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9-11 simple facts

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posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by scotty18
2) In every CD in the video the middle of the buildings clearly goes down first, but not in WTC7.

This was a picture of WTC7 was released in the FEMA report.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by Niobis

Originally posted by scotty18
2) In every CD in the video the middle of the buildings clearly goes down first, but not in WTC7.

This was a picture of WTC7 was released in the FEMA report.

Take a look at your picture and then at the videos of CD's you posted and tell me they are the same. If you think they are then you are either an idiot or simply closed minded.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by scotty18
Take a look at your picture and then at the videos of CD's you posted and tell me they are the same. If you think they are then you are either an idiot or simply closed minded.

I'm not sure if you mean the picture I posted is fake or manipulated in some way, or if it doesn't resemble a CD. No two CDs are exactly the same, so of course it's not going to be the "same". However the "kink" on WTC7 does resemble other CDs.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by Niobis

Originally posted by scotty18
Take a look at your picture and then at the videos of CD's you posted and tell me they are the same. If you think they are then you are either an idiot or simply closed minded.

I'm not sure if you mean the picture I posted is fake or manipulated in some way, or if it doesn't resemble a CD. No two CDs are exactly the same, so of course it's not going to be the "same". However the "kink" on WTC7 does resemble other CDs.

Every one of the CD's in your video shows the same thing happening and nothing you have posted shows it happening at WTC7...yet you continue to insist it is. The sad part is that you have actually convinced yourself of some conspiracy to the point that you can't even see things that are plain as day.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by scotty18

I'm amazed by your ignorance. You have to be closing your eyes or just simply ignoring the obvious.

Please, inform me what is "plain as day" about the collapse of WTC7. Because to many experts, the CD of this building is as plain as day, including Danny Jowenko:

[edit on 20-8-2008 by Niobis]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Niobis
reply to post by scotty18

I'm amazed by your ignorance. You have to be closing your eyes or just simply ignoring the obvious.

Please, inform me what is "plain as day" about the collapse of WTC7. Because to many experts, the CD of this building is as plain as day, including Danny Jowenko:

[edit on 20-8-2008 by Niobis]

Well I guess I have to admit to being ignorant if the world's foremost expert on ignorance says i am. It's just sad that you have let your whacked out conspiracy theories take over your life.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by scotty18

I love how you refer to the WTC7 collapse as a "whacked out conspiracy theory". As I said earlier, some people will never get it and they will continuously go through life being brainwashed by their government and their media. Have fun with that! I am happy knowing I'm free from the conditioning put upon me as a child and teenage years.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Niobis
reply to post by scotty18

I love how you refer to the WTC7 collapse as a "whacked out conspiracy theory". As I said earlier, some people will never get it and they will continuously go through life being brainwashed by their government and their media. Have fun with that! I am happy knowing I'm free from the conditioning put upon me as a child and teenage years.

Keep telling yourself that as you spend your life looking for and finding conspiracy in everything...regardless of whether it's their or not. As John Lennon said "Whatever gets you through the night."

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:20 PM
And perhaps that's the reason I have seen no rebuttal on my post. I believe we have to start with the most obvious of government assertions, and that is Osama bin Laden true role in this. Have you ever wondered why we managed to catch Saddam, whose assets a far greater than that of bin Laden, and 7 years later we're still one guy short. What the he'll are we really doing in Afghanistan anyway? How hard is it to find a 6' 7" man with an armed entourage. We found Saddam in a hole for god sakes. If Osama did it where is the evidence? Where is the indictment? Why the hell are we fighting and dying for if this is not the enemy we face?

[edit on 24-8-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:30 PM
I am curious to know if the planes like flight 93 had very few passengers on previous Tuesdays prior to 9/11.

Also, how could Osama been so sure that these flights would have had so few passengers?

More passengers would have been bigger risk for hijackers. Maybe it was hijackers luck.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:01 PM
projectvxn- Osama is dead, but we have no body so we have to continue the fight.

jam- Tuesday mornings are not a big time to fly on a cross country flight.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by scotty18
projectvxn- Osama is dead, but we have no body so we have to continue the fight.

jam- Tuesday mornings are not a big time to fly on a cross country flight.

I know. But that doesn't change the fact that people believe he was responsible when even the CIA has no evidence. The justice department has not filed any charges at all, and we can't seem to find a single piece of information actually stating that Osama did it. Only baseless accusations from the White House. Probably to deflect blame from themselves.

Bunch of murderers.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn

Originally posted by scotty18
projectvxn- Osama is dead, but we have no body so we have to continue the fight.

jam- Tuesday mornings are not a big time to fly on a cross country flight.

I know. But that doesn't change the fact that people believe he was responsible when even the CIA has no evidence. The justice department has not filed any charges at all, and we can't seem to find a single piece of information actually stating that Osama did it. Only baseless accusations from the White House. Probably to deflect blame from themselves.

Bunch of murderers.

1) Why file charges against someone who is dead.

2) Perhaps you should look in the mirror when you talk about the White House making baseless accusations and not being able to find information.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by scotty18

Why are you making personal attacks? So far you've done very little to assert your position credibly without using such needless ad hom attacks. Please keep it civil Show me the respect I show you.

[edit on 25-8-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by scotty18

Why are you making personal attacks? So far you've done very little to assert your position credibly without using such needless ad him attacks. Please keep it civil Show me the respect I show you.

So I present you with an intelligent question and then point out how you are doing exactly what you are attacking others with and this is your response? I guess the question was too tough and the mirror comment really struck a nerve hard. Respect? Why should I show someone who avoids answering questions and is a hypocrite any respect. Try earning some and you might get some. You conspiracy "people" are hilarious.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by scotty18

I don't mind answering your questions. I was attacking no one but what I see as a corrupt group of public and foreign policy makers that frankly do make me sick. I do not refer to other users in such a way and there's a good reason.

Courtesy is mandatory on ATS otherwise you risk a ban. It is not the questions that I mind, I expect others to question every word I say. I expect a civilized debate with sources and good research, not attacks on character and petty insults. I will continue to show you courtesy but please don't expect me to answer your questions in earnest when you refuse to ask them without the inclusion of insults.

Terms & Conditions

You're new, so i will expect you to make your choice, either be cool, or eventually you will insult the wrong person and you'll find you won't be able to post here anymore.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by scotty18

I don't mind answering your questions. I was attacking no one but what I see as a corrupt group of public and foreign policy makers that frankly do make me sick. I do not refer to other users in such a way and there's a good reason.

Courtesy is mandatory on ATS otherwise you risk a ban. It is not the questions that I mind, I expect others to question every word I say. I expect a civilized debate with sources and good research, not attacks on character and petty insults. I will continue to show you courtesy but please don't expect me to answer your questions in earnest when you refuse to ask them without the inclusion of insults.

Terms & Conditions

You're new, so i will expect you to make your choice, either be cool, or eventually you will insult the wrong person and you'll find you won't be able to post here anymore.

So you still haven't stepped up to my question or even my comment, then you you bust out the newbie comments and threaten to tell on me?

I guess I didn't just hit a nerve, but I hit dead center.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by fmcanarney
So dont tell me that oil based and wood based fires melt construction grade steel that is what six inches thick!!!!

Who is saying anything about six-inch steel "melting" on 9/11?

I guess I'm not surprised that the Troofers keep bringing this up. It keeps running out of their mouths and from their fingertips like digital diahrrea - they can't get rid of it. Why? I have absolutley no idea.

NOBODY is saying the steel melted. Got it?? Is that clear? THE STEEL DID NOT MELT! IT DID NOT MELT!

Will you troofers STOP with the whiney "The fire wasn't hot enough to melt steel!" refrain?

Man. A fence post would provide a better argument.

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