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There will be no uprising in America.

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posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

Heading offline for a few hours. I'll be happy to respond to a FULL response to my last post from you when I return.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

There is nothing more to say. You stated things, which I disagreed with and went through the trouble to quote you to demonstrate where I had disagreement. You then claimed you never said anything that I disagreed with, and that somehow I just don't get you but you agree with me. I could psycho-analyze you and why you'd do something so overtly odd like this, but its off topic. If you say your in agreement with me, then what else can I say but OK?

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:58 PM
My friends 50 yr old uncle said it best.

"The young people are usually right"

Yea we go overboard with our believability at times. But its surely not the old people that are right. Supposedly thats why we have short life spans at this point in evolution. Cuz unlike how youd think/expect, our elders arent the most knowledgable wise folks they could be. THe majority are robot vegetables too scared to think or change their beliefs.

Oh another 175,000 old people died today....the planetary energy inches up ever so slightly each day. Cuz it aint the current old peoples mentality that will do the uprising.

So multiply 175,000 x .05 and we have about 8,500 less american old people. Yes i know other people become those old people, but more of them are a bit more open minded. Should be sitting pretty good when the hippies are the oldest on the planet.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by TroyB
reply to post by gormly

How BIG of an event do you need to change your mind? Right now, customers of IndiMac Bank are PISSED, just a tad shy of the 'mob mentality' over the fact FDIC and bank employees are NOT letting everyone come in and withdraw their money. Here...don't take my word for it, see it with your own eyes/hear it with your own ears.

IndiMac Bank (Almost a RIOT here!)

Bank Failures

wow that is a lot of banks. However it doesnt even come close to the amount of banks that closed during the savings and loan scandle, when more than 1500 banks closed.

and more than half those banks you posted are small community banks. Hell there has been at least 5 local banks in my town that closed way before the mortgage crisis, when times were great.

As for the people who are trying to withdraw their money. They are idiots unless they have more than 100000 in that bank. If congressman shumar never said he was "concerned that IndyMac's financial deterioration poses significant risks to both taxpayers and borrowers." And then go public with it, there would of never been a 7 day run of withdraws in the amount of 1.3 billion dollars. The bank might very well still be in business today if it was for the fear creater by this man.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

When I come back I will feel free to go over every little thing you replied to me with while misconstruing my statement and putting words in my mouth. In the mean time please do me the curteosy of addressing my entire 2nd post to you because it had more to do with it than simply this issue. If you can not respond to the other issues that's fine with me, I'm simply disappointed you ignored what you couldn't respond to.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

Please stop your personal little drama fest. No one is putting words in your mouth, you say things then turn around and ignore that you say them. I can't help your issues. If you would like to go through this again, with you saying stuff, me showing how you are incorrect, and then you denying you ever said it even though your quoted, your going to have to be specific. No offense, but I feel like I'm talking to someone in High School with the drama your trying to create here.

[edit on 15-7-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:06 PM
ALIGHT, you wrote what comparisons were there between Nazi Germany and the present US, well here is a few of them.

1. The removal of the right to bear arms, this happened in Germany 1930s and theres talk of same for the US.

2. Germany ended up with 1 party politics its vitually the same in the US.

3. Vote rigging took place in Germany same as in the US.

4. Hitler told the people that their common enemy was the Jews, Bush and Co say its the Muslims.

5. Hitler and his gang got the pro Nazis to spy on the people who denounced them, the same is happening in the US.

6. As a means to go on a war rampage the Germans faked a Polish attack on their border an ww2 started, Bush and co have done the same with the WOT.

7. In Germany the Nazis introduced draconian legisaltion that rounded up all dissenters, the press, other political parties etc. You now have Patriot 1/2 to do same. Any form of dissent is seen as being unpatriotic and siding with the enemy whom ever they are.

8. POTUS now has all the means at his disposal to become a dictator same as Hitler did.

9. Hitler had a hard core of followers and supporters, Bush has same.

10.Hitler and the Nazis saw themselves superior to all others. Many Americans hold the same view and are proud to trumpet anytime they can.

I would also advise you to read The Nazis a Warning from History, you will find it quite illuminating.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

Dang - step away from the guns mamm - remember I agreed with you - watch where you point that thing LOL!

[edit on 15-7-2008 by KMFNWO]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:09 PM
Back on topic please. It's too late in the day for One Life To Live, unless you're like in Hawaii or something.


posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:10 PM
C'mon guys America "is too big to fail". LOL!

Also reminds me about the whole "The Titanic is unsinkable, it's too big".

Most people you say are wrong or doom sayers were 100% right about whats going down right now. 7 years ago, people predicted the economic collapse due to the housing market. 7 years ago people said "buy gold, it's going to skyrocket", yet again the price of gold has doubled from 400$ to over 900$...

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by KMFNWO

Show me in that article where is says the president is going to round up law abiding citizens and arrest them or put them in camps. I really dont see anything wrong with him having those powers. Say if there was a nuclear attack in Atlanta and because of this there were people looting, killing, raping, etc.. What is wrong with the president having the power to detain people immediatly. I would think you would have to move quick if one of those senarios took place. No time to go before congress and debate about what should be done. After all he is the elected leader. And where do you put all these people that are breaking the law. You put them in those so called REX-84 camps. Just because he has the power doesnt mean he is going to fake a nuclear attack just in order to round up innocent civilians, or place them in these camps because they disagree with his politics. You rather there wasnt a plan incase something of this nature happened. A nuclear attack could kill millions, police officers included. Who is going to keep order?

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
1. The removal of the right to bear arms, this happened in Germany 1930s and theres talk of same for the US.

Please tell me when Germany ever had the right to bear arms. Ever. I don't think they ever did, so your just making this up. In any case, how is the recent Supreme Court ruling striking down gun bans a removal of your right to bear arms?

Originally posted by magicmushroom
2. Germany ended up with 1 party politics its vitually the same in the US.

While the two parties both want power, they are not as similar as people want to believe. We have a pretty vicious two party system at the moment.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
3. Vote rigging took place in Germany same as in the US.

Vote rigging in the US was far more prevalent in the era of patronage and political party machines (far before Hitler's Germany existed). In those years, it was completely rigged. We've seen quite a decrease in vote manipulation since then.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
4. Hitler told the people that their common enemy was the Jews, Bush and Co say its the Muslims.

Bush never said this, your making it up. Provide quotes, or I call BS.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
5. Hitler and his gang got the pro Nazis to spy on the people who denounced them, the same is happening in the US.

Wrong again. All countries have always had domestic spying programs.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
6. As a means to go on a war rampage the Germans faked a Polish attack on their border an ww2 started, Bush and co have done the same with the WOT.

Wrong yet again. International intelligence, combined with the events of 9/11, caused the war on terrorism.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
7. In Germany the Nazis introduced draconian legisaltion that rounded up all dissenters, the press, other political parties etc. You now have Patriot 1/2 to do same. Any form of dissent is seen as being unpatriotic and siding with the enemy whom ever they are.

Political propaganda. Please tell me 1 American citizen who was rounded up because of the patriot act due to their dissent of the government.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
8. POTUS now has all the means at his disposal to become a dictator same as Hitler did.

Completely made up. Give cites for this, or your just spreading disinformation.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
9. Hitler had a hard core of followers and supporters, Bush has same.

I hate to break it to you, but all politicians have a core of supporters. This has no similarity to Hitler.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
10.Hitler and the Nazis saw themselves superior to all others. Many Americans hold the same view and are proud to trumpet anytime they can.

More propaganda. Americans constantly tell themselves that they are horrible people and are responsible for all the problems in this world, and the media fully programs them with this.

As we can see, no similarities at all.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by gormly

I have to highlight, friend, that human nature is quite universal... every human wants to be healthy, happy and safe, and every human wants food on his table, and a roof over his head... and every human will do what he feels is right in order to get that. WHATEVER he is convinced is right. At different times in history, and in different places, this has meant many different things...

Once upon a time, that meant opressing black people in America... yet at another place and time it meant opressing jewish people in Europe... yet again, at another place and time, it involved the slaughter of the slavic cauntries by the Ottoman empire.

The question of what a person is prepared to do for those calling the shots is answered only by looking at how good the people calling the shots are at convincing their pawns that they are doing the right thing.

The depth of the topic you bring up regarding human nature, whether American or not, and its consequences would require probably over a dozen threads to be properly explored and discussed.

A mere insight...

[edit on 15-7-2008 by mdagwd]

[edit on 15-7-2008 by mdagwd]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

Still don’t want to reply to my other post huh? I’m not surprised. I’ll get back to that…

I said this: Your way of thinking is why people allow history repeats itself. Next time a person shows up who is reminiscent of Hitler in Germany you can tell those citizens not to get their panties in a twist.

You said this: Please give evidence of how the current status of the United States resembles anything remotely like Hitler's Germany

How does my statement in any way, shape, or form imply that the US is similar to Germany? My statement was meant to point out the OP’s useless logic.

I said this: Things are going wrong in this country; people who are comfortable such as you will ignore that until it affects them.

You said this: What a nice way to dismiss everyone who disagrees with you: if you don't agree, its just because YOU have it easy!

I never said that. SHOW me in my post where I said that? I was simply suggesting the OP may be against the thought of citizen back lash because they do not live in the climate of tensions others do.

I said this: The more people affected by the war, economy, or a disaster the more people will respond. Such as those who were being contained with out due process.

You said this: Like whom? You mean suspected terrorist detainees whom the Supreme Court of the united States gave due process rights?

I said this: Do you often answer your own questions? You do realize many of the people detained for months were cleared of all charges, this is why the courts decided those people deserved the right to have actually done something that would warrant an arrest, or evidence that would lead to the need for immediate detaining of said person. The government could not even prove that every individual in the slightest had committed a crime or conspired in a way that required their arrest, can you?

Which you failed to reply to.

I said this: No one really starts to care until the government is snatching up you or a family member of yours and holding them in containment, while experiencing mental and physical torture. The more people who are government treated unjustly, the more suites were filed against the government.

You said this: What United States citizen has been snatched up by the government and held in containment and tortured?

Where did I mention US citizens? Did I use the word US citizen ANYWHERE in my post?

I said this: We are the true bosses, we run the show—so until we hold the people we put in to power to the standards we’d like them to rule our country by we have no one to blame but ourselves, but obediently submitting to our government, denying its wrong doings and flaws, and supporting lies and corruption does absolutely nothing to solve our problems.

You said this: In other words, you'd prefer a Government for You instead of Government for the People. Because its not really about how the people want the show to be run - the people vote - and how government is currently run is the will of the people - they do not vote the politicians out of office.

I said this: How exactly do the people currently run the show? If the people currently ran the show the people in office with negative ratings above 70% would be out. The Bush Administration would have been kicked to the curb. If people ran the show the president’s impeachment would be put up to vote by the people, for wrong doings committed against the people.

You failed to reply

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by tide88
reply to post by KMFNWO

Show me in that article where is says the president is going to round up law abiding citizens and arrest them or put them in camps. I really dont see anything wrong with him having those powers. Say if there was a nuclear attack in Atlanta and because of this there were people looting, killing, raping, etc.. What is wrong with the president having the power to detain people immediatly. I would think you would have to move quick if one of those senarios took place. No time to go before congress and debate about what should be done. After all he is the elected leader. And where do you put all these people that are breaking the law. You put them in those so called REX-84 camps. Just because he has the power doesnt mean he is going to fake a nuclear attack just in order to round up innocent civilians, or place them in these camps because they disagree with his politics. You rather there wasnt a plan incase something of this nature happened. A nuclear attack could kill millions, police officers included. Who is going to keep order?

I am copying and pasting this post into my notepad to be kept for all time - you are right on the money and answered exactly what I have come to expect. Your programming is complete my friend and you will make a fine minion of the system - Bravo! my friend you said it all, "exactly" what I expected.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by gormly

How do you explain the shadow government that is resideing right now in mount weather or the illuminati that make up this shadow government how about the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, and the 7 other families that control the world through money and the banking system. the federal reserve system with its worthless notes or the assassination of Lincoln, Kennedy, Harding and the attempt on Reagen

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Nonchalant

I would be proud too be the first to be killed for defending what is right and what should be right for all americans here,get rid of todays gov. and get back to the basic's what made this country great to begin with.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by KMFNWO

If you live your whole life and these things you claim are going to happen never happen would you think you lived you life in fear for no reason. Would you look back and ask yourself, why did I waste all those years believing the government was out to get me when in actuality they weren't. You want to copy and paste what I said. Good. Maybe you can read it again when you get real old and are on your death bed and say to yourself "god I wish I would of listened to these words back then." Of course then again, maybe you are right. If you are, according to you and most of the people on this site, i will know a lot sooner if you are right then you will if I am. Of course then again when do you give up on your theories. Do they actually last 20+ years. Are you going to live your whole life thinking the government is out to get you. THat they are out to create a NWO. Or do eventually you start to question you own beliefs? Maybe after dec 21,2012?

[edit on 15-7-2008 by tide88]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by LordBaskettIV
C'mon guys America "is too big to fail". LOL!

Also reminds me about the whole "The Titanic is unsinkable, it's too big".

Most people you say are wrong or doom sayers were 100% right about whats going down right now. 7 years ago, people predicted the economic collapse due to the housing market. 7 years ago people said "buy gold, it's going to skyrocket", yet again the price of gold has doubled from 400$ to over 900$...

That is hardly a prediction that was made on this site. The news, papers, and economists all predicted that the Housing Market couldnt sustain its growth and would have a neg effect on the economy. They also have been saying for years that gold would be a strong investment considering the weak state of the dollar and our national deficit. Unfortunatly I dont think they were factoring in gas prices or the cost of oil, or how deeply it would effect mortagages, credit, etc. It really is a perfect storm for financial disaster. Although I think we will pull out and learn a very valuable lesson from all of this. In the end it will make America's economy stronger then ever. That is, if we can learn from our past mistakes.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 05:03 PM
A total overthrow of the government is absolutely possible if enough people want to. And say we had 2 million people rioting all at once stocking up in heavy arms and piles of ammunition.


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