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Legal Bid To Stop CERN Atom Smasher From 'Destroying The World'

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posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 06:47 PM
you people are silly if u actually read when the cern collider will be fully operational its next year sometime.

it is being booted up in stages until then yet i see a million threads predicting doom Now .

this is just not true!!!!!

i am hoping its the start of time travel.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:10 PM

Mini black holes grow exponentially rather than linearly inside the earth: “mini quasar principle.“ Hence the time needed by a resident mini black hole to eat the earth is maximally shortened – perhaps down to “50 months.“ This contrasts with the “50 million years“ obtained assuming linear growth by BBC-Horizon and CERN’s analogous “5 billion years.“

"A Rational and Moral and Spiritual Dilemma"
Otto E. Rossler, Division of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tubingen, F.R.G. (.pdf, five pages)

""Professor Rössler Takes On The LHC"

"The End is Nigh: Colliding-atom research will consume the Earth"

""Experiment raises fears of end of the world"

One lap through the 17 mile tunnel will take a proton only 90 micro-seconds, meaning that a beam that is active for 10 hours will travel the distance of about 6.2 billion miles, which is about twice the distance between Earth and Neptune.

[edit on 31-8-2008 by arktkchr]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:46 PM
Wow, It has been a long time since something has come up to make me want to talk about it.

I have a few thoughts for the people who think that if anyone has any doubts as to wherther or not this thing should be turned on are absoulutely ignorant and should ask the ringmaster at the circus if he could give them their money back for their crummy "college diploma".

Remember when scientist's were working on the "Trinity" project?...yes wasn't that the project that was focused on building and then testing an atom bomb?....and none of these "experts" and "juicy brainiacs" were 100% sure that the explosion would not take off out of control and engulf the world in a chain reaction of death. I could be wrong, but I think I remember something along those lines.

And how about the brain trust over at good ole "Cherynoble" (spelling?)...I believe that incident had a lot to do with science and "perfectly safe", highly dangerous material and equipment.

And one more thing, I think it is very interesting that if the mini black holes do form, then what about the theorie of blackholes being a portal to different dimensions or alternate universes at the singularity...maybe mini portals could be opened up and a fraction of a second is more than enough time for these alternate dimesional beings or materials to come to our side and cause changes.

Whatever happens I'm all for it...they bought the tickets, now I am ready for the free ride

[edit on 31-8-2008 by Vandermast]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Vandermast

You bring to the forefront some serious considerations and I thank you for it.

I have a few thoughts for the people who think that if anyone has any doubts as to wherther or not this thing should be turned on are absoulutely ignorant and should ask the ringmaster at the circus if he could give them their money back for their crummy "college diploma".

It really depends on the college and the degree, you cannot expect some one with a associates degree in performing arts from Morehead state to be competitively appraised with a PhD in physics from MIT when it comes to a particle collider or a nuclear powered generator. Nothing against Morehead, my Auntie went there and is a fine artist, but knows nothing about physics.

Remember when scientist's were working on the "Trinity" project?...yes wasn't that the project that was focused on building and then testing an atom bomb?....and none of these "experts" and "juicy brainiacs" were 100% sure that the explosion would not take off out of control and engulf the world in a chain reaction of death. I could be wrong, but I think I remember something along those lines.

I remember it well enough to know it wasn’t the scientist that speculated that the detonation would result in an all consuming flame but it was the ignorant people that made that claim as well as the claim that if you set sail to the west you’ll eventually fall off the earth!

And how about the brain trust over at good ole "Cherynoble" (spelling?)...I believe that incident had a lot to do with science and "perfectly safe", highly dangerous material and equipment.

Wrong again, it had everything to do with the politicians not listening to the scientist and cutting corners when it came to safety concerns. And if there would ever be an argument on behalf of safety and the collider you could make it if and when the politicians of the world take over the management of the collider from the scientist and begin to save costs by cutting corners. This is exactly why it is, where it is and managed as it is.

And one more thing, I think it is very interesting that if the mini black holes do form, then what about the theorie of blackholes being a portal to different dimensions or alternate universes at the singularity...maybe mini portals could be opened up and a fraction of a second is more than enough time for these alternate dimesional beings or materials to come to our side and cause changes.

There are several theories, perhaps we could take the time to read about them from the scientists themselves as they have done a great job in breaking down the information for laymen such as me and you to read.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
you people are silly if u actually read when the cern collider will be fully operational its next year sometime.

it is being booted up in stages until then yet i see a million threads predicting doom Now .

this is just not true!!!!!

i am hoping its the start of time travel.

Time travel isn't really the focus of the collider at this time, but Ronald Mallett, is currently working on a theory and a means to achieve it.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Good video about CERN

The Cathedrals of Science

And NO, I don't think the world will come to an end.

CERN give you the World Wide Web in case you forgot.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by kcfusion
I have to laugh when I read about this CERN business. If they know nothing can possibly go wrong, that means they already know the answer to their experiment, so why bother do the experiment at all? I mean why spend 4.4 billion on something they "know" the answer to. The only reason to do that, would be if they believe that they are more than likely right but hey only one way to find out.
Now that is not a reassuring thought.

Oh and the 10th is my birthday,

[edit on 31-8-2008 by kcfusion]

Happy early birthday.

And the answer to your opinion is, not necessarily. They're not testing whether or not it will destroy the Earth. They're seeing if they can recreate the Big Bang, and see a bunch of hypothetical particles.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 12:17 AM
This isn't the first time in history that a scientific invention was thought to end the world. When the first "A bomb" was dropped some scientists thought the nuclear reaction may not stop and ingulf the world in flames.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 12:22 AM
Remember Bukaroo Bonzai? I was watching it last night. IN the movie, they invent some kinda laser beam, that when traveled through, takes you to aother dimension within ours... maybe this is something about the machine in topic?
The last time i remember an atom smasher being used, was in 1988. It was on the news. However, the fear of a black hole..hard to say. BEing a vivid amateur astronomer, black hoels do exist, but in vacum of space, where thier is no atmosphere...just the surrounding hydrogen, helium, and msicelanious elements. Because its being done, in an air tight vacuumed room, (synthesized version of space) i suppose it could be possible.
I think it should not be turned on. Technology has doen noting but make things worse for us... atmoic bomb is an example of that. tv being converted to digital next year( effin sucks) and all the useless tv products that are smeared in our faces to buy.... where has their ever been anyting that benefits us?
Thier looking for something, maybe a way to see whats inside a black hole? iner dimensional travel? This kinda makes me think, of storys ive read about the ship, that when a machine was turned on, a green fog illumatied the ship... hundreds of miles away, sialors were seen too apear, and then disapear. and finaly upon coming back, they were all crazy, etched with the ship or turned inside out. I forget the nam eof the projec, but read ltos of stuff about it. I think Einsitein was pesent.
Hope htey dismantle it, better yet, and sell it for scrap. Why take a risk, when thiers no need too?

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

I watched a show recently about the collider, and the hopes of seeing the higson boggs, they exlpain in detail about how it is believed that everything started from a speck that could barely be seen in a microscope, and for whatever reason it exploded outward and is still expanding.

If one tiny speck did all this, why shouldn't we worry about re-creating the same thing? It makes sense to me that creating the same thing, it will do the same thing, explode outward and expand. Even a microscopic black hole or particle could be the undoing of the universe.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by ziggy1706

Ziggy I think you are talking about the Philladelphia Project. Sorry for the one liner folks.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by g210b

4 years. Hmm interesting. I thought that would be a lot faster a thing of minutes. 2008 + 4years = 2012... scary..

Yeah I put two and two together on that one also.

I was in hopes my math was wrong, lol.

I don't want to be a doom-sayer, but geesh, you can't get away from this 2012 thing no matter how you try.
If it isn't a polar shift to flip us, then it's gettin swallowed up by a black hole, Nuclear US, Russia, N.Korea, Iran...
What's a girl to do?

...see ya on the flip side...

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by truthseekerpeacemaker
i just want know where all the important people are going to be when this thing in turned on like the presidents/ leaders of these countries there location should tell you something if they cannot be located in public or are aboard the space station or in underground bunkers on that date then that should tell you something.

1.does anyone know where mr. bush and chenny are going to be on that day?

2. they might push it back a day to sept 11th they will say they ned one more day just make sure everything was perfect then you should really sh*t yourself

It wouldn't really matter WHERE they were.. If a blackhole were made that sucked the earth into it the rest of the solar system would get sucked into it also.

It is also highly likely we would never know it happend, Time would slow to a stop (relativistically)......

"LHC Safety Study Group, a group of independent scientists, performed a safety analysis of the LHC and concluded in a report published in 2003 that there is "no basis for any conceivable threat"
Ive come to a realization about these forums... A lot of the people who post here are alarmists......

[edit on 1-9-2008 by wolfmanjack]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by space cadet
reply to post by ziggy1706

Ziggy I think you are talking about the Philladelphia Project. Sorry for the one liner folks.

Buckaroo Bonzai was fiction, pure fiction, no facts, other than that whole alien invasion thing,….. that was real.

Black holes do exist, and it has recently been discovered that black holes exist in the center of every known spiral galaxy. It is also noted that the matter swirling around just out side the black holes are traveling very fast, nearly light speed. Many new theories have popped up because of this recent discovery.

What has technology done for you, you ask? You’re on a computer blogging on an internet website called Above Top Secret and you ask this question? An entire world of knowledge is at your fingertips, the world wide library is available to you, why aren’t you speaking five languages by now? I dare say if this technology was available when I was growing up, I would have gotten better than a “C” average. (then again I wasn’t distracted by Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 back then either, so I guess it does balance out)

The Philadelphia Experiment, IMHO, was the result of some overworked imaginations trying to deal with three sailors being cooked to death and fused to the deck of the USS Eldridge. They tried to render the ship invisible to Radar by passing a large current of electricity through some coils constructed on the ship that to some appeared to be like that of Tesla’s designs. The coils arced, killing the three sailors and the resulting heat was so strong that some claimed the sailors were actually fused to the bulkhead. There was a report of some green smoke which resulted from the copper wire burning.

Space Cadet,
Btw, I love your Avatar, very cool.
I think you mean the Higgs boson. They wish to conduct this experiment in a controlled environment where they can actually witness and record the collision. The collision in question happens all over the universe at random places and at random times all around us and there is no cause for concern. The previous attempts to record this event have failed as the particles could not gain enough speed and momentum to reach the desired effect of duplicating what happens naturally in space.

Of course I am not an expert in this field, it is simply of great interest to me and I have been following along for some time now. All I wanted was for somebody to explain magnets!

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:17 AM
Those that see end before they ayes also see begining.(D.Demo)

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 06:19 AM

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 06:53 AM
I'm imagining that all the black holes in the universe are the remnants of past civilizations that built their own large atom smashers.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Cthulwho
I'm imagining that all the black holes in the universe are the remnants of past civilizations that built their own large atom smashers.

I said much the same thing to my flatmate yesterday, on how amusing it would be as, due to the amount of time the universe has existed for, we should have encountered plenty of extraterrestrial life by now.

It could be that every time a civilization reaches a point like this, they end up performing this experiment and destroying themselves.

It makes a good premise for a sci-fi novel, if you ask me!

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by C.C.Benjamin
I work for the STFC, who are funding this, and I've raised these concerns to have it explained to me fully.

It boils down to the fact that they are not using enough energy to initiate a sustainable black hole.

As it will be done in a vacuum the hole will simply exist for a fraction of a second, then end.

So relax.

Ermmmm, isn't space ina vacuum? There's plenty of black holes in there.....

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by C.C.Benjamin

Originally posted by Cthulwho
I'm imagining that all the black holes in the universe are the remnants of past civilizations that built their own large atom smashers.

I said much the same thing to my flatmate yesterday, on how amusing it would be as, due to the amount of time the universe has existed for, we should have encountered plenty of extraterrestrial life by now.

It could be that every time a civilization reaches a point like this, they end up performing this experiment and destroying themselves.

It makes a good premise for a sci-fi novel, if you ask me!

Didn't they already do this scenario on Dr. Who????LOL


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