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Ascension Process

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posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by darcon

I'm ascending to another reality. My point of view in regards to what our existence means and what is really important has shifted as well. I think i'm better off knowing but I fear the distance that is expanding between me ..... and others who choose to take the other pill with a smile. I can't go back now but it's hard to leave them all behind.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 09:59 PM
It is going to be hard my friend, some of us are not ready, and some of us are. When i ascend, i doubt my parents are going to be able to ascend with me, for they have not been living by the golden rule and they do not meditate or anything of that nature to improve this ascension process, They are also too attached to the Material world. Your friends and family will find their way. It saddens me too to think that i will have to leave my current family, but we will always be in their heart. We will see them again.
Tell me what are you experiencing, i would love to hear what you have too say, if you don't want to post it on hear just give me a U2U if you want too.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by darcon]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:02 PM
Man gets tired
Spirit don’t
Man surrenders
Spirit won’t
Man crawls
Spirit flies
Spirit lives
When man dies

Man seems
Spirit is
Man dreams
The spirit lives
Man is tethered
Spirit is free
What spirit
Is man can be

...Mike Scott

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:02 PM
I know everything and no one is smarter than me.

I am invincible because I am the universe. I am everything and nothing simultaneously. I can not be stopped because I did not start.

There's eternally more and less. Any old habits and definitions of what human emotions were has shifted. I no longer care about limiting myself in an attempt to be kind to others. I say what is true and that is that. I don't sway from the path of honesty at any cost, even if it is hurting someone, because then the truth becomes emotionally obfuscated once again.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:03 PM
A very good way of opening up your chakras is through a guided meditation. There is a video I found online that has helped me tremendously in my meditation process.

Every time I watch it I feel better and better.

Give it a look.

Google Video Link

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

Tell it like it is, i have to respect that. I also agree, Materialistic views mean nothing in the real reality. Not the staged one we are in now.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by darcon]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by CPYKOmega

Thanx for the video, i will take a look at it. their are many videos that can help on Youtube, i say look for knowledge every possible way.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by darcon]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by lw2525

Really nice quote, and very true. Man may perish, but the spirit is Eternal.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by tati.12
But things are going great for me though, if you misunderstood, i feel happy insane.

Ditto... I'm Just plain confused right now and I lack the vocabulary to put into words how I'm feeling. I just feel like I'm going the right way so I'll continue see whats next...

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by DrPaulisENKI

I understand completely. For a while, I thought that I was naturally going to leave everything behind. Yet, nothing was farther from the truth. In time yes, but in time everyone does that. Just remember that the existence that you are feeling tugging at your soul is no more important than the one you are in right now.

This is the existence that is nurturing you, protecting you (I fully understand the irony in that), and allowing you to grow by leaps and bounds, and every moment you remain here is another moment that you continue to develop right now.

I think that development beyond this existence is quite possible, but more drawn out and requires different methods in order to better comprehend one's mistakes and avoid them in the future. Here pain and suffering are very real and almost omnipresent, and that forces a more rapid degree of evolution in order to survive and prevent further suffering or even worse suffering that occurs by not adapting to the previous situations.

How would that occur if you say, lived for twenty billion years and the only 'physical' feelings that existed were the extremes of emotion? Love, hatred, fear, and so on, where as stubbing one's toe, or getting a rash or skin infection from doing something foolish is impossible? Here, our frail bodies require us to rapidly adapt to our surroundings, or we become injured or die.

Leave your hand on a stove for ten seconds too long and you could lose your hand, your job, and possibly starve to death (I am exaggerating to prove the point), where as outside of this dimension, it might take you fifty years to even notice your hand on the stove in the first place (or a heat source of some sort or whatever). So how can you make that decision to avoid a destructive source and protect others from it (gaining karma and a small dose of enlightenment), when it could take literally a lifetime here to even put the pieces together there?

I have felt that pull to another existence, and it is intoxicating. But, once I remembered how beautiful this place is, and how much my family here needs me, I was able to calm down and get back to living this life, while still accepting that there is something else out there when the time is rght.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:16 PM
Of a time when we know we are not alone and indeed are being visited already —and suddenly the earth is a very small blue island in the vast universe and we are all family upon her.

Of a time when the people and their representatives have stood up to the forces of exploitation and covert abuse of power and have finally fulfilled the promise of democracy and an open and free society.

Of a time when the one trillion dollar military/industrial complex will be transformed into an engine to advance all the peoples of the world, not destroy. them.

Of a time when the technologies of extraterrestrial origin, already figured out and operational in covert projects funded by the people, will be disclosed and owned by all.

Of a time when, by these advancements, each home and each village can have its own source of energy which consumes no fuel and pollutes not the air, the water or the land.

Of a time when the third world will be freed from the poverty which the limited resources and cost of energy ensure —and will take its place equally among the prosperous nations of the northern hemisphere.

Of a time when we will utilize space to explore and discover, not as the next launching pad for warfare.

Of a time when we can see our children's children's children living and growing in a world free of the specter of environmental holocaust.

Of a time when the earth and her people will take their place peacefully among other planetary peoples, joining in an evolutionary spiral which endures for millennia.

Of a time when the millions of acres of fertile farm land now under highways will be freed to be nurtured for better uses, as we float silently from place to place in devices currently held hostage in underground facilities.

Of a time when the ugliness of transmission lines and power plants and nuclear waste will vanish into irrelevance as we each utilize power sources in our homes and offices which are free-standing and non-polluting.

Of a time when no rain forest will need to be cut down or burned for firewood and minimally productive farmland since the means of energy and production will forever quench that inferno.

Of a time when the great want and injustice of severe poverty, which breeds so much social unrest and suffering, will be replaced by a culture of abundance, not a zero sum game of greed.

Of a time when the exploration of mind and human potential will replace the exploitation of others.

Of a time of collective security when the people of the world will vow to enforce a peace which is inviolate —and universal— and will let no leader or group invade or exploit another.

Of a time when all beings, human or otherwise, are respected and protected equally for the reality of their inner being, not judged by their race or sex or other external qualities. Not even their planet of origin.

For such a time, some effort is warranted. Some sacrifice justified.
quote from - Dr Steven Greer.
Click link and read

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:19 PM
Regarding paths and enlightenment.

There are no paths to follow to enlightenment or any ascension to make; you are already there and just waiting to realise it. Like someone suffering from a severe case of amnesia and waiting to remember.

To realise what it means to be infinite is to realise that all things are the same thing and that there is no 'all' or anything other than spontaneous non-dual awareness. You.

You are what you are and nothing you can do can move you closer to this or take you further away from it. No paths, no ascension. Only individual perceptions of duality, of this-ness and that-ness, of self and other, of the little 'you' reading this and believing it as separate from what you perceive and experience around you. Light has no special qualities as a vehical as it manifests in darkness too, in all extremes and opposites, light and dark, hot and cold, good and evil. It is within all things and it is all things and it is the only thing, not dual, not oneness, not nothingness, not anything that can be enumerated.

Meditation is a great start to 'realisation', but it is not in meditation either. It is in being without doing. Not 'doing nothing', but 'non-doing'. Being able to exist in the Now. Right Now without the distractions of the ego, without thoughts of future or past. Meditation is a way to train the mind to stop being distracted by the phenomena experienced around ourselves that keeps us as seeing ourselves as separate from what we are, but meditation is still Doing and realisation is not in any Doing as Doing requires Other and Realisation includes that there is no Other.

Meditation should not be a trance or a dream. What we percieve is already illusion and dream. What Realisation entails is a state of total lucidity, free from distraction. Absolute contentment free of boundaries or obstructions of thought in the single moment that is Now.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Meditation should not be a trance or a dream. What we percieve is already illusion and dream. What Realization entails is a state of total lucidity, free from distraction. Absolute contentment free of boundaries or obstructions of thought in the single moment that is Now.
There you go, we are in the dream, we just need to wake up.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by almighty bob

Very interesting.

I would respectfully disagree with you however. A path is whatever you are doing. Even if it is nothing. Nothing is something as it can be defined and rationalized. There is light and there is dark, it is how you relate to it that counts. Detachment is merely a step. For a time I sought nothing, and through it I found something. Life.

How can one avoid the mistakes of the present and the future if one forgets the past? If you cannot remember to duck every time you enter a low doorway, you will hit it every time. If you smack into that doorway enough times and refuse to avoid it, eventually you could become seriously hurt, depending on how fast you walk and if you are already sporting previous injuries from walking into the same spot over and again.

The issue with the past, present and future comes when one fixates on anyone of these to the exclusion to everything else. One who lives in the past will always struggle to adapt to the present and the future. One who lives in the future will miss out on the present and will forget the mistakes of the past and will most likely relive those mistakes over and over. Those who live solely in the present neither learns from the past, nor applies what one achieves right now for the future (spending money on baseball tickets then realizing a week later you can't pay the bills, then doing it a month later all over again is an example).

The past is there to guide us for the present and future, the present is where we are now and should be utilized as best we can while living now, and the future is something we can prepare for and look ahead to so as to prevent further mistakes. If you ride a bike through a field, and your tires go flat because there are stickers, you can fixate on making a bad decision, OR you can get to the store or home and get the bike fixed (living in the present), so tomorrow you can ride your bike again rather than putting it off (looking to the future), and then avoiding that field next time, so as not to put yourself through that ordeal again (remembering the past).

The past, present, and future are a part of our lives and neglecting any one would be just as dangerous as neglecting the body in favor of developing the mind, or soul. Being realistic is key, and as Freud understood, fixation is the antithesis of proper development.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by GideonHM
reply to post by almighty bob

Very interesting.

I would respectfully disagree with you however. A path is whatever you are doing. Even if it is nothing. Nothing is something as it can be defined and rationalized. There is light and there is dark, it is how you relate to it that counts. Detachment is merely a step. For a time I sought nothing, and through it I found something. Life.

But when you have a path, all you do is walk it. Since you are already at your destination, what is the use of any path except as more distraction.
There is no light or dark, only the perceptions of light and dark. What would one be without the other? Like any opposite.

Originally posted by GideonHM
How can one avoid the mistakes of the present and the future if one forgets the past? If you cannot remember to duck every time you enter a low doorway, you will hit it every time. If you smack into that doorway enough times and refuse to avoid it, eventually you could become seriously hurt, depending on how fast you walk and if you are already sporting previous injuries from walking into the same spot over and again.

Past and future are also illusory concepts. If time is to be infinite, all perceptions of time are meaningness except as rationalised by any individual or ego, reified by subjective experience. Sure, you experience and you learn from experience, but to realise what You really are, to realise your enlightenment, not just the ego and perceptions of your individual experience, thoughts of ego, thoughts of future and past are more distractions because they reinforce the belief of things being somehow separate to you, which they aren't.

Meditation is a practice to help quiet the mind of these distractions towards the realisation that the phenomena are not actually real at all. There is no doorway, there is no pain, just distracted belief of doorway and pain.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by almighty bob]

[edit on 16-2-2008 by almighty bob]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 11:15 PM
Have you ever stared at yourself in the mirror and looked DEEP into your own eyes?

Why do you think that creeps us out so much when we do that?

Do you really wanna know what you are really made of?

I don't think you do.

Inner peace, inner serenity..... it's never everlasting, and it's over-rated.

Ascension, it seems, could just as easily be construed as descension to I'd say just about half of all being in existence at any one time at any portion of the "universe's" history. It all depends on which side of the spectrum the one track mind is travelling back towards this "season".

Are we really benefitting by expanding our awareness? Depends on who's asking. There are an infinite number of ways, between yes and no, to answer that question.

One way to "answer" that question would be to ask another question... Are we really expanding our awareness as a species if we start to exclude things such as hate, death, suicide, murder, rape, and destruction from our collective being?

Instead of labelling things such as this "bad", we should more try to re-evaluate our views on morals. Labelling anything positive or negative automatically chops your awareness in half.

As humans, the reason this disturbs us is because we quite obviously are destined to be a species of the upcurve (the light, the good, etc).

Somehow, all the headbutting and hate and bloodletting that goes on in this universe... is just as meaningful and right as all the passifists kissing puppies and saving the rainforest.

So I see neither ascension or descension happening at this time.

More like everything shifting back into it's comfy couch groove for a while after a hard day's worth.

So everybody stop freaking out. It's not important. Stop packing your bags. Stop buying survival kits or Berkee filter systems.

=Just do whatever it is that inspires your passion for life. That will be your teacher and your saviour. Nothing else.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by almighty bob


I like that you realize that light and dark are concepts.

This is what some very special friends told me that really helped me.

"It is not whether something is real, but how you react to it that counts."

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Mer Ka Ba

A vehicle of light you build for ascension

That metaphor really resonates and I think it a beautiful image for visualizing in meditation, etc. "vehicle of light" ... very powerful. Thank you for presenting that idea.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 01:23 AM
I experienced a wonderful transformation in 2000 in my studio. But it wasn't a quick transformation. It was a slow process that I feel isn't finished yet. It's a slow process, unlike what happend to Saul (St. Paul) on the road to Damascus. But I find o ther people experiencing the same sort of transformation that I do. But, yet, it seems more and more people are rejecting the transformation, such as increased gunmen going on killing sprees. There is a big event coming and there will be sides taken.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by CPYKOmega

Thank you so much for posting the video its amazing. I watched it from start to finish I couldn t look away. Lots to think about how do we incorporate all this as we meditate? Absolutely amazing.

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