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does E.T. mean the end of religion ?

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posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

i dont believe in any specific religion as i believe alot of what they contain were written by human hands in the name of a god.yet i believe they all contain important truths we all should take notice of.

i believe in the teachings of beings such as jesus,buddha,confuscious,plato etc,what they were i dont know,but they were clearly of a more enlightened breed than the rest.

i believe the vast majority of ET;s are benevolent,wise and kind,there are perhaps a few bad seeds but they do not speak for thier species as a whole.

i believe man is responsible for all his own problems and blaming them anything else such as fallen angels is only hiding that fact to the point where wel never take responsibilty enough to stop us making erroneous,harmful actions.

i believe the universe is full of life,i believe other life is here now,and has been long before humankind ever set foot upon the earth.

i believe on a scale of 1-1000000 on the scale of evolution and advancement were about 0.5,were still sperm on a cosmic level.

i believe were being shielded from contact with other species as total contact has negative consequences upon the more primitive species,look whats happened to africa now theyve got guns,they were better of on there own,in thier natural state of progression.

when were ready,they will reveal themselves.

[edit on 3-3-2008 by welivefortheson]

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

Possible. Here's an interesting article on that very subject. It asserts that The National Enquirer was bought by a CIA crony and used to discredit contactees accounts. Of course the article talks about alot more than that and is worth the read.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by welivefortheson

Well done! I put our species a little higher up on the chain than you do but other than that I can see the rest of your points.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 05:46 PM
Oh and I believe alot of the "shielding" is being done by the powers that be to keep us buying oil for as long as they can before someone lets the Zero Point Energy genie out of the bag.(Hows that for a mixed metaphor)

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 07:19 PM
thanks everyone for your posts,

the link below is a survey that was sent to different churches around the country and it is really interesting to read some of the responses from the pastor's and of their congregations. i think these are some of the best examples of how this situation is going to be played out imho.

i did post this already but nobody seemed to mention it... so i thought i would bring it to your attention again incase you were interested.

there are many responses ranging from " E.T.'s don't exist " to " it could be a religious war greater than man has ever seen before "

The aim was not to dispute or confirm any position, but to allow those individuals who are directly responsible for community religious life to express their opinions and general attitudes.
National Institute for Discovery Science: The Impact of UFOs and Their Occupants on Religion - Response Analysis

"It is my opinion that the same God Who created our World and mankind also is the supreme being who is responsible for any other civilization."

"If there were extraterrestrial civilization it would be the Deanan of the Abyess [sic] (Part of Hell) turned loose in the Tribulation Period that the Bible speaks about. "Therefore I am not answering any of the above questions that would add to the trick of Satan that I personally believe that he will unleash upon the world in a future date."

What about the positive potential of an encounter with extraterrestrials? "*Questioning ones beliefs is not equivalent to abandoning those beliefs. "*I personally would be thrilled by such an encounter, and I am not afraid of losing God in the encounter.

there is a comment section at the bottom of the page wich puts this survey in perspective imo.

There are some caveats that should be addressed concerning this study. First, the respondents are clergy with a vested interest in the continued support of religious faith. Second, it is anticipated that the clergy have an accurate understanding of the solidity of the belief structures of their parishioners. Coupled with the first caveat, we must be cautious in drawing ultimate conclusions. Third, while an unusually large number of respondents returned the survey, approximately 77% did not.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 07:56 PM
First off people will believe whatever they desire to believe regardless. Some will change their minds about their belief and others will hold fast and steady cause they will find within them reason to do so, just as all the varying ideas are being shared on this thread.

I feel there will be those who will see new truth when aliens come and then there will be those that see a trickster as well. It will all be based on how the aliens in question act and will they share their motives with us so as to give us a reason for their sharings with us.

One thing I have heard in the past is that some ET's are said to be advanced by many hundreds and some a thousand or more in their spiritual sense of knowing. We have to be prepared to know that many aliens are races that are older than those of us sharing this world at this time.

Other aliens I have learned stay away because they do not want us to fall down and worship them. I am not so sure about that myself, but then there will be a portion of us that no doubt woud do such a thing. I for one enjoy the messages that aliens are our equals on a spiritual sense, but then that to will make some of us feel weird cause of various religious teachings.

I for one also agree that Jesus for example like many others was not the God, but rather a Avatar or at least a teacher if indeed he truly existed at all. There are those aliens that state that he did not really exist as we know of him, so that will challenge many too.

For me, whatever is the truth I will approach it with an open mind. If what I have learned and believed all these years is proved wrong, then so be it. But will I fall down and worship the alien as my God or superior...not one chance. I am an equal and the alien will know it all along.

But hey, this has been one heck of an interesting thread to read about.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Jonar

excellent post Jonar,

One thing I have heard in the past is that some ET's are said to be advanced by many hundreds and some a thousand or more in their spiritual sense of knowing. We have to be prepared to know that many aliens are races that are older than those of us sharing this world at this time.

believing in " occam's razor " i would have to agree that this is the most obvious choice. in order for a alien race to even be here would have to believe they are exponentially more advanced spiritually and technologically.

I for one also agree that Jesus for example like many others was not the God, but rather a Avatar or at least a teacher if indeed he truly existed at all.

this is the only thing we probably differ on but thats good imho... everyone has their own beliefs.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

your a strange girl,your positions keep on changing.your up to something but i dont know what!.flattery from a female tends to work with me.

truely we are nothing,trust me.can you imagine an artificially intelligent construct learning the entire contents of the internet and all human knowledge ?,using that knowledge to improve itself at an extraordinary pace?.now imagine if there were many such beings all connected and they all worked together self improving and colonising the imagine 10000 years of that kind of development,eventually integrated with other species sum of knowledge networks whom may be millions of years old.

now imagine a billion years of such development!,its astonishing,it cant be put into words,not even remotly,it would be able to create it own universes and control every single atom as it chooses!!!.

[edit on 3-3-2008 by welivefortheson]

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 08:58 PM
If there are other life forms that exist then all it really serves to prove is that all religion we have been taught is a farce, so in a way it would destroy religion because the truth would become known to all... at least those paying attention and those whom are not in a permanent denial of the facts.

But that is not to say there is not a god or some form of such a powerful and all knowing being.

Much in the same way as why if in fact there is a god why would they permit so many religions to exist that serve to cause only conflict, hate, famine, and war to rage on endlessly under the guise of many names. What is the point of that? More so what is the point of worshipping such a sinister being to being with? What is the true test of a person to passively worship in conflict or to stand tall using ones own intuition, while everybody else points at them shouting for them to be cast down in their own sin. So I must ask you what sin might that be?

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by easynow

Thanks for the great post! I had never considered that other civilizations may not have fallen from grace and then would have been able to fulfill their God given potential. Often times when I read the first chapter of Genesis I have felt like there had to be verses missing. Like when you get to " We will make man in our image". What if the we were beings who never fell from grace and were given by God the task of creating a people to inhabit our world. If they were operating in the perfect will of God then whatever they did would be according to the will of God. Perhaps other civilizations didn't need a redeemer(Jesus).Non of that would contradict scripture. Wow.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by welivefortheson

If you read my above reply to easynow you can see that my ideas are indeed changing. Or evolving. If there are civilizations who had never fallen from grace and had never lost their intimate direct connection with God then yes, I conceed they would be unfathomably more advanced than us. My mind is reeling right now. Thanks for keeping me on my toes and pushing me to think a little deeper...Cutie.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:54 AM
Oh I was watching one of my Christian TV shows this morning and the preacher said that the original Hebrew in Genesis did not use the word "rib" when explaining what was taken from Adam to create Eve. It used the word "curve" which the preacher interpreted to mean the female part of the DNA helix.
I don't give a hoot about religion but I was concerned that some people's faith would be affected by the existence of ETs. I'm starting to think there's hope for us yet.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by easynow

ET means Extra Terrestrial, Useless posts are for Forum whoer's.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
As a Christian I believe God created everything. ETs and UFOs speak to the wonder of Gods creation. It verifies it for me. So no it would';t do anything to real Christians who understand. It's all covered in scripture if you know how to look.

David Flynn is billiant in his explanation...

Angels are non-human intelligent beings who have superior technology and comprehension of physics, having been present at the creation of the material universe.

The concept of an ANGEL comes from the Greek aggelos; from the Hebrew ago for "one going forth" or "one leading"; messenger. Not all angels are "good". Not all angels continue to do God's will, although all angels were originally created by God to convey His message. Some angels rebelled against God's plan. Some angels go forth to give their own message; some angels go forth to lead mankind AWAY from the truth.

But all angels are more intelligent and powerful beings than mere humans.
The angels are represented throughout the Bible as a body of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men: "You have made him (man) a little less than the angels" (Psalm 8:6). They, equally with man, are created beings; "praise ye Him, all His angels: praise ye Him, all His hosts . . . for He spoke and they were made. He commanded and they were created" (Psalm 148:2, 5: Colossians 1:16, 17).

There's a lot more :
UFOs and the Bible by David Flynn

Precisely what I believe also, I think many UFO's are piloted by Fallen Angels

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 12:16 PM
does your religion mean the end of an juxtoposition of what defines life?

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 12:17 PM
Let me just add, if Aliens showed up tomorrow in their UFO's most people would drop their faith in a heartbeat.
Thats just my opinion

Except for perhaps 144,000 true believers (hopefully more though)

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by TallDutch
Let me just add, if Aliens showed up tomorrow in their UFO's most people would drop their faith in a heartbeat.
Thats just my opinion

Except for perhaps 144,000 true believers (hopefully more though)

thanks for your post,

i think it really depends on what or who shows up.

but i kinda agree that alot of people would be confused enough to question their faith.

144,000.....?....i am assuming your talking about the rapture ?

what if the aliens are not from the spiritual realm ? would that change your opinion in any way ?

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by BallBreaker
reply to post by easynow

ET means Extra Terrestrial, Useless posts are for Forum whoer's.

thank you for gracing us with your superior intelligence...

your post is obviously useless...have a nice day...

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by MsSmartypants
reply to post by easynow

Thanks for the great post! I had never considered that other civilizations may not have fallen from grace and then would have been able to fulfill their God given potential. Often times when I read the first chapter of Genesis I have felt like there had to be verses missing. Like when you get to " We will make man in our image". What if the we were beings who never fell from grace and were given by God the task of creating a people to inhabit our world. If they were operating in the perfect will of God then whatever they did would be according to the will of God. Perhaps other civilizations didn't need a redeemer(Jesus).Non of that would contradict scripture. Wow.

excellent post... very interesting

I had never considered that other civilizations may not have fallen from grace and then would have been able to fulfill their God given potential.

well all i can do is hope these are the ones that show up. if they did create us then i would expect it to be them that visits.

you know the opposite of that is possible and i hope they arent the ones that show up...

[edit on 4-3-2008 by easynow]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by easynow

Originally posted by TallDutch
Let me just add, if Aliens showed up tomorrow in their UFO's most people would drop their faith in a heartbeat.
Thats just my opinion

Except for perhaps 144,000 true believers (hopefully more though)

thanks for your post,

i think it really depends on what or who shows up.

but i kinda agree that alot of people would be confused enough to question their faith.

144,000.....?....i am assuming your talking about the rapture ?

what if the aliens are not from the spiritual realm ? would that change your opinion in any way ?

I mean the 144,000 elect that cannot be deceived.
And I'm not 100% sure if there ever will be a rapture, but thats for a whole other thread

What if the aliens are not from the spiritual realm ? you ask.
I guesss you mean what if the aliens show up in an actual physical body state

No, it would only strengthen my belief.
I believe angels are physical entities, or perhaps they are both spiritual AND physical

If you read Revelation 13 you know a 'Beast' will come on the scene that is "given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation"—and they will worship him.
To me this 'beast' sounds like perhaps an extraterrestrial

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