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The REAL deal on Barak Obama

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posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by PokeyJoe
The REAL deal with Barak Obama is that he is wholly unqualified to be the President of the United States.

George W Bush was qualified...

Well he is qualified to go sit in prison until he dies... certainly.

Originally posted by PokeyJoe If he is elected, life as we know it in America shall cease to exist.

Life as we knew it in America has already ceased to exist thanks to fascism.

Originally posted by PokeyJoeHe is a socialist, borderline communist.

Really... you don't say.

Is he Chinese communist or Cambodian? my my maybe he is North Korean commie pinkoist!!!

Originally posted by PokeyJoe People think that what the country needs is an abrupt 180, and that will fix everything.....that couldnt be further from the truth.

Really.. so if you are headed for an ice berg the size of a small moon... the American way to deal with that extinction level event is FULL STEAM AHEAD??!!?

Originally posted by PokeyJoeIf Obama is elected our military will be downsized to next to nothing,

Praise Jesus ... how we long for that day to happen!

I am so sick and tired of wasting our hard earned money and world respect on the Military Industrial complex... Remember when that flamming Commie Eisenhower tried to WARN US AGAINST THE BASTARDS!!!!

Hmmmm sounds like heading those words would turn this country around really fast...

But Eisenhower obviously hates Amerikuh Incorporated...

Originally posted by PokeyJoewe will pull out of Iraq,

Good... We should of never been over there in the first place...

But then again since WW1 was started there.. and WW2 was due to how WW1 ended... It makes perfect sense in a psychotic way.. that WW3 should be started there as well..

I mean it is Tradition after all...

Originally posted by PokeyJoeand Iran will take over the Middle East.

Take over... yeah .. must war some more!

Originally posted by PokeyJoeTaxes will be pushed to French levels,

Sigh.. yeah those horrible French...

Originally posted by PokeyJoeand America will be reverted to a Marxist communist state.

...Yeah... I can see it now..

That "Goddamn" piece of paper "The Constitution" is totally a commie rag... time to completely remove it and replace it with Mao's little red book!

Originally posted by PokeyJoeObama is bad bad bad bad for America.

Well McCain is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, double plus bad for America...

So Obama is the other choice.

Hmmm Extinction... or Existance...???

Originally posted by PokeyJoeNot that I think McCain is much better, but we are all hosed if Obama happens.

I think the people who are so for him really dont know what he is about or what he really stands for. PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE! That is the REAL deal.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by SavageHenry]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by SavageHenry

Originally posted by PokeyJoeIf Obama is elected our military will be downsized to next to nothing,

Praise Jesus ... how we long for that day to happen!

I am so sick and tired of wasting our hard earned money and world respect on the Military Industrial complex... Remember when that flamming Commie Eisenhower tried to WARN US AGAINST THE BASTARDS!!!!

Hmmmm sounds like heading those words would turn this country around really fast...

But Eisenhower obviously hates Amerikuh...

Really? Downsizing the military isn't the answer. Bush Sr and Clinton did a fine job at that, and we got caught with our pants down on 9/11. Not enough troops to do the job.

And I think he wasn't saying the French were "horrible", just that they have very high taxation. Something Obama doesn't seem to mind.

He wants money for the poor, the unemployed, the old folks, the vets (well, being one, I agree with that!), and every other group out there with their hand out. Where is this manna from Heaven going to come from? Taxes. They will be raise.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by SavageHenry

Well you replied with certainly a long post, but it was a little short on substance. All you did was make little quips about everything I said, while not refuting any of it. Im not going to go thru and reply to every little line you wrote, but how about you bookmark this thread and get back to me in 3 years or so.

Go and do a little homework on your boy Obama.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 03:42 PM
this post isnt worthless
it points out the ignorance that is overly-abundant in a lot of threads on this forum.

Obama bashing with no credibililty.

If you fail to see the irony behind Intrepids post
then maybe you're one of those silly thread starters to begin with

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by PokeyJoe
reply to post by SavageHenry

Well you replied with certainly a long post, but it was a little short on substance. All you did was make little quips about everything I said, while not refuting any of it. Im not going to go thru and reply to every little line you wrote, but how about you bookmark this thread and get back to me in 3 years or so.

Go and do a little homework on your boy Obama.

It actually has substance overload... as nothing you said has any semblance to reality...

Here I am in the underbelly of Obama investigations... my homework is complete and up to date... Have you ever even cracked the pages on McCain?? or do you rely on what you've heard on tee vee and radio..?

Maybe the occasional rah rah post on Freerepublic, WND...etc

Why not try to unfurl some of that flag from around your face so you can take in some of the sights.

Take a gander at some reality and stop hunting for red meat incessantly...

No one is perfect... but some are more so then others.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 03:56 PM
LOL, thats rich....I can see the motto for Obama's campaign from now on.

"Hey, nobody's perfect"

Dude, fyi I dont like McCain either and truth be told I havent made up my mind if Im even going to vote at all.

Obama wants to turn America into a socialist state. Thats the facts. Personally, I dont want to be a socialist.....maybe thats just me though.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by PokeyJoe]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:04 PM
Hide your white women folks. Obama is coming, Obama is coming! I don't know how I will survive the next five months of banality without shooting myself.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
Hide your white women folks. Obama is coming, Obama is coming! I don't know how I will survive the next five months of banality without shooting myself.

You just have to laugh at it at times, thus this thread, which is getting WAY too serious.

This smiley helps :bnghd: : bnghd : just move the colons in.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Priceless. That gave me a good laugh...and makes a great point at the same time.

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c

How 'bout The Issues? What are They and what are the stances of Each and Every seeming Candidate ... regarding the same?

That is exactly what I tried to ask in some of those bizarre Obama threads. No need to go into the realm of paranoia to state the case that Obama may not be a good President, just attack him on his stated issues.

I'm waiting for the comparison between his proposals and goals and McCains but instead we get threads about how he may be a radical Muslim, a communist, quotes posted out of context to make him look violent, or how some member had a brainstorm and personally concluded that Obama's birth certificate is forged. That he may be a foreigner in disguise.

Junk fear-mongering threads that are light on substance and heavy in wild speculation.

It gets to the point where you just chuckle at the titles and don't even open the thread because inside are a bunch of buddies high-fiving each other over their latest ridiculous and unsubstantiated Obama attack thread. The same people always end up there.

You don't see the same thing on McCain surprisingly. This makes me wonder if a group of conservative hacks have come to ATS to work on the minds of the gullible.

I doubt feel any real passion for Obama (at least not like his supporters) and in my mind all politicians are essentially the same...but after this current President I am EXTREMELY reluctant to vote another republican into the White House.

- Lee

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
Really? Downsizing the military isn't the answer. Bush Sr and Clinton did a fine job at that, and we got caught with our pants down on 9/11. Not enough troops to do the job.

That is the biggest exaggeration I have heard yet today.

In fact if you prefer to stick to the official story on 9-11.. our outrageous spending on the Military/Intelligence/Industrial Complex is directly responsible for 9-11...

We outspend the entire world combined on military crap... and what we waste ---and if you were in the military as you say, just as I was.. then you KNOW first hand how wasteful the military is... It is almost unconceivable.

Especially if you take the "We are ALL human beings stuck on this spaceship together" mindset... as any rational and sane human would.

We are wasting our resources here... and there wont be enough to sustain us to there.

If we do not get there.. 911, taxes, hamburgers and anything else humans have ever known will cease to matter...

As we will be extinct.

Last I checked .. humans dont frak each other for government... countries or so forth... we do it for the species...

Sub systems of human development cannot supersede that.

To violate that fundamental law of nature is to render your self a criminal of the highest order.

Originally posted by jerico65
And I think he wasn't saying the French were "horrible", just that they have very high taxation.

The French are not perfect.. nothing is..

However the French have a way higher standard of living then we do. They work less, produce more, live longer lives and don't have to whistle past the graveyard or hospital because they know they cannot afford the down time.... They also all get vacation time that is only reserved for the elite in this country

They have trains that do 600mph, and their internal infrastructure is going to withstand the coming energy crisis far better then ours is going to..

Does that sting a little???

Good ... because it should.. It is fatally embarrassing to look at the condition were in...while the super storm draws closer over the horizon.

Them having high taxes is like a SAVINGS account for their Society... They are investing in their future... While we buy worthless plastic Sheeit from China...

I don't know about you .. but I would rather my taxes go towards making sure your mother does not have to worry about paying the hospital bill... or that no kid in this country would go hungry... teaching and educating the world, rather then bombing and subjugating other nations...for geopolitical and economic factors.

Our government and our country needs massive reforms, we cannot allow the archaic pillars of power drag us all down because they are not going to let go.

Originally posted by jerico65 Something Obama doesn't seem to mind.

Actually Working class people are going to be taxed at least $1,200 less under Obama then Mccain.

Only those that make more money in a year then you and your family could in a life time will feel a pinch..

But it certainly wont be anything that they would miss anyway.

You want me to cry and call foul because Warren Buffet is going to pay $750,000 more under Obama rather then getting another $250,000 under McCain...

My foot!

Originally posted by jerico65
He wants money for the poor, the unemployed, the old folks, the vets (well, being one, I agree with that!), and every other group out there with their hand out. Where is this manna from Heaven going to come from? Taxes. They will be raise.

You know we have too.. better giving people a chance to live a productive life rather then being forced to lock them into prisons because they have to steal to sustain themselves.

I would rather pay for our used and abused up Veterans then allow the disgrace of ignoring them because our lives are "just fine!" like we did to the Vietnam vets.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by PokeyJoe

LOL, thats rich....I can see the motto for Obama's campaign from now on.

"Hey, nobody's perfect"

If he does... You know the McCain will follow suit with the similar

"Hey, when did I say I was perfect"

As he tries to keep the skeletons from flying out of his closet.

Originally posted by PokeyJoeDude, fyi I dont like McCain either

Good.. I don't either.. I used to like most Americans back in the day... but when he bent over and lubed up for Bush to rape him in 2000...then hugged him for it... thats when I started losing respect for him...

Then I heard him calling asians "GOOKS"... and I said "hmmm thats kinda crass.. but they did abuse him and stuff..."

Then I heard from his fellow POW how he ratted on them and lived in way more comfort then they did because he did .. and I said.. "Wow really???"

Then I saw what he did to his first Wife who prayed and waited for him every day, who got into an accident and lost her looks, so he cheats on her and dumps her... in a move that ROSS H PEROT made him call McCain "A pure Opportunist of the highest order"... and I said "Wow thats pretty scummy"

Then I did some reading into the Keating 5.. and I realized what kind of criminal he is...

The same kind that flip flops 10 times in one week..

Yeah...and that stuff is all true.

True and Undeniable FACTS...

Which is why the SLIME is being poured so thickly on Obama... It is a distraction.

Its just fabricated Slime... and you know this in your heart..

Originally posted by PokeyJoe
and truth be told I havent made up my mind if Im even going to vote at all.

Obama wants to turn America into a socialist state. Thats the facts. Personally, I dont want to be a socialist.....maybe thats just me though.

He does not want to turn this country into a socialist state...

The big problem is that we are a fascist one.. so any move away from that diseased state of mind looks like a radical step..

But its just the Constitution.

I hope you open your eyes to all sources of information....

[edit on 16-6-2008 by SavageHenry]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by intrepid

I thought of something else! He's DAMN good-looking! C'mon! You may not see it, but trust me, he's a cutie!

And who else is that good looking?

I think I've seen enough!

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

...I cannot resist ...

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by SavageHenry

...I cannot resist ...

OK, posting that pic ought to get you banned!!

[edit on 17-6-2008 by jerico65]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by SavageHenry
That is the biggest exaggeration I have heard yet today.

In fact if you prefer to stick to the official story on 9-11.. our outrageous spending on the Military/Intelligence/Industrial Complex is directly responsible for 9-11...

We outspend the entire world combined on military crap... and what we waste ---and if you were in the military as you say, just as I was.. then you KNOW first hand how wasteful the military is... It is almost unconceivable.

You're joking. The US brought 9/11 onto ourselves due to military spending???

The military wastes alot, and I know the US Government wastes more than that. If you want to save money, don't raise taxes but control the waste that goes on.

The French, and Europe for that matter, has great public transportation. Some of it would work in the US, some places I don't think it's a good idea.

And I never thought of high taxes as a "savings account". Why take away my money and put it into the state? I'd like to keep and save it for myself. That way, I can use it to buy a house, and the state doesn't have it to build another stupid sports arena that they think they need.

When Obama taxes the corporation, don't you think that will be passed onto the consumer?

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