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1111 a warning from God!

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posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:19 AM
you should change the thread title to.....

-11:11, a warning that is 11 minutes past 11-

[edit on 9-6-2008 by CzErased]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by meanmug
Those who seek the TRTH will not recieve the Mark of the Beast in their mind!

The mark of the Beast=Science is inside your mind!

You already recieve The Mark of the Beast!

Jesus would laugh at those who seek but glorify those Blasphemy Symbols of Satan!

Jesus will continue to laugh at those who claim to seek as an excuse just to glorify the Daemons marks (Symbols)

Science=The Mark of the Beast is inside your head,The Devil Marked you!

Break Free as I AM!

Jesus = Own Faith

Wow, it is just pure ignorance to clain science is the devil.............

God is science, he is mathmatics, he created all. Satan corrupts theses things to lead the ignorant astray.

The mark of the beast is the acceptance of false religion. The "mark of God" is keeping His sabbath and his holy days...........

Whatever silly game you play is in your own mind. And a mind somewhat twisted at that.

The issue here is "if" 1111 is a warning of the coming disaster of Rev 9:15.

The next question is are the 200 thousand thousand horsemen actual "men" or an ancient expression of "mega-ton" nuclear cabability............

Similar to "horsepower, or kPa"?

[edit on 9-6-2008 by heliosprime]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by ALLis0NE

I'm sorry you need to go back to school.

A silly thing to say. No school I ever attended taught metaphysical/spiritual mumbo-jumbo and I wouldn't attend one that did. I asked you for an example to illustrate your question and you responded like a juvenile. I guess we're done here.

Originally posted by MagicaRose
At one time I believed that 1111 was a sign sent to me from God or the Angels.
We found a beautiful home and I just knew that God had led us to this house because the house number was 10011.
I was so wrong!
This house had pure evil in it and we had to live there for four years .
We moved out 3 weeks ago and it seems like we walked out of darkness into the light.
I could go on and on about the happenings in that house but I will never place any importance on the number 111 or 1111 again.

Why did you think it was a message to you? If 'god' did put that number on that house (I'll bet it had more to do with the house's location on the street) then wouldn't it be a message to all potential home buyers? What makes you so special? What about all the other houses numbered 1111 or 11011 or whatever. Should you buy them all since that number is your personal special message from 'god'? Maybe you should buy 1111 lottery tickets.

I heard that 666 is an 'evil' number. Does anyone think it would be a good idea to go around burning down houses with that number? Might be witches inside!!!!

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Okonomiyaki3000

Originally posted by ALLis0NE
I'm sorry you need to go back to school.

A silly thing to say. No school I ever attended taught metaphysical/spiritual mumbo-jumbo and I wouldn't attend one that did. I asked you for an example to illustrate your question and you responded like a juvenile. I guess we're done here.

Actually, I told you to go back to school so you can re-learn how to read so that you can understand my question that you told me you don't understand.

Do you really need me to give you examples of Good and Evil actions and mindsets???? Are you truly that lost?? I BET YOU DIDN'T EVEN READ THE BIBLE.

Since you need examples, let me give you an example of a Good action/mindset from a real life situation that happened to me.

0ne day, three friends of mine and myself included decided to go to a restaurant to eat. 0ne of my female friends accidentally forgot her money and decided not to eat or order anything. So I told her, "I will buy you ANY meal you want on the menu and you don't have to worry about paying me back because some way, some how, even if its not you, I will get reimbursed. Because what goes around comes around." So she said ok, and all 4 of us order our meals.

A few conversations later, our waiter shows up at the table with only 3 dinners, and looks at my female friend and says, "sorry for the inconvenience but we accidentally started to cook the wrong meal for you. The correct meal is being prepared as we speak, and because of the delay the meal is on the house." Sure enough, she gets a free dinner.

You see, if I didn't have a Good mindset, and if I didn't do a Good action, she would have never ordered the meal, and the restaurant would have never made the mistake, and she would have never gotten the meal for free.

If I had an Evil mindset, I would have ordered my dinner, and started eating my food while I watched her starve.

Do you see now?

My question was simple, and I'll ask it in a more simple kindergarten way this time. Please answer this question:

Do you like Good things? Or do you like Evil things? And do you know what the majority of the people in this world like?

[edit on 9-6-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Okonomiyaki3000
I heard that 666 is an 'evil' number. Does anyone think it would be a good idea to go around burning down houses with that number? Might be witches inside!!!!

You "heard"???

Who told you that???

Do you know the Bible actually says "six hundred, threescore, and sixty six"?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

So how do they write that down? what is threescore? what is a score?
In England London a 'score' is slang for a twenty pound note.. hehe... I could write 600606 [3 scores being 60] .. is that a date or something? 600606...

Oh I was right... I just googled it 20 is threescore.. haha..

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:30 AM
Yes score is 20, and threescore would be 60.

So the mark of the beast is "600, 60, 66". I don't know why after all this time people thought they should add those together?? Does anyone know who figured they should add them? And if they did add them together, wouldn't it be 726?

Why would they say "threescore" and then say "sixty six"?

Maybe the mark of the beast is:

600, 20, 20, 20, 66?

[edit on 9-6-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

No I think you mistaken it mate it says :

''for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Six hundred - sixty [threescore]- and six - 600 - 60 - 6

You meant 600 - 20 20 20 - 6 ?

This page is interesting about the mark

I know its drifted off course from 1111 but it doesnt matter eh.. lol

[edit on 9-6-2008 by True-Light]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by True-Light
No I think you mistaken it mate it says :

''for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

OOPS! Yes, thanks for correcting me. Damn my human errors!
I'm bad with numbers sometimes.

Yeah, 600, 20 20 20, 6.

Anyway, Ive always said the Bible is as good as a high school rumor. Tell 0ne person, pass it on to others, and usually that very last person gets a completely modified version of the message.

11:11 though, I think it has to do with the winter solstice in 2012.

[edit on 9-6-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

Right now I really have no idea bro... need to find some quiet time and meditate I think.. meanbug has some points but so does everyone.. I can see everyones point of view and I think............................ ahh too much
I gota go I'l pass by later.


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:17 PM
I haven't read the whole long thread and don't intend to; so, if this is already mentioned previously, please ignore my post.

I woke up with a single picture dream - the picture was in colour and it was of my Windows taskbar. The timeclock was replaced with the capitalized word including asterisks:


I thought prehaps that meant Rev Chapter 11 Verse 11; but then, it didn't say chapter at all ... all it said was "VERSE".

I saw your thread and figured the dream was for the OP.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Trexter Ziam

Point of order here, the entire chapter and verse numbering was applied to the books of the bible for simpler identification.

If you saw "verse" 1111 I would find a computerized version of the bible and search for literal verse 1111.

Or search the biblecode versions for "verse 1111", your name, etc......

Let me know what you find, could be interesting!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:00 PM
Here is an interesting take on 1111

heaven + earth + soul = 1111

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:30 PM
I found something that has 1111 "in it". It's a "Bible Code", found when the bible is arranged as a grid of 777 columns. It took me nearly a year and a half to find all that is included in this code.

I realize 9 out of 10 of you will dismiss this in 10 seconds flat, so to the remaining 10%, thanks for keeping an open mind. I put alot of effort into sharing this "thing" with the whole world, I EVEN WROTE A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT of the United States (read it's content here: The least people can do is give me more than 10 seconds of their time to consider what I spent months working on.

The code is an 11 column wide by 11 row high grid that contains:
1. a title, "HEAD OF STATE"
2. a name, "GORGE W BUSH" (yeah, I'm not stupid, I know that's not how his name is spelled, but George means Farmer, Gorge means Devourer, look at the context before judging me, and for God's sake, take a few minutes to review the video I link at the bottom, I promise you a tin-foil hat is not needed, thanks!)
3. an event, "FIRE" and "ONE NINE ONE ONE" = 1,911 [2001 / 9 - 11]
4. a King's Seal - "SEAL" and "YASHUA (Jesus)" and "SION" (as if to say, this message is SEALed by YASHUA, the king of SION)

But the greatest discovery regarding this Bible Code is, the number 777. As I explain in the letter, (and in a video here ), 777 is hexadecimal for 1911, but the "magic" doesn't stop there, 777! (factorial) has 1,911 digits in it. What are the odds of that? Actually, I already know the odds, cause I created a program to search 10 billion hexadecimal numbers for this mathematical "relationship", and found only 4 numbers, including 777, have it. So the odds are 1 out of 2.5 billion. In actuality, the odds may be smaller, since I am unable to test numbers greater than 10 billion HEX.

Anyway, I ramble so much some times, go to the site, view the video (give it time to load, or view it on youtube if you can't wait - ) and also read the letter (yeah, it's even more long winded than this post, sorry, just make a pot of coffee before attemtping to read)

One thing I'm willing to bet on, there's no other code as compacted as this one is; 66 out of 121 letters are part of the message !!! (but I only reveal 58 of them, the other 8 are sure to bring the Secret Service guys knocking at my door)

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:11 PM
Government Troll who thinks Science is God,then tell me this then ok?


WHAT IS 33.1333



IF science is any God,why does it have errors?

Your Science =

Tell your Science God this ok.....

I Am

U Cant Measure My Faith!

Your Science =

[edit on 9-6-2008 by meanmug]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:19 PM


it's just religious hogwash basically.


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:44 PM
Many twists and turns in this thread!

I think that my article is the most comprehensive look at the 11:11 subject that is available currently on the web (any other good ones?) and it may help to post it again for those just joining this chat thread!

I see 11:11 and the number 333 very regularly indeed. That said much weirder things happen to me frequently!!!

I hope all your synchs and 11:11 experiences are fun and helpful.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 08:54 PM
Another theory of mine that I first was thinking about is the universal subconscious. 11:11 is a really eye catching number on the clock, so many people see it easy. Also, in a few places around the globe it is a common thing to "make a wish" when you see the clock say 11:11.

My theory is, since all of our brains emit signals into the atmosphere, and we are all physically connected by the air in the atmosphere, when multiple people think that same thing at the same time they actually amplify the signal. This forces other people to look at the clock for no reason to see 11:11.

For example, if 10 people were in a room, and 8 of them were thinking "11:11" at the exact same time. Then possibly, the other 2 people will have the urge to look at the clock. Now think about 1000's of people in the same area/time zone and massively doing that experiment, and you get better results.

I think 11:11 could possibly be the first hand proof of interconnected minds.

This coincides with my "television mind control" theory. When you get millions of people to think the same thing at the same time, it pretty much becomes real, or believed, and it influences people who are easily influenced.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by meanmug

I see a poem in this verse you delivered. Now, how about you talking about yourself, what you see, what you believe, things you dream about. Remember our conversation on your other thread? We all have our truths, friend.

Seems to me if you focused more on getting to know this place, these people, you might find your message went down a little easier.

Just a thought.


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by meanmug
Government Troll who thinks Science is God,then tell me this then ok?

[edit on 9-6-2008 by meanmug]

Did you post that purposely at 11.11?


[edit to remove some stuff.]

[edit on 9-6-2008 by True-Light]

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