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Help! We dont fit the stereotype!

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posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Centro-Communists always struggleclassy saw the world in 2-D below the 3D spiritoharmonicist Mystic-Anars...

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Rigel

Hey, look to your left... see the name above the pic? You're talking to a redneck, easy on the big words there.


posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Rigel

Im curious to know...what is your day-to-day lifestyle as an anarchist? Do you live it?

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Seeker Mom

Actually...there´s stereotype and then there´s STEREOTYPE.

I cant even lead a conversation with people who ramble on about Obama being black or Hillary being a woman. It doesnt get any more irrelevant than that, I agree.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck

That chart is in 2 dimensions, don't we live in (at least) a 3-D universe?

Beyond the joke I think there´s some truth to that. Wouldnt the whole person be well-versed in all sides + a combination of them all + beyond them all?

I would guess so.

Seems like there´s some type of retardation that allows for most to only occupy a single viewpoint.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Rigel

Don't vote.

Engage yourself in Resistance.

Might be a good philosophy if it weren't entangled with religion.

Politics and religion don't bode well together.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating
Joke intended... non-joke intended.

Most of my jokes have a serious side to them. Nice to see someone get that.

Work beckons...

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

You Little lamb...

reply to post by Skyfloating

Eremitically within Paris, France, Earth. Stirnerian by necessity. Misanthrop by charity. Armed "redneck" if times need it, till then preaching ; otherwise waiting. 'Cause as much as none can prove Christ wrong as ultimately enbodiing Ethic, Anarchists formulates ultimate Politic.

reply to post by tyranny22

What about Ethic ?

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I seem to remember some of the founding fathers warning about a partisan political system... These labels prevent "outside the box" thought, rather than formulate your own opinions you're expected to jump on a pre-existing platform and immediately hate the other side with a passion... The purpose of all this is division, to make us believe we are so fundamentally different when most Americans on either side are fundamentally similar...

The advice I give is that no American should vote, ever, seeing as how corrupt our government and elections have become we might as well forget it. We could all stay home on election day and the rich white jerks in power would likely still find a way to put someone in office, without a single vote, and stage some kind of hoax...

I'd vote for Ron Paul if there was any chance of him winning, but the powers that be are too stacked against him, if he was elected chances are he'd be assassinated, but he wouldn't even get that far with a crooked election...

I've often said I don't believe in politics, but opinions, it is up to every American to form their own educated opinions, not opinions based on shallow bipartisan divisions and pre-formulated platforms...

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Dear Liberals, Dear Conservatives...
"This one candidate will go to war. This other candidate will cause poverty in our nation." What lousy "freedom of choice" is that supposed to be? /quote]

Since I consider myself a 'moderate'; I probably should not be answering this letter to liberals and conservatives. '
' So, I won't answer!

I do have a question though; since the first President Bush LEFT office in the worst national debt the nation had ever had ... and then Mr. Clinton left office with all of the former Bush mess cleared up and the economy was good and sound ... and then the current Bush wrecked the economy worse than even his own Dad ... who then is it that YOU think will cause our nation to go into (worse than we already are) poverty?

Also, which candidate is the one responsible for killing the current Bush's SECRET plan to hand over our seaports to an Arab company? Remember Bush said he had already made the deal and it could not be changed ... when it was finally made public. Well, one of those three candidates stood against Bush and defeated the whole mess on HER (big hint there) own sweat and hard work!

I'm voting for Ron anyway ... and yes, I know all about how our system works.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull


I'd vote for Ron Paul if there was any chance of him winning


Root of the problem ?


By the way why are you all speaking of voting for any potential president while USA happily tread on Universal Suffrage*'s toes ?...

*I mean the (only) true one, which is direct.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 03:33 PM
I had to give you a star for this post.

I also have positions that don't all line up with either philosophy. Sometimes I'm on the liberal side of an issue and sometimes on the conservative side.

People try to define my beliefs, like you said in your post, if you believe in this then you have to also believe in that. It's simply not true.

Thanks for a post that helps to define who people really are, not what you assume they are.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

To your original post, I'm right there in the lifeboat with you. I can't decide which ship to seek refuge on, and feel that I'd rather drown at sea than row to either ship waiting to save us. It seems that one ship will make you a slave, but they have food... the other is free but they filled their ship with guns and munitions rather than food and fresh water.

I'd support anarchism, but then you have the problem: what do you do when someone can't self regulate? Or, say, there is a simple dispute and someone kills another unfairly... then you end up with a community divided, and someone intervenes... thus establishing law beyond moral law? Half the community wants the guy dead as equal repayment for taking a life... the other wants him to suffer for his crime... now you have 2 sides supporting 2 different things... capital punishment or prison. That is the reason we are in this mess, really... nobody can agree on anything, so the government steps in and establishes a law that screws everyone equally... unless, of course, you are obeying that law like a good sheep.

Personally, I am pro-abortion... just like Skyfloating, I only am supportive of it in exceptional circumstances, though. I support the abolishing of marijuana laws, and think that should extend to ANY natural substance, including mushrooms and such. I am all for having any color woman or man as our head, as long as they aren't crazy or racist, and have the best interest of (FIRSTLY) our own country's people, as well as (SECONDLY) the people of the rest of the world in mind and in their heart. That's something I'm afraid we will never see because those people don't want anything to do with politics as they are today.

Quite honestly, I really don't understand politics... it's like watching our NFL teams playing... I just don't understand all the rules... they are supposedly there to make it more fair to both sides, but seriously, they seem to be there more to create loopholes so the nasties can dispute the other's scoring point. It's like a great big battle... he who utilizes more loopholes wins.

BTW, my sourness goes back to when I was 19 and I decided to register and vote. That's when I got the lecture about how if you register democrat, you are voting for a democrat, and same for republican... I learned then that you can't vote Person A(D) because you like him, and also vote Person B(R) because they will stand on your side of the issues. Needless to say, I walked out, told the people running the booth that politics were (BLANKED) up, and tore up my ballot to throw in the trash... I also asked to be UNregistered... they wouldn't do it... bastards. I know a few people that have had a similar expiriences the first time they voted. It's sad.

[edit on 13-5-2008 by Earthscum]

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 04:14 PM
Do any of you really think that your vote mattters, it doesnt. the powerfull put who they want up to be voted for and have us idiots think we make the desicion, I never recall a time that I said hey I want this guy for president and ran a had the country vote for him. Thats just the rich. Now you have people like supper deligates that can do as there party says, they dont even try to hide it anymore. Do a little research on some of the polititions, you will find a long family history of most of these people having ruled in Washinton. Take a look a your president now check how many generations his family goes bak. Pull up Bill Clinton I think He has relatives from the past as well as many others. So I dont think we descide much.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by want2believe

I agree with you. This country has not been in the hands of the people since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Bank came into existence. Voting does no good as obviously a presidential candidate DOES NOT NEED THE MAJORITY OF THE POPULAR VOTE TO WIN. Electoral delegates decide who becomes the president and they are swayed only by money which comes from 'Big Business'.; so, we truly are a capitalist facist nation ruled by the elite and things are only going to get worse.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 04:23 PM
This thread raises issues that I've often wondered about and that should be raised more often. I find it nigh impossible to believe more then a handful of people (percentage-wise) fully agree with one party or the other. Most must be like us: agreeing with party A on some points, with party B on others, disagree with both on yet other points.

Perhaps this is also the reason for the consistently low voter turnout. The US scores well below Western Europe for example: compare an average of 48.3% since 1945 to Western Europe's 77%. See also See also this comparative list. Besides not voting at all rather then "choosing between two evils" as has been mentioned, it is of course entirely understandable that people in some red or blue states won't bother voting for the other party as it's pretty much an exercise in futility.

Couple the 2-party system to winner-takes-all presidential elections and it's almost surprising approval ratings in the 20's aren't more common.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 04:32 PM
Isn't odd how much our political system resembles Rome's before Caesar? Isn't odd how are political system is heading the same way Rome's did? Do your homework people.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 04:44 PM
Oh, did any of you know this actually exists right under our noses? Republic of Cascadia

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Torsten

Cascadia?! That is seriously strange! How did you find out about it? Do you think this kind of stuff happens other places too?

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 05:41 PM
First off, too Rigel,

Please put the thesaurus away, eh


Great post and conversation

I've always dealt with this by voting for the lesser evil. Some would say that is wrong minded but it is the choice we are left with.

While reading posts here at ATS, I've often wondered how many of us could ever align with either Party. I doubt it is much different for candidates running for office. There is no way any honest person could say they fully agree with either platform.

The average Democrat wants nothing to do with the Far Left and the average Republican wants nothing to do with the Far Right. The extremists will never represent the point of view of the vast majority of Americans. Nearly all of us lie somewhere in the middle.

I'm sure that most simply pick up where their Parents left off and follow what they know at first. Then as we get older we form our own opinions and possibly change Parties. I know that's how it was for me.

My Father was a staunch Democrat in his time. He passed away in 1971. He was an active vocal supporter of Kennedy and his views. Jump forward in time and it all changes. He was also very Conservative. The Democrats of his day were also conservatives. He was opposed to abortion and considered it murder. He was opposed to big government and high taxes. Both very normal views for Democrats in his day. Kennedy was more like Reagan than anyone else since, even if the modern day Democrats paint a different, dishonest picture.

Had he know that Kennedy cheated on his Wife, this same man who I watched aggressively campaign for him, would have campaigned against him. As the information about Monroe surfaced, he stopped talking about Kennedy all together. In his world, the one I grew up in, marriage was for life, commitments were for real, lying was always wrong and dishonesty was not to be tolerated in any form.

Jump forward too today and we have a completely different world and society. Everything is upside down and backward. Liberal means intolerance of others and demands that the government represent the wants of small segments of society, regardless of the desires of the vast majority of others. Conservative means overly aggressive laws, imprisonment for victim-less crimes and demands that everyone be in lock step with the Far Right Ideal.

We lie in the middle of this sandwich helpless to control whether we are to be spread with mayonnaise or mustard.

The solutions to fix this badly broken Two Party System we are under, are in fact quite simple. The only thing stopping it from being fixed by eliminating both money and the Party System, is the money and the Parties themselves. They lead us down this merry path, by leading us to believe it is too complex to address, when in fact they do not want any changes.

The very process of getting elected locks them into the dysfunctional family we call our government. It is clearly a case of "follow the money". With money being the number one prerequisite to being elected, the candidates are caught up in a trap.

They can not be honest or the money will stop and any chance of being elected would go out the window. They are forced to do all the things they probably hated before they started their first campaign to even have a chance. I think many, if not most people who run for office, start off with good intentions and high ideals. It is the process that corrupts them and forces bad decisions upon them while in office.

Then to make matters worse, they have to kiss our and our babies backsides to get enough money; meaning we are as much to blame as the system itself. When we walk into that voting booth, we are not voting what is best for society. We are voting for who we believe will benefit our own selfish interests the best.

I share your dilemma, about which Party or Candidate to vote for. I think most of us are troubled by the fact that neither Party truly represents us. I think I fit the mold that many others are cast in. I'm a Fiscal Conservative and a Liberal, under the real definition, on social matters. I realize we need our Laws and those who enforce them to protect us from ourselves; but at the same time I don't want others dictating how I live my own life. I want honest people in government, while at the same time I want to be represented by someone willing to fight dirty if it benefits me.

In the end, I think the only solution is to vote for the lesser evil and PRAY for the best.

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