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posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by panchovilla
didn't we all realize by now that this is hell? Hades? ramrods?

thats exactly what I was thinking. we are living in HELL right now. I mean think about it, how bad can it get??? not much worse than we are now. we are on the brink of world war III, our economy sucks, gas prices keep rising, our taxes are horrible, etc... whats the worst thing that could happen? death? torture? loosing a loved one? yeah sure, but once your dead, it will be much better off than the hell we live in now. (not saying i have a death wish or anything) I got married a little over a year ago, and my husband and i were talking about having kids, now i want to have kids very badly, but why the f* would i want to bring them up in this world?? I don't want my kid growing up to be some crazed maniac.
So, I'm not really sure if there is a hell or not after we die, i just know that im living in it right now.............

[Edited on 3/13/2004 by smilingsarah82]

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by smilingsarah82
our economy sucks, gas prices keep rising, our taxes are horrible, etc... whats the worst thing that could happen?

money, money, money........

What's the worst that could happen?
More money problems.

If the biggest problems on your mind are money, that's the decline in society right there. Money is not life, death, heaven, or hell. It is nothing. A meaningless gauge of the mediocrity of "success."

Saying that our world is hell because we don't have enough money to own 3 cars apiece shows signs that we've been raised to exist...instead of live.

Our world isn't hell.

The mindset you people are trapped in is.

Take a day, a week, a month, a year! Take it off. No money, no car, no map. Take what you can carry and learn to live. Not just survive and have "recreational" time, which isn't recreational, its not relaxing, its bloodsucking. LEARN TO LIVE and LEARN TO LOVE and you'll never turn on your TV again, you'll probably walk more than ever take a car. You learn to buy cheap or make, you learn to eat, cheap, you learn so much subconciously. And your money problems are suddenly solved. Not because you're rich...

because you're broke.

But seriously, take at least a day...and live. Live instead of just exist. Do it, and you'll wonder how you could have ever thought this was hell.

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 11:19 PM
What thought terrifies you most? if being alone for all eternity with nothing and no one and burning in a pool of lava doesn't scare you much, then you will enjoy hell.

I doubt very much this is hell, and if you care so much about money, gas, and taxes that you hate your life you should search for something that makes you happy.

posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 11:42 PM
they dont need to just search for something that makes them happen, they need to find it and hold on really really tight

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 01:55 PM
yeah so, i have money problems who dosn't?? and thats all i talked about, cause thats my biggest problem right now. and you don't think i buy cheap? or drive crappy cars? well think again my friend. i just totalled my crappy car, i buy very cheap food, i try to do all my errands in one day to conserve gas. and yes sometimes i do walk!! but other than money problems? i have alot, i have so much crap going on that i think hell for me would be a blessing.

Saying that our world is hell because we don't have enough money to own 3 cars apiece shows signs that we've been raised to exist...instead of live.

money makes the world go round baby
im not saying that i want to be rich, or a freakin millionaire, cause i don't. i am very happy with what i have now, i dont' need more.

I doubt very much this is hell, and if you care so much about money, gas, and taxes that you hate your life you should search for something that makes you happy.

so you don't think im happy? well i am. im very happy, my husband and i have a great relationship, i have a job that i love (and not because of money), i don't have the best house in the world, but i love it cause it's mine,

yes almost everything i mentioned in my first post, was money related, but you can't judge someone on one post alone.

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 02:12 PM
Is not Hell something that has been used to scare people into submission to absolute rediculous garbage rules for centurys?

posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 04:27 PM
Hell can be defined in three aspects,

1) Physcial realm, popular to mainstream Judeo-Christian belief systems and those influenced by the above.

2) Inner realm of the mind, where one suffers constant torment and a myriad of nuero-pathalogical problems, constant depression, etc...

3) Earth, the never ending cycle of life and death, and material hells.

Each one is equal in its own evil content. Hell is a very bad bad place.

I personaly tend to believe Hell is simply more than a state of torment in our minds.


posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Scat

He's going to reject me, eh? Well, I guess he's rejecting every message of love I've ever given and any friendship I've ever had, and all the compassion and hope I've tried to spur into people too. That doesn't say too much for him, now does it?

My scripture i used last time was "for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"

"Our Good deeds are but dirty rags" to him

You can question that all u like why, do you question parts of the bible and not all of it surely if parts of the bible have less value it devalues the "truth" ness of the whole bible.

The bible at no point says that you can get to heaven by good works so why have you just said Every message of love I have given or your compassion or what ever it doesnt amount to anything. It does come down to God i know i see God as what the bible teaches. He shows great love yeah but he is the same god who commanded genocide in the book of judges! He is the God who allowed satan to cause job (a good man) so much suffering. He is a God to fear a God to fear especialy as we are sinful humans who continually pervert his world like cancer, we crucified his son, and continually reject him and say that we are smarter than God.

This is a God who even his angels shook terror into people what terror would you find when you approach him at judgement

"as man is destined to die once, as is a man to approach judgement"

He is Omnipotent! At least the God in the bible maybe not the same God your talking about.

The God in the bible is infinite, Omnipotent and omniscience. if you are smarter than God then you must not be very human!

We are sorta adopted brothers and sisters of God if you except him of course if not u are still his creation.

Originally posted by Scat
Honestly, how can someone punish those who do not believe in your God simply because they have never been introduced?

Jesus said "if you were blind you would not be guilty of sin, but now you that you claim you can see, your guilt remains"

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 04:19 PM
Who ever said that "we are better than god" ???....I dont recall saying that, i dont recall anybody saying that for that matter.....

And another thing, why shouldnt all the love and respect ive given to different people not add up to something???...Why should that be written off and the bad things that ive done be the things i get "evaluated" by???...

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Beanie_pianoforte

He is Omnipotent! At least the God in the bible maybe not the same God your talking about.

The God in the bible is infinite, Omnipotent and omniscience. if you are smarter than God then you must not be very human!

It is this statement that proves Hell cannot exist. By stating that God is infinite, you are stating that nothing can exist beyond or outside of God. If Hell is a place of separation from God, or a place of torment and pain where God does not exist, then Hell itself cannot exist. Hell would have to exist outside of infinity, but since nothing is outside of infinity, Hell is nothing. So you could say that for a soul to be cast into Hell, means that it is cast into nothing, thus becoming nothing. or non-existant. All souls that retain an awareness of their spiritual nature return to God, or go to "heaven".

I think the Bible has been manipulated for the benefit of those seeking power, but that it still contains truth, if it is sought for.

Oh, and for the record, loving one another is the whole of the law according to Christ and the New Testament.

Romans 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Romans 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love [is] the fulfilling of the law.

Galatians 5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, [even] in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

James 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

This one principle is all that matters and everything good in the world, springs from it. It also doesn't require faith in anything, but what is naturally a part of all of us.

[Edited on 18-3-2004 by jezebel]

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