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Brattleboro VOTE to arrest Bush and Cheney, PASSED

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by heliosprime

God and The American People (a HUGE majority) turned their backs on George W. Bush... After he turned his back on the hunt for his buddy Osama Bin Laden.

Facts are Facts... (period)


posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 11:59 PM
Mac Pain will pardon all 911 conspirators.
So charges have to be brought up in the last year.
No way to kick out a standing administration like they can do in England.
911 is a standard operating procedure for military control.
TV FAKERY says military feeds were used on 911 and perhaps all
film and video was processed by the military.

So we are under military control.
911 evidence suppression, incomplete coverage of alternate investigations
and at the very lest no apologies for TV FAKERY since that would admit
wrong doing and mention the source of videos.

Its ongoing since the end of WWII with conspiracies of a secret agreement
for operation paperclip by Truman for the suspected use of Nazi A bombs to
hit Japan, the scuttling of Electro-U-boats with sea launched missiles off
New Jersey, the non nuclear electric generators use in Electro-u-boats and
the saucer development. Still ongoing secrets that only surfaced as
gripes the Nazi are in NASA which is hardly exposure since Von Braun
was in America at the end of WWII. All the rest is ongoing cover with ET
stories which means its more difficult to hide than the 911 truth which can be
easily ignored by the official 911 report.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

I understand what you are saying... and I like you, you are an amazing contributor to this board (i.m.h.o)... I also understand you anger over the questions that are still unanswered over 9-11...

That said... Can we stick to just the topic of the Brattleboro, VT vote please?

(mods please Do NOT warn or edit, as I know where tesla is coming from on this... and I also know you guys LOVE passion of the topics... It's fairly relevant... but it's not exactly where I want the thread to go...)

Edit to add... I not trying to control the thread... I just don't want this to end up being a long discussion about 9-11 beliefs...


[edit on 3/6/2008 by coven]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 12:28 AM
In my humble opinion Bushco and family will be in their new digs in S. America before any actions are taken upon him.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

I'm wondering if the world courts already have a watchful eye on him... If so, as long as he's being somewhat monitored they'll get him before he gets there.

Only time will tell what is really going to happen.

Could be nothing...

Could be a small start to an interesting event...


posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by themillersdaughter

True, Bush did purchase some land in Paraguay. It could be a place to retire. However, knowing what's going on in the Tri-Border Area, it could be a base for monitoring that area instead. The criminal groups in the TBA are not friends of Bush, are they?

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by coven
reply to post by heliosprime

God and The American People (a HUGE majority) turned their backs on George W. Bush... After he turned his back on the hunt for his buddy Osama Bin Laden.

Facts are Facts... (period)


Facts???????????? His "Buddy" Osama? What planet are you on? The irrational endless search for a single madman is stupid. The extermination of Islam-terrorist running willingly into your gun sights is better use of time and resources.

Bush took a pretty good shot at OBL on more than once.

PS I can't stand bush because of the border...........but.......your "majority" of americans are just the "little spoiled brats" in you circle of friends.


The US has killed tons of OBL's clan.............If he would nuke Iran, he would get OBL too...........since he's hiding in Tehran............


Moderator edit and note:
Civility & Decorum are Expected

[edit on 6-3-2008 by dbates]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by heliosprime
Facts???????????? His "Buddy" Osama? What planet are you on?
Bush took a pretty good shot at OBL on more than once.

PS I can't stand bush because of the border...(snip)

Put down the crack pipe and step into the real world. (snip)

The US has killed tons of OBL's clan.............If he would nuke Iran, he would get OBL too...........since he's hiding in Tehran............

lets go in order shall we

Yes FACTS... You should really learn to research things before you make your OPINIONS....

Bush took a pretty good shot at OBL... I beg to differ. Bush not Linked to Bin Laden... I REALLY beg to differ.

Though by your post you probably don't have the ability to set your own opinions aside long enough; I would advise you to read both of these links.

Bush Ties to Bin Laden Haunts Grim Anniversary (Denver post)

Bush Ties to Bin Laden Hurts war on terror (newsmax)

Lastly... I live on planet Earth... Where do you happen reside.

Foot Meet Mouth. I have a feeling this is not the first time this has occurred in your postings here. I'm sure more examples will follow.

Provide Evidence BUSH actually went after Bin Laden (proof Bush didn't (newsmax)

Glad to know you are defending America against the terrorists who cross our borders daily (too bad we didn't stop em back in the 1600's.) but this has nothing to do with the topic if why Bush and Cheney should be arrested.

Put down the crack pipe and step into the real world.

didn't your mother ever teach you if you can't say anything nice not to say anything at all. Statements like this only downgrade your side of the argument and further proof my final point...

ONLY AN IDIOT would still back bush (poll link)

All one has to do is a basic search on American IQ, Intellectuals in America, or read a few newspapers outside of our own to validate We as a whole are a largely stupid population (20-40% being completely dumb, or so overwhelmed with life that they do not care about educating themselves)

Do the board a favor. Read and Think before next time you want to make a post like that again.


posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by kleverone
I personally would love nothing more. If for nothing else, to restore faith to the rest of the world in the United States.

Almost as if to say... Hey we don't agree with this guy and we want him out. I hope this is a trend that catches on sooner than later.

I couldn't agree more - the US is a great country with crappy leaders.

I've got friends here from the US and they get pretty tired of having to defend their country because of the actions of one tyrant.

The US has the potential and the people to do so much good in the world - but instead, you have shrub.

I'd love to see shrub and bliar indicted for war crimes, but sadly it will never happen - although there have been many calls for it, not just in the US but here in the UK as well.

I can only hope that the next president is not out of the same mould - sadly though, all too often, the partners change but the dance remains the same.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 11:15 AM
The crimes of the Bush admistration are obvious, the problem is how to indict any and all of the administration...the Suprems are unlikely to even hear the case, but however he can be indicted under international law.

I leave a link that I encourage all to read, start off with the "Statement of Principles" in the upper right menu bar.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 11:22 AM
I think this is a great idea.

But, instead of releasing them to an authority to prosecute them, I think we should give them a taste of their own medicine and do to them what they did to Saddam.

That way there could be no hung jury in court. LOL. Pun intended.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by dk3000

PS- Percievedreality, as much as I agree with your comment- neocons are entitled to their opinions as well. Sadly for us, the Bush lover you ranted to, will have his precious president for the rest of the time the United States has not yet become the North American Union. He isn't going anywhere any time soon as Martial law is about to come true- it will cancel elections for 2008 or we will see McCain as the next president- still I think Bush will officially become dictator. I cannot imagine why the elite needs to appease the public any longer with something as mundane and inane as an election. I can only hope and pray that I am wrong!

I know, everyone is entitled to their opinion in a democracy! I just get angry at these types, so brainwashed into thinking their governments' policies and statements are in fallable like Gods' word. Then they turn around and call us unpatriotic to question them while their leader spits on the Constitution, "it's just a damn piece of paper". Treasonous! Who is truely the unpatriotic one!? As for why they still appease the public with this sham of an election, I personally think they are waiting for the Supreme Court upcoming decision, possibly overturning the "individual right" of the second starts on the 18th of this month.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by percievedreality

Our eyes are open when it suits us to see, my friend. The ugly truths about evil, cruel deceivers running our country into the ground is just too big for some people to wrap their heads around it. Bush lost nearly all the publics support and still these pesky neocons refuse to see how they are being duped- and no one wants to face the fact of their naivety and/or gullibility. Its terrible embarrassing for thing and I know this first hand when I had rose colored glasses on. My point is, its best not to argue with someone who just cannot or will not see things from our perspective- even just to be open minded and give some consideration.

I certainly understand your frustration and anger- but yelling at a neocon will only make them stronger- I find it best these days to just ignore them. I will read their comments from time to time without engaging in conversation. Its hard, especially when they are really stupid- that's when I log off and come back later!

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by coven

ONLY AN IDIOT would still back bush (poll link)

All one has to do is a basic search on American IQ, Intellectuals in America, or read a few newspapers outside of our own to validate We as a whole are a largely stupid population (20-40% being completely dumb, or so overwhelmed with life that they do not care about educating themselves)

Do the board a favor. Read and Think before next time you want to make a post like that again.


You make your own point about a "largely stupid population".

Do not assume you can talk down to me again.................

You arrogance is only out done my your hatred of Bush. That alone has blinded you to the true enemy of America.

I care not for your "tripe" in Bush hate.

It does not matter anymore anyway. America is doomed due to a population like you.................Blinded to reality by HATE............

I stand by these words...........Brattleboro should be surrounded by the marines and walled off from the America they hate so much.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by kleverone
I personally would love nothing more. If for nothing else, to restore faith to the rest of the world in the United States.

Almost as if to say... Hey we don't agree with this guy and we want him out. I hope this is a trend that catches on sooner than later.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by kleverone]

No offence intended.......
It'll take a lot more than that.



posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:58 AM
Yo........."Coven" here are real reasons to "dislike and distrust" DUBBYA

He is closer to representing Mexico and all of south amreica that the US. Close the Border

He is a liberal bastard like his father.

He didn't completely bomb Iraq into the stone age.

He hasn't nuked Iran yet.

He hasn't nuked pakistain yet (nothern tribes area)

He hasn't nuke "burma" yet

He hasn't signed and executive order to drill in Alaska yet.

He hasn't killed the EPA yet. Nor the "Education" morons, Nor the IRS.

He lied about Iraqi oil paying for the war.

He hasn't invaided Sudan yet.

He sent help to the Tsunami victims.........There by funding a new round of terror.

He hasn't deported 20 million illegals yet.

Ms Rice...........Colon Powel..........

Hariet Meyers

He hasn't taken over all the mideast oil fields............

He hasn't punched "putin" in the face

and he hasn't bombed Brattleboro yet...........

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by heliosprime

I'm sorry I couldn't hear you through the clouds of rants. I believe you already have the moderators attention, and your little U2U that you sent me (which If it wasn't so vulgar WOULD be reposted here) I'm arrogant? Your Damn RIGHT!

I am proud of being one of the 70% of Americans that can see the forest for the trees.

You have PROVEN yourself to be either REALLY YOUNG... or one of the 30% that could be considered 'below Average I.Q.'...

"nuke" this nuke that... Yeah... because the Radiation WOULD NEVER EFFECT AMERICA...

Do us all a favor and learn about weather patterns, as well as oceanic flow patterns.

Nukes affect the world... In your perfect world our kids would be sprouting 3rd and 4th limbs from all of the radioactive fallout cycling through our weather systems.

Second... You should avoid political baiting... This IS NOT PTS... It is ATS... My News is news no matter what your view on the Political aspects that happen to go along with this news story.

And while you may think bush is too liberal, I believe he is TOO CONSERVATIVE.

WELCOME TO AMERICA BUDDY... Takes all kinds... Since you want me to stop talking about him... Maybe you should do the same?


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