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Parents of truants to lose welfare

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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 05:10 PM

Parents of truants to lose welfare

FAMILIES on welfare will lose their benefits for up to three months if their children constantly duck school.

Government legislation this week will ask Parliament to endorse the tough conditions in a bid to end alarming truancy rates in some areas.

Regular school attendance will become a "mutual responsibility" condition for receiving all welfare, except the Family Tax Benefit.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd yesterday said that if a child avoided school with no reasonable excuse, welfare payments would be suspended for 13 weeks.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 05:10 PM
I think this is a great idea. Parents should start taking responsibility and some degree of interest in their children’s education. Personally I feel this plan should be extended to any children who commit any kind of crime or are a general nuisance to society as well.
As soon as the pocket starts to hurt, parents will bring their kids into line quick smart!
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by VIKINGANT

Personally I feel this plan should be extended to any children who commit any kind of crime or are a general nuisance to society as well.
As soon as the pocket starts to hurt, parents will bring their kids into line quick smart!
(visit the link for the full news article)

in the NT they are trialing it now i think, there have been tv ads on up here saying that parents will be fined and loose things such as big screen tv's etc

Parents to pay for kids crimes

The Northern Territory Chief Minister wants to crack down on the parents of repeat juvenille offenders.

Paul Henderson says he's asked the Attorney General to come up with new laws that hold the parents of repeat offenders to account.

Parents pay for kids crimes


posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:41 PM
Whilst i would usualy be the first to congratulate a move like this, i do have to wonder about the parents that try thier best but to no avail?

I know of single parents who no matter how hard they try with thier kids, the kids, who are by now much bigger than them, will often just stick two fingers up at them and do what they want, sometimes without the knowledge of the parents.

What do you do then? Punish the parent for trying thier best?

Scenario: Good parent trying thier hardest. Teenage son who will not listen and will quite happily get abusive if any attempt of discipline is made.

This happens often, should the parent be punished?


posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Demandred

This only works up to a point. To receive a fine is one thing, but if they don’t pay up or don’t have money, what can you do? But if the family’s income was cut or at least reduced depending on the situation, they would start giving a crap.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by VIKINGANT

from what i can gather first they are fined, if they dont pay the fine then "assets" are seized.

im still trying to find some info on the net about it, but i can only find stupid mandatory sentancing stuff

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by CX
Whilst i would usualy be the first to congratulate a move like this, i do have to wonder about the parents that try thier best but to no avail?

I know of single parents who no matter how hard they try with thier kids, the kids, who are by now much bigger than them, will often just stick two fingers up at them and do what they want, sometimes without the knowledge of the parents.

What do you do then? Punish the parent for trying thier best?

Scenario: Good parent trying thier hardest. Teenage son who will not listen and will quite happily get abusive if any attempt of discipline is made.

This happens often, should the parent be punished?


Make it so that snot nosed punk doesn't have any spending money cause his parents have no money cause his butt won't go to shcool and he will start listening. That, and parents need to start beating their kids occasionally. My mom wore me out when I was a kid, and I turned out ok. These days kids walk all over their parents cuse they won't or legally cant put their hand across the kids butt a few times without going to jail for "Abuse".

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:18 PM
Breaking News: Truants Drop out and go on Welfare

Breaking news: Parents Kick out Truant Teens - So They can all separately receive welfare

Breaking News: Truant Teens Begin Robbing the Disarmed Populace.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by VIKINGANT
This only works up to a point. To receive a fine is one thing, but if they don’t pay up or don’t have money, what can you do? But if the family’s income was cut or at least reduced depending on the situation, they would start giving a crap.

You would also need to bring back the strap and the cane... and especially remove the ability of a kid to file a law suit against teachers and parents for administering discipline... You can't have it both ways

The strap was still around in my high school in the 70's in Canada... It wasn't the pain on the hand that did the trick... it was the coming back into class with the red hand and all your peers snickering that did it...

So whats to stop the parent from now tossing the kid who doesn't listen out on the street?

Stickem in boot camp for 4 weeks... that will work... and if it doesn't well give em a gun and send them to Iraq...

Yeah okay the last one is a tad extreme... but I reserve that for gang bangers... If they are so gung ho to play with guns... sic em on the enemy .. might not wise em up, but it WILL get em off the streets

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by TruthTellist
Breaking News: Truants Drop out and go on Welfare

Breaking news: Parents Kick out Truant Teens - So They can all separately receive welfare

Breaking News: Truant Teens Begin Robbing the Disarmed Populace.

Breaking News: Texas Truant Students To Be Tracked By GPS Anklets!

Dang it!!! ATS is going to be a lot quieter without all those one liners

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:30 PM
So........what about people who AREN'T on welfare who's kids don't go to school?
A far larger % of the population.
They just get left out?And end up illiterate?
They just get let off?Because they've got some cash?
Seriously can you not see how Governments doing these things are just practicing to own peoples whole lives like slaves?
They are practicing toying with laws just to see how far they can go.
Can you not see how pathetically defunct, pointless and useless these draconian measures are to make people do what the government wants them to?

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Interestinggg
So........what about people who AREN'T on welfare who's kids don't go to school?

I am not sure where you are, but I am guessing not Australia.

No matter what your income, all families get some degree of family allowance for thier children up to I belive 16 years old. This being the case, everyone os at risk of missing out on something.
Also, I think this would be aimed more at the lower income families as they would be more inclined to have a truancy problem.
I would make damn sure that if my kids didn't turn up at thier private school I was paying big bucks for they would sure as hell know about it from me....

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:44 PM
I see some latent parent hating going on. Some have issues. The positive I see here is that it backs up THE PARENTS!!! Gives them some teeth. "You want your Raisin Bran next month, go to school." "Electricity costs money, you want a hot meal, shower and your IPod, you better get your ass to school."

There is no substitution to education. It's the most important thing. Make it personal to them.

Why this post? I'm in my mid 40's. Mom stayed at home and took care of us. Dad could even tell, just by looking, that I cooked instead of Mom.
That's some learning stuff though. Learned life skills. Not like today. "Who nuked this?" Dad still doesn't like my cooking though.

The thing is that the price of living today takes a majority of the parents time. Between the wife and I we work over 100 hours a week. That leaves little time and energy to raise your kids. This puts some Oomph back into parenting. "You want what you want, do what you need to do."


posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by CX

Well put.
I think some parents will end up kicking their kids to the streets or beating kids if they don't go to school in some instances.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 07:47 AM
So the kids are out of control, the parents are down on their luck and unemployed. . . whats the solution? Lets stop their money and starve them into submission!
I'm British and our government is putting forward silimar stupid ideas such as welfare for work just as government policy puts everyone out of work!
Seems to me that the governments of the world appear to be going out of their way to cause civil unrest. Constantly getting on ordinary peoples backs about anything and everything until the time will come when the people revolt. As one they will rise up and say enough is enough and the next thing you know there'll be riots on the streets, the government will respond heavy handedly by sending in troops and before long martial law will be enforced. You can see it happening. Every news bulletin I see seems to be pushing us ever nearer to the breaking point.
The introduction of stupid laws.
High cost of living.
Low wages.
Isolate and demonise the younger members of society.
Fine people for every conceivable thing under the sun.
Spread rumours about minorities.
Openly encourage racism.

We really are up that well known creek without a paddle! If we are going to go to hell in a handcart at least I want a good seat up front so I dont miss a thing. . .

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:32 AM
Its a brilliant idea, because ... and to be frank, its quite obvious who this is aimed at.

Label me racist as you see fit, unless you live here, you dont know the reality behind the aboriginal families.

The parents, more on the outskirts of cities etc, quite honestly couldnt give a flying fark if their kids wake up and head to school, or wake up and walk around the streets asking for money, stealing stuff, or just being a problem.


Because the parents are getting their welfare cheque, living in statefunded housing.. and drinking/smoking the money away..

its going to be a big problem early on, because they'll just argue and go on about being marginalised, and racism etcetc.

but when your child is younger than 15, its your responsibliity to ensure he's at school. the government doesnt want to pay his way, for his life.

while im sure there's white families, and foreign families who as well let their children go without school, i think you'll find its a very small minority, compared to the aboriginal people.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Interestinggg

Id like to think the perception is, that if your family earns enough to have a house, have a career, drive a car etc etc etc.. you know a normally nuclear family situation, then 99 out of 100 cases the parents have enough control, or their kids have enough maturity/self respect to go to school.

frankly, schools fun when your a kid, especially when all your mates are there.

The media isnt saying it, but this is AIMED AT ABORIGINAL PEOPLE!

why else is it being tested in NT.

Yes kids skip school.. i skipped maybe... 4-5 days my entire schoo life,the more rebel types maybe that much a year... they are focusing more on the kids that dont go for weeks on end...

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

I understand what you are saying and in many cases the aboriginal communities have been known to abuse the system somewhat, and is probably a good starting point to trial this idea. I honestly believe however, that this scheme is not just for these communities. This is something that would just as easily be effective for the lower income working class Anglo Families of say Inala in Brisbane or Mt. Druit in Sydney where truancy and crime is rife.
I think what the Government are doing is, after banging their heads against a wall, trying to get the kids educated with whatever works so they can break the welfare cycle as taught to them by their parents.
Like I said earlier, and pretty much what you said, the ‘better off’ families will be more inclined to make sure their children are in school, and often, the kids are bright enough to cope with school and to know they need to be in school.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 05:23 PM
I am all for giving a beat down to welfare cases. Good stuff.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 05:39 PM
I love it

This is a great idea, and i'd back it 100% until the day i die.

Very very very good that someone is finally doing something about the laziness of America.

You help fix laziness
and you help fix stupidity

all with one law

2 birds with one stone


nice find!!!!!! Star & Flag

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