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Violent encounter with an alien being

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posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:05 AM


posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by iiinvision

I clicked on the pics but it took me to an ERROR page - do you have some vid links for us? could you let us know where to go to watch? thanks so much

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:08 AM
Yeah i would love to watch the video too - am well intrigued now.

Any other links to it maybe ? thanks for the the effort, appreciated.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:08 AM
Yeah i would love to watch the video too - am well intrigued now.

Any other links to it maybe ? thanks for the the effort, appreciated.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by Stockburn

Well, John Lear was removed and Sleeper took an indefinate break.
(If that's no longer true, sorry, haven't been on ats in awhile).

But those trolls are not hateful like you are. Just chill out.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by realshanti

if the last vid I posted didn't work, than just type in 2012 enigma by david wilcock into youtube or google video...

I just hope you find the full versions...

project camelot in general is revealing some fascinating stuff...

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:17 AM
I read your detailing of the events you experienced, and it was very interesting. Whether or not this really transpired I'm unsure of, but I do believe you think you believe what you are explaining. I'd like to make a recommendation to purchase some sort of watch/attack dog, I'd like to be alerted oft his creature's presence before it could get near me or my family.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:17 AM

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

some have the technology to paralyze you and erase your memory? im guessing that if the fish being disappeared and reappeared or whatever.. that it would probably have some ability to control you if it was hostile.... I think it just had NO intention of hurting him.. because if Fishman really did (and he can disspear and shock ppl) then I doubt very much if Dan or his family woulda heard anything....... it was curious it sounds like.. but if it wanted to kill or hurt them fishman probably woulda fought back lol

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:24 AM
Dan, why didn't you seek medical attention for your wounds?

Although they look minor in the pictures, a physician may have been able to determine what caused them.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
reply to post by Stockburn

Well, John Lear was removed and Sleeper took an indefinate break.
(If that's no longer true, sorry, haven't been on ats in awhile).

But those trolls are not hateful like you are. Just chill out.

Chill Out? Perhaps something along the line of "If you don't believe all the spew from ATS, then well you need to chill, because I believe it all and I know all". It's not hateful, its rational thinking. Burden of proof is on well, err, umm, the OP, and well, darn it, I don't see ANY proof. I see BS, I call BS.

Sleeper is an old following (hell he's writing a new BOOK probably!), the new one will most likely be Dan Tanna. LOL. Lear, well I believe he even gave up on his own lies and he was canned buy Upper mgmt. I mean well, you can only take it so far, lies that is.

Tell me again how I am hateful? I never thought to liken the words hateful and truth. Let me state it this way? A fish being tried to do "something" to a man and his wife in bed, while their child was between them in an infant holding. Man gets upper hand, uses a very cool knife (newly bought), Fish Being transports back to Fish Planet after being stabbed a "many time" but yet there are ZERO pics of the struggle in the house, or even blood. Riiight. Mr. "Razor" sure is fine isn't it? Damn galactic cleaners! Hell, I think they might have trade marked the cleaning from Pulp fiction.

You live in your fantasy, I will continue to close in on that with reality.

[edit on 7/7/2008 by Stockburn]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Stockburn

but yet there are ZERO pics of the struggle in the house, or even blood.

Zero pics of the struggle... rofl, what, you expect my wife to pop a camera and youtube it for the masses ?

Blood. You read what i posted ? Did you ? and as for you calling BS on my ability to BOB and use my kit... dude you got slapped down once for that big mouth of yours.

Actually, when you got 5000 spare points come into RATS.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:00 AM

I am fairly new to ATS. But I wanted to put forth some things in regard to your experience.

I had a rather bizarre occurence when I was very young, not an alien encounter, but an experience that allowed me to believe that not everything in this world can be accounted for by normal explanation. Believing that, I have learned not to discount others when they tell of an extraordiary experience. Sure there are crazies out there but weird sh-t happens to normal people too.

And knowing this-

I came to become friends with a woman who was abducted by aliens from her bedroom in the early 1970's. This was before ET was a movie and aliens were selling cars and candy bars on television. After being put in contact with APRO which is now MUFON here in the states and many years of participating in group therapy with other contactees and hearing many other strange tales of different sorts of alien beings... fast forward to current day.

She still doesn't know why this happened to her and continued to happen over the next 38 years. No one can give her a definitive answer of who they are, what they want, where they come from, what their agenda is.

so what is my point for you? Your reality has been stretched and you had a frightening experience that will leave you traumatized for a long time to come. They may come back, they may not. But there are no answers. You will come to some kind of conclusion that is entirely your own in your own way of processing.

No one will validate you but your wife that was there with you. People will call you crazy and accuse you of having some kind of agenda. But only you know what has happened to you and no matter how you try to prove it to others there will always be those who claim you are hoaxing.

I have supported my friend in her quest for answers for over 30years and the best explanations she has come up with have been the ones that came from within herself. And the only other explanations she considers valid are from those that have had similar experiences.

Good luck to you and your family. Keep the weapons handy just in case.

from Seattle, WA USA

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna

but yet there are ZERO pics of the struggle in the house, or even blood.

Zero pics of the struggle... rofl, what, you expect my wife to pop a camera and youtube it for the masses ?

That would be great if possible. I know it was not possible, you need to re-dream this episode and put in more knives and glory. LOL. Apparently the only practical items were expensive knives, one was broke on impact. Remind me to continue to buy Benchmade. LOL. Given the fact you have weapons around, and of course the child can't yield them, surely you could have produced some fire power? I.e., handgun? I now understand your goverment doesn't allow use for a scatter gun, I mean shotgun. LOL.

Blood. You read what i posted ? Did you ? and as for you calling BS on my ability to BOB and use my kit... dude you got slapped down once for that big mouth of yours.

I thought we were over the bob. You have an UL bob. BFD. You never refuted you can even use a bob.

Actually, when you got 5000 spare points come into RATS.

You act like points in ATS are so valuable. LMFAO. ATS points mean nothing, and I mean nothing in the real world. Points Surely you understand this being a survival expert? LMFAO! Hell, I won't even duck for cover.


posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by likepaincomefromheaven

I have been given contact details for some groups that deal with abductions and alien encounters, and yes i really do want answers, but the problem being is that one senior researcher who i have already spokent o says that this sounds like a hall of mirros with memories hidden by false memories ect.

Thank you for your kind thoughts though, daniel.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Stockburn

Bueno! You have an ultralight bob, and you proved to me at least, you are the same gent in the original pics with the same nonesense comic book story. Nothing more nothing less.

Here is your apology in BOLD: Dan Tanna has a BOB, he has yet to show me he has used any of it in a real life situation or demonstrate anything that can NOT be learned from a book. Not that it matters. So off topic here.

some one pour me another pint!

"demonstrate anything that can NOT be learned from a book".

Nuclear physics, medicine, warfare, engineering, law all elarn from books. The only people who learn survival from non-teaching methods that combine class and field are natives of old. They had trial and error, we have education. Guess education bothers you, so... go back to your pint.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Dan Tanna]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:15 AM
Hi Dan, I've read all your posts with great interest, as I have had similar, though not as intense experiences myself. What I am going to add in no way is meant to suggest your experience did not happen - I know quite well this kind of thing happens the way you said.

I wanted to point out that several aspects of your experience have also been showcased in Derren Brown's shows on TV. I'm not suggesting you registered for his programme
- just I think it's interesting.

1) He did a show where a guy was made to sleep, then real things happened in his environment but he thought he was still sleeping, and when he woke, he thought it was a dream, except there was physical evidence that things had really occured (I know, this is common in the type of experience you had in any case)

2) In one show, a woman was given a Rubik cube to be involved with to distract her from what was gong on in the room around her - and whilst she was using it huge things were going on but she did not notice - rather like your wife was fascinated with the cube

3) Another guy was made to witness the sun going out, literally. He was hypnotised and awoken after sunset, with his watch altered. You said you went into the woods and saw the sun turn off.

I have no idea if there are other correlations with his shows, in case I missed some.

That aside, I have also this to say:

These beings feed on emotional energy called "loosh". You can Google it if you do not know about it.

The woods you entered are home of the last largest battle on British soil - lots of lovely loosh there for them, or there would have been at one time.
As someone who is easily angered, or that they could perceive could be induced to rage, they could have identified you as a harvestable source.
This means they were deliberately inciting you to rage by entering your home. Like you say, it was as if a switch was turned on and you were 100% rage - I'm not sure that is exactly what you said, but going back through 40-odd pages would take too long.

The way to deal with astral entities is to learn how to destroy them in the astral without emotion (which feeds them), or to send them unconditional love - this is like poison to them. They are fed by intense emotion, so although the fish person may look like its eye is out etc - it's just an illusion. And yes, you still could physically act out with this astral being just as if he was really there, hence burns, scratches etc. I'm not sure how this works completely, and the more information I get I keep expanding my knowledge, so of course, nothing I have said is carved in stone or my firm and final opinion - just info which I hope will give insight because I have many unanswered questions of my own experiences too.

These beings also use our own memory banks and weaknesses to exploit us and get the result they want. I don't think the being was suprised at your reaction - it was exactly what it needed, your emotional rage, as that is what they feed on.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:24 AM
This happens all the time, give him a breaks all those that think he's making this up, ask yourself what would he gain from it apart from a few more points, either you believe or you dont, simple as that, you dont need to keep S####### on him.
and if you read the intire post instead of skipping it, he wouldn't have to keep answering the same questions over and over.
take the time, is well worth it.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

ya dude I dont blame you at all.. it seems that regardless of who says what theres always people that are gonna bash em.... keep clickin away at the ignore button man!

anyways.. again respect given for your violent response to the intruder! I hope all is well.. just do what you need to.. its all ya CAN do!


posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 03:39 AM
Hi Dan,

First off....thanks for posting this here for those of us who can't access RATS yet. Please ignore the trolls so that the rest of us can hear what you have to say about this very odd encounter.

Now. I know that you have the impression that this "being" may have been of extraterrestrial origin,but for some reason when I read your opening post,and started googling Inverness and the surrounding area,my thoughts on the whole thing went down a slightly different path.

The Occult.

I think a few other posters have hit on this as well,so sorry if I'm repeating anything that's already been discussed.

Okay.I started Googling around and one of the first things I found was this.

Boleskine House (boll-ESS-kin) was the estate of Aleister Crowley from 1899 to 1913. It is located on the South-Eastern shore of Loch Ness in Scotland. It was built in the late 18th century by Archibald Fraser.

So then it started to occur to me that this could be some sort of occult deal rather than an alien entity.

What if you stumbled upon a ritual/meeting of some sort in those woods? Your recollection of the "Woods Incident" provided by your wife says that you felt as if you were being watched or followed.

Perhaps they were unhappy that someone interrupted their ritual,and decided to do some sort of bad mojo on you.

I believe Crowley was known for using Lovecraftian archetypes such as Dagon in his rituals.

Dagon the fish-god.

Now,the Boleskine House being close by could indicate the presence of some Crowley followers who,like Crowley,are using the Lovecraftian archetypes.Possibly summoning them...

I know this is actually more unbelievable than the whole ET/Alien angle,but I thought that maybe it was a fresh perspective to approach this mystery from.

Anyway,thanks again for sharing,and all the best to you and your family.


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