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How to Contact the Greys

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posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 07:57 PM
I just want to tell you guys why I'm so picky. First off, drugs are always X'ed off my list, as it's too easy to explain away paranormal events. I mean, doesn't everyone see "outta-this-world' stuff when their tripped out? Also, the reason I ask for physical contact is for the same reason. Your mind could possibly make up crap if your desperate enough, and I want to be as sure as possible that it wasn't just a dream.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Varrin7
reply to post by prevenge

wow, well if you think that im trying to get some interplanetary hookers or something, you've got another thing coming. You people honestly joke about stuff like this? do you not fully grasp the concept? Here, let me try and explain.

I am completely With you on this I have tried my own methods with no success.

I agree with him, can you imagine the possibilities with their direct help we could not only advance our technology but many other things. Even if the Government is hiding them from us. If we have the proof we can cause Global Disclosure and really completely jump into the Space Age. If they are here to hurt us they would have done it by now. If they are planning still, then with Global Knowledge we could possibly protect ourselves by at least 10%
Don't you all understand that there is So much more than the world on our hands for this. There's this Universe and possibly Others if they exist.

Sir, i thank for restoring my hope.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 08:09 PM
did you try [email protected]?

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by son of PC
reply to post by Sickscent
" It changes your life and once experienced you cannot 'un-experience' it."
My experience with the poltergeist, was forgetable. My vivid, lucid dream, with a grey after trying to remote view mars was frightening, but not life changing. Anywhoo, the bots helped with this stuff. Meditating too much makes my head hurt.

I am able to lucid dream quite easily, that is one of the techniques. I have had experiences with 'poltergeist' and those can be forgettable.

Remote viewing, OBE's, Lucid Dreaming, etc take place in an altered state of consciosness. And once bringing those experiences (memories) back to 'real' life take on a different aspect. When an experience happens in 'real' life with another intelligent being, it changes your life. It might be from the interaction between yourself and the being in a 3rd dimensional way (chemical body response and things of that nature).

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Sickscent

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your interest. Your intuitive nature must be telling you that I am for real. But, perhaps a few tacos short of a combination plate. Not to name drop about some of my readers, but do listen to late night radio, the quality is superb.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 10:39 PM
that is the thing guys, you can never un-experience life. Our Destiny Is written and Carried Out. Everything happens for a reason.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:36 PM
about 5 years ago me and three friends were sitting outside on a clear florida night with the moon pointing upwards like a bat wheel
we were enjoying a nice buz from the psylo shrooms we just freshly picked .it started kickin in to the point of just solitude and being there.One of my friends said "wow look at the moon" and my other friend said to keep lookin ,and as i looked in to the shining part of the moon 4 allien heads just manifested there in the light sort of luminescent and just kind of starring down at us ,maybe stirringly-like.So i wasnt like wow look at that,becouse everybody else was,so i didnt wana jump in .No one spoke a word of it ,we continued inside the house,i dont know if my friends saw it-i asked one latter and it didnt bring up any memories for him.i didnt think of seeing them there ever before,dunno it was like wow man.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by nocty
about 5 years ago me and three friends were sitting outside on a clear florida night with the moon pointing upwards like a bat wheel
we were enjoying a nice buz from the psylo shrooms we just freshly picked .it started kickin in to the point of just solitude and being there.One of my friends said "wow look at the moon" and my other friend said to keep lookin ,and as i looked in to the shining part of the moon 4 allien heads just manifested there in the light sort of luminescent and just kind of starring down at us ,maybe stirringly-like.So i wasnt like wow look at that,becouse everybody else was,so i didnt wana jump in .No one spoke a word of it ,we continued inside the house,i dont know if my friends saw it-i asked one latter and it didnt bring up any memories for him.i didnt think of seeing them there ever before,dunno it was like wow man.

This is so true. Those psychodellic shrooms always do the trick. I remember a few yrs. back, my buds and i were on them. When entities disguise as clowns started chasing them down the street. It was hillarious. One guy was even talking to a cerial box.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:57 PM
it gave me the chills to be honest with u

they don't have a good brand in smokig atire do they ?

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by nocty
becouse everybody else was quiet,so i didnt wana jump in .

forgot that part...

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:37 AM
Guys were gettin Off-Topic

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:51 AM
all im gonna say is its sad and annoying but as a very spiritual person, who enjoys meditating , tai chi and other types of energy creating and moving activities, the whole ufo study thing is making me not want to try to astral project anymore. or meditate. because everytime i do them scary greys come into my thoughts and freak me out . sigh. i wish i was more objective but it seems i am easily influenced by the books i read. as someone who wants to have a clear head in meditation this whole fear of the unknown doesnt help much. so i cant see why anyone would want to contact them purposely..even if they are good.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 02:55 AM
I finally found a full proof way to contact the greys.

This is the info I was given by John Lear, he says it works everytime!

You need to do this alone and bring nothing with you,

You need to be at least 3 nautical miles way from all human beings in other words somewhere in the mountains away from any other human being, you must be alone.

It needs to be nightime and pitch black, you need to find the darkest place possible away from the moon where it is pitch black do not carry anything there is no need for a light. Do not use a flash light in fact do not even carry light with you or anything other than your clothes that you must remove.

Get naked in the dark and chant these words!

"I am the one and the one is in me"
"Star people, star children visit my loins"

You need to shout it as loud as you can in the pitch black night.

John lear swears it works and I have no reason not to believe him.

Happy trails!

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by chris_stibrany
all im gonna say is its sad and annoying but as a very spiritual person, who enjoys meditating , tai chi and other types of energy creating and moving activities, the whole ufo study thing is making me not want to try to astral project anymore. or meditate. because everytime i do them scary greys come into my thoughts and freak me out . sigh. i wish i was more objective but it seems i am easily influenced by the books i read. as someone who wants to have a clear head in meditation this whole fear of the unknown doesnt help much. so i cant see why anyone would want to contact them purposely..even if they are good.

That's part of the process. Gotto get over the fear. That is our handicap and it must be dealt with or you will remain at that 'dead end'.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Varrin7
Also, the reason I ask for physical contact is for the same reason. Your mind could possibly make up crap if your desperate enough, and I want to be as sure as possible that it wasn't just a dream.

Yeah, when/if you are visited, you will know beyond doubt that what has happened wasn't a dream. A person who experiences contact will tell you that it was/is 100% real. It is the ones who haven't experienced it that will say a person can make it up in their own mind.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by chris_stibrany

I'm a very Spiritual Person too. but, Nowhere ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE does it talk about life on other worlds. At least not to my knowledge

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:58 AM
You stated you were in Ohio...You know you could try living in a trailer park with your sister wife, and brother daddy, and your 7 dogs. I am not being an a#*hole, but I have noticed alot of the people around here who claim to have made contact do live in similar conditions. Just a thought...

[edit on 19-6-2008 by daddymax]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by daddymax
You stated you were in Ohio...You know you could try living in a trailer park with your sister wife, and brother daddy, and your 7 dogs. lol:

[edit on 19-6-2008 by daddymax]

har har har. may i point out that i live in NORTHERN Ohio, as in near the Cleveland area. And Oberlin is a lot more urban than you think. (and, fyi, I have 1 dog and 1cat.
) Also, there are NO trailers in Oberlin.

but to stay on topic, i guess there have been more 'government populated" areas where sighting have occured.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 05:34 PM
I'm sorry Varrin7...don't think I'm intentionally trying to dog on you...not my goal. Honestly I wish you luck...I was actually making a joke about the rednecks here in Oklahoma. I have personally never had any contact, but I as well as you, am not opposed to the possibility.

I would suggest you do take the opportunity to listen to the majority in regards to a sects of good, and not so good entitys.

Listen...if you do make contact, and find positive information...please share. I am a believer. Absolutely. I am also hesitant to believe that they are all in this for our benefit...Stay on the course you think will serve you best...Keep your guard though...

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by ET_CONTACT

All the information about universal law and free will from my previous post, was given to me by beings of light and high vibration. Earth is (although some of it has been taken away) a free-will planet. This means that very few universal rules apply. In fact, it's really only one: Everyones free will must be respected. This means that, when a being come to OUR planet, and into YOUR space, and you ask them if they are from the light or the dark, they HAVE to tell you because you WILL them to do so. Unfortunately, the majority of people are unaware of this fact and the greys take advantage of that. As for other universal laws, I have not been privy to that information because OUR universe only has this one law. The other laws dont really matter to us. If you have any other questions dont hesitate to U2U me, and thank you for keeping an open mind and inquiring about this.

Yours in the light.

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