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Where to run when the NWO hits the fan?

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posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 01:42 PM
Hello fellow thinkers!

I am sorry if I am posting in the wrong place or in the wrong fashion. I find this forum´s format confusing compared to other forums and am still finding my feet.

I have been concerned about the the direction the NWO is taking us. There is obviously no such thing as a fair election anymore, and the needs of the general populace are no longer important to the powers that be.

FEMA is revamping disused military bases and trainyards to be used as federal detantion centers (read: concentration camps) - inclucing gas chambers according to some.
Some american families have already been duped into having RFID chips implanted into their children (and even paying to do so). Soon they will become a compulsory implant, which I will refuse to ANY length.

Nations of the World are ´uniting´ (EU, UAE, United South America etc etc) - giving MORE power to LESS people, which to me is another big worry.

IF all this is true, and IF the world is going to hell in a handbasket...

WHERE can I go?

Is there anywhere in the world where the NWO can´t reach us? Or anywhere the NWO has no interest in?

[edit on 6/29/2008 by Spiderj]

[edit on 6/29/2008 by Spiderj]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Try somewhere like North Yorkshire, completely quiet nothing ever changes. I walked into a pub to get a drink and I couldn't understand what the regulars were saying because of their accents and the scenery is great

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:33 PM
maybe try standing your ground instead of running. i mean, when ppl run, isn't it bc they are letting fear control them? too many ppl looking to run and not enough willing to stand up.

i am all for preparing by stockpiling and such, but do you really think that if the NWO is in control, there will be many safe havens with which to hide?

running and hiding keeps you in that "fear" mode. if they still find you, you will be caught in "fear" mode and by then, standing up to this will be useless and much more ineffective.

courage, yo!! we need more of this!

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by BBTBE

Yeah.....thanks I guess.
As I am sure you know already, Europe is PART of the NWA.
Any serious responses please?

Good tea in yorkshire, though.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:39 PM
this is a serious response as to how your neighborhood will react. &sitesearch=

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by justamomma

In principle I totally agree... But everyone I talk to about the NWA thinks I´m a looney conspiracy theorist. They are all blind to the facts and do not want to be told.

I cannot stand and fight, or stand my ground alone. What I hope to find is a place where like minded people can go - so we can maybe take a stand together.... or at least live peacefully and inconspicuously enough to be left alone.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Swingarm

Thanks, watching now.
Sorry, but how is this relevant to my question?
It has to do with the NWA but nothing to do with public reaction. It is about government corruption in the form of false economies and the governmental control of the illegal drug market.

[edit on 29-6-2008 by Psychopump]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Psychopump

it can be scary to FEEL like you are standing alone, but better to stand alone than to be caught running w/ tail between your legs. when # hits the fan, ya hit back!!

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Nice words, but how?
Stand up and fight alone, get transported to a concentration camp (oops, I mean State corrctional facility, or is it a dissident reprogramming/elimination camp?).
Not my personal preference.

Ever read about WW2?

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Psychopump
reply to post by justamomma

Nice words, but how?
Stand up and fight alone, get transported to a concentration camp (oops, I mean State corrctional facility, or is it a dissident reprogramming/elimination camp?).
Not my personal preference.

Ever read about WW2?

ppl have endured many horrendous things all throughout the history of the world. who am i that i should be exempt from the honor? do i want to suffer the things that they can subject me to? do you think ppl, right now, that are being abused, tortured, and subjected to things we can't imagine sitting in our comfy homes want to be going through this? hell no w/ a infinity exclamation points. but they are and i share, as a human, as much responsibility for this and deserve no better just because i am used to having better.

do you really think that you will be allowed to live in a peaceful community untouched by the NWO? i highly doubt it.

the way i see it, i am going to die anyway one day. i will not submit my liberty to those who are apathetic to my value as a human being? they will have to take my life before doing that. courage comes from not NOT being afraid, but rather in standing your ground through the fear.

don't believe the lies that you will be safe and untouched when it all goes down. when it goes down and you are faced w/ the choice of bowing down to them, just don't do it. that is how you stand your ground. running and hiding is only giving room for the fear to grow and prolonging the choice you will inevitably have to make.

liberty comes from w/in and they can only take that away by taking my life. might as well leave the world w/ my human value intact than leave it having submitted to the fear.

[edit on 29-6-2008 by justamomma]

[edit on 29-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Strong words.
I wish I shared your conviction. I guess I´m a coward.

However, you refer to the poeple in pain right now all over the World. Do you think for 1 second that they would be in that situation now if they saw it coming in advance? Or would they too try to evade the danger?

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Psychopump

of course anyone would avoid it if they could. but look around you. it is becoming more unavoidable than most choose to acknowledge.

if i thought there was a place to go that would offer relief, no doubt i would go for my children's sake. but eventually, you will be found. don't let anyone, even yourself fool in that regard.

this idea that you will outrun it or be left alone if you are under the radar is as much an ignorant view as believing that everything is okay in the world.

do you not think they want you to have this "run and hide" mentality? they allow for it. i honestly believe that is why sites like this are allowed to exist. the information that ppl put up and the theories that are ALLOWED to circulate do what they intend for them to do..... feed into ppl's fear, and when ppl are fearful, they are more likely easily controlled by their own submission.

i don't see me standing up to them as doing anything greater than offering courage to others and allowing me the decency of at least exercising my right as a human being to say NO!, but that IS enough for me.

if i should, god forbid, ever be submitted to having my toes cut off one by one while having acid thrown on areas of my body or anything else that can and will probably do, they still CAN'T make me submit to their control. if more ppl knew and understood this fact, than the NWO system couldn't even brought about. they bank on ppl not knowing this though. they bank on ppl submitting to the fear. they bank on ppl not realizing that the control of your life IS ALWAYS in your hands.

once we do realize the power of our "NO, i will not submit", they have already lost their power over us!

edited to add: i choose not to call you a coward. you are a human who hasn't realized the potential of what's inside of you yet!

[edit on 29-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 05:51 PM
I'm not 100% sure how far the NWO will take us. The most I think will happen is take away all our rights and us not being able to do anything. I agree with JustAMomma, start stockpiling with food and stuff. And don't get any electronic chips inserted inside you.
I saw something on this show about how in the future the government will have certain chips put inside you that allow you to do things. If you don't have the chips you aren't allowed to have a job or go to stores, important things like that. But the thing is, with the chip the government knows exactly where you are at all times.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 06:08 PM
Obviously, you want to be at least 20 miles away from wherever the NWO decides to fling itself when it hits the fan.

The key is to run from, as after all, the place where you're running to may very well be comprimised.

As such, a reasonable supply of food and medicine is more or less essential to your success.

A knowledge of local herbs (drugs) may prove to be beneficial.

But it's true what they say - you can't run forever.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Psychopump
The chips are designed to keep track of movement. Scientists have already designed some chips that could be put in dental fillings. I hope someone develops technology which can destroy these chips or their ability to produce a signal. People in the government and research firms will not give those they want to study the opportunity to refuse the chips.

As for places to move to if you really want to be safe from the New World Order you should move to Saudi Arabia. Americans should stay in America and move to places like Oklahoma. The power of the New World order depends on its ability to bribe and black mail people in power. They are constantly shifting resources the minute they loosen their grip on power in one area it usually reverts back to indepedence. The minute they gain power in one area they loose it in another area. People will need to become nomadic and nonconspicuous in order to side step the agenda of the New World order. You should collect very little in the way of material objects think Zen.

[edit on 29-6-2008 by eradown]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by eradown
reply to post by Psychopump
The power of the New World order depends on its ability to bribe and black mail people in power. They are constantly shifting resources the minute they loosen their grip on power in one area it usually reverts back to indepedence. The minute they gain power in one area they loose it in another area.

[edit on 29-6-2008 by eradown]

this is a very interesting view on it. had never really thought about it from this perspective. i will still be one of the ones saying "you will have to pry my liberty from cold dead hands" (simply bc i am THAT stubborn and refuse to go from where i am), but i like this view point and think there is truth in it.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 05:50 AM
You don't run, you stand on your chosen ground, who knows it better than you do? and FIGHT! I believe one strong person will inspire many others, be the army of one and build it.

You cultivate a cold killing malice versus those who would hurt you and yours and channel it into physical fitness and tactical training.

What is fear? Fear is a signal that you are unprepared.

Get prepared - Find some cunning and strong teammates, train and equip yourselves.

The tactics and tools are avaliable, find em, learn em, stop whining and worrying and be a real world warrior, not a keyboard one.

Will this forum allow tactical discussions, real nuts and bolts stuff?

IMO, the first tactical situation one should prep for is detention at automotive checkpoints and cop stops while rolling, that's how they will work the pickup lists, not home invasions for all but the most wanted, that's too time consuming and risky for them initially, but that will come.

Don't expect a public announcement of martial law, the net and cell phone service will go down in the wee hours while the troops set up their perimeters, etc.

You don't fight teams, you target individuals and infrastructure.

I could go on, but it's probably not allowed?

Think and prep specifics, the time for generalities has passed.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
You don't run, you stand on your chosen ground, who knows it better than you do? and FIGHT! I believe one strong person will inspire many others, be the army of one and build it.

You really think that standing your ground when the NWO is at it's most powerful will be a good idea?

It's like trying to stand up in a hurricane.

You're better off waiting for the calm in the eye of the storm.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Swingarm
this is a serious response as to how your neighborhood will react. &sitesearch=

I reckon he does the voice for Stephen Hawkin...

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:23 AM
The best place to hide is out in the open.

Play by their rules just enough to get by without drawing attention to yourself. Help those you can where and when you can. Look for like minded individuals, but ones smart enough to know when to act, and with enough sense to act in a way that will get results.

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