, is that the people in control who are hell bent on controlling this Earth in the near future will not let their plans and their existence fade because of some science experiment. For all we know...they've just got in their pockets 4.4 extra billion dollars from tax payers and can claim they did whatever they feel like claiming to do and post rubbish 9 days from now that the majority of the world won't even understand.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by sdrawkcabII

For all we know...they've just got in their pockets 4.4 extra billion dollars from tax payers and can claim they did whatever they feel like claiming to do and post rubbish 9 days from now that the majority of the world won't even understand.

Sorry for the one liner, but...

NASA, Anyone?

[edit on 2-9-2008 by jephers0n]

[edit on 2-9-2008 by jephers0n]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 01:54 AM
If they do create a runaway black hole, does this mean I will never have to watch another documentary where in one sentence I am told by leading physicists what is the absolute factual truth. And how only fools believe differently...

Then in the next sentence be told how said truth is based on calculations in which 95% of the mass required for said calculations to be correct is missing. Like they are only 5% certain...

The last time I was graded on my mathematical proficiency 95% wrong was pretty much considered wrong.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Tour18]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 02:14 AM
to the people asking what the purpose of finding the "god particle";

Currently the god particle exist only in theory to balance equations about the physics of how particle interact, form,... If these particles do exist then that confirms the equations that have been proposed are correct. With proper equations a lot of other factors of atoms can be determined. To correlate this to familar terms (going back to my college days), take Newton's laws, F=MA for instance. Many other concepts and equations are created from this one formula, momentum, gravity, kinetic energy, potential energy,.... F=MA is the basis for which many other physics concepts and equations are formed through algerbra F, M, and A can be subed in and out for other equalities to form equations that represent concepts and theories. None of the other aspects of physics can be mathmaticaly understood unless it is known that F=MA is true. No way to know that it is true without proving it with real world exp. With the equations many other things were discovered and it became possible to predict the outcome of situations. All the breakthroughs of say cars came thru math well before real world, bumper design, crumple zones, increase in engine performance. Without the math side of things people would just have to guess at for example the air fuel mixture that gives ideal performance.

Now when you go into particles the basic physics equations do not hold true. New formulas had to be devised. While they have come up and proven equations for certain aspects particles interactions, they are still working on others.

In theory the god particle is the particle that brings mass into the equation of an atom. I guess think of it as if the atom is a car they have found the tires, brakes, windows,... and they are looking for the frame. They are just trying to prove that the mass of an atom comes from a certain particle. They have found other particle that bring other aspects into the make up of an atom.

With the proper base equations formulated and true they can move forward onto other ideas. What those ideas are I have no clue. Think of it as we have the knowledge sub atom particles and thier interactions as the people of Newtons days had of gravity, accelleration,... Where this will lead, who knows. Do you think when Newton was working on basics like F=MA knowing that these basic concepts would eventually lead us to be able to build skyscapers, giant damns, bridges, rockets, roller coasters and such. To build these things without having them fail (most of the time anyway). Where this knowledge will take or benefit humanity who knows. But, you are basicly talking about setting up the basic formulas and laws for how atoms and particles work.

As for the black hole side of things that is well beyond my understanding. I am just trying to show why they would want to look for this particle.

Hope this helps and sorry spelling and grammar lack compared to math.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by Atlantican
Black holes are still a mystery but as I see it, they require some sort of fuel to keep going.

If there was a black hole to form, I would think something similar to what the sun is composed of would be required to perpetuate it.

It just might be a matter of shutting down the process fueling its creation. The earth is a mishmash of all natural elements. Without some purified concentration of a given substance I don't believe the black hole could make it out of the area related to the purified matter that created it.

I'm not a scientist, but just the action/reaction equation should apply.

Take away the fuel or introduce impurities and the baby is contained or forces to fizzle out.

I'm not a scientist either but I'm pretty sure 'matter' fuels a black hole, and last time I checked, earth was made out of matter!! The fuel will be spent once the earth, moon and rest of the solar system is consumed!

Personally, I don't think anything will happen, hopefully some cool new stuff will come out of it!

[edit on 2-9-2008 by Thebudweiserstuntman]

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:53 AM

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

At least the author of that blog admits why it's just an opinion of someone who doesn't have a clue

I may be stubborn, and I know I'm ill-informed

He's a Law student, he should stick to Law and leave the Science to the Scientists. He' just like 99% of people on the planet who feel they're experts on topics they know absolutely nothing about apart from whatever propaganda they've read in the tabloids. For every article saying the LHC is a bad thing I can likely find 2 explaining why it's not

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