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Coney Island Mob beats Ex-Marines rescuing girl

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posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Unlimitedpossibilities

What? Could you please clarify that statement? It is absolutely beyond anything I have ever heard of and would like to know the source of that statement.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by ben420
reply to post by Cuhail

Knowing Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, they will most likely label us racist for pointing out the obvious racism in this case.

al sharpton and Jesse Jackson are shills for the establishment - part of the "divide and control" squad....they spew and many listen to that spew and allow themselves to be moved by it to one position or its opposite - they keep the victim mentality alive and well among the black community while engendering resentment among the white communities...they are useful to the elite power establishment for that very reason...divide and control...and many on here fall for it....

Lets break it down even further - those 30 or so thugs were in the process of assaulting a teenage girl - but no one seems outraged by that fact....hmmmm....everybody crying "race" but ain't nobody care about that little girl except the two boys that took the beating for her...please....

Race is a bogus argument - and if you're fallin for it your missing the big picture....done.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:51 PM
The fact anyone questions something as to what was she doing in the ghetto at 1am shows the problem right there.

Why can't certin people go to certin places in this country, now that's a good question, as far as the crime gos well once the person said "hey white boy" it became a race crime it's as simple as that.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by realshanti

Originally posted by ben420
reply to post by Cuhail

Knowing Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, they will most likely label us racist for pointing out the obvious racism in this case.

al sharpton and Jesse Jackson are shills for the establishment - part of the "divide and control" squad....they spew and many listen to that spew and allow themselves to be moved by it to one position or its opposite - they keep the victim mentality alive and well among the black community while engendering resentment among the white communities...they are useful to the elite power establishment for that very reason...divide and control...and many on here fall for it....

Lets break it down even further - those 30 or so thugs were in the process of assaulting a teenage girl - but no one seems outraged by that fact....hmmmm....everybody crying "race" but ain't nobody care about that little girl except the two boys that took the beating for her...please....

Race is a bogus argument - and if you're fallin for it your missing the big picture....done.

Actually, there was a heated "debate" last night on whether or not it would be an act of cowardice or intelligence to leave the girl to the wolf pack. It seems some of my posts and others were deleted.

There was really only one coward, err, i mean person, saying that they should have left the girl to the wolf pack.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by ben420]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
The fact anyone questions something as to what was she doing in the ghetto at 1am shows the problem right there.

Why can't certin people go to certin places in this country, now that's a good question, as far as the crime gos well once the person said "hey white boy" it became a race crime it's as simple as that.

It is a problem.

Why can't I walk into closed gated white communities with out being stomped by police?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by realshanti
[Race is a bogus argument - and if you're fallin for it your missing the big picture....done.

I absolutely agree. If the marines were black, but unknown to the aggressors they would have still been beaten. Ditto if everyone was involved was white or any variation thereof. Ignorance is color blind and idiots and criminals come in all shades. If you are in an impovershed, high crime area and look different than the average resident then you are at risk of falling victim to ignorance and crime. White, Black, whatever. This is a human issue and a function of ignorance, desperation and hate, not skin color.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
The fact anyone questions something as to what was she doing in the ghetto at 1am shows the problem right there.

Why can't certin people go to certin places in this country, now that's a good question, as far as the crime gos well once the person said "hey white boy" it became a race crime it's as simple as that.

Good point - but hate crime laws are of the same ilk as the sharptons and the Jacksons and their white counterparts - intended to polarize and control - if the laws we already had on the books were applied with any zeal to all violent crime regardless of skin color this argument would be moot....but like I said - the race issue is used to control us...its an old old strategy...and very effective as this thread indicates...

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Of course the main thing is why were they messing with this girl in the first place, but when he said "white boy" even tho slurs and cussing are used when a situation arises, but either way this whole thing stinks, but like i said even if it's just used as a slur because someones mad it still makes it a race crime.

Anyway did they catch any of these gang of 30?????

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by ItsTheQuestion

If there's to be racial goodwill and harmony, at the minimum we must be willing to confront sometimes ugly truths. One of those truths has to do with interracial crime. We all readily condemn highly publicized racial violence, and rightly so, such as last year's brutal murder of James Byrd by white supremacists in Jasper, Texas. However, there's little notice and condemnation of interracial crimes when whites are the victims.

Last June, Jared Taylor, President of New Century Foundation, in Oakton, Virginia, held a press conference at Washington's National Press Club to report on the Foundation's recently released study titled "The Color of Crime." Some of the study's findings about interracial crime were surprising, so much so that I did an independent verification of the numbers. Since 1972, the U.S. Department of Justice has conducted a National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) to determine the frequency of certain crimes. One category is interracial crimes. Its most recent publication (1997), titled Criminal Victimization in the U.S., reports on data collected in 1994. In that year there were about 1,700,000 interracial crimes, of which 1,276,030 involved whites and blacks. In 90 percent of the cases, a white was the victim and a black was the perpetrator while in 10 percent of the cases it was the reverse.

Another finding of the NCVS report is that of the 2,025,464 violent crimes committed by blacks in 1994, 1,140,670 were against whites. That's slightly over 56 percent of the violent crimes committed by blacks were against whites. Whites committed 5,114,692 violent crimes; 135,360, or 2.6 percent were against blacks.

In 1997, there were 2,336 whites charged with anti-black crimes and 718 blacks charged with anti-white crimes, so-called hate crimes. Although the absolute number of white offenders was larger, the black rate per 100,000 of the population was greater, making blacks twice as likely to commit hate crimes.

Regardless of race, criminal violence is despicable and deserving of condemnation. But far more destructive are the official and unofficial attempts to mislead and conceal. Roughly 400 members of the major print and electronic media were invited to the press conference on "The Color of Crime." According to Mr. Taylor, several asked for advanced copies before they'd consider sending anyone. Only fourteen people stayed for the briefing and only a couple reported on the study, most notably the Washington Times and C-Span. One reporter said that he'd like to write a story but he doubted he could get it by his editor.

If the facts were the other way around, everybody from the New York Times and President Clinton to the NAACP, Jesse Jackson and the Black Congressional Caucus would be shouting about it and demanding that something be done. Some might want to keep silent about the facts for fear that publicizing the true nature and magnitude of interracial crime might give, as I've been told, "aid and comfort to America's white racists." To the contrary, silence is perhaps one of the most effective recruitment tools for racists. They can use our silence for proselytizing disaffected whites with demagoguery about how hate crimes are not important unless a black is the victim and how no one cares about blacks raping white women and assaulting white men.

Interracial crime has other devastating effects on racial relations. Whites are apprehensive of blacks and blacks are offended being the subjects of that apprehension. Whites are less willing to live in black neighborhoods. For the unthinking among us, these and other responses to racial disparities in crime translate into simple racism.

Multi-ethnic societies are inherently unstable and how we handle matters of interracial crime is just one of the ways that we're contributing to that instability.

Walter E. Williams
August 20, 1999
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posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:20 PM
Hope I don't get flamed for this, but....

This does not appear to be a racially motivated crime. That being said, it is obvious that at least one person in the mob is racist. It may seem elementary, but the fight started as a result of the girl being assaulted. It does not appear as if the mob was looking for white people to beat up and from a strictly legal point of view, I don't think this should be deemed a hate crime.

And yes, if the races were reversed there would be a lot of hoopla courtesy of Al and Jesse and whoever else is trying to get their 15 minutes of fame via the exploitation of a politically correct culture. The double standard is lame, but very apparent.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by buds84

Originally posted by King Seesar
The fact anyone questions something as to what was she doing in the ghetto at 1am shows the problem right there.

Why can't certin people go to certin places in this country, now that's a good question, as far as the crime gos well once the person said "hey white boy" it became a race crime it's as simple as that.

It is a problem.

Why can't I walk into closed gated white communities with out being stomped by police?

Polarization completed....mission accomplished...control know?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:31 PM
And just for the record - let me explain how a teenage girl ends up in that situation - she is one of the gang members - who says lets get together and go to a party or something and she accepts cause she thinks he's cute and feels flattered by his attention - they go out - but its not to a "party" - it s a different kind of party and once she is there its too other words she knew one of those thugs personally and she was set up - and any one whose has any experience with gangs knows I'm tellin the truth...

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by realshanti
And just for the record - let me explain how a teenage girl ends up in that situation - she is one of the gang members - who says lets get together and go to a party or something and she accepts cause she thinks he's cute and feels flattered by his attention - they go out - but its not to a "party" - it s a different kind of party and once she is there its too other words she knew one of those thugs personally and she was set up - and any one whose has any experience with gangs knows I'm tellin the truth...

Do we even know for a fact that the two men who were assauting the girl in the first place were in any way connected to the thirty men who showed up as the marines were rescuing the girl?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Finn1916

Originally posted by realshanti
And just for the record - let me explain how a teenage girl ends up in that situation - she is one of the gang members - who says lets get together and go to a party or something and she accepts cause she thinks he's cute and feels flattered by his attention - they go out - but its not to a "party" - it s a different kind of party and once she is there its too other words she knew one of those thugs personally and she was set up - and any one whose has any experience with gangs knows I'm tellin the truth...

Do we even know for a fact that the two men who were assauting the girl in the first place were in any way connected to the thirty men who showed up as the marines were rescuing the girl?

It was actually the 30 men who were assaulting her and the two men showed up to help.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by MockedUnicorn

Originally posted by Finn1916

Originally posted by realshanti
And just for the record - let me explain how a teenage girl ends up in that situation - she is one of the gang members - who says lets get together and go to a party or something and she accepts cause she thinks he's cute and feels flattered by his attention - they go out - but its not to a "party" - it s a different kind of party and once she is there its too other words she knew one of those thugs personally and she was set up - and any one whose has any experience with gangs knows I'm tellin the truth...

Do we even know for a fact that the two men who were assauting the girl in the first place were in any way connected to the thirty men who showed up as the marines were rescuing the girl?

It was actually the 30 men who were assaulting her and the two men showed up to help.

Ok, cause the artice states that she was being assaulted by two men, one who was holding her legs and one holding her arms.

"A wolf pack of at least 30 thugs viciously attacked two hero ex-Marines in Brooklyn after they rescued a teenage girl who was being assaulted, police and witnesses said yesterday.

he former leathernecks, Valentyn Olenyev, 23, and Boris Bukler, 22, Russian émigrés who served tours in Iraq, were walking a female friend to her parked car on West 23rd Street at 12:30 a.m. when they spotted two men holding the screaming teen by her hands and legs. "

[edit on 8/12/2008 by Finn1916]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Finn1916

The rest of the mob was most likely standing around, awaiting there turn.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:31 PM
We'll all I've got to say is that if they want to act like animals....treat em like animals. They deserve no better than an unmarked grave. Perhaps a tree may grow on their corpse creating the oxygen that was wasted on their existence. Another reason to carry a licensed weapon...or unlicensed if necessary. Your life is all you've got and the police sure as hell won't be hangen in the hood...unless of course it's 'business'.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:59 PM
On the other hand if you have a cell phone....USE it and dial 911 giving an intersection of the crime scene and brief description of the crime and leave the phone off hook so they may trace the call and possibly get some verbal evidence from the perpetrators.
"Assault at 6th and Broad street" least then you're chances improve with the 'assumption' that backup is on the way.
This has worked in the past and will work in the future.
Its a dangerous world we live in and its only going to get much worse from here forward therefor you better be prepared. You may not get a second chance.

~Peace Brethren~ but not in the grave!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by oceanaut1
On the other hand if you have a cell phone....USE it and dial 911 giving an intersection of the crime scene and brief description of the crime and leave the phone off hook so they may trace the call and possibly get some verbal evidence from the perpetrators.
"Assault at 6th and Broad street" least then you're chances improve with the 'assumption' that backup is on the way.
This has worked in the past and will work in the future.
Its a dangerous world we live in and its only going to get much worse from here forward therefor you better be prepared. You may not get a second chance.

~Peace Brethren~ but not in the grave!

The cops would have never shown up on time. Thats a statistical probability!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:06 PM
Just another reason to carry a licensed (or unlicensed) weapon. You may not get a second chance.

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