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BREAKING: Prophet Yahweh TRIES TO TWIST Challenge to Summon UFOs For ATS and FAILS

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posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Springer
All I can say is...

If Ramon Watkins thinks I know nothing about business, I am GLAD I am a businessman and not a "profit".

If Ramon Watkins thinks I am "like a child" in my dealings with our company, then I am GLAD to be childish!

MrDstrbr You did well here today, unintentionally or not, you did well mate!

As has been said, "Profit Yaweh" is either DELUSIONAL or a CHARLATAN and a CON MAN HOAXER looking to make a free buck off the unsuspecting, well meaning and gullible in society with his FALSE, HOAXED UFO "summoning". You can quote me ANYWHERE with that!


Good for you guys, that's what seperates the wolf from the sheep, he was playing sheepish with some wolflike tendencies.

A prophet comes for the children whether he is accepted or casted aside.

In this case throw him to the wolves, aroooooooooooo.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:38 PM
I defended him because I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But more and more it seems like he wants to make a quick buck. If I was truly a prophet, I would know that money would come naturally.

It seems to me, like Springer said, that he is trying to make a quick buck by exploiting his ability.

Like another prophet once said, "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's"

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Springer
All I can say is...

If Ramon Watkins thinks I know nothing about business, I am GLAD I am a businessman and not a "profit".

If Ramon Watkins thinks I am "like a child" in my dealings with our company, then I am GLAD to be childish!

MrDstrbr You did well here today, unintentionally or not, you did well mate!

As has been said, "Profit Yaweh" is either DELUSIONAL or a CHARLATAN and a CON MAN HOAXER looking to make a free buck off the unsuspecting, well meaning and gullible in society with his FALSE, HOAXED UFO "summoning". You can quote me ANYWHERE with that!


Maybe its just me.. I don't mind.. all this really proves is an individual has a belief system thats different then you and others.. even with me.

This does not however disprove what he "may be" able to do which is call an "object".

Either way... we don't need to prove a thing.. where he does if he wishes to back his claim.

Onward and upwards to find that prevertable fountain of "truth".

[edit on 17-6-2008 by Willbert]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:55 PM
First of all, and I can't emphasize this enough:
No one is to stone anyone even if the do say "Yahweh"

Having said that, I also find it strange that he calls UFOs UFOs. Surely their identity is not hidden to him.

But I have a much bigger problem. Any poor soul who has been reading my posts on this "special" man, is by now aware that I have developed an unhealthy infatuation for his magnificent hat. And now, as he slips way from ATS and towards what is bound to be the hilarious denouement of his personal journey into the abyss, I fear I may never get to the hat. I guess what I'm saying is that I want that hat.
Maybe one day....

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Springer

Thanks Springer, seems that was all that was needed. He folded pretty quick.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr

Sorry for the enormous waste of time and energy everybody....

I have to back the others up here..

I thank you greatly for contacting him.

This is another perfect outlet to get the word out to MANY more people who are still in the learning process as well.
Without your genuine curiosity and tenacity to discover the truth, how many
more people would have sent him money?

From here on out, he will be know to me as



[ hoax closed ]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:14 PM
In my opinion, the standards and terms set forth by Springer are the only realistic means of conclusively proving or disproving Mr. Watkins' claims. Springer's terms indicate to me that he is willing to attempt to conclusively prove or disprove this. Mr. Watkins, it would appear, may want to do that as well but also clearly wishes to prosper from that endeavor, and in so doing is rejecting Springer's terms.

The terms set by Springer, in my opinion, are neither unfair nor unwarranted, as I can't think of any other means of proving or disproving the claims.

Unfortunately, this still does not prove that Mr. Watkins is a hoaxer or a charlatan. It may be considered evidence that he is (and I am inclined to see it as such), but not proof that he is. I'm a skeptic. As a skeptic, I have to have proof before I will accept something as being factual or definitively real. Evidence and proof are not the same thing.

The problem, which ends up being a paradox, is that the only way to prove he's a fraud is for him to agree to Springer's terms... and he won't agree to them if he indeed is a fraud.

Thus I can't see what more can be done.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:16 PM
As an anonymous reader... it does seem like the ATS mods are scared of being proved wrong.

Someone offers you the chance to see UFO's on demand and you dismiss it?

I mean, you either get your proof that he's a hoax or you get proof of UFO's. Your going to pass this up because your worried he might make you look like idiots.

They say the burden of proof lies with the believer... he's willing to offer proof and yet you still deny it. Not only have you unconvincingly tried to debunk him through character profiling you also banned him? I guess anyone who doesnt consent to the mods views gets labelled hoaxers immediately. Luckily there are plenty of other sites that DO allow free thinking.

Such a shame what happened to this site.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

Thats just it, if the guy was legit, why would the conditions bother him at all. In fact if he met the simple conditions (and lets face it, they were pretty simple) and was able to perform as advertised, he would be basically bulletproof as ATS, thanks to its crack members, has garned quite a reputation for vetting such claims. He could pretty much write his own ticket at that point. There would be NO doubt. But then again he would have to have been the real deal and not some poser to carry it off.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:23 PM
Why does he call himself a prophet?? Even if all he can do is summon UFO's, so what?? What does that do?? that would waste the UFO's time and his.

Summon UFO's then what? walk away? That sounds like a BIG waste of time for both sides. haha.

Now let's look at this from a logical point of view. First I have no idea what he think's the UFO's are? But let's say YOU are in that UFO, would you waste your time to hang around in the sky and simply float there at his command? lol

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:25 PM
This was one long thread to read just now but interesting.

Where I believe the profit went wrong was when he wanted to profit.

As many times as I have written about these beings I don't believe he has ever had contact or one on one talks with them. He is so wrong when he speaks of monies you can't even imagine. You see money and time has no meaning to these beings.

Even with beings that are bad monies and times still has no meaning. When he wrote about his Gods and the taking of money was acceptable then I know he knows nothing of the life that is out there let alone the being(s) we call Gods.

I give Springer a high five for going over and beyond the call of duty for we the proud members at ATS.

Bravo Springer.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Can prophet Yeehaw see this? Yahweh, sorry.

I'd like you to , within the next 3 nights at midnight, have a UFO summoned to Marstons Mills,Cape Cod, zip code 02648. I want to try this experiment with you.
I will look outside at the stroke of 12 midnight for three nights.

I have never seen UFo's, had any close encounters, and dont want to either. I just want a Ufo to hang around this small town for a bit.
Will you do it?

If you make it happen, i assure you, everyone will beleive you, and you will receive press coverage- if not national, at least locally.

Will you do it?

Thank you.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

Not much of a challenge dptempe, i'm willing to bet the man is buying helium and large balloons as we speak, erm i mean err meditating to get in contact with the all powerful alien presence.

I swear are these aliens like pets? They come when you call them afterall.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:50 PM
I've been very interested in watching this thread play out. Although I can't say I'm a Ramon Watkins fan, at one point I was hoping he would accept. Still I wasn't disappointed when the possibilities broke down over the issue of negotiations.

Very interesting and entertaining thread!

BTW, dg, would you like that UFO with or without the ATS logo?

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:55 PM

I am glad you took the initiative it always pays off, better to know then not too know.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

Don't worry about wasted time, nobody forced me to read all pages of this thread, and I consider that time well spent!

Even if only one person learnt something from this thread it would be enough for me to consider this thread a succes, but as I think many people learnt something I am sure this thread was a succes, not measured in ATS points but in experience in life and human behaviour.

Great work!

A special star for you!


reply to post by argentus

A star for you too, not only because of your post but for your spelling of "cojones".

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:08 PM
Before I go through all 18 pages.. can someone please answer my short question?

Does this tread thoroughly debunk prophet yahweh?

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by hikix
Before I go through all 18 pages.. can someone please answer my short question?

Does this tread thoroughly debunk prophet yahweh?

Basically from what I think is being said, in a simple way. He wants to do things his way, and he wants money. Take that how you want.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by FredT

Good point FredT. ATS has become a trusted resource for many people, the fact it's sometimes now mentioned in mainstream press shows that. If he did this with all the conditions Springer put fourth, he'd probably make a fortune.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by hikix
Before I go through all 18 pages.. can someone please answer my short question?

Does this tread thoroughly debunk prophet yahweh?

Short answer: Yes with a "but" No with an "if"
It seems that most people who were on the fence would say yes, including the OP.
There are still some who are unsure, frustrated, at the lack of closure.
It's a good read though. I was great.

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