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Brattleboro VOTE to arrest Bush and Cheney, PASSED

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Leviatano

The only thing that gets me is why now? Why on the last year? It kind of makes me wonder what would have happened if something like this was done a few months or perhaps a year earlier. Would it be like a domino effect where first it starts in vermont then slowly other states start to come in? Would have been interesting to see nonetheless

Excellent point Leviatanol. It has been no secret and everyone knows what Bush/Cheney have been up to- so to bring this about in these final days(?) of this current administrations seems like nothing more than window dressing to quiet the maddening crowds. It is my personal opinion that these two miserable, pathetic excuses for human beings should have been dragged out into the streets and lynched a very long time ago.

Even if this little sparrow fart of a town does take the next step- I seriously doubt them having much support and/or back up. Bush/Cheney could care less about Vermont and worse still, they probably don't even know Vermont is a state!

Any and all actions either taken or reported against the administration have been nothing more than window dressing, which at the last minute, they change direction. We all thought Montana, Wyoming and New Hampshire were going to secede - remember those idle threats?

Then we had celebrities like Alec Baldwin and several others who said if Bush was elected they would leave the country and drop their citizenship- then if Bush got re-elected they would definitely leave.

Never happened.

This country has become nothing more than a blow-hards homeland filled with empty threats, broken promises, dreams turned into nightmares. The final frontier has crumbled leaving nothing but a bunch of little whiny bitch's who lack the courage of their convictions. This is the reality at hand, which is why Bush/Cheney aren't worried at all and nor will they ever be. They do not care about anyone's opinion as they continue to do what they do in aiding our destruction and no one will stop them either. If anyone believes otherwise they are deluded and suffer from extreme believerism. This will be cured by the end of summer- when people will come to realize the time to have done something was decades ago.

The constitution does not exist anymore and it has been a while now. Its not coming back either- so people had better get used to that.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by dk3000

I agree this country really does need to step up. I mean we have so many jokes (and even shows!) on Bush, why hasn't this country rallied up against and as well as against this war on terror? I mean we're fighting what could be a massive global war by ourselves rather than with the aids of allies that we once had. From what my Social science teacher told me, the constitution really has a lot of loop holes in it which a few presidents have exploited. I don't know if people will agree with this or not, but we really should patch them up and as a country watch our president closely.

Because s/he may lead the country, but is not the voice of everyone else and In that I think is Bush's mind set. He believes he is leading the people as well as producing the voice of the people! One example would be 9/11. And to be honest back then I really didn't want to see a war ensue with others (not that I don't want to see people who destroy and take away the lives of others caught) its just that we rushed in there blindly, we had no motive and Bush seemed to have gone Berserk. So thats kind of why I dislike the way presidency has gone, though I wouldn't mind getting Bill back into the office

Anyway its still not to late to really get people to rally against Bush. Seeing as my college rallied against the war, and we have people rallying against the story of 9/11. Now all we need is just that rally against Bush, when all three are in place hopefully this country will awaken and see just what type of hole this guy named Bush dug us into. He may have dug us into the hole, but I'm sure as hell we can get out of it.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 04:19 PM
Hey guys. I posted this news in January. Check out what people thought of it back then. Pretty interesting.

Vermont town to vote on Bush Cheney

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 04:44 PM
"extradite them to other authorities that may reasonably contend to prosecute them."

What, they wouldn't have the guts to prosecute themselves? Are these hippies? I wonder if there's a bag limit on them.

I wonder if the only cop in that town (who moonlights as the Court House janitor), knows about this. "You want me to arrest who?"

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:18 PM
There is no point to this, these are things passed by a town of 12,000 and another town of 1,000. If worse comes to worse, Bush will just pardon himself. Sadly, move along people.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:27 PM
Thanks for the post but symbolic gestures have no meaning.
Bush has done unimaginable damage to your country and the best that's put forward is symbolic gestures??
Why not have him arrested for war crimes as well as trying him for treason.
He has a long list of crimes he could be tried for, yet nobody does a thing that carries clout.
Let the Destructive Decider move to Paraguay.Maybe some disgruntled Navy Seals or Army specialist will do what we should do with bad dogs.
I don't hate the people,just their leader.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:42 PM
OH YEAA !!! WEEEE another joke of an idea from the left that will have about as much effect as a fart in a hurricane,i am sure bush is really losing sleep over this great triumph of man kind ....get real people i cant wait till the election to see who you people will be demoneizing when bush is gone. as he will, as have all the past presidents of this country have, when there time was up and a whole new bunch of oh my god this new president is the worst ever hope the American people wake up and remove/kill/kickout/ect.. what the way my money is on the secret service to win over the poo-dunk two bit left wing commie towns police force of what one, maybe two Barrine Fifes????have a great day and god bless America.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:17 PM

A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Even so, life is but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts. And the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching.


Even the smallest actions can be the catalyst for monumental eventualities.

Wretched are those that have given-up, or given-in.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:19 PM
I do not see this as a symbolic gesture at all. This is the kind of personal freedom and guts we have not seen much of lately. The apatheic masses just may be stirred by this act.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:39 PM
It is my sincere hope that the tomahawk missles will strike this "pit" soon. Why do we need Vermont at all. I've been there and it sucks. I can't stand bush but, this BS is insane.

Better yet we should kick them out of the union. Cut off all funding and watch be place starve, slowly, painfully..................

GOD BLESS GEORGE W BUSH! GOD bless America, and even the lefties, socialist, commies, demoncrats too..........

[edit on 5-3-2008 by heliosprime]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by robert204

Okay, super-righty....and what exactly is someone trying to accomplish by farting in a hurricane???? How dare you say God Bless have no idea. Go kiss Bush's ass. Clueless, you are, I can't wait till you get caught off guard in your bling-bling Escalade!

When you are no longer with us, the lefties, commies, or hippies as you said will rejoice...WTF, yeah we have no reason to holler at Bush. He hasn't done anything wrong, other than play god. May the real God bless who Bush decides to harm including those who are so obviously ignorant of the fact of their imminent death.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:12 PM
reply to percievedreality:

Farting in a hurricane has about as much effect as this towns vote.
I.E. no effect
The vote is a joke that town is a joke, if you truly believe that Bush and Chaney are evil and criminals there is nothing that we can talk for me i see them as just more of the same in a long line of...WAIT FOR IT......Politicians.. they have there agendas and there cronies and in a few months they will we put aside and a new bunch of politicians will fill there place with there agendas and there cronies and then maybe a new bunch of people will call them the devil and demand that be hung for treason it seems that what we have come to in this country guy lost so you must have stole it and are a dictator wanna-be and should be drove out of office..

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:19 PM
So, say this was not symbolic, but law that Bush/Cheney be arrested upon entry to this little hick town. Who's gonna arrest him? There isn't a cop in this country with the gonads nor the armor to get past the Secret Service to get there. I do think this vote was a waste of time though. If you want the nation to know how you feel, fine, then tell them. But to pass a vote that essentially does nothing?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Mekanic

Secret service is to abide by all local and state laws, if Bush were arrested they would simply escort for safety purposes. When..I think it was Jena was arrested for under age drinking and possesing false ID, her detail wathched it happen but stayed with her through the process.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Leviatano
reply to post by dk3000

I wouldn't mind getting Bill back into the office

Bill Clinton is nothing more than a charismatic and likable George Bush. Clinton created "rendition" which is the reason people can be dragged out of their home in the middle of the night and transported illegally out of the country into a secret prison where torture may be applied to extract any and all information or simply to detain and torture "suspected" terrorists, dissidents and various terrorist supporters and whatever else they wish to justify their inhumanities. Its open to any and all- which basically, now with the Patriot Act in full force- "THEY" can pretty much do whatever they want with immunity and do not have to answer or explain a frickin' thing! Bill Clinton set the final stage for Bush and company. Clinton's brother was dealing coc aine out of the governors mansion during his shift and the list goes on and on!

I digress- Your optimistic view is sweet and for a long time I shared it with you. Being a realist and watching the signs I now see that the only way change can occur is through force- which I believe they are prepared for and the sweeps will begin before this year is done. Its the only move that's left to take.

Congress is useless and in complete collusion- they speak of change but never do anything other than speak. Congress is frightened and they are trying grab what they can while they can as all people are doing. It really is every man/woman for themselves as the days of working one's way through the system in order to effect changes when one gets to the top are over. That dream is dead- dead- dead- deadski.

I am not very popular on this site or even my nephews site as most do not want to hear about doom and gloom- even I tire of it- but the fact remains that at one time I was a bit of a player and have since learned the corruption is complete- sorry to say. I keep my ear open to anyone who may be able to effect change- they always turn corrupt or are rendered quiet in one way or another- every time.

I truly wish my view was simply from a hurt and damaged POV- but its not. We are living in times where deception is the norm and to question it could cost your life. This whole thing is just gonna have to play itself out- and if there is anything left- then we can re-group. One thing is for certain the powers that be do not even care if we know it anymore!
PS- Percievedreality, as much as I agree with your comment- neocons are entitled to their opinions as well. Sadly for us, the Bush lover you ranted to, will have his precious president for the rest of the time the United States has not yet become the North American Union. He isn't going anywhere any time soon as Martial law is about to come true- it will cancel elections for 2008 or we will see McCain as the next president- still I think Bush will officially become dictator. I cannot imagine why the elite needs to appease the public any longer with something as mundane and inane as an election. I can only hope and pray that I am wrong!

[edit on 5-3-2008 by dk3000]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Thanks, I didn't know that. I thought they were superior to state and local.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 09:00 PM
Im glad someone is making some sort of statement against Bush/Cheney..but there is noone willing to arrest them.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by dk3000

To be honest some of the things I have heard about Clinton I never really knew about him. Seeing as his "Rein" in office was the time in which politics or worldly events were of no concern to me. Although one thing I remember hearing from my sister was how he relieved debt, I guess that is the only thing I know about him other than that affair. Then again all politicians can be crooked one way or another so more than likely it wouldn't be a good thing to put him back in due to the things that were happening while he was in office.

In a way I to feel change has to have force involved somewhere in the equation. It's just I don't openly say the view-point as it is rather brutal to say the least as some might see it as. Although I still believe things can be changed before the force is added in, it probably just takes time and time is not what we have anymore by the looks of things.

Haha true congress hasn't really done much and most of the time it usually takes forever for something to get through. Also they usually lump things they want into one bill where the president has to either approve the whole thing or utterly deny it. Its said that some congress people do that just to try and get things they want to become law. Its also bad enough that they don't even work that much! I mean they get paid a lot to bicker back and forth and they practically don't work. I really think we should change congress about before changing the presidency, that way well at least have an effective way of doing thing where people will actually work more than a couple of days and then play some rounds of golf.

Understandable that the doom and gloom thoughts are rather disliked to see, but I guess I rather hear more doom and gloom than hollow speeches about changes that will never come. I usually voice my opinion, but leave out the gloom as I know everyone must know of it by now and aren't really up for hearing another person speak of it.

And truly if McCain is to become president, well then I might just wind up in Jail as something won't sit right with me if I see another election rigged. Honestly if Bush somehow continues to stay in power...I will pick up my first cigarette and take my own life slowly as it would be a far better fate than having to stick around and be under his thumb. Just wish that all the people walking about in their daily lives would see that the bright light is not there anymore or not shining as brightly as it once had.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 10:36 PM
lol, so what does that mean if Bush or Cheney happens to drive into or land in Brattleboro or Marlboro they will arrest him? lol, and then what turn him over to the FBI, who will then promptly release them? laff.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 11:24 PM
For the last year in a half I have been doing research on alot of topics on this site and I have come to realize alot of the world still thinks as they did long ago, and it is frightning for me because Governments all over the world will do what they want. Then one day the people will wake up and say what has happen by then it will be to late. I hope that the people will see we have the power to stop it not as 1 but as a whole.

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