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Annunaki theory, Angels and Dragons…

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posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 09:38 PM

while they look like the traditional Grey aliens, that is just a coincidence.

Just a coincidence.......c-mon, out of all the possible drawings they could have done, of all the different body figures produced by the human imagination and just by coincidence the ancient caves of aboriginal paintings just happen to resemble the common grey aliens.......

They apparently had skull-like faces

So did the aborigines kill Kangaroos and wear their skulls...what..?
If you're saying the spirits had skull-like faces, so they are just a different type of alien species or something, because you can't honestly expect me to believe that they painted imaginary beings, whom they created from their imaginations....we are talking about paintings from all over Australia of the same creatures.....

Also, the Wondjina did not have limbs

What...................have a look at the link
They've all have arms and legs and if I’m not mistaken, some seem to have 6 fingers.....

And while looking at the pics look at the "Ungud"

Snake in I suppose serpents...reptilians.....might be a long shot but you get the point....
Not rain spirits but "supreme spirit beings"
“The "big boss" Wandjina, came from the Milky Way to create the earth and all the people. “

the Greys are never described as being limbless. If the aborigines did have contact with aliens, why would they describe them as being limbless?

as you can see they are not limbless, only the snake ones are...which are...snake......

Wallungunder saw that he could do good with these people, so he went back to the Milky Way and brought many other Wandjinas with the power of the Dreamtime snake to help him bring laws and kinship to the Gyorn Gyorn people. The Dreamtime snake represents Mother Earth and is called ungud.

As I said have a read….

"Our attitude to what goes on up in the heavens is what rules us Aboriginals. Its similar to religion, whereby Christians believe in a religious world ruled by one God, but many "Saints", we believe the same only the many "saints" to us are planetary ones whom you in the the Western world refer to as ET or aliens.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 01:23 AM
The Nephilim or Annunuki are from an ancient planet called Niburi it got destroyed by the Siriusians around 30million years ago. That is what we have now the asteroid belt what is left of it.

I wouldn't trust the Nephilim and they have an ancient relationship with Iraq; so beware in the future if they make themselves known.

Also beware of the Marsian Black Spiders east of the cydonia face.

posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 02:19 PM

Just a coincidence.......c-mon, out of all the possible drawings they could have done, of all the different body figures produced by the human imagination and just by coincidence the ancient caves of aboriginal paintings just happen to resemble the common grey aliens.......

From a modern perspective, they resemble grey aliens. However, the Wondjina had skulls for heads, no mouths, and no limbs. Any picture of a grey, they have mouths, legs and arms -- something missing from the pictures of Wadjina. If the aborigines were meeting with aliens, why portray them as having no arms or legs, or no mouths?

Plus, humans are very imaginative creatures and Aboriginies have the longest surviving extant culture on Earth, stretching back 15,000 years. Chances are, sometime, somewhere they are going to describe something that, from a modern prospective, looks like the modern perceptions of an alien.

Of course, they don't really look like aliens...

So did the aborigines kill Kangaroos and wear their skulls...what..?
If you're saying the spirits had skull-like faces, so they are just a different type of alien species or something, because you can't honestly expect me to believe that they painted imaginary beings, whom they created from their imaginations....we are talking about paintings from all over Australia of the same creatures...

Yes, humans create imaginary creatures all the time. Do you think Wookies are real, that George Lucas couldn't possibly concieve of an alien species without it actually existing?

Like I said, they are the oldest culture on Earth. And the Aboriginies had a common culture, so yes these painting all over Australia will have common attributes.

They are spirits -- not people wearing masks.

What..have a look at the link
They've all have arms and legs and if I’m not mistaken, some seem to have 6 fingers.....
as you can see they are not limbless, only the snake ones are...which are...snake......

Actually, you are the one who needs to go back and look at the pictures.

In the cover of the Kate Bush album you posted, the Wondjina do not have limbs, as I described. In the other link, from the Broome 6 art gallery, the Wodjina do have arms you are right.

However, there is a difference between the two links. The Kate Bush album is original, ancient "rock art" (as you described it). The Broome 6 pics are modern interpretations of Wondjina.

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 06:27 AM

If the aborigines were meeting with aliens, why portray them as having no arms or legs, or no mouths?

Well even if they weren't greys, that hardly discounts the possibility of them still being aliens.......I don't think or expect the greys if they really do exist.....would be the only alien race to have visited us......Just like the reptilians and Nordics and all......

Plus, humans are very imaginative creatures and Aboriginies have the longest surviving extant culture on Earth, stretching back 15,000 years.

Does that not mean that the beliefs of god according to religion are just as false......( i myself am an atheist...just to let you know)

Chances are, sometime, somewhere they are going to describe something that, from a modern prospective, looks like the modern perceptions of an alien.

I suppose.....but just the fact that we see today so many UFO's, so much talk about alien abductions....Sumerian art work of winged human looking beings that were gods, and said to have had an actual social relationship with the Sumerians....If we were in modern times as we are now, but there never was any works of human looking beings or anything of that sort....cultures saying that gods gave them the knowledge to build and such.....I'd think differently about all of this....But too much is staring me in the face, the pyramids, the great structures of Baalbeck....and i know you think we humans did those things......but i just can't see how...i guess that's just me......

Which reminds me.....what about the (angels....gods) of the Sumerians.. the Annunaki...besides the European angels....these go back so far back....i don't know what to say....

Have a look at this doc
Ancient Aliens - Fallen Angels (1 of 4 )

look at all 4 parts….very interesting…..

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by andre18
...I don't think or expect the greys if they really do exist.....would be the only alien race to have visited us...Just like the reptilians and Nordics and all...

Yes, but what evidence do you have, outside of these stories, seen from modern eyes? There is no evidence Wondjina are anything other than what the aboriginies believed them to be, spirits.

What is more likely, that an alien influenced aboriginal culture, and we have no evidence of it outside of stories interpreted from a modern perspective, or that the stories of Wondjina developed over centuries as a way for the aborigines to understand the nature forces around them?

Originally posted by andre18
Does that not mean that the beliefs of god according to religion are just as false......( i myself am an atheist...just to let you know)

Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. Belief in god is just that, belief. There is no quantifiable evidence, yea or nay for or against God. We should stick to verifiable

Originally posted by andre18
Sumerian art work of winged human looking beings that were gods, and said to have had an actual social relationship with the Sumerians...the great structures of Baalbeck...

Remember, wings appearing on humans in ancient art were never meant to represent actual wings, but rather to denote them as something "other than" human.

What about Baalbeck has you perplexed?

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by andre18

A flag and star added to your thread. Imagine, the dragons of myth really being hostile aliens of some sort. I've always though of the angels as such but never included the other creatures of myth.

Perhaps Satan and his gang are really part of the hostile alien group too. The dragons just being his foot soldiers.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 12:34 PM
PROOF people, in order to convince someone that something exists you must have proof. I believe in God, but how can the finite prove the infinite? It can't I have limits God does not, so it would be impossible, every natural thing can be explained in a logical sense, if logic fails in your theory (and you being an atheist states that you have limited yourself to what can be explained), then your theory fails. This is not according to scientific standards (which constantly show to be illogical), it is according to common sense, something all of us (maybe not all of us) are born with.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

PROOF people, in order to convince someone that something exists you must have proof. I believe in God, but how can the finite prove the infinite?

Your statement contradicts itself. Where is your "proof" that a god does exist? If there is a god and the god is infinite does that not mean that anything is possible? Such as this theory of the dragons?

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Sanity Lost
Your statement contradicts itself. Where is your "proof" that a god does exist? If there is a god and the god is infinite does that not mean that anything is possible? Such as this theory of the dragons?

His point is that one cannot prove or disprove God, because of the insubstantial, unquantifiable nature of God. Proof, in a scienitific, quantifiable sense, and God are two mutually exclusive ideas.

However, what Andre is proposing is not untangible or unquanitifiable. He is arguing for the tangible existence of creatures like dragons. Unlike the case with God, the existence of creatures like dragons or aliens influencing human myth and proof are not mutually exclusive ideas. Thus, we discuss the proof for or against such things, because if such creatures exist or existed then we will have some sort of evidence.

Plus, even if God exists it is not proof that other beings exist.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 02:18 PM
Oh, and on the behalf of Andre and I, welcome to the discussion Sanity Lost and JumpingJack. And Merry Christmas.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 02:35 PM
24 Examples of Dragons/Serpents in the KJV Bible

Adding this just for kicks to point out the concept of Satan as a dragon etc. from the Bible's point of view.

edited to add -
Thanks for the welcome, SaviorComplex

[edit on 24-12-2007 by Sanity Lost]

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Just came back from my Christ-mas holy-day …….no dragons included……damn reptilians…lol

On the behalf of Andre and I, welcome to the discussion Sanity Lost and JumpingJack. And Merry Christmas.

Thanks for doing that ‘SaviorComplex’ I hope your Christmas wasn’t as bad as mine, I got a slingshot….what am I, Dennis the menace…. lol….

What about Baalbeck has you perplexed?

well….for starters…the bloody size of the structures….how an ancient culture was able to do something like that is impossible in my mind… matter what kind of strategy thy used to build them which became lost as you claim as a possibility……The only way I can see the smallest option that they were able to build those structures or even the pyramids, is if they had some sort of sound wave tech, where the vibrations of the sounds some how make those extremely large blocks become as light as a feather or something..
I don’t know how this theory on sound waves works exactly, but it sounds to me as the most rational theory so far…

The problem even with this theory, is we know with all our scientific understandings, are able to be accessed to wondrous technologies and ideas through helpful tools and instruments like the computer, 6.5 billion people on this planet….and not a single one is able to actually figure it out…..not only this….but the Baalbeck blocks are also built many years after the pyramid……and so this can only mean the tech was around for that many thousands of years…..but if that’s so…..why isn’t there many many more structures all around the middle East in these gigantic sizes? I would gave then expected the middle east to be covered with these structures, not just a very few in very remote areas…..Would it not be more logical to assume every single house would have been built like the pyramids in such size or complexity…not just the pyramids….? All of Egypt would be full of these structures…then I might be I bit more sympathetic to humans….

Although I believe we built Baalbeck, I believe aliens showed us how and with help while building it….as the Baalbeck structures do look human designed…..(such as a temple or something of that nature…) Because of the lack in numbers of humongous structures like the pyramids, I can only assume that some kind of alien intervention was used in the creation of these structures……..Think of the constructions the Egyptians could have built to defend against invading forces if they had the know how……

Anyway…..did you see the links…

Ancient Aliens - Fallen Angels (1 of 4 )

Ancient Aliens - Fallen Angels (2 of 4 )

Ancient Aliens - Fallen Angels (3 of 4 )

Ancient Aliens - Fallen Angels (4 of 4 )

This basically supports my theory by like……100% but without the dragon reptilian thing….

And something to look at here…..

Henry & West Pt.1/6

John Anthony West is a writer, scholar and Pythagorean. He is the author of The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, The Case for Astrology, as well as consulting editor for the Traveler's Key series. John writes articles, essays and criticism for The New York Times Book Review, Conde Nast's Traveler and others. He won an EMMY Award for his 1993 NBC Special Documentary, The Mystery of the Sphinx, hosted by Charlton Heston. He is the leading authority and proponent of the 'Symbolist' school of Egyptology, an alternative interpretation of ancient Egyptian culture advanced by the French scholar and philosopher, R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz. In addition, John lectures extensively on Egypt and personally leads several in-depth study tours to Egypt every year.
John shared theories, evidence, and interpretation regarding the Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza. It's "deep heresy" to today's scientific establishment that an ancient civilization had skills that surpass our own-- yet that is what they must have had to make these awe-inspiring structures, he argued.
Visiting the Sphinx in-person gave West a sense of "unspeakable antiquity" and pride that human beings had made such a monument. It's meant to signal an "ingress to the Age of Leo," and the last one occurred 10,500 BC, though he believes the Sphinx might have been constructed in the earlier age of Leo which took place at 36,500 BC. Edgar Cayce predicted that a Hall of Records would be found at the base of the Sphinx, and West shared that a cavern under bedrock has been detected by seismograph under the left paw. It appears to be a rectangular shape approximately 36 X 45 feet.
He explored various theories as to how these structures were built:
They used a technology we don't recognize, which could be hidden in a religious symbol.
They employed a "soft" technology such as music or sound.
The work was performed by people in a heightened state of consciousness.
Beyond issues of how and when these grand structures were made, West stressed their religious importance in reconnecting humankind with divine consciousness.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by andre18

There is no doubt who built the great structures at Baalbeck -- the Romans. They had the tools and technology capable of doing it; the very quarry where they carved the stones is near-by, including one never moved "The Stone of the Pregnant Woman" which if moved would be one of the heaviest objects ever moved by mankind. The great temples were built over several centuries starting in 100 BC -- our knowledge of the era is fairly comprehensive. It wasn't the Dark Ages, and many records from the era still exist. If Baalbeck was built with alien technology, certainly there would be some record of something so fantastic.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Dark_Ace
dragons came from mythical stories like wizards and witches and elves

theres no alien side to it

I don't know why anyone trys to devlop theoires on it when it is written clearly in the Urantia Book.

I hate to use the term "aliens" but everything that stupid monkeys call "aliens" actually have origins pre-man in the range of our world. However yes they were real and they were aliens.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Sanity Lost
Adding this just for kicks to point out the concept of Satan as a dragon etc. from the Bible's point of view.

This isn't proof of dragons being real. All it proves is that the various writers of the Bible had heard stories and myths of dragons.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

As discussed earlier in this post, we are trying to stick to proof, to what is verifiable, not fairy-tales or so-called holy books.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Just so I know how the Romans were able to build it and carry it….can you give me suggestions or links to formulations on how they did it….

From what I’ve been researching…..the Romans weren’t the first to build the structures, they simply had most of the structures built for them already before they came to Baalbek, all they had to do was finish the job. Apparently even the Sumerians called Baalbek ancient.

“ Prehistory: The history of Baalbeck dates back around 5000 years”
Simply put, the Romans weren’t around 5000 years ago….

Just found this…check it out… my theory is on google…..

Coral Castle: Joe Bullard Pt.1/5
I think I found a reasonable explanation on what method was used to build the structures…frequencies of sound waves…..this I suppose is the only way I can accept that man built the pyramids and not aliens…..this guy is really something…..
Secrets of Coral Castle Pt 1/11

Investigative journalist Joe Bullard returned to discuss the mysteries surrounding Florida's Coral Castle and its creator Ed Leedskalnin. The Castle and its gardens feature thousands of tons of coral rock that Leedskalnin, a frail man who weighed just 100 pounds, carved into artistic yet functional objects such as tables and chairs, a sundial and a huge perfectly balanced gate. While he made and moved these objects in secret, he claimed he used the same technology that the Egyptians built the pyramids with.

Leedskalnin said he built Coral Castle for his lost love Agnes who jilted him back in Latvia, but Bullard suggested that this tale might have been a cleverly disguised cover story for hiding his secret knowledge and scientific achievements. When Leedskalnin was in a hospital in 1951, shortly before his death, thieves stole some of his tools. Bullard believes this might have been a planned confiscation.

Leedskalnin left a message over his bedroom at the site: THE SECRET OF THE UNIVERSE IS 7129/6105195. One caller said that was the number from Leedskalnin's federal application for citizenship; another caller related the number to the "golden ratio." Bullard's book Waiting for Agnes, a fictionalized account of the Coral Castle story, incorporates the lore of Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle into the plot.

Joe Bullard was born in Florida in 1951. He attended the University of West Florida and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Journalism in 1974. He found out about the Coral Castle on the television series called "In Search Of" in September of 1984. During this time he was working at Lake City Community College as Public Information Director and Professor of a newspaper class. Joe spent 10 years of research at Coral Castle and started writing "Waiting for Agnes" in February of 1995. It took him five years to get the story on paper and almost four years to publish it.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
reply to post by Incarnated

As discussed earlier in this post, we are trying to stick to proof, to what is verifiable, not fairy-tales or so-called holy books.

Well Then I sudgest you spend the next several years in deep studies of all the lost texts to come to the realization, like I have, that the Urantia Book is real. Else wise you're just going to stay blind to the reality of it.

My point is, the book is good, yet people reject the book because of ignorance and in that they stay in their ignorance.

That just seems puzzling to me.

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by andre18

From what I’ve been researching…..the Romans weren’t the first to build the structures, they simply had most of the structures built for them already before they came to Baalbek, all they had to do was finish the job...

“ Prehistory: The history of Baalbeck dates back around 5000 years”
Simply put, the Romans weren’t around 5000 years ago….

Not quite. You are right that Baalbek ancient. However, read the link you provided a bit more close. It just states that it was settled 5000 years ago, not that the structures were built then. And while it does say that the Romans did build on earlier ruins, it goes on to say the Romans were responsible for the construction of the immense structures.

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Well Then I suggest you spend the next several years in deep studies of all the lost texts to come to the realization, like I have,

Think about it like this....there is NO proof what so ever....that ANYTHING that is said in that book is true AT scientific method can be used to debunk or analyse any claims the Urantia Book says are true....If there were any....then those claims would then be automatically put up to scientist scrutiny to determined whether or not those claims can be plausible.....

And don't give the "it's faith" BS....i can't tell you how many religious folk give that rundown.......if our laws were built on faith, the court system would not exist....proof would be irrelevant....

" your honour....i really believe my defendant is innocent..."

"hmmmm you really seem to have a strong belief in your client....what faith you must have in him.....ok you're free to go...."

No it doesn't work like that....we need hard facts of proof before we can determine what right an wrong....I have a theory that dragons and Angels may have been aliens in ancient support my claims....i try to present proof....if my claims are proven wrong. that’s ok...I’ll try again with other claims....which can be analysed and checked for plausibility...
I'm not saying my theory is fact....I’m throwing out ideas that may later on may become fact if any of my ideas have any solid merit to them.....

Please show me….point out, where any claims in your book can be shown to be proven...through any scientific testing.....please....until then...stop referring people to the Urantia on this thread....thank you....

that the Urantia Book is real. Else wise you're just going to stay blind to the reality of it.

Enough said..........

My point is, the book is good, yet people reject the book because of ignorance and in that they stay in their ignorance.

Please tell me who is the ignorant one....please.....

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