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Are You Ready For The End Of The World ?

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posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 01:31 PM
i just got a car but it doesnt fit any of these you suggest we walk??

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 01:35 PM
The Anarchist Cookbook (not Anarchist's... that's possessive) is filled with crap that will more than likely get you killed.

Here's a decent FAQ:
Anarchist Cookbook FAQ

If you are serious about making or obtaining weapons, talk to your local mititary supply store about it. In a survivalist situation, these people are probably going to be your best local reference. As I said before, it's kinda their job. It's what they do. As well, alot of them will tell you the same thing about The Anarchist Cookbook... STAY AWAY! You have been warned!

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 01:39 PM
kool a home made like a book that tells me how to make a would work as a mine and is detonated by pressure..and stilla c4

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 11:55 PM
I heard somewhere they don't predict the Earth to end for another billion years.

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 11:56 PM
I'm ready for the end because I want to see justice done, if even just once in my life.

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 11:58 PM
"Only the dead have seen the end of the world" -Plato

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:23 AM
Prepared? As much as I can possibly be; if one would be completely prepared for all situations then one would in fact be currently living in those mock situations. Which would be quite impossible if one were still to interact with society possitivily.

Have you locked yourself into your bunker yet?

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 10:13 AM
Im not ready. But if it's gunna happen ill make th best of it.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 10:17 AM

Are You Ready For The End Of The World ?

Already! Hold me back, baby!

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 12:25 PM
Why worry about something your not gonna change, if its meant to happen and I believe it sure enough is, then its gonna happen, so bring it on!

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 12:20 PM
Im more concerned about things you can't fight like nukes and dirty bombs or poison gas. I'm such an optimist!

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 12:30 PM
I know you guys might not want to talk about this, but what about weapons? I'm not talking assault rifles and bombs, I'm talking small handguns, swords even. I'm a collector of martial arts weapons, and know how to use most of them. I think if the end does start to come, with a police state and all, I'm gonna rely on being ninja-like stealthy and stuff (which is what everyone should probably do).

On another note, what about money? Tradeable stuff? There's another post discussing having gold and precious stones, but I'm really in no position to buy stuff like that right now. What do you plan on doing with regards to buying and selling, or trading, after the "sh*t hits the fan"?

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Faisca
I know you guys might not want to talk about this, but what about weapons? I'm not talking assault rifles and bombs, I'm talking small handguns, swords even. I'm a collector of martial arts weapons, and know how to use most of them. I think if the end does start to come, with a police state and all, I'm gonna rely on being ninja-like stealthy and stuff (which is what everyone should probably do).

I am in the same boat with you! Even if you had a machine gun, what is that going to do against an army. My weapon collection is even beginning to concern my long term gf. Last thing that I got was a grappling hook. What can I say, I'm an extreamist!

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 12:59 PM
I was thinking about getting myself a collection of ninja-like tools. Grappling hooks, hand and foot claws, etc. I think the best way to defend oneself would be to hide, stay in the shadows. It sounds foolish but to act like a ninja. I also have a good supply of camo clothes.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 01:08 PM
Maybe it needs to end.

Famine,Disease,Mongoloid Babies,Maimed People,Sky rocketing affect disorders,depression,Murder,Rape,Theft,Stupid Reality TV,Hip Hop,Rap Music,goofy piercings and tattoos,out of control politicians and corporations.

End of the World might just be what we need.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 01:29 PM
Hey, don't throw Hip Hop in there will all the other evils in society. Just because you might not like the music, or agree with the lyrics, doesn't mean its bad. If you throw that in there because of the defaming lyrics or whatever, you need to include a lot of other types of music as well. Thank you.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by project_pisces
Maybe it needs to end.

Famine,Disease,Mongoloid Babies,Maimed People,Sky rocketing affect disorders,depression,Murder,Rape,Theft,Stupid Reality TV,Hip Hop,Rap Music,goofy piercings and tattoos,out of control politicians and corporations.

End of the World might just be what we need.

I can agree with you on all but the piercings and tattoos... they aren't a problem. I really don't see the relevance between corrupt governments, rape, murder, and piercings/tattoos. Ever look into Tattooing and Piercing? Ever bother to find out the culture behind body art? Just because some worthless piece of crap is walking around with tattoos doesn't mean everybody with tattoos are worthless pieces of crap... actually, I would argue that the opposite is true, as would alot of ATS members (I'm certain of this, no maybe about it...). Most of the people I personally know have body art, and had it done for 1 or 2 reasons: 1) rebellion (personal expression, showing that they are not going to conform to the corporate way of life, even if they do wear a buisiness suit during the day) or 2) to bring themselves into a 'higher being', so to speak... a rite of passage, and the end of being a kid. If you are able to take charge of your body, you are more powerful. Most people change a great deal when they get their first tattoo or piercing, and understand responsibility and take charge of their lives for once. It's alot of pain to go through just to 'look cool'... you think that's why they do it? Yes, there are tons of sheep out there, and even THEY can tell you that (even if they did it to look or be cool) it makes you respect yourself alot more. You always have that mark of pain. Don't put us in the same damn category with people who kill for money and rape little kids and have disrespect for human life in general.

Now, about weapons and trade artifacts:

Weapons could be good AND bad. If you pull out your pistol, the other might pull out his bazooka. On the other hand, if you are responsible and KNOW your weapon, you will know exactly when to brandish it and when not to. I would prefer a good, light sword myself.

Also, if you are trekking across the coutry coin can get heavy. I won't take coin, but would offer my services in exchange for what I need (this is the way it should be, anyways). This is the reason I mentioned to have FOOD ready... MRE's and lightweight stuff, purification tablets or some lightweight water filtering system. If you have necessities, you won't need money... and if you have any clue about how you would survive you would definitly want to have a clue about foraging from the land. Even though a land is tainted, you should still be able to find something to eat... and if the land is that tainted, you probably wouldn't survive any better than the rest of the life there. Again, be prepared!

BTW, one thing that could be bad about sneaking around in camos is you may be mistaken for an enemy. Hiding and being able to move while you are hidden is a good thing... no, it's an awesome thing, but don't let yourself be mistaken to be on the wrong side.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 01:53 PM
here's a good site to help you get prepared:

just don't over react though...when it happens it happens...we can never be fully prepared.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 01:57 PM
What would you say would be the best kinds of clothes? I read in your normal post about the style, durability, etc, but what about color? I was also thinking about getting an all black outfit, or something like that. I'm thinking all about concealment.

As for the weapons. I have many knives, martial arts weapons like nunchuks, batons, swords, etc. I'm in the process of getting a fully functional (not hardcore Japanese smith quality) durable katana with some kind of tactical scabbard.

In the pistol category, I'm not saying you should take on a buncha military guys with only a pistol, but in a tight spot I think it'd be a good thing to have holstered on your side. The reason I say pistol and not rifle is 1. because rifles are too big and bulky (unless you have some kind of safehouse to keep weapons in, which I'm also doing some thinking about) or 2. because if you're in a tight spot it's not as easy to use.

Earthscum would u mind me IMing you? I'd like ta talk to you more about this, but perhaps not so publicly.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Faisca

On another note, what about money? Tradeable stuff? There's another post discussing having gold and precious stones, but I'm really in no position to buy stuff like that right now. What do you plan on doing with regards to buying and selling, or trading, after the "sh*t hits the fan"?

Speaking of S*it.........
I would believe that toilet paper would be worth value up there with water, asprin, candles, matches, socks, shoes, medical supplies, tampons, what ever.....
Who would want Jewls and money in a time of crisis like that.

I don't consider my self to be parinoid but I prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Hell, if I had the $$$ and land I would build a bomb/fallout shelter. Worse case sinerio, we end up living out of it during some sort of crisis and will probably be glad I thought this way. Best case sinerio, I use it as a grow room
just kidding! I store stuff in it or have a cool place to do "MAN Stuff".

All the major conveincences (sp?) we have grown to rely apon like Fresh H2O, Air Conditioning, Electricity (generator), Transportation (even a bicycle), Fuel, would all be worth the most. These would be the things you would want to keep in order of such an event. Oh and something to guard them with, like a hand gun or shot gun and alot of ammo. It would not hurt to learn how to make you own shells or reloads. Maybe even a dog to keep people at a distance and alert you to people close by.

Even smaller disasters like Hurricanes, wild fires, earthquakes (hell if I lived in CALI I would be stocking up for that EQ which may soon hit), hit all the time. These things serve pourpose even with these events. Your probibility to survive would be greater than if you just shrugged your shoulders and "it won't happen to me".
Ok, fine, but I guarentee that if it does happen and hunger and the elements start to take toll, anyone that comes around to take what I have kept for the "just incase", can expect a hailstorm of bullets also. Cause where there is desperation there will be major problems like rioting and looting.

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